Docmosis vs Windward Core comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

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Ranking in Document Generation Tools
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Windward Core
Ranking in Document Generation Tools
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Reporting (25th)

Featured Reviews

reviewer1341069 - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 29, 2020
Easy to integrate this solution into an existing system
Our primary use case is to make it easier for HR teams to generate HR documents for employees via an intuitive user interface and in a few clicks. In this context, we need a document generation solution embedded within our product which allows us to generate documents from preconfigured document…
Jun 20, 2019
It has streamlined a lot of our reporting processes
Their PDF needs improvement. We've run into some issues when we tried to generate a Word document. If we try to generate the same document in PDF, sometimes it doesn't look exactly the same. We have gone back to Windward support a couple of times on a few issues, e.g., we had some issues with reports that had barcodes on them. The barcode wasn't displaying properly. It was displaying as a skewed image as opposed to an actual barcode. Therefore, we worked with Windward support, having some daily calls with them. Then, within the next release, they were able to resolve the issue. They even gave us a pre-release, so we could implement it into our code before the actual official release on the website. It would be nice to have some sort of workflow capability within the product. Anytime you generate a document, nine out of ten times there is something which precedes that document, whether it's entering parameters in, e.g., if I'm requesting the status report for a project. The first thing that I usually want from a status perspective is which project is the status report for and which week is it for, as those are some of the things that I have to supply before I can generate a document. From a workflow perspective, it would be nice to say, "This project belongs to this person, and this person is okay with me pulling information out of this document for whatever need I have." From a workflow perspective, I would like a wizard interface that goes step-by-step, like a questionnaire, where there are a bunch of things that you have to answer, "Yes or no," before it knows what to do or how to produce the document. Right now, we write our own custom UI for this.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"To generate these same tabular formatted reports with a code-only solution would have taken a lot longer to implement than the Docmosis template-based approach. Docmosis templates were easier to design as we were able to use Microsoft Word to create them. The templates made it easy to make any changes to reports and provided flexibility in our design approach."
"Since our initial development, this feature has required very little maintenance. And when changes are requested, it is rather easy to change a Word document template and new staff can be quickly trained to modify a report."
"Globally, the ability to create document templates in several formats by using a rich syntax is simple and clear to understand."
"The ability to embed, and dynamically repeat, templates within each other is a very simple yet extremely powerful tool."
"There is flexibility in laying out tables that is akin to UI front-end design."
"A new report’s template creation is very often manipulation of a user’s layout of a report. A report can be ready in a day or less, once stored procedures are created as per sections in the report."
"Technical support is ​very good. They reply immediately and follow-up with any questions.​"
"The solution is very flexible, so you can create anything you want. Think of the possibilities you have in Excel or in Word, because these are the two document generators that are used the most. I only use Word, but I can use nearly every feature in Word, including making charts and tables, and produce those features in Windward, parametrically."
"One of the features that we have found most important is that the report builder is in Word, so it was very easy to get into it... We could also use some of our existing Word templates."
"From an integration perspective, they provide the code for you to easily integrate with existing applications."
"The usually the response is within one hour. The technical support will WebEx with you. I rate them as a 10 out of 10."
"The most valuable feature is the Rich Text or TinyMCE in fields. For example, you have a text field but it is not a regular text field, it is a link. Inside this link, you can copy/paste everything: images, text, and tables together. After saving this field, you can pull it into the document."
"Windward helped automate reports which otherwise would have needed IT to create and maintain."
"The two features that I like the best are the ability to generate Word and Excel documents, and the ability to create my templates directly inside those software sets. It's absolutely critical for me as a user to have design and layout control, because all of my reports are very, very customized. I have to have control over the ability to generate and to control what they look like."


"We are facing new challenges such as internationalization. The next big challenge will be to offer even more date formats and numbers that cover the majority of countries. It will be to also think about features, such as number to text conversion, or the reverse which is currently only available in English but is in great demand by our international customers."
"Version control and restricted access to some users for template editing could be a useful addition."
"It would be great to have improved diagnostic and debugging tools. When report templates are complex, sometimes any minor modification needs to be thoroughly tested to ensure that it does not disrupt a previously designed template."
"The challenge in usage when we developed the reports four years ago was the limited logic that can be applied to manipulate and display data. That functionality was largely transferred over to the database layer in creating the data output that was to be displayed."
"​AutoTag needs to be web-based, so our customers can create reports from our web.​"
"​The tool does not support macOS documents."
"We would like to shrink these reports into one page, because there is a lot of free space on one page, but we cannot shrink it into the one page to be shorter. This is one thing we would like to change."
"A lot of clients who want to use this don't have the technical background for the SQL portion of gathering the data. If Windward were to make a more user-friendly SQL extract front-end, that would help a lot of clients to leverage the application a lot more."
"The reason it took us so long to get the system up and running is that the APIs could be improved a bit. It could be a little bit more interoperable with software, without having to do a lot of the heavy lifting that we had do to get it in."
"They could make the document creation performance faster. I'm not saying it's slow but it takes time to create the PDFs. If they could make it faster, that would be one area for improvement."
"The error reports also need improvement. If you don't key it in right, it's a little hard to find the root cause. It gives you information as much as it can, but it doesn't really hone in and tell you explicitly what you should do to correct the problem."
"There is always room for improvement in the speed, especially with the complex, multi-line Excel spreadsheets. They made some improvements in the last version that are quantum-fold faster than when I first started. But there is always room for improvement there. You always want reports faster and faster."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"Cloud and REST API models keep the setup costs low."
"Price bands are based on pages so ensure you have a good understanding of this if documents are of variable length."
"Windward is very expensive when the volume of documents being generated is low and it is cheap when the volume is high."
"The pricing is very reasonable for what it provides. The report builder is about one grand per user... We are paying for a support contract, which is 20 percent of the price, but because the licenses are perpetual, I think the pricing is very reasonable."
"For what you're getting, it's an extremely good value."
"The pricing is fair. The way that they have it priced is the Windward Designer has a price that's associated with it. Then, depending on the number of cores that you're looking for, that is the price that you pay. The more cores that you want, the more expensive it is."
"It is absolutely worth the value. They have flexibility, depending on what you're looking for from a buying standpoint. The current pricing models are quite flexible, with the ability to use it on an as-needed basis, or to get a perpetual license that covers a customer that might have extensive needs. I think it's pretty good."
"Pricing is a bit higher than normal desktop applications, but it's well worth it. The ROI is simple to understand and the monthly payment for an annual license is affordable and worth it."
"Pricing is something I complain about. Production pricing is okay, but for a testing environment the pricing looks a bit high to me."
"I can't advise anybody about pricing and licensing, but it was competitive. A lot of things we did look at were all volume-based, so it was a case of you buy a license to generate this many reports a year, and that's not something that I'm particularly interested in because it doesn't give you any idea - if we have future growth, or if we have a lean year - for budgeting reasons it's more difficult. With Windward it's a straight out license fee, whether we generate one page or we generate a million, it makes no difference."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Real Estate/Law Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Also Known As

No data available
Windward, Windward Studios



Sample Customers

8th light, ACA IT-Solutions NV, Ageology, Anahata, Aprello, ATENA, ATICOM, Axon Ltd, BBC, Cellartastings SL, Cisco, Cisco Systems, Cityline HK Limited, Commerce, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Crane Technical Services, CyberSoft C/S, Dane Street, DBX Kft, Department of Education, Dream, Endless Pools, Formos LLC, Gappless, Genentech - Roche Group, Global Sage, Goco, Haufe-Lexware GmbH & Co. KG, Husbanken, Isell, Jim S Adler & Associates, Lane Nussbaum, Lift Forward,, Merck KGaA, MercuryGate International, NoemaLife S.p.A, Pattersons Security, Practice Insight Pty Ltd,, Quasado GmbH, Rain Focus, RiseSmart, Russian School of Mathematics, Social Finance, Southern Careers Institute, STR Grants LLC, Sync International (UK) Ltd., Systemic Pty Ltd, Thales - Defence Australia, The Freshwater Trust, Tioth LLC, Todumo, TQM-Insight
HAL, Inc., Axe Group, White Clark Group, Blueprint Software, Aspect Security, Nucleus Software, LeBlanc’s Food Stores, South Sound 911, Aegon, Barclays, Fidelity Investments, ArisGlobal LLC, USDA, RepLink, AON Hewitt
Find out what your peers are saying about Docmosis vs. Windward Core and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.