Automai AppLoader vs InfoVista 5View NetFlow comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Automai AppLoader
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Performance Testing Tools (21st), Load Testing Tools (21st)
InfoVista 5View NetFlow
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Performance Monitoring (APM) and Observability (65th)

Featured Reviews

Use Automai AppLoader?
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Jul 31, 2019
Great for service discovery and load balancing and enables us to monitor the traffic flow
We use InfoVista 5View NetFlow on a private cloud. This product has improved the way our organization functions through the better discovery of services. We check the IP address for Office 365 and other cloud applications used in business operations. We use InfoVista 5View NetFlow to understand the cost of the problems on our network links. We monitor the traffic flow and check which application is causing a lot of traffic. Instead of buying more bandwidth, we target the pocket with very high traffic. We move these applications so that the traffic is served through another partner. From Milan to Rome, we use various utilities for network load balancing for applications requiring excessive traffic. We monitor the traffic with InfoVista 5View NetFlow before going to the business and checking the on-site location for problems or issues.

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Also Known As

AppLoader, NRG Global AppLoader
5View NetFlow



Sample Customers

Ellie Mae, Meditech, HP Consulting, ESRI, Fox, UCLA, Baylor Health Care Systems
Warren Consolidated Schools
Find out what your peers are saying about Apache, Tricentis, OpenText and others in Load Testing Tools. Updated: June 2024.
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