
What is the best MFT solution?

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2 Answers

Janet Staver - PeerSpot reviewer
Real User
Top 5
May 16, 2022
Nov 2, 2022

@Janet Staver I find it amusing that BMC are advertising on this platform and getting such glowing reviews from an 'independent' tech blogger.  I might jump to the conclusion that the review could have been written by the vendors Marketing department.

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Search for a product comparison in Managed File Transfer (MFT)
May 23, 2022
May 25, 2022

@Evgeny Belenky thanks for the reply. Fundamentally the solutions should comply with the basic requirements of an MFT solution - these being a gateway, a server to land files or and a workflow tool. There are other components such as dashboards, agents, secure email modules, EDI capabilities (and more) which make up the peripheral features of a solution. The absolute basics are the gateway, server and workflow though, if it doesn't have these - it's not Managed File Transfer.
Other things to be aware of, and this isn't quite so easy for an organisation buying MFT for the first time is: What is the technical support like? How complete is the product documentation? How well QA'd is the software, i.e are buggy releases pushed out to customers, is there a regular release cadence for bug fixes, new features and a published roadmap. All of these things to consider before you even get to the features.
Having helped nearing 1000 businesses to implement file transfer solutions since 2004, we've a 'Pro2col Process' we follow to ensure businesses get the right product for their current and future needs - but naturally I won't be sharing that here. :) 

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Managed File Transfer (MFT)
Managed File Transfer (MFT) is a solution that provides a secure and controlled way to transfer files between systems, users, and organizations.
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Managed File Transfer (MFT) experts

Joshua Rule - PeerSpot reviewer
Sukkanta Banerjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Sumesh Gansar - PeerSpot reviewer
Shirish Kamalapurkar - PeerSpot reviewer
Madhu Bk - PeerSpot reviewer
MaheshKumar6 - PeerSpot reviewer
RITHIK V GOPAL - PeerSpot reviewer
Srujan Panuganti - PeerSpot reviewer