Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform vs UrbanCode Deploy comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Red Hat Ansible Automation ...
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Configuration Management (1st), Network Automation (2nd)
UrbanCode Deploy
Ranking in Release Automation
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Release Automation category, the mindshare of Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is 4.2%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of UrbanCode Deploy is 3.8%, down from 3.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Release Automation
Unique Categories:
Configuration Management
Network Automation
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

May 8, 2024
Easy-to-read YAML syntax, good interoperability, and high scalability
There are some integration issues with other technologies such as Satellite. It could be a Satellite issue and not an Ansible issue. There are bugs related to failed tasks not being failed and then reverting back to completed tasks. It might not be because of Ansible. It could be because of Satellite. There have been some differences between the operating systems that we have noticed. It could be down to cryptographic policies, but we have noticed some speed issues. They should work on the speed of deployment on different operating systems. They have already managed the other issue of introducing execution environments to make sure everything is the same with every system.
Feb 16, 2020
Maintains historic versions of artifacts in multiple environments, but the database deployment needs to be more flexible
Before UrbanCode was implemented in the organization, we used to perform the basics using Jenkins. However, it was a very lengthy and difficult process. For some of our products, we are not using UrbanCode. For example, we have implemented Ansible and we are looking forward to using it more as a Linux tool. The major difference between the two is that Ansible is agentless. I just need to log in to the server and do my deployments. The issue we are having with UrbanCode, where we want to keep the agent up and running at all times, is automatically resolved using Ansible. We will continue to use multiple products for the time being.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"There are new modules available, which help to simplify the workflow. That is what we like about it."
"It is very extensible. There are many plugins and modules out there that everybody helps create to interact with different cloud providers as well."
"The automation is the most valuable feature."
"The initial setup is straightforward."
"It is quick to production. It has an API in the back which allows for integrations."
"It is agentless. I don't have to think about which client system my unit has understanding in or not, because I can execute from my system. It will go and configure it, and any module that it is looking for will be shipped out."
"Role-based access control and agentless architecture are the main features which may attract users."
"It has an easy-to-use interface. It is REST API driven, and it integrates with Active Directory. It provides the ability to grant permissions to other users who would not necessarily have those permissions via the GUI so that they could run other people's jobs. For example, you could have the Oracle team grant permissions to the Linux team so that they can use each of those playbooks or each other's code. It is called shift-left."
"The solution handles complex deployments very efficiently."
"The stability is good. I haven't experienced any issues."
"Stable solution that's good for automating the CI/CD pipeline: from development to production."
"It is very easy to make a software release. It used to take us at least a couple of hours to make a release, now we went to production with a new one last night. This new release took me five minutes."
"The most valuable feature is the snapshot functionality, which allows us to access previous versions of the artifacts."
"The most valuable functionality is the ability to define the deployment process, schedule the deployment and automatically execute the deployments to different environments."


"Some of the modules in Ansible could be a bit more mature. There is still a little room for further development. Some performance aspects could be improved, perhaps in the form of parallelism within Ansible."
"The area which I feel can be improved is the custom modules. For example, there are something like 106 official modules available in the Ansible library. A year ago, that number was somewhere around 58. While Ansible is improving day by day, this can be improved more. For instance, when you need to configure in the cloud, you need to write up a module for that."
"What we need is model-driven, declarative software infrastructure management. However, things tend to break with new versions, requiring a lot of work to fix…The focus should be on improving the support for Ansible in the area of AI coding."
"The communication on it is not probably where it could be. We could use some real life examples where we could point customers to them and say, "This is what you are trying to do. If you follow these steps, it would at least get you started a bit quicker.""
"At this time, I do not have anything to improve. What we struggle with is the knowledge base, but that is more about us having to go and find it and learn the platform on our own rather than an actual Ansible issue."
"The solution should add a nice self-service portal."
"We are very satisfied with what we have. From a management point of view, whatever makes it easier for my team to help customers write their own playbooks would be something very beneficial. Everything is going as a service. Creating playbooks can become much more consumer-oriented so that customers do not need to contact us to write their own playbooks."
"It would be good to make the solution more user-friendly,"
"I certainly would like to have a better way to pass information between deployment steps using UrbanCode Deploy because that's really difficult to do."
"I would like to see more reporting for container architecture."
"The interface allows access in a number of ways but that can be confusing."
"The scalability of this application needs improvement. Changes and variations in the application become bottlenecks as they need to be more seamless and comfortable."
"I would like to have the agent up and running at all times, as opposed to only while it is in the DevOps pipeline."
"The technical support of the solution could definitely be improved as PMRs take long to resolve."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost is determined by the number of endpoints."
"Everything is generally fair. No one ever likes to pay a lot of money, but we are getting the value. We also get support with it. It has been fair and worthwhile."
"The solution is inexpensive compared to other products."
"The pricing is okay."
"Ansible Tower is pretty expensive."
"Red Hat's open source approach was a factor when choosing Ansible, since the solution is free as of right now."
"You don't need to buy agents on servers or deploy expense management when using the solution, which affected our decision to go with it."
"We're charged between $8 to $13 a month per license."
"Considering COVID-19, the price is too high."
"The cost of the solution is high but it offers great ROI."
"The licensing fees for this solution are based on the number of servers that are being deployed and the number of agents that you have."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is the difference between Red Hat Satellite and Ansible?
Red Hat Satellite has proven to be a worthwhile investment for me. Both its patch management and license management have been outstanding. If you have a large environment, patching systems is much ...
How does Ansible compare to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (SCCM)?
Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager takes knowledge and research to properly configure. The length of time that the set up will take depends on the kind of technical architecture that your org...
What do you like most about Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform?
The most valuable features of the solution are automation and patching.
What do you like most about UrbanCode Deploy?
The solution handles complex deployments very efficiently.
What needs improvement with UrbanCode Deploy?
The interface allows access in a number of ways but that can be confusing. For example, driving to your home from the office is easy when there are one or two routes. With twenty routes, there is s...
What is your primary use case for UrbanCode Deploy?
Our company uses the solution for standard, blue-green, and complex deployments. We have 250 users throughout our company.

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Sample Customers

HootSuite Media, Inc., Cloud Physics, Narrative, BinckBank
As policy, IBM does not release customer names on non-IBM web sites.  However, public DevOps and UrbanCode Deploy case studies can be found here. IBM's UrbanCode Deploy customers span Small-Medium Businesses to Fortune 500 companies across all industries worldwide.
Find out what your peers are saying about Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform vs. UrbanCode Deploy and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.