Fortify on Demand vs Snyk comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortify on Demand
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (9th)
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Container Security (6th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (2nd), Software Development Analytics (2nd), DevSecOps (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Fortify on Demand is 4.8%, up from 4.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Snyk is 7.8%, down from 8.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Container Security
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)

Featured Reviews

Jul 6, 2023
Seamless integration with various platforms and products, providing a centralized and comprehensive security analysis solutionand
Our CSD team used multiple tools for different scenarios. When dealing with sophisticated threats or vulnerabilities, manual analysis was necessary alongside Fortify's machine-based analysis. So, in handling complicated vulnerabilities, we couldn't rely on just one tool. Multiple tools were required. One such tool was OS Zap Proxy. We integrated Zap Proxy with Fortify, and this integration proved quite useful. Instead of relying solely on Fortify's dashboard, we integrated it with other tools, which made more sense. The security analysts, up to the level of the CSO, wouldn't rely only on a single dashboard. They used multiple tools to detect and work on vulnerabilities across various platforms and products. Fortify seamlessly integrates all these aspects.
Eryk Lawyd - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 5, 2023
A cost-effective solution that makes scanning your repositories a cinch
We have seen an improvement this month. My security team told me, "We need to break your pipeline if the tools present critical and high-end security issues on the code, so this code cannot go to a staging or homologation environment." I then made improvements to the tools, which were not cheap. But it's a standard feature and a customer need, so I do this, then we apply. Using Snyk, we get the results and the reports and deploy the applications with high-end critical issues of security such as DoS or Cross-Site scripting, any kind of present, on the Snyk IO solution.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Fortify helps us to stay updated with the newest languages and versions coming out."
"While using Micro Focus Fortify on Demand we have been very happy with the results and findings."
"We have the option to test applications with or without credentials."
"One of the top features is the source code review for vulnerabilities. When we look at source code, it's hard to see where areas may be weak in terms of security, and Fortify on Demand's source code review helps with that."
"It improves future security scans."
"What stands out to me is the user-friendliness of each feature."
"It is an extremely robust, scalable, and stable solution."
"Fortify supports most languages. Other tools are limited to Java and other typical languages. IBM's solutions aren't flexible enough to support any language. Fortify also integrates with lots of tools because it has API support."
"It is easy for developers to use. The documentation is clear as well as the APIs are good and easily readable. It's a good solution overall."
"There are many valuable features. For example, the way the scanning feature works. The integration is cool because I can integrate it and I don't need to wait until the CACD, I can plug it in to our local ID, and there I can do the scanning. That is the part I like best."
"It has a nice dashboard where I can see all the vulnerabilities and risks that they provided. I can also see the category of any risk, such as medium, high, and low. They provide the input priority-wise. The team can target the highest one first, and then they can go to medium and low ones."
"The dependency checks of the libraries are very valuable, but the licensing part is also very important because, with open source components, licensing can be all over the place. Our project is not an open source project, but we do use quite a lot of open source components and we want to make sure that we don't have surprises in there."
"The most valuable features include enriched information around the vulnerabilities for better triaging, in terms of the vulnerability layer origin and vulnerability tree."
"Its reports are nice and provide information about the issue as well as resolution. They also provide a proper fix. If there's an issue, they provide information in detail about how to remediate that issue."
"It is one of the best product out there to help developers find and fix vulnerabilities quickly. When we talk about the third-party software vulnerability piece and potentially security issues, it takes the load off the user or developer. They even provide automitigation strategies and an auto-fix feature, which seem to have been adopted pretty well."
"The most effective feature in securing project dependencies stems from its ability to highlight security vulnerabilities."


"Integration to CI/CD pipelines could be improved. The reporting format could be more user friendly so that it is easy to read."
"There were some regulated compliances, which were not there."
"Fortify on Demand could be improved with support in Russia."
"Micro Focus Fortify on Demand could improve the user interface by making it more user-friendly."
"The technical support is actually a problem that needs to be addressed. Since the acquisition and merger with Hewlett Packard, it has been really hard to know who the technical or salesperson to talk to."
"Micro Focus Fortify on Demand cannot be run from a Linux Agent. When we are coding the endpoint it will not work, we have to use Windows Agent. This is something they could improve."
"We want a user-based control and role-based access for developers. We want to give limited access to developers so that it only pertains to the code that they write and scanning of the codes for any vulnerabilities as they're progressing with writing the code. As of now, the interface to give restricted access to the developers is not the best. It gives them more access than what is basically required, but we don't want over-provisioning and over-access."
"Fortify on Demand needs to improve its pricing."
"We tried to integrate it into our software development environment but it went really badly. It took a lot of time and prevented the developers from using the IDE. Eventually, we didn't use it in the development area... I would like to see better integrations to help the developers get along better with the tool. And the plugin for the IDE is not so good. This is something we would like to have..."
"It lists projects. So, if you have a number of microservices in an enterprise, then you could have pages of findings. Developers will then spend zero time going through the pages of reports to figure out, "Is there something I need to fix?" While it may make sense to list all the projects and issues in these very long lists for completeness, Snyk could do a better job of bubbling up and grouping items, e.g., a higher level dashboard that draws attention to things that are new, the highest priority things, or things trending in the wrong direction. That would make it a lot easier. They don't quite have that yet in container security."
"DAST has shortcomings, and Snyk needs to improve and overcome such shortcomings."
"The tool's initial use is complex."
"The tool should provide more flexibility and guidance to help us fix the top vulnerabilities before we go into production."
"The solution's integration with JFrog Artifactory could be improved."
"The reporting mechanism of Snyk could improve. The reporting mechanism is available only on the higher level of license. Adjusting the policy of the current setup of recording this report is something that can improve. For instance, if you have a certain license, you receive a rating, and the rating of this license remains the same for any use case. No matter if you are using it internally or using it externally, you cannot make the adjustment to your use case. It will always alert as a risky license. The areas of licenses in the reporting and adjustments can be improve"
"We've also had technical issues with blocking newly introduced vulnerabilities in PRs and that was creating a lot of extra work for developers in trying to close and reopen the PR to get rid of some areas. We ended up having to disable that feature altogether because it wasn't really working for us and it was actually slowing down developer velocity."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"We are still using the trial version at this point but I can already see from the trial version alone that it is a good product. For others, I would say that Fortify on Demand might look expensive at the beginning, but it is very powerful and so you shouldn't be put off by the price."
"The solution is expensive and the price could be reduced."
"It's a yearly contract, but I don't remember the dollar amount."
"The licensing was good because the licenses have the heavy centralized server."
"The pricing model it's based on how many applications you wish to scan."
"Fortify on Demand is moderately priced, but its pricing could be more flexible."
"Despite being on the higher end in terms of cost, the biggest value lies in its abilities, including robust features, seamless integration, and high-quality findings."
"It is cost-effective."
"The license model is based on the number of contributing developers. Snyk is expensive, for a startup company will most likely use the community edition, while larger companies will buy the licensed version. The price of Snyk is more than other SLA tools."
"We do have some missing licenses issues, especially with non-SPDX compliant one, but we expect this to be fixed soon"
"The product has good pricing."
"We are using the open-source version for the scans."
"The pricing is reasonable."
"Their licensing model is fairly robust and scalable for our needs. I believe we have reached a reasonable agreement on the licensing to enable hundreds of developers to participate in this product offering. The solution is very tailored towards developers and its licensing model works well for us."
"Snyk is a premium-priced product, so it's kind of expensive. The big con that I find frustrating is when a company charges extra for single sign-on (SSO) into their SaaS app. Snyk is one of the few that I'm willing to pay that add-on charge, but generally I disqualify products that charge an extra fee to do integrated authentication to our identity provider, like Okta or some other SSO. That is a big negative. We had to pay extra for that. That little annoyance aside, it is expensive. You get a lot out of it, but you're paying for that premium."
"It's good value. That's the primary thing. It's not cheap-cheap, but it's good value."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
It helps deploy and track changes easily as per time-to-time market upgrades.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
The product has a lot of false positives. If the outputs can have fewer false positives, then that will be the greatest benefit the tool can offer.
How does Snyk compare with SonarQube?
Snyk does a great job identifying and reducing vulnerabilities. This solution is fully automated and monitors 24/7 to find any issues reported on the internet. It will store dependencies that you a...
What do you like most about Snyk?
The most effective feature in securing project dependencies stems from its ability to highlight security vulnerabilities.
What needs improvement with Snyk?
I use Snyk alongside Sonar, and Snyk tends to generate a lot of false positives. Improving the overall report quality and reducing false positives would be beneficial. I don't need additional featu...



Also Known As

Micro Focus Fortify on Demand
No data available

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Sample Customers

SAP, Aaron's, British Gas, FICO, Cox Automative, Callcredit Information Group, Vital and more.
StartApp, Segment, Skyscanner, DigitalOcean, Comic Relief
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortify on Demand vs. Snyk and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.