
What tips do you have for improving software release management processes?

Rony_Sklar - PeerSpot reviewer
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3 Answers

Real User
Jun 3, 2020
Search for a product comparison in Release Automation
Kangkan Goswami - PeerSpot reviewer
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Top 5
Jun 4, 2020
Real User
Jun 4, 2020
Find out what your peers are saying about Microsoft, GitLab, Red Hat and others in Release Automation. Updated: June 2024.
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Release Automation
Application release automation (ARA) is the process of packaging and deploying an application or software update. ARA goes from development through production. The process, and the tooling that makes it happen, brings together solutions that automate deployment, manage and model environments and coordinate releases. ARA solutions sometimes form part of the broader DevOps process. When PeerSpot members write about their preferences for Application Release Automation software, the word...
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