Amazon RDS vs MongoDB Atlas comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Sep 8, 2022

Categories and Ranking

Amazon RDS
Ranking in Database as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
MongoDB Atlas
Ranking in Database as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Database as a Service category, the mindshare of Amazon RDS is 25.9%, down from 30.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of MongoDB Atlas is 13.6%, up from 10.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Database as a Service
Unique Categories:
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Jay Vekaria - PeerSpot reviewer
May 29, 2023
A well-managed and stable service while also providing scalability
We use it in our organization since it is a managed database service. So we can manage our database within UAM My company decided to use the solution since it is a managed database service that provides control along with a UI for our databases. The performance insight is a valuable feature…
Apr 30, 2024
Serves as a general-purpose database and provide IoT integration
We primarily utilize MongoDB Atlas for tasks such as IoT integration. Additionally, it serves as a general-purpose database that aggregates analytics data before transferring it to a data lake. Its versatility allows for various applications, providing flexibility and ensuring the availability of…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"I use Amazon RDS to store and manage data securely. It helps me retrieve information and gain insights from the data that comes in for my business or specific applications."
"The initial setup is straightforward, and technical support is good."
"One of the most valuable features is that it is serverless, so we don't have to worry about scaling."
"The dashboard and performance are the most valuable features of Amazon RDS."
"The most valuable features of the solution stem from the fact that it requires an easy setup phase, and it is also easy to use while not being too heavy on its users."
"It is stable, scalable, and easy to deploy."
"It is very easy to set up initially."
"Amazon RDS is lightweight and flexible."
"The most valuable feature is the schemaless architecture."
"It is a scalable solution because we use quite a lot of data, and it handles it well."
"The most useful feature is the management of the backup."
"You can start quickly on projects which allow you to store many things."
"The solution is easily scalable and manageable. Tools can be easily added to the solution."
"The speed of it is the most valuable feature."
"The initial setup of MongoDB Atlas is straightforward...It is a scalable solution."
"The stability and performance are great. The high availability feature is great. Moreover, I am happy with the automated backup and restore functionality."


"The solution's connectivity and response logs could be improved."
"A lot of the features are disabled by default. The solution should enable more features. I understand this could cause challenges to management for many clients using RDS, however."
"There are some advanced monitoring queries that we cannot execute because Amazon doesn't give admin privileges to the end users."
"The product must add more older versions of the database engines."
"With my limited experience, I have noticed that documentation management could be improved. It could be better."
"AWS support is decent, but it's not as good as before. Sometimes, we get junior staff who are unable to answer our questions. It also depends on the support team you get. Support based in Europe and Australia is better than US support. For example, European support is quick to deliver the right answer. US support handles routine maintenance issues, and it's mostly junior staff who don't know the product well."
"You can only get access from the sales support. That means if you want to buy something or renew your subscription or upgrade, all these services are easily available. Yet, if you would like to get some technical support, you have to pay for it. You have to pay for an additional subscription."
"One notable improvement that could enhance the database management experience, particularly during migration scenarios, is the accessibility of the root user."
"MongoDB Atlas should add more APIs in their Terraform module because sometimes I find it difficult to find the resources in their Terraform model."
"From an improvement standpoint, MongoDB can improve security."
"The cost needs improvement."
"That is the only drawback that I find with MongoDB: creating the trigger."
"The speed when combining two documents is concerning."
"During the configuration, we did some migrations where we had to reindex about 70,000 indexes, which took around an hour. They should improve this and optimize the indexing."
"The UI is not currently designed in a manner to make it possible for a non-technical person or a layman to update the database easily."
"Going forward, we would like to have pure AWS Cloud (native) storage instead regular storage on the AWS integration side."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The cost of using this solution is similar to that of having your own data center."
"I would rate the tool's pricing an eight out of ten."
"The solution is fairly priced."
"The price could be better."
"Licensing fees are paid on an annual basis."
"The prices for different regions are different."
"The substantial initial credit and cost-effectiveness make Amazon an attractive option."
"We are paying for a service license."
"The solution is fairly priced. I rate the pricing a seven out of ten."
"The purchasing process through the AWS Marketplace was very good."
"The price of MongoDB Atlas is highly affordable."
"The pricing is good. We originally chose it over DynamoDB because of the pricing."
"For me, MongoDB is expensive, but I think it is not so expensive for customers."
"The tool is free since it's an open-source product."
"The pricing and licensing is great."
"The price of MongoDB Atlas is highly expensive to use and maintain. They are taking advantage of the users with such a high price."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Amazon RDS?
The product's installation phase is easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Amazon RDS?
The product is expensive. If Cisco needs two servers, Amazon uses four.
What needs improvement with Amazon RDS?
The product's high price is an area of concern where improvements are required.
What do you like most about MongoDB Atlas?
There are many valuable features, but scalability stands out. It can scale across zones. You can define multiple nodes. They have also partnered with AWS, offering great service with multiple featu...
What needs improvement with MongoDB Atlas?
Searching and browsing through the collection must be made easier.

Also Known As




Sample Customers

Wells Fargo, Forbes, Ulta Beauty, Bosch, Sanoma, Current (a Digital Bank), ASAP Log, SBB, Zebra Technologies, Radial, Kovai, Eni, Accuhit, Cognigy, and Payload.
Find out what your peers are saying about Amazon RDS vs. MongoDB Atlas and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.