
Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jun 21, 2023

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud and Data Center Security (5th)
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) category, the mindshare of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security is 2.4%, up from 1.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Lacework is 4.0%, down from 5.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Wiz is 24.0%, up from 21.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Unique Categories:
Vulnerability Management
Cloud and Data Center Security
Container Security

Featured Reviews

Jun 5, 2024
Precise, integrates well, and helps consolidate security solutions
SentinelOne Singularity Complete helps consolidate security solutions. There is a hot discussion about the future of the Security Operations Center. Security Operations Centers generally use SIEM and SOAR, but SentinelOne Singularity XDR can also help there because you can see what is happening not only on the endpoints but also in the network. In other words, you can replace the NDR solution. We also see it going all the way to include all the clouds. This ecosystem is very important to us. In the near future, we see it being used for all the problems related to detection and response in cybersecurity. Our customers use the Ranger functionality. There are two Ranger versions. There is Ranger AD, and there is Ranger Pro. SentinelOne Singularity platform has its own security ecosystem. You do not have the need to buy other solutions. For example, we sell a ZTNA solution. If you have ZTNA, you do not need to buy a PAM solution. You do not need to buy a NAC solution. The ZTNA technology has replaced all the other solutions. It is the same thing with Singularity. If you buy the ecosystem of Singularity, you do not need to buy several different technologies. Ranger can do all the hardware inventory. It can point out the versions of the operating systems and then you can apply patching to update the versions of the operating systems. You can use Ranger in different ways. For a security professional, it is a very powerful tool. It sends you alerts and warnings about possible incidents, but you do not get too many false positives. It is precise. You get real information about an incident. It is very important to have good hygiene of your endpoints and your network. The uptime of the endpoints and networks is very important. SentinelOne Singularity Complete provides a good uptime. Incident identification is very important and having fewer false positives is also important. The SOC staff knows that if SentinelOne Singularity points out an incident, they have to pay attention to the threat. It is a very good checker. SentinelOne Singularity Complete reduces the organization's risk.
Dec 13, 2022
Detects anomalous activities, and tells us exactly how compliant we are and what to do if we are not compliant
The compliance reports are definitely most valuable because they save time and are accurate. So, instead of relying on a human going through and checking or providing me with a report, I could just log into Lacework and see for myself. It was very easy, and also a surprise, in terms of getting started and ingesting data. They have documentation on how to set it all up. Once we had it set up, it was seamless. I don't ever have to worry about maintaining it. I can just log in and see, or I can set up an alert. I can get alerts through Slack or email. It has been a great process overall.
Mar 15, 2023
The dashboards are easy to read and visually pleasing, so you can understand everything quickly
The reporting isn't that great. They have executive summaries, but it's only a compliance report that maps all current issues to specific controls. Whether you look at one subscription or project, regardless of the size, you will get a multipage report on how the issues in that account map to that control. Our CSO isn't going to read through that. He won't filter that out or show that to his leadership and say, "Here's what we're doing." It isn't a helpful report. They're working on it, but it's a poor executive summary. All the other reports look great when you try to create them. I can pull a report of issues for a specific project, but it's a CSV file with findings, which isn't helpful. I expect a slick visual summary that looks like what they have on the dashboard. They spend a lot of time making the dashboard easy to understand, but you can't get that information into a report for our executive leadership. We want to show them the trends and what we're doing. It's critical for our team to demonstrate the tool's value. At the end of the year, we have to go to a meeting and show management the progress we made this year. I can only do that by going into open issues, putting them all in notepad, and taking a couple of screenshots. I would also like the dashboards to be customizable. They have excellent dashboards, but you can't create or customize them. At the same time, Wiz seems open to that feedback, and I think they're relatively new. They're growing fast and implementing new features quickly, so I hope this will be added soon. A third issue is that we can't provide email notifications on connector status. Everything comes into Wiz through a connector. Our AWS environment is added as a connector, and there's no way to notify anyone if an issue is detected. We could wake up the next morning and not have any data from our AWS cloud environment because there was an issue with the connector, but no one would've known about it. I think that's something that needs to be fixed. Wiz has room for improvement in terms of risk assessment. It has a severity meter with five levels: critical, high, medium, low, or informational. If I click on the highs, it sorts the issues by the control with the most total issues. They're all high, but it doesn't prioritize based on anything other than the number of issues that are impacted by that control. It's not a priority. It tells you you'll get the most bang for your buck if you fix this one. There's no risk score or anything like that. For example, if a public-facing device has a significant vulnerability, it will consider that business context and label it "critical," but that's all it does. All the severity levels have the same weight. Wiz prioritizes well in terms of sorting the issues into broad categories. However, it doesn't prioritize those. I'm looking at all the highs right now, and I don't know if one of these is more impactful to fix than the other. It helps to have an overview showing that 103 resources will be impacted if we fix this control. We can fix the control at the global level, put guardrails around it, and prevent the issue from happening in the future. You can start thinking that way, but it doesn't tell you this is more severe than other issues in the same severity category.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"PingSafe's most valuable feature is its unified console."
"It's positively affected the communication between cloud security, application developers, and AppSec teams."
"Cloud Native Security has helped us with our risk posture and securing our agenda. It has been tremendous in terms of supporting growth."
"Cloud Native Security helps us discover vulnerabilities in a cloud environment like open ports that allow people to attack our environment. If someone unintentionally opens a port, we are exposed. Cloud Native Security alerts us so we can remediate the problem. We can also automate it so that Cloud Native Security will fix it."
"The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best features."
"The solution's most valuable features are its ability to detect vulnerabilities inside AWS resources and its ability to rescan after a specific duration set by the administrator."
"PingSafe can integrate all your cloud accounts and resources you create in the AWS account, We have set it up to scan the AWS transfer services, EC2, security groups, and GitHub."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its storyline, which helps trace an event back to its source, like an email or someone clicking on a link."
"I find the cloud configuration compliance scanning mature. It generates a lot of data and supports major frameworks like ISO 27001 or SOC 2, providing reports and datasets. Another feature I appreciate is setting custom alerts for specific events. Additionally, I value the agent-based monitoring and scanning for compute nodes. It gives us deeper insights into our workloads and helps identify vulnerabilities across our deployed assets."
"There are many valuable features that I use in my daily work. The first are alerts and the event dossier that it generates, based on the severity. That is very insightful and helps me to have a security cap in our infrastructure. The second thing I like is the agent-based vulnerability management, which is the most accurate information."
"The best feature, in my opinion, is the ease of use."
"For the most part, out-of-the-box, it tells you right away about the things you need to work on. I like the fact that it prioritizes alerts based on severity, so that you can focus your efforts on anything that would be critical/high first, moderate second, and work your way down, trying to continue to improve your security posture."
"The compliance reports are definitely most valuable because they save time and are accurate. So, instead of relying on a human going through and checking or providing me with a report, I could just log into Lacework and see for myself."
"The most valuable feature is Lacework's ability to distill all the security and audit logs. I recommend it to my customers. Normally, when I consult for other customers that are getting into the cloud, we use native security tools. It's more of a rule-based engine."
"The most valuable aspects are identifying vulnerabilities—things that are out there that we aren't aware of—as well as finding what path of access attackers could use, and being able to see open SSL or S3 buckets and the like."
"Polygraph compliance is a valuable feature. In our perspective, it delivers significant benefits. The clarity it offers, along with the ability to identify and address misconfigurations, is invaluable. When such issues arise, we promptly acknowledge and take action, effectively collaborating with our teams and the responsible parties for those assets. This enables us to promptly manage problems as soon as they arise."
"The most valuable feature of Wiz is that it keeps information up to date without needing to perform scans or schedule maintenance windows. It provides a fresh snapshot of our vulnerability metrics."
"The security baseline and vulnerability assessments is the valuable feature."
"The automation roles are essential because we ultimately want to do less work and automate more. The dashboards are easy to read and visually pleasing. You can understand things quickly, which makes it easy for our other teams. The network and infrastructure teams don't know as much about security as we do, so it helps to have a tool that's accessible and nice to look at."
"With Wiz, we get timely alerts for leaked data or any vulnerabilities already existing in our environment."
"The CSPM module has been the most effective. It was easy to deploy and covered all our accounts through APIs, requiring no agents. Wiz provides instant visibility into high-level risks that we need to address."
"The product supports out-of-the-box reporting with context about the asset and allows us to perform complex custom queries on UI."
"The solution is very user-friendly."
"Our most important features are those around entitlement, external exposure, vulnerabilities, and container security."


"We don't get any notifications from PingSafe when the clusters are down."
"There is room for improvement in the current active licensing model for PingSafe."
"We are getting reports only in a predefined form. I would like to have customized reports so that I can see how many issues are open or closed today or in two weeks."
"The application module focuses on the different codes and libraries that can be run on the machines. It is very important for Singularity EDR to detect what type of codes and what type of libraries can run in the machine. If they can implement a white list or a black list of codes or libraries that can be used in the machine, it would be very helpful. They can focus more on the application module."
"A beneficial improvement for PingSafe would be integration with Jira, allowing for a more streamlined ticketing system."
"The reporting works well, but sometimes the severity classifications are inaccurate. Sometimes, it flags an issue as high-impact, but it should be a lower severity."
"We wanted it to provide us with something like Claroty Hub in AWS for lateral movement. For example, if an EC2 instance or a virtual machine is compromised in a public subnet based on a particular vulnerability, such as Log4j, we want it to not be able to reach some of our databases. This kind of feature is not supported in PingSafe."
"They need more experienced support personnel."
"The configuration and setup of alerts should be easier. They should make it easier to integrate with systems like Slack and Datadog. I didn't spend too much time on it, but to me, it wasn't as simple as the alerting that I've seen on other systems."
"A feature that I have requested from them is the ability to sort alerts and policies based on a security framework. Right now, when you go into alerts, you have hundreds and hundreds of them that you have to manually pick. It would be useful to have categories for CIS Benchmark or SOC 2 and be able to display all the alerts and policies for one security framework."
"The solution lacks a cohesive data model, making extracting the necessary data from the platform challenging. It uses its own LQL query language, and each database across different layers and modules is structured differently, complicating correlation efforts. Consequently, I had to create extensive custom reports outside Lacework because their default dashboards didn't communicate risk metrics. They're addressing these issues by redesigning their tools, including introducing the dashboard, which is a step closer to actionable insights but still needs refinement."
"There are a couple of the difficulties we encounter in the realm of cybersecurity, or security as a whole, that relate to potentially limited clarity. Having the capacity to perceive the configuration aspect and having the ability to contribute to it holds substantial advantages, in my view. It ranks high, primarily due to its role in guaranteeing compliance and the potential to uncover vulnerabilities, which could infiltrate the system and introduce potential risks. I had been exploring a specific feature that captured my interest. However, just yesterday, I participated in a product update session that announced the imminent arrival of this feature. The feature involves real-time alerting. This was something I had been anticipating, and it seems that this capability is now being integrated, possibly as part of threat intelligence. While anomaly events consistently and promptly appear in the console, certain alerts tend to experience delays before being displayed. Yet, with the recent product update, this issue is expected to be resolved. Currently, a comprehensive view of all policies is available within the console. However, I want a more tailored display of my compliance posture, focusing specifically on policies relevant to me. For instance, if I'm not subject to HIPAA regulations, I'd prefer not to see the HIPAA compliance details. It's worth noting that even with this request, there exists a filtering mechanism to control the type of compliance information visible. This flexibility provides a workaround to my preference, which is why it's challenging for me to definitively state my exact request."
"Its integrations with third-party SIEMs can be better. That is one of the things that we discussed with them."
"The biggest thing I would like to see improved is for them to pursue and obtain a FedRAMP moderate authorization... I don't believe they have any immediate plans to get FedRAMP moderate authorized, which is a bit of a challenge for us because we can only use Lacework in our commercial environment."
"Visibility is lacking, and both compliance-related metrics and IAM security control could be improved."
"Lacework has not reduced the number of alerts we get. We've actually had to add resources as a result of using it because the application requires a lot of people to understand it to get the value out of it properly."
"We wish there were a way, beyond providing visibility and automated remediation, to wait on a given remediation, due to a critical aspect, such as the cost associated with a particular upgrade... We would like to see preventive controls that can be applied through Wiz to protect against vulnerabilities that we're not going to be able to remediate immediately."
"We're looking at some of the data compliance stuff that they've got Jon offer. I know they're looking at container security, which we gonna be looking at next."
"They could improve the product's visibility in the internal network topology."
"Wiz's reporting capabilities could be refined a bit. They are making headway on that, but more executive-style dashboards would be nice. They just implemented a community aspect where you can share documents and feedback. This was something users had been requesting for a while. They are listening to customer feedback and making changes."
"Given the level of visibility into all the cloud environments Wiz provides, it would be nice if they could integrate some kind of mechanism to better manage tenants on multiple platforms. For example, let's say that some servers don't have an application they need, such as an antivirus. Wiz could include an API or something to push those applications out to the servers. It would be great if you could remedy these issues directly from the Wiz platform."
"One significant issue is that the searches are case-sensitive, so finding a misconfigured resource can become very challenging."
"The solution's container security could be improved."
"The only small pain point has been around some of the logging integrations. Some of the complexities of the script integrations aren't supported with some of the more automated infrastructure components. So, it's not as universal. For example, they have great support for cloud formation and other services, but if you're using another type of management utility or governance language for your infrastructure-as-code automation components, it becomes a little bit trickier to navigate that."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe is affordable."
"Its pricing is okay. It is in line with what other providers were providing. It is not cheap. It is not expensive."
"For pricing, it currently seems to be in line with market rates."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"We have an enterprise license. It is affordable. I'm not sure, but I think we pay 150,000 rupees per month."
"It is not that expensive. There are some tools that are double the cost of PingSafe. It is good on the pricing side."
"Singularity Cloud Workload Security's licensing and price were cheaper than the other solutions we looked at."
"Its pricing is constant. It has been constant over the previous year, so I am happy with it. However, price distribution can be better explained. That is the only area I am worried about. Otherwise, the pricing is very reasonable."
"The licensing fee was approximately $80,000 USD, per year."
"The pricing has gotten better. That scenario was somewhat unstable. They have a rather interesting licensing structure. I believe you get 200 resources per "Lacework unit." It was difficult, in the beginning, to figure out exactly what a "resource" was... That was a problem until about a year or so ago. They have improved it and it has stabilized quite a bit."
"My smaller deployments cost around 200,000 a year, which is probably not as expensive as Wiz."
"It is slightly expensive. It depends on how big your environment is, but it is expensive. Right now, we are spending a lot of money. We have covered all of the cloud providers and most of our colocation facilities as well, so we cannot complain, but it is slightly expensive. It is not super expensive."
"Wiz is a moderately priced solution, where it is neither cheap nor costly."
"Based on the features and capabilities, the product pricing seems reasonable."
"The pricing seems pretty simple. We don't have to do a lot of calculations to figure out what the components are. They do it by enabling specific features, either basics or advanced, which makes it easy to select."
"Regarding pricing, it’s more than $100k because we have a very big infrastructure. Our environment supports around three thousand people, and we offer business-to-client financial services to around one million clients, so we rely heavily on Wiz."
"The pricing is fair and comparable to their competitors. The cost seems to be going up, which is a concern. There are potential savings from consolidating tools, but we're uncertain how Wiz's pricing will change over time."
"The pricing is fair. Some of the more advanced features and functionalities and how the tiers are split can be somewhat confusing."
"I wish the pricing was more transparent."
"The cost of the other solutions is comparable to Wiz."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
The price depends on the extension of the solution that you want to buy. If you want to buy just EDR, the price is le...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
All EDRs are made of different modules. There is a firewall module, an IPS module, and an application module. The app...
How would you compare Wiz vs Lacework?
Wiz and Lacework sucks... Buy Orca.
What do you like most about Lacework?
Polygraph compliance is a valuable feature. In our perspective, it delivers significant benefits. The clarity it offe...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Lacework?
My smaller deployments cost around 200,000 a year, which is probably not as expensive as Wiz.
AWS Cloud Security Posture tool - has anyone used either Wiz or Ermetic cloud security products and can compare them to AWS Security Hub?
Whether or not the cost of third-party Cloud Security tools is justified would depend on your specific needs and budg...
What do you like most about Wiz?
With Wiz, we get timely alerts for leaked data or any vulnerabilities already existing in our environment.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Wiz?
Regarding pricing, it’s more than $100k because we have a very big infrastructure. Our environment supports around th...

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J.Crew, AdRoll, Snowflake, VMWare, Iterable, Pure Storage, TrueCar, NerdWallet, and more.
Wiz is the fastest growing software company ever - $100M ARR in 18 months: Wiz becomes the fastest-growing software company ever | Wiz Blog  Discover why companies, including Salesforce, Morgan Stanley, Fox, and Bridgewater choose Wiz as their cloud security partner. Read their success stories here: Customers | Wiz
Find out what your peers are saying about Lacework vs. Wiz and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.