
Which solution do you prefer: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 or Proofpoint Email Protection?

Aishwarya Rm - PeerSpot reviewer
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Mar 2, 2023
Product comparison that may be of interest to you
Remy Ma - PeerSpot reviewer
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Mar 3, 2023
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft Defender for Office 365 vs. Proofpoint Email Protection and other solutions. Updated: January 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Microsoft Defender for Office 365 vs. Proofpoint Email Protection comparison
Both Microsoft Defender (Office 365) and Proofpoint Email Protection are email security solutions, but they cater to slightly different needs. Microsoft Defender is a built-in email security solution included in various Office 365 subscriptions which our reviewers found very convenient. Proofpoint is a standalone product offering advanced email security features. In the reviews, Proofpoint is praised for its robust threat detection capabilities, customizable email filtering,...
Download Microsoft Defender for Office 365 vs. Proofpoint Email Protection comparison ReportRead more