DNIF HYPERCLOUD vs Securonix Next-Gen SIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Log Management (24th), User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (9th), Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) (12th)
Securonix Next-Gen SIEM
Ranking in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) category, the mindshare of DNIF HYPERCLOUD is 0.4%, down from 0.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Securonix Next-Gen SIEM is 1.5%, down from 1.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Unique Categories:
Log Management
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Featured Reviews

Oct 18, 2022
Simple and enhanced search capability although limited in other areas
The company was very dependent on the DNIF support team. Whenever we faced any backend issue in the software, we'd have to approach the support team. Unlike other SIEM tools where you can troubleshoot through the GUI, with DNIF they were all on LINUX platforms. Finding the log files and checking them had to be done manually and that was frustrating. In terms of integration, the company had a very limited list of devices that were supported on the go. They were out-of-the-box integrations that required forwarding logs to their server. Each time a new device was added, we had to request a new parcel for that device. I think things may have improved since I left the company.
Sep 29, 2022
Provides flexible data ingestion and good optimization and data analysis
It is an excellent tool that helps us optimize threat-hunting operations, detect intrusive events on the network, and respond to security incidents. It is a tool that helps debug false positives and eliminate noisy alerts. It helps us focus on the alerts that we should take into account for analysis. Using old, traditional SIEMs did not provide us with the same responsiveness and ability to operate. And if they did provide us with something similar, we needed more staff to review things, event by event. That meant some risky events could occur unnoticed. With Securonix, those issues no longer exist. Securonix shows us information that we must consider as a threat and helps us know when to start an investigation to avoid an incident. It's very good at adding contextual information to security events. It has reduced the time spent by admins on the dashboard. They can now see information connected to attack risks or even users. The single dashboard alerts them and quickly reports if there is any threat. It has helped us to better understand what is happening in our network through the indicators of compromise. We have saved days of work. And it optimizes the time that analysts take to review events, compared to other tools that do not have as much intelligence and as many indicators. With Securonix, the information automatically enters and adds intelligence to the indicators. This saves a lot of time that would otherwise be spent reviewing noisy data. It saves our analyst between four and eight hours when analyzing events. When it comes to advanced threats, it shows us the threats or events that have been detected, with their risk level. It shows us a vulnerability bar and that helps us see who is looking at us, who is trying to deliver certain information to our systems, who exploited us, or if there is any alert due to someone extracting certain information. The automation of information delivery has facilitated everything, saving us three or four days.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of the solution is the number of EPS it can handle."
"The beauty of the solution is that you can develop infrastructure for a data lake using open sources that are separate from the licenses."
"Great for scaling productivity for log monitoring purposes."
"The User Behavior Analytics is a built-in threat-hunting feature. It detects and reports on any kind of malware or ransomware that enters the network."
"I like the MITRE table, a feature I saw for the first time in the same solution. There was one MITRE tactic table, which can be used to identify threats if you have all kinds of rules enabled or if you have rules for all the tactics in the MITRE table. There are 14 tables in MITRE, and those 14 tables consist of multiple columns, tactics, and techniques. It was one of the first SIEM tools I saw that had that particular MITRE table. On that basis, you can create new rules and identify existing ones. At any point, if an alert is triggered, it will try to match it to any of those MITRE tactics. I liked that creating a workbook on MITRE business was straightforward. I also like that you can search using SQL or DQL."
"Has a great search capability."
"The solution is quite stable and offers good performance. It also works on a virtual machine. We haven't found any issues with it so far. It's been reliable."
"The dashboard is helpful, and it creates visualizations to let staff review event data and identify patterns and anomalies."
"The detection of threats and reduction of false positive alarms as compared to other solutions are valuable features. It has improved threat detection response and reduced a lot of noise from false positives as compared to our previous SIEM solutions."
"We can customize our use cases with the tools provided by Securonix. It is an excellent tool that can ingest data in different ways and is very flexible."
"I rate the technical support a nine out of ten. They're friendly. Whenever we have a P1 issue, we write an email and our issue is resolved in one or two hours."
"The user interface is easy to learn and navigate."
"SNYPR has a bundle of features. It has the UEBA feature that tells you about the behavior of a person or entity. In the tool itself, there is an incident management feature, which is definitely valuable."
"The most valuable feature is being able to look at users' behavioral profiles to see what they typically access. One of the key events that we monitor is people's downloading of objects... It's very easy to see people's patterns, what they typically do."
"Risk scoring was nice. We could exactly see which user had the highest risk score, and then we could pick it up and work on it."
"There aren't any positive aspects of the solution. It was a complete failure. There are no redeeming features."


"The solution should be able to connect to endpoints, such as desktops and laptops... If this solution had a smart connector to these logs- Windows, Linux, or any other logs - without affecting the performance of the connector, that would be wonderful."
"There are currently some issues with machine learning plug-ins."
"I think DNIF HYPERCLOUD can implement the ability to export more than 100,000. At the moment, we can't go beyond that. So many times, if you're checking for the firewall logs and working on something related to authentication or network-related traffic, while that log count is low, the account goes beyond that. You can't restrict the logs or the amount of data you can export. It's very important for my situation. It would be better if they could increase the capacity of exports. Although there are many more types of searching in DNIF HYPERCLOUD, people still struggle to query out what they want because not everyone is good at SQL or DQL. The easiest way to query out in DNIF is using the GUI-based interface. But in the GUI interface, you can use operator calls. It gets tricky when you want to search for a specific type of event. You don't know where it will be passed and whether it will be consistent. In the initial phase, it's tough for us to use DNIF. You cannot pass every event in a stable DNIF. When we used that particular tool, we used to get those logs, but sometimes many things are not getting passed. So, we used to export the sheet or export the data into Excel and weigh the required details. In the next release, I would like them to improve the export of the columns and make the application more user-friendly. I would also like a threat-hunting feature in the next release."
"The EBA could be improved."
"Dependency on the DNIF support team was frustrating."
"I feel that DNIF needs to invest more in marketing, considering that it operates at a very competitive speed."
"The solution's command line should be simpler so that routine commands can be used."
"The vendor is fairly new and it's not as big as some of the international competitors. It's not a mature product. If you ask them to move data, it might take a lot of time."
"Sometimes, there is instability in the data in terms of the customization of the time. I have sometimes observed discrepancies in the data, which is something they should work on. They should bring more stability to time customization. If we are seeing a particular data, when we change the time zone, there should be the same data. There should not be any discrepancy."
"There is slight room for improvement in terms of the initial deployment. What I see is that Securonix is more focused on their product. They are expanding, in a big way, the number of customers. So there has to be a number of dedicated teams to jump on and speed up the deployment process."
"The pricing. I'm not sure how they are proceeding with the identity based pricing compared with DB pricing which most of the vendors are using today."
"We thought they were going to be a great product, however, they're actually not great at all as an MSP."
"The solution could provide more automation."
"One of the things they can improve on a little bit is the usability side, to make some things simpler... The tool does have a lot of knobs, you can turn a lot of things on and off and you can change things. Sometimes, it can become a little overwhelming. They should remove some confirmation options and make it simpler for the less mature customers and people who are still trying to grasp it."
"One aspect that could be improved is the pricing of the product in Brazil."
"We would like a little more face-to-face training. Securonix has several tutorials on its website, but we want there to be a person in Colombia who does training or workshops to give us a better understanding of the platform."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution requires a huge infrastructure and that is costly."
"The pricing is based on the log size."
"Price-wise, the product is quite economical. I rate the solution's price as three or four on a scale of one to ten, where one is considered to be a very economically priced tool."
"I had heard that it was much cheaper than Splunk and some of the other tools, and they gave us a nice package with support. They accommodated the number of users and support very well."
"The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price."
"We went in on a three-year agreement which has an annual licensing fee, based upon the number of people that we're monitoring. There have not been any additional costs to the standard licensing fees."
"The pricing is good, but by adding more things, the licensing becomes more complex because an EPS license fluctuates a lot. This licensing concept is going to be problematic in the long run."
"We have a license from our 5.0, so that license just continued. We paid them the extra cloud-hosting costs for a year which were about $300,000."
"I rate the pricing an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is very expensive. It is a pretty expensive tool."
"Compared to other known brands in the industry, the overall cost of the licenses is a bit higher than what customers expect."
"Its price is fine. We found it to be cheaper than LogRhythm, Exabeam, Splunk, as well as Elastic Security. A few months ago, when we were comparing Securonix with Elastic Security, we found Securonix to be cheaper than Elasticsearch. We were pretty surprised that Elastic Security is more expensive than Securonix because Elasticsearch is just starting, and it cannot compete with Securonix at this time. So, the pricing of Securonix is pretty good for now."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Construction Company
Real Estate/Law Firm
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about DNIF HYPERCLOUD?
The dashboard is helpful, and it creates visualizations to let staff review event data and identify patterns and anomalies.
What needs improvement with DNIF HYPERCLOUD?
A lot of people don't know about DNIF HYPERCLOUD, but they do know about products like Splunk, QRadar, ArcSight, and some other SIEM solutions. DNIF is not a known name in the market. From an impro...
What is your primary use case for DNIF HYPERCLOUD?
DNIF HYPERCLOUD is a good SIEM solution. One of the tools' features is very high scalability in terms of the events generated per second. The product is aligned with the MITRE ATT&CK framework....
Which is the best SIEM tool for a mid-sized financial services firm: Arcsight or Securonix?
In my market, a lot of financial companies had or have an ArcSight installation. Just because in former times it was pretty good. Now a lot of them are looking for a more effective solution due to ...
What do you like most about Securonix Security Analytics?
We can customize our use cases with the tools provided by Securonix. It is an excellent tool that can ingest data in different ways and is very flexible.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Securonix Security Analytics?
The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price. It would be good if, for example, there were an option to offer customers who have ...

Also Known As

No data available
Securonix Security Analytics



Sample Customers

Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), ICICI Bank, Yes Bank, Tata Motors, RBL Bank
Dtex Systems, Pfizer, Western Union, Harris, ITG
Find out what your peers are saying about DNIF HYPERCLOUD vs. Securonix Next-Gen SIEM and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.