Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Mar 6, 2024

Categories and Ranking

AWS Batch
Ranking in Compute Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories
AWS Lambda
Ranking in Compute Service
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
No ranking in other categories

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Compute Service category, the mindshare of AWS Batch is 26.3%, up from 16.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of AWS Lambda is 25.9%, up from 22.4% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Compute Service
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Featured Reviews

Larry Singh - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 7, 2023
User-friendly, good customization and offers exceptional scalability, allowing users to run jobs ranging from 32 cores to over 2,000 cores
The main drawback to using AWS Batch would be the cost. It will be more expensive in some cases than using an HPC. It's more amenable to cases where you have spot requirements. So, for instance, you don't exactly know how much compute resources you'll need and when you'll need them. So it's much better for that flexibility. But if you're going to be running jobs consistently and using the compute cluster consistently for a lot of time, and it's not going to have a lot of downtime, then the HPC system might be a better alternative. So, really, it boils down to cost versus usage trade-offs. It's going to be more expensive for a lot of people. In future releases, I would like to see anything that could help make it easier to set up your initial system. And besides improving the GUI a little bit, the interface to it, making it a little bit more descriptive and having more information at your fingertips, so if you could point to the help of what the different features are, you can get quick access to that. That might help. With most of the AWS services, the difficulty really is getting information and knowledge about the system and seeing examples. So, seeing examples of how it's being used under multiple use cases would be the best way to become familiar with it. And some of that would just come with experience. You have to just use it and play with it. But in terms of the system itself, it's not that difficult to set up or use.
Muhmad Tabrez A Deewanji - PeerSpot reviewer
Jan 16, 2023
It lets you trigger and run jobs instantly, and after you complete the job, that function is either destroyed or stopped automatedly
We're using AWS Lambda to trigger jobs and receive SQS messages. We're also using the tool as a single unit where you have computing, storage, and network AWS Lambda has improved my company through its usage in a distributed system, particularly event-driven architecture. When an event is passed…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"There is one other feature in confirmation or call confirmation where you can have templates of what you want to do and just modify those to customize it to your needs. And these templates basically make it a lot easier for you to get started."
"AWS Batch manages the execution of computing workload, including job scheduling, provisioning, and scaling."
"AWS Batch's deployment was easy."
"We can easily integrate AWS container images into the product."
"Provides a good, easy path from when you're using an AWS cluster."
"Lambda being serverless is a great feature that is appropriate for our use cases."
"It is easy to use."
"The support from AWS Lambda is very good, they are responsive."
"We are building a Twitter-like application in the boot camp. I have used Lamda for the integration of the post-confirmation page in the application. This will help you get your one-time password via mail. You can log in with the help of a post-confirmation page. We didn’t want to setup an instance specifically for confirmation. We used the Lambda function so that it goes back to sleep after pushing up."
"I think the most valuable feature is the agility of the solution."
"Because AWS Lambda is serverless, server configuration is not required, and we can run it directly anywhere."
"The solution integrates well with API gateways and S3 events via its AWS ecosystem."


"The solution should include better and seamless integration with other AWS services, like Amazon S3 data storage and EC2 compute resources."
"The main drawback to using AWS Batch would be the cost. It will be more expensive in some cases than using an HPC. It's more amenable to cases where you have spot requirements."
"When we run a lot of batch jobs, the UI must show the history."
"AWS Batch needs to improve its documentation."
"Lambda's dashboard could be more user-friendly and customizable. I want the dashboard to have more information to quickly identify what functions and events are running. Also, we want to be able to add more trigger points, push notifications, and events."
"My engineers work with it on a daily basis. I just don't have enough depth of knowledge about what kinds of edge cases they may have tried and found lacking. There may be some issues with some language support at one point or another because we couldn't get the underlying libraries in there. A lot of what we do is either in JavaScript, Python, or some of the non-compiled languages. I'm not sure if we've ever tried building a C# solution, for instance, in Lambda or a Java solution in Lambda. It doesn't mean those aren't its capabilities. I would rather refer to my engineers for where the boundaries are."
"We'd love to see more integration potential in the future."
"We've had to revamp the way that it works due to that 15-minute timeout limitation."
"There's room for improvement in the testing setup."
"There are other similar solutions, such as Google Cloud Platform or Microsoft Azure. They might be better for small tasks."
"The 60 seconds limitation with the consumption of the service is really restrictive for a service and the solution can be improved by eliminating that."
"What could be improved in AWS Lambda is a tricky question because I base the area for improvement on a specific matrix, for example, latency, so I'm still determining if I can be the judge on that. However, room for improvement could be when you're using AWS Lambda as a backend, it can be challenging to use it for monitoring. Monitoring is critical in development, and I don't have much expertise in the area, but you can use other services such as Xray. I found that monitoring on AWS Lambda is a challenge. The tool needs better monitoring. Another area for improvement in AWS Lambda is the cold start, where it takes some time to invoke a function the first time, but after that, invoking it becomes swift. Still, there's room for improvement in that AWS Lambda process. In the next release of AWS Lambda, I'd like AWS to improve monitoring so that I can monitor codes better."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The pricing is very fair."
"AWS Batch's pricing is good."
"AWS Batch is a cheap solution."
"AWS Lambda is inexpensive."
"AWS Lambda is not expensive for micro testing but is expensive if used for long deployment or long services."
"Price-wise, AWS Lambda is very cheap. It's not free, but it's not that expensive."
"You're not paying for a server if you're not using it, which is another reason I like it. So, you're not paying if you're not using it. It scales, and you're charged based on usage. It all depends on the use case. Some can be extremely inexpensive if you have very low volume transaction rates. That way, you don't have to fire up and absorb the cost of the servers just sitting there waiting for a transaction to come through. You're only paying when you use it. So, depending upon the use model, Lambda could be highly efficient relative to an EC2 solution. You don't have to have things reallocated."
"AWS Lambda is a cheap solution."
"AWS Lambda is a very inexpensive solution. They charge for the number of times we run it. If you run AWS Lambda for one time, they charge around 50 cents or 25 cents for the use. I don't know the exact price, but it's less than a dollar."
"The pricing is on-demand and based on runs or times that are billed out monthly."
"I would rate the tool’s pricing a nine out of ten. The solution’s pricing works on a pay-as-you-go basis."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization
Educational Organization
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

Which is better, AWS Lambda or Batch?
AWS Lambda is a serverless solution. It doesn’t require any infrastructure, which allows for cost savings. There is no setup process to deal with, as the entire solution is in the cloud. If you use...
What do you like most about AWS Batch?
AWS Batch manages the execution of computing workload, including job scheduling, provisioning, and scaling.
What do you like most about AWS Lambda?
The tool scales automatically based on the number of incoming requests.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for AWS Lambda?
We only need to pay for the compute time our code consumes. The solution does not cost much.
What needs improvement with AWS Lambda?
We must at least know the basics of languages like Python or Java to implement automatic processes and daily schedules. We must learn the Lambda function and the languages to use the tool.



Also Known As

Amazon Batch
No data available



Sample Customers

Hess, Expedia, Kelloggs, Philips, HyperTrack
Find out what your peers are saying about AWS Batch vs. AWS Lambda and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.