SSIS vs Talend Data integration comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Data Integration (3rd)
Talend Data integration
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Cloud Data Integration (18th), Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) (16th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Cloud Data Integration category, the mindshare of SSIS is 8.0%, down from 9.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Talend Data integration is 0.2%, down from 0.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Cloud Data Integration
Unique Categories:
Data Integration
Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

Q&A Highlights

Sep 09, 2021

Featured Reviews

Dec 22, 2023
Beneficial source data importing, reliable, and quick initial setup
I am using SSIS for a primary database Not much but served as better alternative The most valuable features of SSIS are that it works with the query language and it can import data from different sources.  SSIS can improve by the minimum code requirements in stored procedures and exporting data…
AntonioFonseca - PeerSpot reviewer
Apr 11, 2024
Easy-to-use product with the ability to generate code efficiently
Our primary use case involves integrating diverse data sources into our projects. These sources include data servers, fax files, CSV files, databases such as SQL and Postgres, and various other formats like Excel Talend's most valuable feature is its ability to generate code and packages…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We like that this solution includes a developer edition, free of charge, to allow for training."
"The most valuable thing is that it is easy to connect with Microsoft tools. In Europe, particularly in France, a lot of companies use Excel, SQL Server, and other Microsoft tools, and it is easier to connect SSIS with Microsoft tools than other products."
"The most valuable features of this solution are the fast insert and fuzzy logic matching."
"I have used most of the standard SQL features, but the ones that stand out are the Data Flows and Bulk Import."
"The data reader is the most valuable feature."
"The technical support is very good."
"It is also easy to learn and user-friendly. Microsoft is also good in terms of technical support. They have built a large community all over the world."
"The ability of SSIS to transform and transport data is extremely valuable to me. It allows for intelligent extraction and manipulation of data during the process. Improved error handling would enhance ETL processes further. I haven't directly utilized the data flow components but they seem capable of supporting complex data integration needs."
"Talend Data integration has a wide library of connectors."
"The product's integration with PostgreSQL and Jira has been helpful for us. Its performance is good. However, we do not use it for large data sets."
"We have multiple use cases for this solution. We integrate with Salesforce, SAP and Oracle databases to build business logic and provide reporting."
"I'm very passionate about this solution because if you look at any other tool that costs around $200 - $300,000, like Delphix which costs you a million dollars, Talend is very cheap and is almost is at par with what others can do. There is one thing which Delphix does which Talend cannot do, but overall, I would say apart from that, if you're looking for a solution, you should give it a try."
"Talend's most valuable feature is its ability to generate code and packages efficiently."


"There were some issues when we tried to connect it to data storage. It was a connection issue."
"Improvement as per customer requirements."
"When I compare Talend and SSIS, Talend provides more features. With Talend, we can handle a large volume of data. Talend is usually used to treat a large volume of data, which makes it better than SSIS on the data side. Talend also has a very good Talend Management Console to schedule the jobs and do other things. It can also be easily connected to version control tools such as GitHub or SVN. The last time I used SSIS, it was connected through TSS for the Windows Console version. I am not sure it has been improved or not. If it is not improved, Microsoft should improve it. They should change the product to provide another console."
"Sometimes when we want to publish to other types of databases it's not easy to publish to those databases. For example, the Jet Database Engine. Before the SSIS supported Jet Database Engine but nowadays it doesn't support the Jet Database Engine. We connect to many databases such as Access database, SparkPros databases and the other types of databases using Jet Database Engines now and SSIS now doesn't seem to support it in our databases."
"Options for scaling could be improved."
"I come from a coding background and this tool is graphically based. Sometimes I think it's cumbersome to do mapping graphically. If there was a way to provide a simple script, it would be helpful and make it easier to use."
"The solution should work on the GPU, graphical processing unit. There should also be piping integration available."
"I would like to see more features in terms of the integration with Azure Data Factory."
"Due to using the open-source version of Talend Data Integration, which lacks a scheduler, our current approach involves developing jobs in Talend, exporting them as Java packages, and utilizing an external scheduler, such as Windows Scheduler, to manage the scheduling process."
"There are no concurrent licenses, they only have seat licenses on cloud. That's the whole challenge. For example, if in any project your headcount increases or decreases, you do not have that concurrence and you have a seat license, you run into challenges because you have to procure a few more licenses for getting the job done."
"Sometimes there are bugs which are unidentified and we have to follow-up with the Talend team to resolve them. In a critical situation, it takes time for them to update patches."
"The tool's technical support needs to be better. It doesn't have a local data center but pushes everything to the cloud. They need to check in with customers to see if they're happy and how well the solutions work. They need to assign a customer success manager for the accounts they sell."
"The product's setup process could be simpler."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"If you don't want to pay a lot of money, you can go for SSIS, as its open-source version is available. When it comes to licensing, SSIS can be expensive."
"The solution is available at a lesser price than that of Informatica."
"This solution is included with the MSSQL server package."
"It would be beneficial if the solution had a less costly cloud offering."
"We purchased the standard edition of SQL Server and SSIS came with it free of charge."
"I'm not involved in licensing details, but SSIS provides value to our organization by simplifying data management tasks."
"t's incredibly cost effective, easy to learn the basics quickly (although like all ETL tools requires the traditional learning curve to get good at) and has an immense user base."
"All of my clients have this product included as part of their Microsoft license."
"The product pricing is considered very good, especially compared to other data integration tools in the market."
"I have been using the open-source version."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Comparison Review

it_user90069 - PeerSpot reviewer
Feb 20, 2014
Informatica PowerCenter vs. Microsoft SSIS - each technology has its advantages but also have similarities
Technology has made it easier for businesses to organize and manipulate data to get a clearer picture of what’s going on with their business. Notably, ETL tools have made managing huge amounts of data significantly easier and faster, boosting many organizations’ business intelligence operations…

Answers from the Community

Sep 9, 2021
Sep 9, 2021
There are two products I know about * TimeXtender : Microsoft based, Transformation logic is quiet good and can easily be extended with T-SQL , Has a semantic layer that generates metat data for cubes . price approx 40K$, works with tables . Attunity (Bought by Qlik) : technology agnostic , nice web interface , expensive > 100K€. Works with transaction logs There are many other pure ETL ...
2 out of 12 answers
Apr 6, 2020
We usually use Talend. Look here:
Apr 7, 2020
Thanks Stefan !!! May I know if Talend is opensource /free ? It is available in all 3 editions - basic , standard end enterprise? it is capable to read data from all heterogeneous system like various types of data bases and files etc..?

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Which is better - SSIS or Informatica PowerCenter?
SSIS PowerPack is a group of drag and drop connectors for Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services, commonly called SSIS. The collection helps organizations boost productivity with code-free compo...
What do you like most about SSIS?
The product's deployment phase is easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for SSIS?
If you don't want to pay a lot of money, you can go for SSIS, as its open-source version is available. When it comes to licensing, SSIS can be expensive.
What do you like most about Talend Data integration?
The product's integration with PostgreSQL and Jira has been helpful for us. Its performance is good. However, we do not use it for large data sets.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Talend Data integration?
The product pricing is considered very good, especially compared to other data integration tools in the market.
What needs improvement with Talend Data integration?
The product's setup process could be simpler.

Also Known As

SQL Server Integration Services
Talend Cloud Integration, Talend Integration Cloud, Talend Cloud Remote Engine for AWS

Learn More




Sample Customers

1. 2. Bank of America 3. Capital One 4. Coca-Cola 5. Dell 6. E*TRADE 7. FedEx 8. Ford Motor Company 9. Google 10. Home Depot 11. IBM 12. Intel 13. JPMorgan Chase 14. Kraft Foods 15. Lockheed Martin 16. McDonald's 17. Microsoft 18. Morgan Stanley 19. Nike 20. Oracle 21. PepsiCo 22. Procter & Gamble 23. Prudential Financial 24. RBC Capital Markets 25. SAP 26. Siemens 27. Sony 28. Toyota 29. UnitedHealth Group 30. Visa 31. Walmart 32. Wells Fargo
ACCOR, ADR, L'OREAL, AstraZeneca
Find out what your peers are saying about SSIS vs. Talend Data integration and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.