Amazon CloudFront vs G-Core Labs CDN comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Amazon CloudFront
Ranking in CDN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
G-Core Labs CDN
Ranking in CDN
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Managed DNS (10th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the CDN category, the mindshare of Amazon CloudFront is 9.0%, down from 12.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of G-Core Labs CDN is 3.0%, up from 1.8% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Managed DNS

Featured Reviews

Bireshwar Adhikary - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 31, 2023
Straightforward deployment, stable, and scalable
The most valuable feature of the solution is the speed of delivery. For example, if we have HTML, CSS, PHP, images, and media files, CloudFront can deliver them quickly and reliably through its worldwide network of edge locations. This reduces latency, allowing webpages to open faster, while also providing high performance. If the content is not stored in the Amazon CloudFront location, it will be retrieved from an origin, such as Amazon S3, a MediaPackage Channel, or an HTTP file server. For example, if the content is stored on a web server, that server can be identified as the source for the requested content. Suppose that we are hosting an image on a traditional web server, such as a PNG file. We might place the image on a website with the image name adhikary.png. This way, our users can easily navigate to the URL and see the image. When we use Amazon CloudFront, however, they may not be aware that the request is routed from one network to another. This is because the complex connections of interconnected networks that comprise the internet are hidden until the image is found.
Edgar Mart - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 18, 2024
Works without interruption, scales well, and has perfect uptime
Our website works without interruption almost until late at night, as many students have the opportunity to study in the evening. Most of all, we appreciate the stable and fast work of g-core. Uptime is always perfect. With such a volume of data as we have, failures can occur from time to time. The support solves everything in the shortest possible time. I love that the guys are constantly trying to improve the service. Our online school is expanding every year, and there are no problems that our provider can’t solve. They also have the opportunity to negotiate individual conditions for complex sites.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The tool is highly available and reliable. It helps to access server applications easily. Integrating Amazon CloudFront with other AWS services was very easy, I would rate it eight out of ten."
"The most valuable feature is the number of servers they can put your content in while being reliable."
"The speed and usability of the solution are valuable."
"The image loading process is easy and cost-effective too."
"We can personalize a lot of things inside CDN."
"The support team is knowledgeable."
"It is an expensive product with valuable features."
"It has built-in DDoS protection, which protects against DDoS attacks."
"The support is amazing! They solve the issues on the fly."
"The CDN interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and there are no intrusive ads or upselling additional services. Everything is self-contained, and it's a convenient CDN overall. We also loved that they provided a free trial period. They always seem to do what's best for the consumer and the internet."
"Uptime is always perfect."
"Since transitioning to G-Core, our site has started working much faster, and freezes have stopped. Users are staying on the site longer and visiting more sections. We increased the number of customers by 30 percent in the past six months. This is partially attributable to G-Core services."


"The user interface could be improved."
"During the setup phase, there were some hiccups in terms of security, the user role, and the permissions."
"There is room for improvement in customer service and support."
"The solution could be more simplified for new users. It could be more user-friendly."
"Amazon CloudFront's setup is a bit difficult, and we would love it if they made it easier."
"The product should be more intuitive."
"They should have more Edge locations so that CloudFront can be used much more. If they can make it a little bit cheaper and better than other networks, we will be able to use it more."
"Improvements are needed as per customer requirements."
"It would be great if there were a section on the provider's website that shows a set of services for a particular business. It would be helpful to have some kind of checklist of services that are suitable for your blog, which are required, and which can be set up later."
"There are some nuances in the tariff configurations that we found confusing. We would like more flexibility in this area."
"Once in the past six months, we got a "site is unavailable" error for a maximum of 20 minutes."
"I would like to have one optimized report that we could use for our own needs."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The policies and prices keep on changing frequently with AWS solutions"
"The tool is affordable."
"The product could improve its price."
"The product has a mid-range pricing."
"Its price is really on the high side. It should be cheaper in general."
"Amazon CloudFront costs less than third-party services."
"The solution’s price is reasonable."
"I used to work with AWS and Azure, and we provided cost comparisons for customers to help them choose the right services. Azure tends to be more user-friendly and easier to understand, while AWS may take more time."
"The price of G-Core Labs CDN is very reasonable in comparison with other companies. We've done a lot of research into CDN providers, and G-Core offers the best service for the lowest cost."
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793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Educational Organization
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Comms Service Provider
Media Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

How do I choose between AWS Global Accelerator and Amazon CloudFront?
Our organization ran comparison tests to determine whether Amazon’s Web Service Global Accelerator or Amazon CloudFront global content delivery network was the better fit for us. We decided to go w...
What do you like most about Amazon CloudFront?
The solution has good security features.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for G-Core Labs CDN?
Compared to other solutions currently available on the market, the price of G-Core Labs CDN is very reasonable. G-Core CDN has 4 pricing editions: a free model, START 1.5TB, PRO 5TB, and a custom o...
What needs improvement with G-Core Labs CDN?
We are closely monitoring the improvements in statistics on using the CDN resource. Now it can be viewed by different parameters: geography, individual users, devices, and more. We are waiting for ...



Sample Customers

Unilever, Spotify, Pinterest, MLB Advanced Media, Foursquare, PBS, Airbnb, Netflix, WIX, Comcast, Automobili Lamborghini, Rovio, Discovery Communications
avast, TEDx, Nanobit, Group Wagner, Momento
Find out what your peers are saying about Amazon CloudFront vs. G-Core Labs CDN and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.