Cisco DNA Center vs Junos Space Network Director comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Cisco DNA Center
Ranking in Network Management Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Network Monitoring Software (22nd), Network Automation (1st)
Junos Space Network Director
Ranking in Network Management Applications
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Network Management Applications category, the mindshare of Cisco DNA Center is 23.1%, down from 27.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Junos Space Network Director is 7.8%, up from 3.5% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Network Management Applications
Unique Categories:
Network Monitoring Software
Network Automation
No other categories found

Featured Reviews

May 19, 2023
Beneficial wireless assurance, useful visibility, but more deployment features needed
We are using Cisco DNA Center for network management and wireless assurance Our business functions better by using Cisco DNA Center because we have better visibility of wireless and configuration deployment. The most valuable features of Cisco DNA Center are wireless assurance and visibility.…
Ibrahim Reda - PeerSpot reviewer
Oct 27, 2023
High scalability network management with centralized control and an intuitive interface that provides efficient monitoring and configuration capabilities
It served as my main point of contact for banking and the central tool for managing a large network of switches across multiple locations. The network consisted of about 3,300 switches, with roughly 2,200 of them running a specific software version. It primarily functioned as a network management…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Cisco VXLAN is a protocol that has been around for some time, but the practical implementation and operational capability of Cisco DNA Center bring it to life."
"Cisco is a leading network company."
"It is a stable solution."
"We have many people from the team who manage a lot of devices. By using Cisco DNA Center, it has taken some of that burden away, we are impressed with it. We did the investment in CAPEX, but in the OPEX was very low."
"I like the visibility, instant build, network, policies, and the ability to control access. I also like that you can visualize your whole network."
"The most valuable feature of Cisco DNA Center is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) that provides us with valuable information."
"It is simple to manage and it is all done from a single dashboard."
"The most valuable features were the monitoring, maintenance, and configuration."
"The most valuable feature is the management from a single pane of glass."
"It allows me to do more of the basic firewall features, like traffic management and others, in a single pane of glass."
"The most valuable feature is the technical support, as it is better than others."
"A centralized platform is crucial for efficiently managing all of our switches, which were previously handled individually, leading to significant challenges."


"The features of Cisco DNA Center and Cisco Prime could have more parity."
"Requires more focus on the digital side of things."
"The network, data center, and SD-WAN are all being treated as different services, but I would like to have only one solution to manage all of them."
"There should be an option for automation of template deployment by using the stored data. It is not easy to save configuration information for lots of devices without using other tools. There should be a tighter, better repository of information that can be merged with the templates."
"Integration with analytic tools and API integrations would be ideal."
"The tool's deployment is complex. It also needs to improve its GUI."
"They can improve the network visibility. Licensing and its maintenance are also needed."
"An area for improvement in Cisco DNA Center is the latency in data correlation. For example, sometimes, when an issue happens, and I check the logs, I can't find the corresponding log. There's a delay in log replication, so this is what needs improvement in Cisco DNA Center. Reporting in Cisco DNA Center could also be improved because it only has a few templates, and you can't customize it based on your requirements. There aren't many options available in Cisco DNA Center regarding reporting, versus Cisco Prime, which has excellent features for different levels of detailed reports. I'd like to see real-time data replication in the next release of Cisco DNA Center, similar to what's done in Meraki. Data in Meraki is real-time with no delay, so data is immediately replicated in the cloud. Currently, there's a lag in Cisco DNA Center, and addressing that lag is the enhancement I'd like to see in Cisco DNA Center. The solution also needs to be more user-friendly."
"The upgrades are very time-consuming and difficult, and they often have to rebuild the product."
"I would like to them include network real-time performance and come up with a dashboard report."
"Its interface should be improved and enhanced to offer various functions, with flexible pricing"
"I would like to see Space created to fully functional, where it's got multiple modules, particularly SD-WAN working on Corporate, or maybe become part of the Orchestrator portion."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The solution is a little bit expensive but depends a lot on the customer's usage. If you use it in the right place, you can easily pay for it."
"Licensing for Cisco DNA Center is a little bit expensive, just like any Cisco solution. Its cost could still be improved."
"Affordability is a problem because it's created for large enterprises only. So, some customers, even if their engineers want the solution, might have problems with budget limitations."
"The partnership price is notably high, but it ultimately depends on the chosen business model."
"I rate the product's pricing an eight on a scale of one to ten, where one is very cheap, and ten is very expensive."
"I would rate the pricing a six out of ten, with ten being expensive."
"Cisco DNA Center is too expensive."
"I do know that Cisco does offer some really good promotions for DNA Center to bring the costs down."
"Typically, Juniper is more expensive than Cisco in initial costs, but overall, the long-term licensing fees that you're going to pay for Juniper versus Cisco is going to be less."
"This product is set at a good price point."
"We would like the price to be reduced."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Real Estate/Law Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Cisco DNA Center?
The most valuable feature of the solution stems from the fact that it gives some kind of ease in operations, especially since our company is moving from CLI to GUI-based configuration.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Cisco DNA Center?
I would rate the pricing a six out of ten, with ten being expensive.
What needs improvement with Cisco DNA Center?
An area that needs improvement is the integration with other vendors. I think this is a missing point. If we focus on improving integration, many new features could evolve from this solution. Integ...
What do you like most about Junos Space Network Director?
A centralized platform is crucial for efficiently managing all of our switches, which were previously handled individually, leading to significant challenges.
What needs improvement with Junos Space Network Director?
Its interface should be improved and enhanced to offer various functions, with flexible pricing. It should provide the ability to modify interfaces, enabling actions like shutting them down, adding...
What is your primary use case for Junos Space Network Director?
It served as my main point of contact for banking and the central tool for managing a large network of switches across multiple locations. The network consisted of about 3,300 switches, with roughl...

Also Known As

DNA Center
No data available

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Sample Customers

Information Not Available
St. Catherine's University, OneNet, University of New Haven, Frederick County Public Schools (Maryland), America's Test Kitchen
Find out what your peers are saying about Cisco DNA Center vs. Junos Space Network Director and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.