CAST Highlight vs Veracode comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

CAST Highlight
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
Ranking in Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (2nd), Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (2nd), Container Security (4th), Penetration Testing Services (3rd), Static Code Analysis (1st), Application Security Posture Management (ASPM) (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Software Composition Analysis (SCA) category, the mindshare of CAST Highlight is 1.4%, up from 0.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Veracode is 12.7%, up from 12.3% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Application Security Tools
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)

Featured Reviews

Nov 15, 2022
Excellent support, works seamlessly with most languages, and useful for knowing about the readiness of the codebase for cloud migration
Its price should be better. It is a pretty costly tool. They have two products: CAST Highlight and CAST AIP. Both are licensed separately. As per CAST, Highlight is for RAPID prototyping and AIP is for in depth detailed analysis. But then there are areas which Highlights covers (Cloud Adoption) which AIP does not. Our experience in using AIP is that it also does not look at entire tech stack and does not provide the list of all technologies present in your application and then flag what is supported and what is not so that customer has clear view. Highlight probably does that. They need to simplify it for customers. I would expect CAST Highlight to have lighter version of the Health dashboard and the Engineering dashboards . These dashboards are currently a part of CAST AIP, and if these are made available in CAST Highlight, customers won't have to use two different products all the time.
David-Robertson - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 17, 2024
Static scanning and software composition analysis are very helpful, but the usability needs improvement
Static scanning and software composition analysis are very helpful. My colleagues and I don't need to be experts on all of those ancillary things, so we can focus more on the business deliverables. They have a pretty good tool that allows me to run scans of my local integrated development environment. I can find a lot of those flaws a lot sooner than I would if I had to wait for these cloud-based scans. They've come out with some sort of automated fix feature. I haven't used it, but they gave us a demo of it, and that one looks promising. I don't know if it's ready for prime time yet.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It offers good performance."
"CAST Highlight is easy to use and has a good dashboard."
"The way it tells you which codebase is more ready for the cloud and which codebase is less ready is very valuable. It works seamlessly with most languages."
"The most valuable features of CAST Highlight are automation and speed."
"The most valuable features of the CAST Highlight are the interface and there are three notations that are very simple to understand and communicate with."
"The most valuable feature comes from the fact that it is cloud-based, and I can scale up without having to worry about any other infrastructure needs."
"Veracode's technical support is great. They assigned us a TAM and once a week, we have a brief engagement with the TAM to verify that everything's going well. If we have any outstanding issues, they get serviced and addressed."
"It gives feedback to developers on the effectiveness of their secure coding practices."
"The solution can scan old databases and old code written 20 years back."
"Veracode provides faster scans compared to other static analysis security testing tools."
"We use it to get our scan results and see where our software is vulnerable or not vulnerable."
"The Veracode support team is excellent."
"Informs me of code security vulnerabilities. Bamboo build automation with Veracode API calls are used.​"


"The ease of configuration and customization could be improved in CAST Highlight."
"CAST Highlight could improve to allow us to comment and do a deep analysis by ourselves."
"The reports that describe the issues of concern are rather abstract and the issues should be more clearly described to the user."
"There's a bit of a learning curve at the outset."
"Its price should be better. It is a pretty costly tool. They have two products: CAST Highlight and CAST AIP. I would expect CAST Highlight to have the Help dashboard and the Engineering dashboard. These dashboards are currently a part of CAST AIP, and if these are made available in CAST Highlight, customers won't have to use two different products all the time."
"The Web portal, at times, is not necessarily intuitive. I can get around when I want to but there are times when I have to email my account manager on: "Hey, where do I find this report?" Or "How do I do this?" They always respond with, "Here's how you do it." But that points to a somewhat non-intuitive portal."
"I would like to see expanded coverage for supporting more platforms, frameworks, and languages."
"We would like the consolidation of all the different modules. This would help, so then we would be able to see analytics and results on one screen, like a single pane of glass."
"An area for improvement I found in Veracode is the connectivity because currently, my company uses a plugin for the dev-ops cloud-based connectivity. A pretty helpful feature would be if Veracode gives a direct code for connecting to the Oracle server directly and authenticating it via a unique server."
"The static scans on Java lack microservices architecture scanning. We have developed an in-house pattern for this and the scans can't take care of it as a single entity."
"Veracode is a little costly. It's cost-effective for a large enterprise, but it may be too expensive for small businesses."
"One of the most important areas that need improvement for Veracode is its DaaS. Veracode's DAST engines are primitive."
"Calypso (our application) is large and the results take up to two months. Further, we also have to package Calypso in a special manner to meet size guidelines."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"CAST Highlight is an expensive solution. However, CAST Highlight is less expensive than the CAST AIP, but it remains too expensive and the professional services from CAST are also too expensive. The high price is part of the problem with the CAST solutions."
"It is a pretty costly tool. A lot of customers are resistant to using it."
"CAST Highlight is an expensive solution."
"Basic support is included with the standard licensing feed but it can be upgraded for an additional cost."
"They have just streamlined the licensing and they have a number of flexible options available, so overall it is quite good, albeit pricey."
"We are still considering it at the enterprise level. It has a subscription-based model. We find its price a little high based on the features it provides."
"The Veracode price model is based on application profiles, which is how you package your components for scanning."
"The price of Veracode Static Analysis could improve."
"The pricing is really fair compared to a lot of other tools on the market."
"Veracode's pricing is on the higher end, but it is acceptable."
"We're very comfortable with their model. We think they're a good value. We worked very closely with Veracode on understanding their license model, understanding what comprises the fee and what does not. With their assistance in design, we decomposed our application in a way where we are scanning a very significant amount of code without wasting their capacity and generating redundant reported issues. You scan in profiles, per se. And we work with them, in their offices, to design the most effective approach. So the advice I would have for customers is, you can get up and live fast, but work closely with Veracode to refine the method you use for scanning and the way you compile the applications. There's a concept called entry-point scanning, and that's probably not used well by the rest of their customers. We see our licensing as a good value because we leverage it heavily."
"The cost has been a barrier to wider use here. I think my team is the only one at the university. Other folks might like to use it, but it's pretty pricey. You could see what else is in the market, but I hear that's the price for most solutions. You might not find a better deal in the market, or it might be an incomplete solution. I mean, for the level of interaction we get with Veracode staff, it's been pretty good."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Insurance Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about CAST Highlight?
The most valuable features of CAST Highlight are automation and speed.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for CAST Highlight?
CAST Highlight is an expensive solution. On a scale from one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is expensive, I rate the solution's pricing an eight or nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with CAST Highlight?
The ease of configuration and customization could be improved in CAST Highlight.
Which gives you more for your money - SonarQube or Veracode?
SonarQube is easy to deploy and configure, and also integrates well with other tools to do quality code analysis. SonarQube has a great community edition, which is open-source and free. Easy to use...
What do you like most about Veracode?
The SAST and DAST modules are great.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Veracode?
The product’s price is a bit higher compared to other solutions. However, the tool provides good vulnerability and database features. It is worth the money.



Also Known As

No data available
Crashtest Security , Veracode Detect

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Sample Customers

Wells Fargo, Bank of NY Mellon, Northern Trust, Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, BMW, AT&T, US Army, US Air Force, US Navy, John Hancock, Marsh & McLennan, Ernst & Young, PwC, Volkswagen, Boston Consulting Group, London Stock Exchange, Telefonica, Saur France, Total Energies France, SNCF
Manhattan Associates, Azalea Health, Sabre, QAD, Floor & Decor, Prophecy International, SchoolCNXT, Keap, Rekner, Cox Automotive, Automation Anywhere, State of Missouri and others.
Find out what your peers are saying about CAST Highlight vs. Veracode and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.