FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF) vs Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

FortiWeb Web Application Fi...
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto N...
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Security (1st), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (1st), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (1st), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (1st), Data Security Posture Management (DSPM) (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) category, the mindshare of FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF) is 0.9%, up from 0.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks is 3.1%, up from 2.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Container Security
Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)

Featured Reviews

Director_45785 - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 6, 2024
Helps block certain applications and websites to enhance user productivity and maintain application security
The solution helps us to block certain applications and websites The use of FortiWeb Web Application Firewall, combined with Office 365 and Azure ID, has streamlined our VPN use and network security. With single sign-on, users only need to remember one process instead of two or three, which has…
Krishnakumar M - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 4, 2024
Drastically reduces vulnerabilities and provides a single pane of glass
Prisma Cloud helps reduce vulnerabilities. The number of vulnerabilities is less. If you have 1,200 vulnerabilities, after implementing Prisma Cloud, the number is drastically reduced to 500. That is one of the key advantages of using Prisma Cloud. You can see its benefits within a month. Prisma Cloud helps to identify all the vulnerabilities in modern scenarios. For traditional scenarios, we have enough products, but a solution like Prisma Cloud helps to identify vulnerabilities in containerized environments and modern traffic scenarios. It helps with run-time security and east-west traffic. Prisma Cloud helps secure the entire cloud-native development lifecycle, across build, deploy, and run. I would rate it an eight out of ten for this. As an enterprise architect, I seek three capabilities from a solution. It should be preventative. It should be corrective, and it should be detective. Prisma Cloud is good in these aspects. I would rate it an eight out of ten for these capabilities. Palo Alto DSPM's discovery and data classification processes are comprehensive. I would rate it an eight out of ten for comprehensiveness. For data security, we have a DLP solution. We have a separate solution. We never use Palo Alto for that. Palo Alto DSPM provides us with insights into the content it has discovered. It also provides automated discovery of new data assets as they onboard and a prioritized list of all the data security posture issues in our environment. The security provided by Prisma Cloud is important for our customers, especially for our banking and finance customers. We are a service company. We never use any of these products. I am a security architect. I am the one responsible for assessing and finding the right product and then deploying the product with the help of my engineering team. Prisma Cloud definitely reduces complexity. We can see the issues or vulnerabilities that have been there for a while. We get good clarity on why they have been there and how to resolve them. Palo Alto is very good at this, and they make complex work quick and easy. Prisma Cloud drastically reduces the number of vulnerabilities in the organization. There can be 60% to 70% reduction. It also depends on the industry again. For the web-based industry, where the company is providing solutions through the internet, such as share market or banking companies, it is very helpful. Production companies rarely use online solutions. With the reduction in vulnerabilities, the security cost automatically reduces. There is an indirect impact on an organization's cost.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The machine learning feature reduces the false positives."
"The tool secures our critical applications, especially the mobile money application, which is often targeted by attacks. The solution provides rapid protection and has proven reliable against various threats."
"The solution's technical support is good."
"It is good for web tracking applications."
"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall helps us to block certain categories of browsing, such as weapons, and other inappropriate content on the client side. We have also blocked social media sites like TikTok and Facebook to enhance user productivity and maintain application security."
"The solution is transparent and smooth."
"The tool's HTTP traffic, website fixing, and blocking are fantastic. It is user-friendly with easy configuration."
"The platform's stability is good."
"It has a feature for customized security policy. I implement it in banking, health insurance, and other sectors, and every organization has its own customized policies and procedures. In Prisma Cloud, you can customize policies, and based on that, you can do monitoring."
"It scans our containers in real time. Also, as they're built, it's looking into the container repository where the images are built, telling us ahead of time, "You have vulnerabilities here, and you should update this code before you deploy." And once it's deployed, it's scanning for vulnerabilities that are in production as the container is running."
"Comprehensive and valuable for providing security. It is scalable, its stability is impressive, and setting it up is straightforward."
"Syslog CLIs are the best feature."
"As a pure-play CSPM, it is pretty good. From the data exposure perspective, Prisma Cloud does a fairly good job. Purely from the perspective of reading the conflicts, it is able to highlight any data exposures that I might be having."
"Palo Alto enables us to know what security threats are happening in the background."
"CSPM is very useful because it gives us good policies and violation alerts."
"Integration is very easy. And because it supports security that spans multi- and hybrid-cloud environments, it's very easy to use."


"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall's signature database updates could be improved."
"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall needs to improve its performance."
"I don't see any issues with the tool apart from the pricing aspect of the product. The price of the product is an area where improvements are required."
"The technical support team is bad."
"The product lacks features offered by enterprise-level firewall tools."
"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF) needs to update its attack prevention database."
"WAF needs more signatures on FortiWeb and updates the database continuously to protect against new attacks."
"There is room for improvement in pricing, and actually, the price is a bit higher because on the same terms I purchased, the support subscription is so high."
"Currently, custom reports are available, but I feel that those reports are targeting just the L1 or L2 engineers because they are very verbose. So, for every alert, there is a proper description, but as a security posture management portal, Prisma Cloud should give me a dashboard that I can present to my stakeholders, such as CSO, CRO, or CTO. It should be at a little bit higher level. They should definitely put effort into reporting because the reporting does not reflect the requirements of a dashboard for your stakeholders. There are a couple of things that are present on the portal, but we don't have the option to customize dashboards or widgets. There are a limited set of widgets, and those widgets don't add value from the perspective of a security team or any professional who is above L1 or L2 level. Because of this, the reach of Prisma Cloud in an organization or the access to Prisma Cloud will be limited only to L1 and L2 engineers. This is something that their development team should look into."
"The automation must continue to become much smoother."
"Some of the usability within the Compute functionality needs improvement. I think when Palo Alto added on the Twistlock functionality, they added a Compute tab on the left side of the navigation. Some of the navigation is just a little dense. There is a lot of navigation where there is a tab and dropdowns. So, just improving some of the navigation where there is just a very dense amount of buttons and drop-down menus, that is probably the only thing, which comes from having a lot of features. Because there are a lot of buttons, just navigating around the platform can be a little challenging for new users."
"They should improve the user experience."
"Based on my experience, the customization—especially the interface and some of the product identification components—is not as customizable as it could be. But it makes up for that with the fact that we can access the API and then build our own systems to read the data and then process and parse it and hand it to our teams."
"Though Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks provides excellent security, is a pioneer in this space, and knows what it's doing, from a user perspective, it would have been better if it was a little easier to use."
"There is room for improvement on the logging and monitoring front because it's still not as holistic as I would want it to be."
"Sometimes we do get false alerts. That should be improved."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"This product offers two pricing options: a standard package and an advanced package."
"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall's pricing is suited for small or medium organizations."
"FortiWeb Web Application Firewall is not expensive."
"It is a cheap solution."
"FortiWeb has a good presence because of its price."
"FortiWeb WAF is priced well for customers compared to other vendors' solutions."
"It is a cost-effective product. If you need an extra module in the product, there will be an extra cost in addition to the licensing fee."
"I would rate the pricing a four out of ten."
"You can expect a premium price because it is a premium quality product by a leading supplier."
"The cost depends on the pricing model. Compared to other solutions, the cost isn't that bad."
"Prisma Cloud Enterprise is a costly solution. You need a license for all the components. At the same time, you have everything under one roof, so I think it's still justified."
"Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks has helped the company save some money. Cost-wise, it's okay."
"I wouldn't mind if it were cheaper. We are spending a fair amount of money on Prisma Cloud."
"The pricing is good. They gave us some good discounts right at the end of the year based on the value that it brings, visibility, and the ability to build in cloud, compliance, and security within one dashboard."
"The price is high. In the future, when there are more competitors at the same level with different clouds, maybe the position will be different."
"The pricing is reasonable."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
No data available
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF)?
The most valuable features of the solution are SD-WAN, filtration, web filter, application filter, and IPS.
What needs improvement with FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF)?
We haven't faced any significant issues with FortiWeb Web Application Firewall. But they can lower the pricing, since it is a concern, especially in South Africa and the technical support, could be...
What is your primary use case for Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks ?
Prisma Cloud helps support DevSecOps methodologies, making those responsibilities easier to manage.
What Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform do you recommend?
We like Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks, since it offers us incredible visibility into our entire cloud system. We are able to easily see where our container vulnerabilities lie and and where cl...
What do you think of Aqua Security vs Prisma Cloud?
Aqua Security is easy to use and very manageable. Its main focus is on Kubernetes and Docker. Security is a very valuable feature and their speed of integration is very good. The initial setup was ...

Also Known As

No data available
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Cloud, Prisma Public Cloud, RedLock Cloud 360, RedLock, Twistlock, Aporeto



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
Amgen, Genpact, Western Asset, Zipongo, Proofpoint, NerdWallet, Axfood, 21st Century Fox, Veeva Systems, Reinsurance Group of America
Find out what your peers are saying about FortiWeb Web Application Firewall (WAF) vs. Prisma Cloud by Palo Alto Networks and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.