Netsurion vs Wazuh comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Ranking in Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed Security Services (5th), SOC as a Service (3rd), Managed Detection and Response (MDR) (13th)
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Ranking in Extended Detection and Response (XDR)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of Netsurion is 0.3%, up from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Wazuh is 15.3%, up from 10.2% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
Managed Security Services
SOC as a Service
Log Management
Extended Detection and Response (XDR)

Featured Reviews

JosephSnyder - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 23, 2023
Flexible with good incident response and helps with eliminating false positives
A SEIM is an SIEM. They all do the same thing. What's valuable about the Netsurion Managed XDR product is the analysis that it brings to the table. They do a really good job of filtering out; it generates a tremendous amount of data. They filter out what's needed and give me what I need to pay attention to. That's hard to do in a lot of the other products. The product provides us with a flexible solution that helps protect our entire IT environment. I only take advantage of it on the server side. I don't need it for my desktops, however, certainly, they offer that. Overall, it is quite flexible as evidenced by the fact that when it's first tuned, you get a large amount of data, and they're able to fine-tune that over time. To me, that's really important. We operate with their SOC. They are really nice guys. Great to work with. In terms of the SOC when it comes to alert monitoring and threat hunting, they do a great job. The fact that they're able to tune it for me over time and build a relationship is helpful. Some of those guys have been there for ten years. Is really important to us. They know what's valuable to us and what we want to see. We have the SOC provide a regular meeting. It's quarterly. We all get together, and I let my engineers do it over the phone. They'll let us know: "We're seeing this. This isn't important." They voluntarily call things to our attention and so on. It's a real value add working with them. The SOC is helpful for eliminating false positives. It filters out unneeded and unnecessary alerts and calls my attention to what's really important and what I need to pay attention to. Expediting incident response is really great. What's really nice is I haven't had to use it. So I don't have any examples. That said, they're really quick to respond. Again, that comes back to the SOC. They're there all the time. So they are looking at our stuff 24/7. We pay for that, yet it's a really valuable aspect of the service. Using the SOC affected our ability to focus on, for example, any other tasks. They've taken a whole bunch of work off my team and made it easier for them to do other important aspects of what we do every day in our bank. Monitoring helped to boost your SecOps productivity. It's decreasing the tedious SecOps management tasks. The time it's saved us per week is an FTE equivalent or more. That's easily 40 to 60 hours a week. It's saving my team. There's no doubt in my mind. It's probably more than that, however, I could confidently say it's 40 to 60 hours a week. The product has reduced the time to detection in my estimation. I haven't had any, however, it's clear to me that they would help. When we have had something that's been sort of fishy, they definitely chime in, and we get a notification from them almost immediately.
Jun 15, 2023
Good for file integrity monitoring
There is room for improvement in Wazuh, but it's possible they are already working on it. The only challenge we faced with Wazuh was the lack of direct support. They charge for support, whether it's five days a week or seven days a week. We don't expect it to be free because revenue is generated through the support they provide. In future releases, I would like to see a feature. There is one feature we observed in a premium tool in the industry called Dynatrace. It provides automatic relations between different devices and components. For instance, if you receive a web login request, Dynatrace can trace and show you the path it takes from the firewall to the switch, then to the Apache server, the actual job application, and finally back to the client. It intelligently correlates all the components involved in a single event. If Wazuh could include this feature, where all the components are integrated, it would automatically relate them for any activity in your environment.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I think Netsurion scales well. We've gone from a small number of agents up to thousands. So I would imagine that it would continue to scale. I don't see any issue with that."
"If we need to do a search for user lockouts, we can go, search, and find locations where they have been locked out, then keep track of those events, historically."
"I like EventTracker's dashboard. I see it every time I log in because it's the first thing you get to. We have our own widgets that we use. For the sake of transparency, there are a few widgets that we look at there and then we move out from there... Among the particularly helpful widgets, the not-reporting widget is a big one. The number-of-logs-processed is also a good one."
"The most valuable feature is that we get the events: the alerts about disk space and the security reports that we get once a day, including user lockouts and the like."
"The most valuable feature is definitely real-time alerting, especially in situations where someone might attempt to exploit or hack into our network."
"What I like most about Netsurion is the level of visibility and reporting."
"Netsurion's 24/7 monitoring has enhanced the overall security of the company. They have someone looking at the data 24/7 who will call us as needed. If their team spots a malicious process after hours, they notify the appropriate person by phone. We get a lot of actionable threat intelligence from Netsurion. For example, if a user clicks on a malicious link in a web page and starts an unusual process that isn't on the white-list, Netsurion's team can detect it and prevent it from executing. Afterward, they'll notify us by telephone, so we can respond and clean up whatever damage has occurred."
"When I looked last week, we probably averaged about 20 million log entries a day. So, we certainly can't individually manage that. Just looking at the reports, then trying to go back and find anything that was questionable, was a challenge. Therefore, the managed service has been invaluable to us in terms of being able to narrow the scope of what really needs to be looked at and bringing those things to our attention to be dealt with."
"The deployment is easy and they provide very good documentation."
"Wazuh's best features are syscheck, its ability to immediately resolve vulnerabilities, and that it's open source."
"Its cost-effectiveness is the most valuable aspect."
"The log monitoring and analysis tools are great in addition to SIEM file activity monitoring."
"I like that the solution is on top of the Kubernetes stack."
"The product’s interface is intuitive."
"The tool is stable."
"It offers built-in modules for file integrity and vulnerability management."


"There are some issues with searches taking a long period of time, but they assured me that they have implemented a new search function that's available in version 9, but which requires a solid-state hard drive... Depending on how many logs you have it could take a long time to return the results if you're looking back prior to the last 30 days."
"I would like to see a faster response when we see things like 15,000 lockouts. I really wished that I had known that on Friday afternoon rather than waiting until I got the weekly report today. By the same token, they are looking at it from the point of view that this is a system or software malfunction. This is not a bad actor repeating the exact same password three times a second. Therefore, they can tell that this is not a bad thing. However, it's not a security event but it is an operational event for me. Knowing this sort of thing would help my team and me out more because then we would be able to clear out a lot of network traffic that we didn't know was going on. So, we would like quicker updates on non-high security events."
"Everything that I've wanted has been added in. EDR was added, and MITRE was added. Those were two big ones that we didn't even have to push for."
"The system requirements are very, very high. So I need a pretty powerful server to run. If they could lighten that load so that the on-premise part of their product didn't impact my systems as much that would be ideal."
"I'd like to see improvement in the ease of generating reports. It seems fairly cumbersome whenever you decide to start tracking new categories of events. It seems a little kludgy when trying to generate those reports."
"The weekly reporting could use some improvement. For example, when we handed them our landscape document, it took longer than I would have liked for those details to become noticeable within the reports."
"Netsurion's threat detection and response aren't quite mature. I would expect a little more."
"There's always room to improve because there would be no competition if they had a perfect solution. The GUI to perform searches within the product may not be intuitive to a new user."
"Wazuh is missing many things that a typical SIEM should have."
"They need to go towards integrating with more cloud applications and not just OS like Windows and Linux."
"Wazuh could improve the detection, it is not detecting all of the attacks. Additionally, it is lacking features compared to other solutions."
"It would be great if there could be customization for the decoder portion."
"Wazuh needs more security and features, particularly visualization features and a health monitor."
"Wazuh should come up with more in-built rules and integrations for the cloud."
"One area where Wazuh could use some improvement is in its reporting mechanism, especially for high-level management like CSOs and CEOs."
"Scalability is a constraint in the on-prem version of Wazuh in terms of the volume of logs we can manage."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We put together the package of what we needed. It was based pretty much on the number of agents that we were deploying. If we needed to manage logging from certain specific applications, like Active Directory and SQL Server, there has been no additional cost for that. We had agents deployed for those specific servers and the applications were included, then there was just an additional installation that they had to do for us."
"Netsurion's pricing is competitive. At the same time, they're the only ones who do what we want to do the way we want it. I can't say we would've paid more, but we would've had to have come up with our own solution if they weren't providing that."
"The pricing and licensing seem very reasonable. The managed service part of it feels like it gives me the equivalent of a full-time engineer for a lot less money. So, I feel it's a good value."
"When we first got the EventTracker product, we were using SIEM Simplified. At the time they didn't call it that, but it was more of a service thing. So, there was a bit more hand-holding and getting stuff set up, along with failure reports, that they did during the first one to two years. Then, we decided that the the additional money to have someone do these daily reports wasn't terribly useful, so we discontinued that service."
"Netsurion's pricing is extremely fair and flexible. The price of their SIEM product is reasonable, and you can pay for those services you want on top of that. It wasn't cheap, but it's competitive, and we intend to renew our contract."
"The upfront costs have increased, and we have been locked into this contract. The cost of changing over from it is way too high."
"Our budget follows the calendar year. We just started a new budget year at the beginning of the month. We did budget for an increase in our threat management system selection. Therefore, we have the budget to implement and accommodate a threat management system change, including an increase for the quoted actions that we received to improve EventTracker. We are just waiting on our council to approve that budget, which might not be for a little while. Hopefully, when they do, we will be able to jump on doing something."
"It is a bit expensive as compared to some of the other products that have come out in recent years. Expense-wise, the only downside is that it is not cheap."
"It is a free-of-cost solution."
"Wazuh is free and open source."
"Wazuh is an open-source tool, which means it is freely available for use."
"There is not a license required for Wazuh."
"It is an open-source product."
"The solution's pricing is very competitive."
"It is a cost-effective solution."
"When I contacted customer care, they mentioned bundling options, that I found to be overall affordable."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
Their pricing is high. I don't know if it's a barrier. The quality speaks to the price. The price is the price. They provide what they promise. From a purchasing perspective, I just have to come ba...
What needs improvement with Netsurion Managed Threat Protection?
There is one area that needs improvement and that is with the agents and the server that's on-site. The system requirements are very, very high. So I need a pretty powerful server to run. If they c...
What do you like most about Wazuh?
Integrates with various open-source and paid products, allowing for flexibility in customization based on use cases.
What needs improvement with Wazuh?
I have built some rules that produce duplicate alerts two or three times. Therefore, these rules should be consolidated. Alerts should be specific rather than repeatedly triggered by integrating mu...
What is your primary use case for Wazuh?
We use Wazuh for the onboarding of both Windows and Linux machines, as well as for firewall and SIM configuration. The IP address is automatically blocked if a server has multiple wrong passwords.



Also Known As

Netsurion Managed Threat Protection, Netsurion EventTracker
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Sample Customers

The Salvation Army, The FRESH Market, Pacific Western Bank, NASA, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), and Talbot’s Stores
Information Not Available
Find out what your peers are saying about Netsurion vs. Wazuh and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.