
Why are regression testing tools important?

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2 Answers

Deena Nouril - PeerSpot reviewer
Real User
Top 5
Dec 8, 2022
Wilson Mahann - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 16, 2023

Hi there,   @Deena Nouril,  i agree. Once you've got these best practices you never go back. We also use automated tests every day in certain environments to ensure that users can start working. Sort of a seal of approval, to say you're good to go. It's cleared.

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Search for a product comparison in Regression Testing Tools
Raminder Rathore - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 14, 2023
Find out what your peers are saying about Tricentis, OpenText, Katalon Studio and others in Regression Testing Tools. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Regression Testing Tools
What is regression testing? Regression testing is a software testing practice that developers employ after they make changes to a computer program or application that they have created.
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Regression Testing Tools experts

Mubarak Arimiyah - PeerSpot reviewer
Ashu Singh - PeerSpot reviewer
AmilaDantanarayana - PeerSpot reviewer
Don Ingerson - PeerSpot reviewer
Muzammil Riaz - PeerSpot reviewer
ArtemCheremisin - PeerSpot reviewer
Anuj-Kataria - PeerSpot reviewer
Amiya Acharya - PeerSpot reviewer