SDWAN for ATM services

10000000 people affected
500 people managed
60 month project

Project Description

This is a project to give intelligence to a traditional network that moves transactional traffic or rather a network oriented to the origin and destination, highly dependent on the access layer. So the idea is to be able to make decisions and traffic based on the needs of the business and with this go out to find the best offer in the access.

Lessons Learned

I would give different needs to the orchestration layer and from there look for what offer of SDN services I can cover it with and thus go to a model that integrates more than one SDN solution and not have different players only because geographically I made a separation at the level country.


Under budget
Support from colleagues


Management had to be convinced
Cost overrun

Technical Skills Used

  • SD-WAN
  • Santiago (CL)-33.4569-70.6483