
What is the best talent acquisition software?

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Janet Staver - PeerSpot reviewer
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Top 5
May 23, 2022
Find out what your peers are saying about Workday, SAP, Oracle and others in Talent Acquisition. Updated: June 2024.
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Talent Acquisition
What is talent acquisition software? Talent acquisition software is software used by hiring managers, recruiters, and other talent acquisition professionals to streamline or automate their workflow, including sourcing, interviewing, screening, and onboarding. Some talent acquisition software include automated resume screening, talent rediscovery, recruiter chatbot functions, and other features. When you implement talent acquisition software, the HR process becomes less about just filling...
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Talent Acquisition experts

ChristopherOrilogbon - PeerSpot reviewer
Moses NYOTA - PeerSpot reviewer
Praveen KumarN - PeerSpot reviewer
Wael Elsagh - PeerSpot reviewer
SehrishTahir - PeerSpot reviewer