Azure Front Door vs Imperva Web Application Firewall comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Azure Front Door
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
CDN (3rd), Microsoft Security Suite (16th)
Imperva Web Application Fir...
Ranking in Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Web Application Firewall (WAF) category, the mindshare of Azure Front Door is 5.7%, down from 7.9% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Imperva Web Application Firewall is 6.7%, down from 7.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Unique Categories:
Microsoft Security Suite
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

Renato Roque - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 28, 2023
Seamless global application delivery with features like efficient load balancing, web application firewall and robust traffic routing capabilities
 It serves as the primary means for our organization to make applications accessible securely over the internet. While we do have specific requirements for load balancing, our primary focus is leveraging it to securely and exclusively expose our applications to the internet We rely on external…
Apr 1, 2024
Hosts a complete range of features and gives a comprehensive overview of network traffic
Scalability-wise, there is one issue we encountered that I want to mention. At some point, Imperva, moved their account takeover prevention features from the on-premises edition to the cloud-based edition, and we discovered that this step would take yet another integration, seeing that we were using Imperva on-premises. These account takeover prevention features, however, were already part of our subscription, but since the features moved to the cloud, we missed out on them. So, in this sense, I would say the scalability strategy isn't as solid as it should be, and for this reason I would rate the scalability a 3.5/5. On the other hand, when it comes to how many users we were able to scale up to, we actually had the whole organization using it, including around 3,500 clients in total.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Has a great application firewall and we like the security."
"I particularly appreciate its load-balancing capabilities as it allows us to manage multiple instances and support a global presence effectively."
"The most valuable feature is that you can implement resources globally. It does not depend on location and ability or something like that. This is to connect clients around the world."
"It inspects the traffic at the network level before it comes into Azure. We can do SSL offloading, and it can detect abnormalities before the traffic comes into the application. It can be used globally and is easy to set up. It is also quite stable and scalable."
"I am impressed with the tool's integrations."
"The web application firewall is a great feature."
"The solution is good."
"The price is one of the most important aspects of the product. It's quite affordable."
"The tool's profiling feature maps all the web application directories and related components on the profile directory. It has improved the security of my client's website applications."
"The solution can scale."
"The solution is cloud-based and offers us good uptime. It has combined web and API security. Therefore, with one license, you access both application security and also API security."
"There are some features that are configured by default, so even without doing much, it can still provide a level of protection."
"The solution has been quite stable. I have not seen any bugs at all."
"Data masking is the most valuable feature of this solution."
"It mitigates all of the availabilities of risks around web applications."
"The most valuable feature of Imperva, in addition to its strong knowledge base, is its effective protection for web applications."


"This is a relatively expensive solution."
"My suggestion for improvement would be to enhance the Data Export feature to include specific tables, particularly the Azure Diagnostics table."
"There's a limitation on the amount of global rules we can add."
"It lacks sufficient functionality."
"We should be able to use Front Door defenders with multiple cloud vendors. Currently, they can be used only with the Azure cloud. Azure Front Door should also be able to do global load balancing and provide internal front door services. Microsoft should clearly define what Traffic Manager, Application Gateway, and Azure Front Door products do. These are similar products, and people get confused between these products."
"The product's features are limited compared to Cloudflare. The tool also doesn't work well in a hybrid environment. I would like to see a way to add personalized APIs in the system."
"The user interface needs improvement as it is difficult to create the mapping to link the problem with your private address sources."
"There is room for improvement and they're working on it."
"It's a complicated tool to keep."
"The solution works for particular zones but isn't always the best solution for all zones."
"I loved the approach of the cloud. The cloud has a lot of new features, like advanced web protection and DDoS protection. If those could also be on-boarded onto the on-prem versions, that would be ideal. They need to pay attention to both deployment options and not just favor one."
"The tool needs to improve CPU and storage memory."
"They can provide an option to create reports, automatically import the entire report, and create rules again. In a real-life crisis, it would be helpful to be able to import a report and generate security rules from that report. I should be able to create a simple query and import the reports automatically. It can maybe also tell us the format of the report."
"Imperva Web Application Firewall is a good system, but we found that the visibility of the diverse-path server, e.g. where the traffic is coming from, the different IPs, etc., needs improvement."
"It should be more user-friendly. Like other web solutions, it would be helpful to be able to easily do policy configuration and identification inside the application. Understanding the in-depth configuration of a policy is somewhat difficult for an engineer, and they can improve that."
"The user interface could be better."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The product is expensive."
"It is on a pay-as-you-go basis."
"The pricing of the solution is good."
"The transition to the premium tier has led to increased costs, making it more expensive than the classic tier."
"The solution is a bit expensive."
"The price of Imperva Web Application Firewalls is expensive compared to others."
"The cost of this solution depends on the platform."
"The solution's pricing is an issue."
"The tool is expensive."
"Imperva Web Application Firewall's pricing is expensive."
"We sell three-year licenses for Imperva Web Application Firewall to our customers. The price is a little expensive."
"Make sure you understand the way that Imperva charges. It's very affordable. However, I would like to see a package with the Virtual Patching included. You get to do patching separately."
"The price of this solution is a little bit high compared to competitors."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What's the difference between Azure Front Door and Application Gateway?
We found Azure Front Door to be easily scaled and very stable. The implementation is very fast and Microsoft provides excellent support. Azure Front Door can quickly detect abnormalities before the...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Azure Front Door?
The transition to the premium tier has led to increased costs, making it more expensive than the classic tier. However, we acknowledge that this pricing reflects additional features and capabilities.
Is Citrix ADC (formerly Netscaler) the best ADC to use and if not why?
For ADC, any ADC can do a good job. But in case if you want to add WAF functionality to the same ADC hardware you have to look for other ADC's like F5, Imperva, Radware, Fortinet, etc.
DDoS solutions: Any other solutions to consider aside from Radware DefensePro and F5 Silverline DDoS Protection?
You can have a look to Imperva Cloud WAF, the anti-DDoS mitigation is under 1s and works very well. I observed a lot of DDoS attacks that were well managed (even not seen by the customer) by Imperv...

Also Known As

Azure Front-Door
No data available

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Sample Customers

Information Not Available
BlueCross BlueShield, eHarmony, EMF Broadcasting, GE Healthcare, Metro Bank, The Motley Fool, Siemens
Find out what your peers are saying about Azure Front Door vs. Imperva Web Application Firewall and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.