Microsoft Defender for Cloud vs Wiz comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jun 2, 2024

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud and Data Center Security (5th)
Microsoft Defender for Cloud
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Management (10th), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (3rd), Microsoft Security Suite (3rd)
Ranking in Vulnerability Management
Ranking in Container Security
Ranking in Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)
Ranking in Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Ranking in Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Ranking in Compliance Management
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) category, the mindshare of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security is 2.4%, up from 1.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Microsoft Defender for Cloud is 14.5%, up from 12.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Wiz is 24.0%, up from 21.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP)
Unique Categories:
Vulnerability Management
Cloud and Data Center Security
Container Management
Container Security

Featured Reviews

Jun 21, 2024
It is user-friendly and helps reduce false positives, but the log search is limited to 14 days
SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security stands out for its user-friendliness compared to competitors like CrowdStrike, FireEye HX, and Microsoft Defender. Unlike these tools, which can be cumbersome for tasks like running queries or searching for logs, Singularity offers intuitive interfaces and delivers results in seconds, even for complex searches across various hash formats, like MD5, SHA256, etc., without needing conversion. Our existing SIEM console allows us to analyze alerts triggered by the SOC team. We can investigate potential false positives or conduct tests directly within the console. Additionally, the console facilitates quick searches for IOCs to identify malicious communications. Furthermore, Singularity Cloud Security offers a central management console for automated machine reboots, containment, and even self-maintenance in response to high-severity security alerts. This eliminates the need for manual intervention. We saw the benefits of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security within the first two months of transitioning from FireEye HX. Singularity was easy to manage, and we were able to identify vulnerabilities. SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security has helped reduce the false positives we receive by 15 percent compared to FireEye HX. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to detect. The automatic containment of the infected machine is done within the first ten seconds of detection. Singularity has helped reduce our mean time to remediate.
Nov 8, 2023
Provides multi-cloud capability, is plug-and-play, and improves our security posture
The single pane of glass that Microsoft offers is highly crucial for several reasons. First, aggregating multiple log sources into a single pane of glass is not achievable without Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Second, we also interact with other cloud environments. We use Defender's free CSPM functionality for the Microsoft Cloud security benchmark. The benchmark recommendations show all the vulnerabilities that help us to create a remediation plan and to take action. It is a necessity for us that the free CSPM functionality provides multi-cloud monitoring and posture management because most of our workloads are spread across multi-clouds. The comprehensive range of workloads protected by Defender for Cloud is sufficient for our needs, as it encompasses all essential security pillars. We have enabled Defender for Cloud's native support for GCP. A key requirement for us before selecting Defender for Cloud was that it supported other clouds. Defender for Cloud has aided in reducing the number of vulnerabilities and expediting the resolution process, thanks to its helpful suggestions. Consequently, we have achieved remarkable time savings of approximately 30 to 40 percent each week in comprehending and addressing vulnerabilities. By integrating Defender for Cloud with the firewall and Defender for Endpoints, we have gained comprehensive security insights through these Microsoft integrations. This unified approach provides a single pane of glass for viewing all security information, eliminating the need to navigate between multiple portals. Defender for Cloud has improved our security posture. The unified monitoring has saved us around 30 percent of our time. Defender for Cloud has increased our security team's efficiency by 30 percent.
Mar 15, 2023
The dashboards are easy to read and visually pleasing, so you can understand everything quickly
The reporting isn't that great. They have executive summaries, but it's only a compliance report that maps all current issues to specific controls. Whether you look at one subscription or project, regardless of the size, you will get a multipage report on how the issues in that account map to that control. Our CSO isn't going to read through that. He won't filter that out or show that to his leadership and say, "Here's what we're doing." It isn't a helpful report. They're working on it, but it's a poor executive summary. All the other reports look great when you try to create them. I can pull a report of issues for a specific project, but it's a CSV file with findings, which isn't helpful. I expect a slick visual summary that looks like what they have on the dashboard. They spend a lot of time making the dashboard easy to understand, but you can't get that information into a report for our executive leadership. We want to show them the trends and what we're doing. It's critical for our team to demonstrate the tool's value. At the end of the year, we have to go to a meeting and show management the progress we made this year. I can only do that by going into open issues, putting them all in notepad, and taking a couple of screenshots. I would also like the dashboards to be customizable. They have excellent dashboards, but you can't create or customize them. At the same time, Wiz seems open to that feedback, and I think they're relatively new. They're growing fast and implementing new features quickly, so I hope this will be added soon. A third issue is that we can't provide email notifications on connector status. Everything comes into Wiz through a connector. Our AWS environment is added as a connector, and there's no way to notify anyone if an issue is detected. We could wake up the next morning and not have any data from our AWS cloud environment because there was an issue with the connector, but no one would've known about it. I think that's something that needs to be fixed. Wiz has room for improvement in terms of risk assessment. It has a severity meter with five levels: critical, high, medium, low, or informational. If I click on the highs, it sorts the issues by the control with the most total issues. They're all high, but it doesn't prioritize based on anything other than the number of issues that are impacted by that control. It's not a priority. It tells you you'll get the most bang for your buck if you fix this one. There's no risk score or anything like that. For example, if a public-facing device has a significant vulnerability, it will consider that business context and label it "critical," but that's all it does. All the severity levels have the same weight. Wiz prioritizes well in terms of sorting the issues into broad categories. However, it doesn't prioritize those. I'm looking at all the highs right now, and I don't know if one of these is more impactful to fix than the other. It helps to have an overview showing that 103 resources will be impacted if we fix this control. We can fix the control at the global level, put guardrails around it, and prevent the issue from happening in the future. You can start thinking that way, but it doesn't tell you this is more severe than other issues in the same severity category.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We're monitoring several cloud accounts with Singularity. It is convenient to identify issues or security failures in any account. It's nice to have all the details we need to solve these issues."
"Cloud Native Security has helped us with our risk posture and securing our agenda. It has been tremendous in terms of supporting growth."
"All the features we use are equal and get the job done."
"We noted immediate benefits from using the solution."
"We liked the search bar in PingSafe. It is a global search. We were able to get some insights from there."
"It used to guide me about an alert. There is something called an alert guide. I used to click on the alert guide, and I could read everything. I could read about the alert and how to resolve it. I used to love that feature."
"PingSafe's graph explorer is a valuable tool that lets us visualize all connected services."
"As a frequently audited company, we value PingSafe's compliance monitoring features. They give us a report with a compliance score for how well we meet certain regulatory standards, like HIPAA. We can show our compliance as a percentage. It's also a way to show that we are serious about security."
"With respect to improving our security posture, it helps us to understand where we are in terms of compliance. We can easily know when we are below the standard because of the scores it calculates."
"It takes very little effort to integrate it. It also gives very good visibility into what exactly is happening."
"Defender lets you orchestrate the roll-out from a single pane. Using the Azure portal, you can roll it out over all the servers covered by the entire subscription."
"We saw improvement from a regulatory compliance perspective due to having a single dashboard."
"It's got a lot of great features."
"DSPM is the most valuable feature."
"It's quite a good product. It helps to understand the infections and issues you are facing."
"The most valuable features of this solution are the remote workforce capabilities and the general experience of the remote workforce."
"The CSPM module has been the most effective. It was easy to deploy and covered all our accounts through APIs, requiring no agents. Wiz provides instant visibility into high-level risks that we need to address."
"Out of all the features, the one item that has been most valuable is the fact that Wiz puts into context all the pieces that create an issue, and applies a particular risk evaluation that helps us prioritize when we need to address a misconfiguration, vulnerability, or any issue that would put our environment into risk."
"Our most important features are those around entitlement, external exposure, vulnerabilities, and container security."
"The product's most valuable feature combines different contexts and attributes to produce highly confident alerts."
"With Wiz, we get timely alerts for leaked data or any vulnerabilities already existing in our environment."
"The security baseline and vulnerability assessments is the valuable feature."
"The vulnerability management modules and the discovery and inventory are the most valuable features. Before using Wiz, it was a very manual process for both. After implementing it, we're able to get all of the analytics into a single platform that gives us visibility across all the systems in our cloud. We're able to correspond and understand what the vulnerability landscape looks like a lot faster."
"I like Wiz's reporting, and it's easy to do queries. For example, it's pretty simple to find out how many servers we have and the applications installed on each. I like Wiz's security graph because you can use it to see the whole organization even if you have multiple accounts."


"We've found a lot of false positives."
"The alerting system of the product is an area that I look at and sometimes get confused about. I feel the alerting feature needs improvement."
"They need more experienced support personnel."
"Currently, we would have to export our vulnerability report to an .xlsx file, and review it in an Excel spreadsheet, and then we sort of compile a list from there. It would be cool if there was a way to actually toggle multiple applications for review and then see those file paths on multiple users rather than only one user at a time or only one application at a time."
"It does not bring much threat intel from the outside world. All it does is scan. If it can also correlate things, it will be better."
"There is room for improvement in the current active licensing model for PingSafe."
"The recommended actions aren't always specific, so it might suggest recommendations that don't apply to the particular infrastructure code I'm reviewing."
"With Cloud Native Security, we can't selectively enable or disable alerts based on our specific use case."
"There is no perfect product in the world and there are always features that can be added."
"Sometimes, it's very difficult to determine when I need Microsoft Defender for Cloud for a special resource group or certain kinds of products. That's not an issue directly with the product, though."
"The remediation process could be improved."
"After getting a recommendation, it takes time for the solution to refresh properly to show that the problem has been eliminated."
"For Kubernetes, I was using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). To see that whatever is getting deployed into AKS goes through the correct checks and balances in terms of affinities and other similar aspects and follows all the policies, we had to use a product called Stackrox. At a granular level, the built-in policies were good for Kubernetes, but to protect our containers from a coding point of view, we had to use a few other products. For example, from a programming point of view, we were using Checkmarx for static code analysis. For CIS compliance, there are no CIS benchmarks for AKS. So, we had to use other plugins to see that the CIS benchmarks are compliant. There are CIS benchmarks for Kubernetes on AWS and GCP, but there are no CIS benchmarks for AKS. So, Azure Security Center fell short from the regulatory compliance point of view, and we had to use one more product. We ended up with two different dashboards. We had Azure Security Center, and we had Stackrox that had its own dashboard. The operations team and the security team had to look at two dashboards, and they couldn't get an integrated piece. That's a drawback of Azure Security Center. Azure Security Center should provide APIs so that we can integrate its dashboard within other enterprise dashboards, such as the PowerBI dashboard. We couldn't get through these aspects, and we ended up giving Reader security permission to too many people, which was okay to some extent, but when we had to administer the users for the Stackrox portal and Azure Security Center, it became painful."
"From a compliance standpoint, they can include some more metrics and some specific compliances such as GDPR."
"If a customer is already using Okta as an SSO in its entire environment, they will want to continue with it. But Security Center doesn't understand that and keeps making recommendations. It would help if it let us resolve a recommendation, even if it is not implemented."
"Most of the time, when we log into the support, we don't get a chance to interact with Microsoft employees directly, except having it go to outsource employees of Microsoft. The initial interaction has not been that great because outsourced companies cannot provide the kind of quality or technical expertise that we look for. We have a technical manager from Microsoft, but they are kind of average unless we make noise and ask them to escalate. We then can get the right people and the right solution, but it definitely takes time."
"They could improve the product's visibility in the internal network topology."
"We're looking at some of the data compliance stuff that they've got Jon offer. I know they're looking at container security, which we gonna be looking at next."
"The reporting should be improved because until a few months ago, the reports were only in CSV format, which made it difficult to clean up. Wiz tried to improve the reporting process, but it's not as valuable as Tenable."
"We wish there were a way, beyond providing visibility and automated remediation, to wait on a given remediation, due to a critical aspect, such as the cost associated with a particular upgrade... We would like to see preventive controls that can be applied through Wiz to protect against vulnerabilities that we're not going to be able to remediate immediately."
"Given the level of visibility into all the cloud environments Wiz provides, it would be nice if they could integrate some kind of mechanism to better manage tenants on multiple platforms. For example, let's say that some servers don't have an application they need, such as an antivirus. Wiz could include an API or something to push those applications out to the servers. It would be great if you could remedy these issues directly from the Wiz platform."
"Wiz's reporting capabilities could be refined a bit. They are making headway on that, but more executive-style dashboards would be nice. They just implemented a community aspect where you can share documents and feedback. This was something users had been requesting for a while. They are listening to customer feedback and making changes."
"The remediation workflow within the Wiz could be improved."
"We would like to see improvements to executive-level reporting and data reporting in general, which we understand is being rolled out to the platform."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"PingSafe is not very expensive compared to Prisma Cloud, but it's also not that cheap. However, because of its features, it makes sense to us as a company. It's fairly priced."
"It is cheap."
"I wasn't sure what to expect from the pricing, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was a little less than I thought."
"PingSafe is affordable."
"Its pricing is constant. It has been constant over the previous year, so I am happy with it. However, price distribution can be better explained. That is the only area I am worried about. Otherwise, the pricing is very reasonable."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"PingSafe is fairly priced."
"I am not involved in the pricing, but it is cost-effective."
"The cost of the license is based on the subscriptions that you have."
"Pricing is difficult because each license has its own metrics and cost."
"I am not involved in this area. However, I believe its price is okay because even small customers are using Azure Security Center. I don't think it is very expensive."
"Our clients complain about the cost of Microsoft Defender for Cloud."
"Its pricing is a little bit high in terms of Azure Security Center, but the good thing is that we don't need to maintain and deploy it. So, while the pricing is high, it is native to Azure which is why we prefer using this tool."
"Microsoft's licensing and pricing are sometimes complicated. If someone is new to Microsoft's licensing, they might have difficulty with it."
"I rate Microsoft Defender a three out of ten for affordability. The price could be a little lower."
"The pricing is very difficult because every type of Defender for Cloud has its own metrics and pricing. If you have Cloud for Key Vault, the pricing is different than it is for storage. Every type has its own pricing list and rules."
"The pricing seems pretty simple. We don't have to do a lot of calculations to figure out what the components are. They do it by enabling specific features, either basics or advanced, which makes it easy to select."
"Based on the features and capabilities, the product pricing seems reasonable."
"The pricing is fair. Some of the more advanced features and functionalities and how the tiers are split can be somewhat confusing."
"The cost of the other solutions is comparable to Wiz."
"The pricing is fair and comparable to their competitors. The cost seems to be going up, which is a concern. There are potential savings from consolidating tools, but we're uncertain how Wiz's pricing will change over time."
"Wiz is a moderately priced solution, where it is neither cheap nor costly."
"Regarding pricing, it’s more than $100k because we have a very big infrastructure. Our environment supports around three thousand people, and we offer business-to-client financial services to around one million clients, so we rely heavily on Wiz."
"I wish the pricing was more transparent."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for PingSafe?
The price depends on the extension of the solution that you want to buy. If you want to buy just EDR, the price is le...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
All EDRs are made of different modules. There is a firewall module, an IPS module, and an application module. The app...
How is Prisma Cloud vs Azure Security Center for security?
Azure Security Center is very easy to use, integrates well, and gives very good visibility on what is happening acros...
What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
The entire Defender Suite is tightly coupled, integrated, and collaborative.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Microsoft Defender for Cloud?
Our clients complain about the cost of Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Microsoft needs to bring the cost down. What we'...
How would you compare Wiz vs Lacework?
Wiz and Lacework sucks... Buy Orca.
AWS Cloud Security Posture tool - has anyone used either Wiz or Ermetic cloud security products and can compare them to AWS Security Hub?
Whether or not the cost of third-party Cloud Security tools is justified would depend on your specific needs and budg...
What do you like most about Wiz?
With Wiz, we get timely alerts for leaked data or any vulnerabilities already existing in our environment.

Also Known As

Microsoft Azure Security Center, Azure Security Center, Microsoft ASC, Azure Defender
No data available

Interactive Demo

Demo not available
Demo not available



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Microsoft Defender for Cloud is trusted by companies such as ASOS, Vatenfall, SWC Technology Partners, and more.
Wiz is the fastest growing software company ever - $100M ARR in 18 months: Wiz becomes the fastest-growing software company ever | Wiz Blog  Discover why companies, including Salesforce, Morgan Stanley, Fox, and Bridgewater choose Wiz as their cloud security partner. Read their success stories here: Customers | Wiz
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Defender for Cloud vs. Wiz and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.