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TIBCO Cloud API Management pros and cons

Vendor: TIBCO
3.5 out of 5
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TIBCO Cloud API Management Pros review quotes

Mohsin Pathan - PeerSpot reviewer
May 20, 2022
The control that we have and the security features are very valuable. With regard to API implementation or API orchestration, it works very well in the cloud because as soon as you create an API with one click, you can actually expose your APIs.
Aug 11, 2019
The most valuable feature is the ability to have different packages based on the API keys. The same core system can have different packages based on different environments.
Amitava Roy - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 7, 2024
It has something called packages. In that way, it's good because we have some pre-built packages. So, if you want to onboard different APIs, we can just add them to the package, and it's there.
Learn what your peers think about TIBCO Cloud API Management. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
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Mohammed Aljazayeerly - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 26, 2022
It is easy to work with .
Ray Hindman - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
The platform's most valuable features are its capabilities to support security measures such as tokenization, token refresh, throttling, and enforcement of payloads.
Mar 25, 2021
When we did the product evaluation, we saw that TIBCO Mashery offers end-to-end API life cycle management. It provides all API features that are required for managing the complete life cycle. It includes the developer portal and tools for API monitorization. The out-of-box security features that TIBCO Mashery provides are enterprise-grade, which gives it an edge over other API products.
Feb 23, 2020
The reason why we selected the solution originally was because of its ability to have a gateway both on-premise and in the cloud. This is the most valuable aspect of the solution for us.
Mar 16, 2020
The solution is a good general API manager. They have a few propriety features but are offering items that are standard in the industry as well.
NarendraThota - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 27, 2023
We can completely manage the APIs at the org level and BU (business unit) level.
it_user708195 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 31, 2017
Conversion to RESTful and SOAP protocols and management console (can manage individually throttled settings to manage our service levels for customers).

TIBCO Cloud API Management Cons review quotes

Mohsin Pathan - PeerSpot reviewer
May 20, 2022
Monetization is not that great in API management. You need customization. Improvements are needed with sandbox local as well as with monetization. Those features are missing.
Aug 11, 2019
The way agile life cycle is working needs improvement. I also want to see more support for open API standards. I want to see some improvement on the protocol transformation. That is quite missing now. These are the three main issues.
Amitava Roy - PeerSpot reviewer
Jun 7, 2024
It's not that user-friendly, and security-wise when you try to implement the security layer on top of it, it's not that easy either.
Learn what your peers think about TIBCO Cloud API Management. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Mohammed Aljazayeerly - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 26, 2022
It lacks many features at the API gateway compared to other solutions.
Ray Hindman - PeerSpot reviewer
Mar 21, 2024
We observed delays under heavy load conditions, and without proper tuning, changes could take an extended period to filter and become effective.
Mar 25, 2021
They can fix some stability issues and probably make it more user-friendly so that not only an IT savvy person but an end-user can also easily navigate through this solution.
Feb 23, 2020
The security needs improvement, specifically, propagation of security to an API. Calling other APIs is something that is missing in the product and that makes us think about going to a competitor.
Mar 16, 2020
Policy management has been a bit of a concern.
NarendraThota - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 27, 2023
TIBCO Cloud API Management should improve its installation and make it easy.
it_user708195 - PeerSpot reviewer
Aug 31, 2017
The management console of API and customers' applications are not the most intuitive.