INETCO Insight vs POWERHOUSE Application Performance Monitoring comparison


Categories and Ranking

INETCO Insight
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Operations Analytics (20th), Payment Processing Software (35th)
POWERHOUSE Application Perf...
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (70th)

Featured Reviews

Jul 19, 2018
Provides real-time detection for the root cause of problems, minimizing time to resolution
INETCO offers monitoring that helps the customer to have a quick way to detect their problems. It shows quickly the root cause of problems, and can give specific details from the transaction (from when the transaction started). It shows a lot of details related to that transaction. * It's a non-intrusive solution. * It provides real-time information alerts. * We can have a real-time detection for the root cause of problems, minimizing time to resolution. The customer can save time and money because it's a way of detecting the root cause of problems. For banks, it helps customers from fraud that many banks are experiencing. Therefore, customers can be more secure in their transactions, and banks can monitor fraud.
it_user328959 - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 15, 2015
Gives us clear information on what is going wrong and where we need to focus to improve our applications, but it lacks automatic alerting.
Have real-time performance metrics Alerting Profiling in production Gives us clear information on what is going wrong and where we need to focus to improve our applications. Real added value in our IT internal and external organization (we open Nudge APM dashboard to our outsourced…

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"Customers can save costs (time and money) by integrating with this tool."
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Also Known As

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Nudge APM



Sample Customers

Nedbank, Sinergia, FIS, TNS (Calypso Canada), Moneris Solutions, Travelex, Telecom New Zealand (Gen-i), Open Solutions Canada (Fiserv), Transaction Junction, Blue Shore Financial
Bank and Insurance : Crédit Agricole, CDC (Caisse des dépots et consignations), ACMS (French healthcare insurance), Service : Unibail Rodamco, Elis, Public : CNIL, Mairie de Paris, AESN, HAS, EPIDE, Ministere Education Nationale Software : Jalma, Neoxia, AFI, Traceone, Infinancials, Telecom operator : NordNet Media : Les Echos,