Google Cloud SQL vs Google Cloud Spanner comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Google Cloud Spanner
Ranking in Database as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Google Cloud SQL
Ranking in Database as a Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Database as a Service category, the mindshare of Google Cloud Spanner is 3.1%, down from 4.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Google Cloud SQL is 19.6%, up from 19.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Database as a Service
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Ethan Lo - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 5, 2023
A stable and scalable relational database that ensures a return on investment for its users
The most valuable feature of the solution is its scalability. Scalability comes with two options, among which Google Cloud Spanner can scale horizontally, compared to other relational databases that scale vertically. You can change Google Cloud Spanner's resource configuration, which is done through processing units. Suppose you set up Google Cloud Spanner initially with a hundred processing units, and then you run out of resources since your database used too much CPU. In the aforementioned scenario, you can scale up or down and face no downtime in the production phase. The solution's features are important when running a company twenty-four hours, seven days a week.
Feb 12, 2024
Enables us to track the data that we get from external sources
We are tracking because we have an integrated system. We have some integration with external third parties. We also track the data that we get from external sources. In Postgres, we can handle maybe ten million records per month. We use partitioning and healing features to manage this growth in data. Google Cloud SQL provides fast and very short transactions when modifying our data, using Postgres as our database system across multiple ports. It performs queries for data and handles purchases based on those queries. The scalability with Postgres is impressive. Currently, we are in a beta phase, utilizing three instances. There were issues with write and read instances. Also, there were delays in data synchronization between the write and read columns. When data is written to the write instance, it's not always immediately available in the read instance, causing a delay of up to 20 seconds. We have the right systems to manage the necessary operations. Sometimes, we have one instance for handling requests; at other times, we might have more than two instances. Querying the correct data is fast. However, read queries can be slower due to the large amount of data they need to process. We use additional processing power from more instances to accommodate the required scale. Google Cloud SQL is straightforward. The setup and configuration are easy, and managing the team is simple. We have one dedicated person per week to handle incidents or disturbances in the process and perform additional work. It's enough for maintenance and support. As data accumulates, it's crucial to devise a strategy for managing its volume, which involves using historical tables, archiving, or partitioning. These methods are all useful. As the data volume increases, query execution times can slow down. Therefore, it's imperative to implement an effective indexing strategy. By optimizing indexes, partitioning, and other techniques, queries can be executed more efficiently, even when querying on multiple parameters. There could be two or three read instances. The synchronization between the write and the read is very fast. There are multiple advantages to Google Cloud SQL. Firstly, it operates in the cloud, making it accessible from anywhere. Unlike competitors, Google Cloud SQL is fully integrated into the cloud environment. You can quickly scale your resources up or down according to your needs, growing or decreasing. This flexibility allows you to stay aligned with current demands while optimizing costs. Overall, I rate the solution a nine out of ten.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"We can scale the solution if we need to."
"Google Cloud Spanner is stable."
"The application deployment in the cloud is the best feature of the infrastructure."
"The most valuable feature of the solution is its scalability. Scalability comes with two options, among which Google Cloud Spanner can scale horizontally, compared to other relational databases that scale vertically."
"It is a very scalable solution."
"The implementation part of the product was easy."
"Ease of management and the ability to oversee the statistics of your SQL."
"My suggestion to anyone thinking about this solution is to jump into it head-first!"
"The setup was straightforward. Just a couple of clicks, and we were done."
"Google Cloud SQL enhances our AI-driven projects by providing features like query optimization and scalability for efficiently processing large datasets."
"Its most valuable feature is that it's scalable. I can start off with a base of a lot of data and move as much as I want and it's the same as if asked to do a lot of infrastructure changes."
"This is a stable solution and offers good performance."
"It supports different databases, like Postgres and MySQL."


"The tool lacks to offer AI features."
"I want to improve the deployment of cameras and surveillance infrastructure."
"Google came up with something called Cloud Spanner Emulator, which fails to work like the real product if I want to develop some code and run a database locally on my machine."
"The cost can be a bit high."
"The tool needs to improve horizontal scaling."
"I am yet to explore a lot of features that are present in this solution. However, it would be good if more documentation is available for this solution. This would help us in preparing for the certification exam and understand it better. Currently, we don't have much documentation. We do the labs for 20 or 25 minutes, but we can't capture and download anything."
"The customer support should be improved."
"The most challenging part is dealing with legacy data from your old systems and migrating it into the new setup, but once you've completed the data migration, it becomes quite convenient to use."
"To create a seamless data integration, the title integration of these databases with the data integration platforms is essential. This is what we would like to have in a future release."
"They could improve documentation and dashboard stability for efficient user experience and database management."
"For data analysis, the AI area of the product has certain shortcomings where improvements are required."
"Google's technical support is good, but they tend to never reopen a case and to send us snippets from the publicly available documentation. It's not as helpful as you would expect, not just for Google Cloud SQL but for all of Google Cloud products."
"I would like to see better availability of the product in different regions. It should also improve the security with encryption."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is expensive."
"It is expensive."
"Price-wise, I heard that Google Cloud Spanner is on the higher side."
"Google Cloud Spanner is an expensive solution."
"The pricing is very much an important factor as to why we use this solution."
"From a financial perspective, Google Cloud SQL is on the cheaper side."
"It is not expensive, especially considering the significant reduction in database management time."
"While the platform’s pricing may be higher, it aligns with industry standards, considering the quality of service and features provided."
"The solution is affordable."
"It's really cheap. It wouldn't be more than, I believe it's around 50 euro per month for running a cloud SQL."
"You need to pay extra costs for backup and replication."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What is your primary use case for Google Cloud Spanner?
Google Cloud Spanner has all the features of a traditional relational database, including schemas, SQL queries, ACID transactions, and provides excellent integration and monitoring tools as well as...
What do you like most about Google Cloud SQL?
The implementation part of the product was easy.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Google Cloud SQL?
While the platform’s pricing may be higher, it aligns with industry standards, considering the quality of service and features provided.
What needs improvement with Google Cloud SQL?
They could improve documentation and dashboard stability for efficient user experience and database management.

Also Known As

Google Spanner
No data available

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Sample Customers

Streak, Optiva, Mixpanel
BeDataDriven, CodeFutures, Daffodil, GenieConnect, KiSSFLOW, LiveHive, SulAm_rica, Zync
Find out what your peers are saying about Google Cloud SQL vs. Google Cloud Spanner and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.