LinkLive vs Mavenir Mobile Business Contact comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

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Ranking in Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)
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Contact Center Platforms (4th), Help Desk Software (10th)
Mavenir Mobile Business Con...
Ranking in Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS)
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Featured Reviews

Susan M. Langley - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 30, 2022
Enables us to better support our customers, and makes our staff more efficient
In our experience, the areas where there could be improvement are training, staff adoption, and getting the staff comfortable with utilizing the complexities of LinkLive, such as screen sharing. With some of the more advanced stuff, our associates were a little gun-shy. They didn't want to do that kind of stuff because it was too techy for them. The adoption of it on the staff side has been our biggest challenge with the whole thing. They can work on the documentation and upfront training. When you introduce a system to your team, the better the initial introduction and training are, the more buy-in you'll have. If things are not presented as well as they can be, they are going to get a preconceived notion that this system is not a good system, and trying to change their minds after is difficult. Training is so important in that respect. In addition, it would be nice if there were an interface with our core system. We have what we call our Portico teller system, which gives us member information. For communication with a member, it's a standalone product. We don't have any CRM built into it. When someone is chatting or doing a virtual call with you, you have to go to the Portico system to see if they're a member, what kind of relationship they have, and what their accounts are. Having those two working together, so that when the chat comes in you know exactly who you're dealing with and what their relationship with you is, would be very helpful.
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Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We have been very comfortable with the pricing. We are a smaller financial institution so pricing is always a factor. We feel that we are just getting a ton of value for what we are spending."
"The pricing is fair."
"In terms of cost, LinkLive was similar to other products. I find it reasonable. Its features, for the cost, were a better deal comparatively speaking."
"The pricing is exceptionally competitive, and the value we receive from LinkLive for the cost is a significant advantage."
"You definitely get more bang for the money with LinkLive.You can get a more expensive product that does what this one does, and possibly more, but for the cost, it works perfectly with our core system."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
No data available

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Revation LinkLive?
The presentation of calls within the applications used to access conference call forwarding is straightforward and user-friendly.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Revation LinkLive?
The pricing is exceptionally competitive, and the value we receive from LinkLive for the cost is a significant advantage.
What needs improvement with Revation LinkLive?
The onboarding process could be enhanced by providing comprehensive training to all users, not just administrators. This would ensure that everyone is well-equipped to utilize the features effectiv...
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Also Known As

Revation LinkLive
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Sample Customers

1. AT&T 2. Verizon 3. T-Mobile 4. Sprint 5. Comcast 6. CenturyLink 7. Vodafone 8. Orange 9. Telefonica 10. BT Group 11. Deutsche Telekom 12. Telstra 13. NTT Communications 14. China Mobile 15. SoftBank 16. SK Telecom 17. Telecom Italia 18. Bell Canada 19. Rogers Communications 20. Telus 21. KDDI 22. Swisscom 23. Telkom Indonesia 24. Singtel 25. Etisalat 26. Ooredoo 27. Turkcell 28. Saudi Telecom Company 29. Telecom Egypt 30. PLDT 31. MTN Group 32. América Móvil
Vodafone, Sprint, O2, Telcel, Mobilis
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