Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management vs Tenable Vulnerability Management comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Defender Vulnerab...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Risk-Based Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (26th), Microsoft Security Suite (27th)
Tenable Vulnerability Manag...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Risk-Based Vulnerability Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Vulnerability Management category, the mindshare of Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management is 3.1%, up from 2.5% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Tenable Vulnerability Management is 11.8%, down from 17.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Vulnerability Management
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Microsoft Security Suite
Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Featured Reviews

René-SylvainBédard - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 19, 2024
The vulnerability assessment is very accurate because it runs directly into the vulnerability database
I have three years of experience with Microsoft Defender and Office 365 for eleven years. My company operates as a shop for Microsoft products, and we have always stayed with Microsoft. We intend to displace the competition when my company enters a new client environment. I have dealt with customers who were using Carbon Black and SentinelOne. My company's customers switched work from their previous products to Microsoft because the tools they were using were power-hungry solutions, which had an impact on production. Microsoft Office 365's premium licenses have many built-in services, which our customers used to use from some other products. With Microsoft products, there is no need for our company's customers to pay extra for licensing charges. The major difference between Carbon Black and Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management revolves around areas like stability and integration capabilities within the operating systems, which are strong in Microsoft, especially compared to any of its competitors. The actual depth of knowledge that the platform offers is good because Microsoft has been very rigorous in documenting every single vulnerability that exists for its platform. Microsoft has the most complete list of vulnerabilities for its platform.
Kelvin Oladipo - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 8, 2024
Provides seamlessness, a perfect UI, and identity management for office operations
We use the Tenable Vulnerability Management solution for internal web applications, asset management, and remediation. It helps us transfer and leverage the remediation of websites, effectively addressing vulnerabilities We need to deploy this on internal assets. It resides within the internal…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"One valuable feature is the Microsoft Security Scorecard."
"The product’s most valuable features are compliance, recommendations, and inventories."
"The solution is up-to-date and helps prevent zero-day attacks."
"The solution helps identify threats and vulnerabilities."
"The product's stability is very high...The scalability of the product is amazing."
"A new user can easily understand the workflow, even if they are creating users for other divisions and the user is a beginner."
"You can customize each point in new scans."
"The tool has an easy-to-use interface."
"It is easy to manage. Most of the information the tool provided helped to further investigate the vulnerability and its impact."
"The interface is fine."
"It's a recommended tool for penetration testers because it's effective for that purpose."
"The most valuable feature for me is container scanning because I am interested in CICD security."
"It helps us create remediation projects and assign the console’s responsibility to specific engineers."


"Integration can be improved."
"The setup phase of the product is not that easy and needs a person to have a certain level of expertise."
"The general support could be improved."
"The technical support takes too much time to resolve tickets."
"It is challenging to extract and customize reports from the system."
"The interface could be improved; right now it's running on two interfaces simultaneously."
"I'm not satisfied with the reporting structure."
"The solution’s pricing could be improved."
"I would like the solution to cover the whole cycle of mitigation since it's an area where the solution currently lacks."
"The only drawback of the solution is that it is expensive."
"They should include better customization of the dashboard, and integration tools."
"The initial setup is complex and has room for improvement."
"The user interface could be improved by being able to change the user interface to fit your position or your job. The graphs are set in stone and you can only print reports."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"I rate the product's price a three on a scale of one to ten, where one is a low price, and ten is a high price."
"The tool is a bit costly."
"The licensing model follows a per-user per-month structure."
"The product’s pricing is medium."
"A yearly payment has to be made toward the solution's licensing costs."
"I would rate the pricing a five out of ten. It is in the middle."
"Compared to other VM solutions, Vulnerability Management is expensive."
" is not known for being a cheap product."
"Yearly payments are to be made toward the licensing cost of the product. It is neither a cheap nor an expensive product."
"The product costs us around $137,000 annually for 4000 to 5000 assets."
" Vulnerability Management's pricing solution model isn't great."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is low, and ten is high price, I rate the pricing an eight. So, it is a pretty expensive solution."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What's the difference between Tenable Nessus and Vulnerability Management?
Tenable Nessus is a vulnerability assessment solution that is both easy to deploy and easy to manage. The design of the program is such that if a company should desire to handle the installation t...

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Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management vs. Tenable Vulnerability Management and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.