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Snowflake vs TIBCO Live Datamart comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Data Warehouse
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Data Warehouse (1st)
TIBCO Live Datamart
Ranking in Data Warehouse
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of October 2024, in the Data Warehouse category, the mindshare of Snowflake is 17.8%, down from 19.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of TIBCO Live Datamart is 0.5%, up from 0.1% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Data Warehouse

Featured Reviews

VivekSingh 1 - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 11, 2024
Provides good data ingestion capability, but should include more AI capabilities
The solution's integration aspect is good, and all the connectors are in place. I found Snowflake similar to RDS. We use it for both data in motion and data in transit. It looks like the tool handles the data quite securely. We create ETL patterns. We ingest data from different source systems, and we have to create data pipelines. It would be useful if we could have AI features added to identify what I'm going to do with this data. It would be good if it could look at the data and help me create an automated pipeline instead of me creating a pipeline by myself. I'm from a retail background. I completed my Oracle DBA training a long time ago, about 18 years ago. I was quite familiar with the Snowflake and relational database concepts since I had already completed the Oracle ops, DBA ops, OCP, and OPA courses. For me, it was a journey similar to when I shifted from Oracle RDS to Snowflake. Although I was quite familiar with most of the concepts, there were some learnings. Whosoever is in the data field should at least try Snowflake once. They will then realize the best features in the solution and can continue using it. Overall, I rate the solution a seven out of ten.
Mohsin Pathan - PeerSpot reviewer
May 21, 2022
Standout features are real-time dashboards and powerful aggregation
Datamart is mainly used for data streaming. If you're looking to move charts or the stock market, move bars and graphs, then Live Datamart is suitable for creating aggregated data. We aggregate in StreamBase and then store the data in Live Datamart. Whatever data you're streaming can be sent to any…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The technical support on offer is excellent."
"From a data warehouse perspective, it's an excellent all-round solution. It's very complete."
"The product's most important feature is unloading data to S3."
"Time travel is one feature that really helps us out."
"It is a very well-distributed system. It has different data engines for different applications. Many applications can use different computational engines at the same time. In terms of data processing, the feeling was similar to working with a relational database but in a scalable way."
"The solution's customer service is good."
"The best thing about Snowflake is its flexibility in changing warehouse sizes or computational power."
"The overall ecosystem was easy to manage. Given that we weren't a very highly technical group, it was preferable to other things we looked at because it could do all of the cloud tunings. It can tune your data warehouse to an appropriate size for controlled billing, resume and sleep functions, and all such things. It was much more simple than doing native Azure or AWS development. It was stable, and their support was also perfect. It was also very easy to deploy. It was one of those rare times where they did exactly what they said they could do."
"You can create your own rules that include mathematic calculations."
"The solution has a powerful aggregating feature"


"They don't have any SLAs in place. It would be better if they did."
"The cost efficiency and monitoring of this solution could be improved. It's easy to spend a lot on Snowflake and it does offer monitoring tools but they're pretty basic."
"These days, they are pushing users towards the GUI or graphical version. However, I am more familiar with the classic version. I'd like to continue to work with it using the older approach."
"The product's performance could be improved."
"An additional feature I'd like to see is called materialized views, which can speed up some run times. I'd like it to be able to be used where you can have multiple tables inside them; materialized view. That would be nice. As well as being able to run cursors, to be able to do some bulk updates and some more advanced querying, table building on the fly."
"They need to incorporate some basic OLAP capabilities in the backend or at the database level. Currently, it is purely a database. They call it purely a data warehouse for the cloud. Currently, just like any database, we have to calculate all the KPIs in the front-end tools. The same KPIs again need to be calculated in Snowflake. It would be very helpful if they can include some OLAP features. This will bring efficiency because we will be able to create the KPIs within Snowflake itself and then publish them to multiple front-end tools. We won't have to recreate the same in each project. There should be the ability to automate raised queries, which is currently not possible. There should also be something for Exception Aggregation and things like that."
"This solution could be improved by offering machine learning apps."
"Snowflake can improve its machine learning and AI capabilities."
"The solution's setup could be quicker and easier."
"Improvements need to be made on the load balancing side."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I have worked with multiple clouds, and cost-wise, it is a bit costlier than others, such as Redshift. Its price should be reduced."
"There is a separation of storage and compute, so you only pay for what you use."
"Oracle is less expensive than Snowflake."
"Snowflake licensing is more flexible and it is cheaper than other solutions. I can use it for only 10 days for MVP, or three years, and for flexible models. I can scale up, or down, and the pricing is based on the volume and duration. There are many licensing permutation combinations available."
"Snowflake is expensive, but when I consider what we get for that price, it's fair. I rate the solution three out of five for affordability, right in the middle."
"I have not been billed yet, but it should be less. I'm still running the trial version, but it seems to be less than Databricks."
"Snowflake is cost-effective. However, the cost can depend on how it's being used and how efficiently the code is written. If engineers don't write efficient code and usage is billed based on processing, it can become costly. If they write optimal code and choose the best solution, it can reduce costs in comparison to other options, such as Oracle."
"The pricing for Snowflake is competitive."
"The solution might be considered a bit expensive because it competes with open-source products."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
No data available

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Snowflake?
The best thing about Snowflake is its flexibility in changing warehouse sizes or computational power.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Snowflake?
The pricing part is based on the computing and storage. The costs are different and then there are services costs as well. I have heard that Snowflake is costlier than Redshift or GCP BigQuery. A s...
What needs improvement with Snowflake?
I think people do not want to create pipelines for many customers now. Normally, we have this layer architecture, like layer one, layer two, layer three, or layer four, where we have raw data, inte...
What do you like most about TIBCO Live Datamart?
You can create your own rules that include mathematic calculations.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for TIBCO Live Datamart?
The solution might be considered a bit expensive because it competes with open-source products. In comparison to Azure Libraries, the solution provides a free library and a basic infrastructure for...
What needs improvement with TIBCO Live Datamart?
The solution's setup could be quicker and easier. IT experts are required from the server side. Advanced users can implement quickly but there always a need for some drag-and-drop flow improvements...


No data available

Also Known As

Snowflake Computing
Streambase, TIBCO LiveView Data Mart



Sample Customers

Accordant Media, Adobe, Kixeye Inc., Revana, SOASTA, White Ops
Aerospace Corporation, Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Services, Banco Sabadell, Bolton Borough Council
Find out what your peers are saying about Snowflake vs. TIBCO Live Datamart and other solutions. Updated: October 2024.
813,418 professionals have used our research since 2012.