Gurucul UEBA vs Securonix Next-Gen SIEM comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Gurucul UEBA
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) (11th)
Securonix Next-Gen SIEM
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) (6th), Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) (5th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) category, the mindshare of Gurucul UEBA is 2.8%, down from 3.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Securonix Next-Gen SIEM is 14.4%, up from 9.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR)

Featured Reviews

Ravi Shekharan - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 10, 2023
Helped reduce our operational costs and increase our efficiency, but it can be more user-friendly
Regarding the prioritization of threats, Gurucul UEBA needs to enhance its alert severity assignment process within the system. This is one area where Gurucul UEBA could improve. Additionally, it would be beneficial if the tool itself could provide or assign user-based or asset-based CI ratings to allow for a more accurate assessment of alert severity. In our environment, we forward these logs, events, and alerts to SIM, where the CI rating is already present. Therefore, if we need to closely investigate a UEBA case directly, it becomes problematic. Gurucul UEBA should proactively incorporate asset-based or user-based CI severity into its design. Gurucul UEBA needs to be more user-friendly. I would like Gurucul UEBA to be able to integrate with legacy-based identity systems and systems that are performing network-based access control. This would require additional integration and playbook models.
Andres Fuentes - PeerSpot reviewer
Sep 29, 2022
Integration with third-party sources enables us to correlate and act on internal and external events
Securonix provides feedback from integrations with third parties so that it is always up to date regarding security events that occur daily. It has helped a lot because previously we did not have as much control over the procedures or things that the company's users did. With Securonix, we have been able to monitor the activities of both internal and external users in the company. Securonix has published a lot of information regarding how to use the platform. They have a lot of information online that has helped us add contextual information to security events. In the event of a security breach or a risk, it helps us monitor things. So far, with the solution in place, we have not witnessed any attacks, but it has helped us to monitor possible events that, if not taken into account, could be security breaches. It has helped us to mitigate potential gaps. With this solution, we have saved hours in case management. It has helped us detect things faster and the integration with third-party sources has given us the ability to correlate and act on internal and external events, such as malicious attacks or malicious sites. We have improved in our response to certain incidents and types of browsing thanks to external lists that Securonix has provided us with. We can automatically detect threats. Another benefit has been the ability to integrate practically all our specialists from different areas, including Windows, security, virtualization, et cetera, to respond with better quality. It has improved the efficiency of analysis. It has also helped with data loss events in a certain way, through integration with our email accounts. In an event of data loss, the loss for our organization would be incalculable.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The most valuable feature of Gurucul is the ability to customize and it is on the Hadoop platform that has a lot of flexibility."
"I appreciate the comprehensive categorization of devices based on their intended use, such as those for DNS."
"The reporting feature was the key differentiator. I also liked the ability to create dynamic rules in the environment."
"One of the most valuable features is the integration of all types of data sources to extract relevant information regarding events. It is a good solution when it comes to the correlations that it makes within all the data handled in our company."
"Its console is very easy to use and configure. It is very intuitive for our use cases. App integrations are also pretty nice."
"We can customize our use cases with the tools provided by Securonix. It is an excellent tool that can ingest data in different ways and is very flexible."
"When we were looking for products for our security monitoring needs, our biggest requirement was that we wanted something based on machine-learning and analytics. If you go with rules, it can raise a lot of noise. Securonix, with its UEBA capability, had the best analytics use-cases."
"The UEBA functionality indicates a lot about behaviors that are not found through a traditional SIEM. We have exploited that more than anything since we started using it."
"The scalability is one of the remarkable qualities of this product, which makes it very effective, especially when we are dealing with substantial data volumes in the cloud."
"The customizability of the tool is valuable. We are able to customize the use cases and create them easily without a large amount of Securonix assistance. It's very flexible. We do not have to rely on Professional Services to modify or create a new use case."
"The most valuable feature is being able to look at users' behavioral profiles to see what they typically access. One of the key events that we monitor is people's downloading of objects... It's very easy to see people's patterns, what they typically do."


"Regarding the prioritization of threats, Gurucul UEBA needs to enhance its alert severity assignment process within the system."
"Gurucul can improve on the online documentation. They should educate the end users more to allow them to do everything themselves."
"It could be more stable."
"We have compliance needs. We have investigation needs. And we have situations where an analyst needs to look at threats. These three things require a different view of how they look at the threats. What would be good is to have Securonix create three different views of their Security Command Center so that, depending on the persona of the person logging in, they'd get the relevant data they need and not see everything."
"The analytics-driven approach for finding sophisticated threats and reducing false positives is positive and good, but the platform requires a more dynamic concept. Everything is a bit static."
"We would like a little more face-to-face training. Securonix has several tutorials on its website, but we want there to be a person in Colombia who does training or workshops to give us a better understanding of the platform."
"The incident response area should be improved."
"Securonix implements risk scores based on different policies that are triggered. We've seen some challenges with the risk scores and how they trigger. These are things that Securonix has recognized and they've been working with us to help improve things."
"We have a lot of users who, because they're engineers and they're bringing down product data - where, at times, a top-level product could be 10,000 or 15,000 objects - it's difficult for us to determine what should be a concern and what shouldn't be a concern. We work with the Securonix folks to try to come up with better ways to identify that."
"The pricing. I'm not sure how they are proceeding with the identity based pricing compared with DB pricing which most of the vendors are using today."
"We thought they were going to be a great product, however, they're actually not great at all as an MSP."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The price is fair. In fact, I believe it was on the cheaper side when compared to the competition."
"The price of Gurucul is competitive."
"Compared to other brands it seems more affordable to us."
"A good thing about Securonix is that they don't charge by volume of data or number of devices... They charge by the number of employees, which is a much more predictable number for me, versus data. Our costs are in the $100,000 range over a three-year subscription."
"Compared to other known brands in the industry, the overall cost of the licenses is a bit higher than what customers expect."
"Its pricing is quite similar to others and is very competitive. The other solutions have different types of licensing, but when you do the math, it is competitive."
"The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price."
"We have an annual license. We pay $200,000 for the base licensing and we pay another $50,000 for the software as a service."
"Its price is fine. We found it to be cheaper than LogRhythm, Exabeam, Splunk, as well as Elastic Security. A few months ago, when we were comparing Securonix with Elastic Security, we found Securonix to be cheaper than Elasticsearch. We were pretty surprised that Elastic Security is more expensive than Securonix because Elasticsearch is just starting, and it cannot compete with Securonix at this time. So, the pricing of Securonix is pretty good for now."
"I rate the pricing an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap, and ten is very expensive. It is a pretty expensive tool."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Real Estate/Law Firm
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Gurucul?
I appreciate the comprehensive categorization of devices based on their intended use, such as those for DNS.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Gurucul?
The price of Gurucul is competitive. I rate the price of Gurucul a three out of five.
What needs improvement with Gurucul?
Regarding the prioritization of threats, Gurucul UEBA needs to enhance its alert severity assignment process within the system. This is one area where Gurucul UEBA could improve. Additionally, it w...
Which is the best SIEM tool for a mid-sized financial services firm: Arcsight or Securonix?
In my market, a lot of financial companies had or have an ArcSight installation. Just because in former times it was pretty good. Now a lot of them are looking for a more effective solution due to ...
What do you like most about Securonix Security Analytics?
We can customize our use cases with the tools provided by Securonix. It is an excellent tool that can ingest data in different ways and is very flexible.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Securonix Security Analytics?
The pricing is fine compared to the market but I think that at some point the competitors will catch up on price. It would be good if, for example, there were an option to offer customers who have ...

Also Known As

No data available
Securonix Security Analytics

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Sample Customers

Global semi-conductor company
Dtex Systems, Pfizer, Western Union, Harris, ITG
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM, Splunk, Rapid7 and others in User Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA). Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.