HAProxy vs NGINX Plus comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Service Mesh (4th)
Ranking in Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Infrastructure (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) category, the mindshare of HAProxy is 14.1%, up from 13.6% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of NGINX Plus is 9.9%, up from 8.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Delivery Controllers (ADC)
Unique Categories:
Service Mesh
Application Infrastructure

Featured Reviews

Apr 3, 2024
Helps distribute the server load but has only the basic features
The solution is used for high availability. We use it for the backend to distribute the load We needed a simple proxy system that is open source. HAProxy was the most used tool for any issues that we ran into. We did not want to use something that was not used much so that we could fix the issues…
AANKITGUPTAA - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 18, 2022
Very high-performance load balancers on HTTP; supports numerous protocols for the reverse proxy
The load balancer which is based on NGINX is used to protect our servers. The product works as a reverse proxy and we use some modes and smart security modules of NGINX for securing the web application as a web module The solution has provided us with a resilient IT infrastructure and it can also…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The anti-DDOS PacketShield filtering solution (embedded in the physical appliances) as well as the BGP route injection are great features and heavily used."
"HAProxy's TCP load balancer is excellent and super stable."
"Having the right load balancing solution – which is what HAProxy is – and protection in place gives organizations peace of mind."
"​​Reliability. HAProxy is the most reliable product I have ever used."
"The technical support has been, in one word, perfect. Every time I call, I’m on the phone with a representative within five minutes who is highly skilled and willing to help, whether in the case of critical issues or simple advice."
"We don't have a problem with the user interface. it's good."
"We were able to use HAProxy for round robin with our databases, or for a centralized TCP connection in one host."
"HAProxy potentially has a good return on investment"
"Nginx is extremely efficient in terms of the connection rate to the CPU cycles ratio, and in terms of the bandwidth to CPU cycles."
"Its versatility and capabilities make it invaluable for implementing patches and fixes when necessary."
"NGINX Plus' most valuable feature is the ingress controller."
"When I worked in a security research center, we tested NGINX to support DoS and DDoS attacks, and its results were great."
"Application Gateway with application-level firewall tool and load distributor and balancer (also serves for A/B testing)."
"It's lightweight software that can handle heavy loads efficiently."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is that it is simple to configure."
"NGINX works much better than HAProxy in our current hardware and architecture for HTTP/HTTPS load balancing. ​​"


"If nbproc = 2, you will have two processes of HAProxy running. However, the stats of HAProxy will not be aggregated, meaning you don't really know the collective status in a single point of view."
"Improving the documentation with multiple examples and scenarios would be beneficial. Most users encounter similar situations, so having a variety of scenarios readily available on the tool's website would be helpful. For instance, if I were part of the HAProxy team, I'd create a webpage with different scenarios and provide files for each scenario. This way, users wouldn't have to start from scratch every time."
"There is room for improvement in the pricing model. It could be cheaper."
"We need to handle new connections by dropping, or queuing them while the HAProxy restarts, and because HAProxy does not handle split config files."
"Dynamic update API. More things should be possible to be configured during runtime."
"Documentation could be improved."
"HAProxy is very weak in the logging and monitoring part and requires improvement."
"The only area that I can see needing improvement is the management interface, since it is pretty much all through the CLI or configuration. A GUI/web interface could be helpful for users who are not as experienced in the Linux shell. However, HAProxy does have another product that we evaluated called ALOHA, which has a web front-end, but we found it did not meet our needs."
"The solution must improve its performance."
"The solution needs to be easier to setup and deploy."
"The KPI should be more focused on load balancing and the latency in application calling from the end system."
"The scalability could be improved."
"I would like to see the Grafana integration in NGINX which is already present in HAProxy. Grafana integration will help the solution visualize all the data analytics on the dashboard which is currently not present."
"Lack of a feature to print data on the terminal for verification of network traffic during debugging and testing."
"The center management system could be improved."
"They should do in the open source version of what they did to Advanced HTTP, TCP, and UDP load balancing."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"HAProxy is free open-source software."
"The product is open source."
"The price is well worth it. HAProxy Enterprise Edition paid for itself within months, simply due to the resiliency it brings. It was a bit more expensive than we were originally interested in paying, but we are thankful we chose to go with HAProxy."
"Test/lab virtual machines can be installed without a licence. They can't be used for performance testing but otherwise behave like production nodes."
"I use the open-source version of the product. I don't have experience with the licensed version of the solution."
"We are using HAProxy as an open-source."
"The licensing fee for the solution is $690 per unit annually."
"We use NGINX as well. However, because the health checks are a paid feature, I like to avoid it whenever possible​."
"I use the solution's community edition which is free of cost."
"Compared to other similar solutions on the market, I think it's over-priced."
"It's an open source solution, so it's free."
"HAProxy is cheaper than NGINX."
"The price is the cost to contract support with a specialized company, usually during consulting hours.​"
"​NGINX Plus is worth it, if you need it. If you do not need the features or support, the free and open source package is more than capable. ​"
"NGINX Plus is an open-source solution with limited additional features. When you try to get additional features in the solution, then you need to pay an extra amount to NGINX Plus."
"There's an open-source version of NGINX that is free."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

Do you recommend HAProxy?
I do recommend HAProxy for more simple applications or for companies with a low budget, since HAProxy is a free, open-source product. HAProxy is also a good choice for someone looking for a stable ...
What do you like most about HAProxy?
The solution is effective in managing our traffic.
Which is better - IIS or NGINX Plus?
IIS is a flexible, secure, and manageable web server to host anything on the web. IIS’s scalable and open architecture can handle the most demanding tasks. From media streaming to web applications,...
What do you like most about NGINX Plus?
It performs very well. That's one of the primary reasons we use NGINX.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for NGINX Plus?
There's an open-source version of NGINX that is free. There's also NGINX Plus, which is a paid version with additional features.



Also Known As

HAProxy Community Edition, HAProxy Enterprise Edition, HAPEE

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Sample Customers

Booking.com, GitHub, Reddit, StackOverflow, Tumblr, Vimeo, Yelp
Locaweb, AppNexus, Wix, Reliam, Montana Interactive, MuleSoft, Warpwire, Discovery Education, InkaBinka, WordPress.com, Gogo, GOV.UK, NASA
Find out what your peers are saying about HAProxy vs. NGINX Plus and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.