IT Care Center vs LinkLive comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IT Care Center
Ranking in Help Desk Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
IT Service Management (ITSM) (39th)
Ranking in Help Desk Software
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Contact Center Platforms (4th), Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) (5th)

Featured Reviews

Apr 5, 2021
Easy to use, helping us reduce costs by half
The most valuable IT Care Center features are the ones that we requested especially for our environment. We have integrations with Slack. We also have integrations from our computer management systems that run daily and sync with IT Care Center. I am using the APEX forms and entities. For example, when I want to design a special form for a special entity or department in the company, sometimes I go to the APEX and develop a form, workflows, schedules, emails, etc. I can develop these from scratch. ;When we moved from ServiceNow to IT Care Center, it was very important for us to have a system that we could develop ourselves. Because in ServiceNow, we had to develop everything with an external company, and we don't want dependencies. We have tickets that are being closed with Canned Response. Once the ticket has been closed, we get an article to act/work on. This has reduced tickets, e.g., once a user receives a Canned Response, then they can save the link to the article, etc.
Amanda Osier - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 13, 2022
The chatbot has helped reduce the call volume because it can answer simple questions
One of the primary features we use it for is the Agent Connect screen-sharing feature. I find it invaluable when troubleshooting customer problems with online banking. It saves us time, and time is money. LinkLive lets you switch between modes on the fly. When chatting with somebody, I can just throw our fee schedule into a chat or an address change form if they need it. I also like that when customers are logged into online banking, it shows that they're authenticated. It's good to know our chats are encrypted, providing a safe way for customers to message us. We also have policies to safeguard their personal information. For example, we ask them not to send their account number over the chat or anything. At the same time, it's good to know that it's not easily hacked. They can see all our chats. Our federal auditors are here, and they requested LinkLive's security agreement. I just gave that to them yesterday.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It provides the ability to view all information relevant to a task. When you open a task, you can see all sub-tasks and the relevant information underneath it. You don't have to search for all the tasks and cases that are relevant to the same issue. The sub-task listing is the most valuable feature of this solution for us. We are also able to create workflows for things such as new hires and purchase requests. We are using it for onboarding new hires in multiple departments, and we are able to create workflows with IT Care Center. We have subsidiaries, and for every subsidiary, we have different rules. It allows us to put the name of the new hire and the computer and software needs for that subsidiary. Around 30% or 40% of our processes are self-service now. We have additional work to do, but we're getting there. I like the flexibility that IT Care Center provides for creating the forms. I can put the fields, values, dropdowns, etc. It makes things much easier, which is another advantage of this solution. When a user opens a ticket, there are certain values that he or she must enter in order for us to solve the ticket faster. For example, a user must enter his or her email. So, I can create a form with all the things that he or she must do, such as provide an email, phone number, etc. These are required fields. A user can't create a ticket without providing that information. So, it saves time and makes the work efficient."
"We have a lot of automation running from our HR system to IT Care Center. When a ticket has been raised to us, we can notify hiring managers on the status of every employee. We also get notifications in Slack for every ticket opened."
"For a user to open a new ticket, it is very simple. That is an important thing. The system is available for users on the main desktop on their computer, so it is very easy to report tickets. It is very clear. Also, we manage the tickets with rules, according to subject and groups, so they are going to the right person in IT."
"It runs smoothly and all of the components are very easy to work with."
"IT Care Center enables us to configure simple forms and flows. It makes our daily customer-facing work very efficient and easy. For example, if we want to add some new flows or change something, we have the ability to do it by ourselves in our own time and manner. This makes it very efficient."
"All of my staff is quite familiar with the usage and we customize based on our daily needs and based on different profiles. As a manager, I require diagnostics on a weekly or monthly basis. diagnostics. There needs to be some reporting for management and for my customers' management as well. So we created our own template. All of our different staff were required to do their own tagging or own tracking of cases. We create our own templates. I create my own template for my own weekly and monthly reporting to management. It's quite flexible in the sense that we're able to add our own customized views. We are able to easily export all this information into a proper reporting structure."
"It also enables us to configure simple forms and flows. The fact that the system is very flexible for adding fields and other forms assists our customer service, as well as myself as the CIO, to easily view my SLAs and KPIs."
"There are so many valuable features. One of the things that we really appreciate is the uptime. LinkLive rarely, if ever, goes down or disconnects calls. We appreciate that we don't have to be concerned about dropping calls or losing a customer mid-call as a result of those issues."
"LinkLive gives us a central location for our communication channels and that is very important. I can go back and see if someone has a complaint. Although our users are spread out, everything, all the conversations, is housed in one place. I can keep up with the conversations. The interface works wonderfully."
"LinkLive makes us more progressive in terms of efficiency and productivity. It is just a better customer experience."
"One of the primary features we use it for is the Agent Connect screen-sharing feature. I find it invaluable when troubleshooting customer problems with online banking. It saves us time, and time is money."
"In the future, we may take advantage of LinkLive's video or phone capabilities, but we strictly use text chat now, so I would say that is most valuable to us at the moment."
"Our agents find the authenticated session feature to be the most helpful. It can take 30 to 45 seconds to verify someone with verifying questions through digital banking, and we didn't have the capability of verifying questions through digital banking before LinkLive. This feature allowed us to work in partnership with our digital banking provider, who can see that a customer is within an authenticated digital banking session. They do not need to ask verifying questions again to ensure that the person is who they say they are. That is one of the nicest things for us, and especially for our agents."
"It's very reliable and we haven't had much experience with any downtime or dropped calls, which, of course, is one of the most important things to us. That's been a big win for us."
"The presentation of calls within the applications used to access conference call forwarding is straightforward and user-friendly."


"They should have full integration with SSO services, like Okta, creating a full service solution."
"Our business is quite interesting because we actually look at our staff based on their productivity. So if a case is created where we want to track the productivity of the user, sometimes we look at how many actual hours they clocked in to solve the case. We realized that it would take quite a lot of hours, which was unusually high. We want to look at how we can measure that against a baseline. For example, every user should resolve the issue within three hours. We want a certain baseline where they have to resolve the issue within certain times and if they don't, I would get alerted."
"There is no global support. With our previous system, we had 24/7 global support. We need much faster support. When I have an issue and raise a ticket, someone should call me back. They can also think about having object-oriented APEX so that the agents can easily create dashboards instead of having to learn the complete APEX language. This is something very important for us. We are using Oracle APEX for creating certain dashboards with KPIs. This is the visual platform that we use to see all the data, and it is very important for us because we get all the BI and data. Currently, we have a vendor who helps us with that because we don't know how to use it ourselves. We want to use it to make more dashboards with more KPIs for every department, but we cannot because we don't have the knowledge. We are very dependent on the vendor and the time he has for us."
"IT Care Center has some room for improvement in regard to mobile. It doesn't have an application, there is only an adaptable web page, and that is less convenient."
"The UI screens could be a little bit more modern."
"I would like the solution to have a native application for mobile phones. While I have IT Care Center in my mobile, it is not a pure application, like Outlook or Teams."
"There is no such thing as a perfect solution and in the past, I have contacted support to implement new features."
"The notifications for incoming chats could be a little more obvious. Our organization doesn't have a call center, so we don't have someone sitting at the computer waiting for a chat to come in. They're busy with other work."
"In our experience, the areas where there could be improvement are training, staff adoption, and getting the staff comfortable with utilizing the complexities of LinkLive, such as screen sharing."
"On the back-office side, it houses email addresses for when you look at the agent hunt groups. I can't use my work email address in my own online banking account because it messes up whether I'm an employee or a customer."
"Our agents have made some requests for some automated responses and some ways that they could improve the way those get pushed out. Right now, the way that canned responses are set up, they could be set up with as many responses as you want. However, the one thing that they liked from our previous providers is that you could categorize responses. So, if you have a certain area where you might have four or five responses related to one topic, then you could easily just click on the topic and see your responses. That is one area which is not a huge deal, but it gives back those five seconds that you are looking for a response to get more lengthy responses out to a customer. It would be nicer to have that a little bit more available."
"I would like LinkLive to rework the notification system. There's an audible sound, and an alert pops up on the screen. However, in Microsoft Teams, an unviewed chat message appears red on my taskbar. That doesn't happen in LinkLive. My only enhancement request is to improve the notifications."
"In the browser-based experience, I would love to see a hold button. Presently, you have to drag the hold music into a call and then drag it out. A hold button would really be easier, particularly if you have to put someone on hold multiple times."
"The onboarding process could be enhanced by providing comprehensive training to all users, not just administrators."
"The initial enrollment of employees can be a little bit challenging. It tends to require the need to reach out to Link-Live support to iron out a bug or two."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"With SysAid, we paid for every end-user. If we had 100 end-users, we had to pay for each one of them. With IT Care Center, we can have as many users as we want. We only pay for the end unit. We have the asset manager and different models that we can use for the same price. So, it reduces costs."
"We reduced our costs compared to our previous solution, which was really expensive. We managed to reduce costs by half by switching to IT Care Center, not including any professional services."
"The licensing model is very flexible."
"This product is very cheap when compared to other platforms."
"Compared to other products in the market, pricing is reasonable. It does meet our usage and requirements."
"Buy it as one package, not as modules. That is from my knowledge and experience. Most of the time, it has better pricing. They have flexibility by price size in the negotiation."
"We have been very comfortable with the pricing. We are a smaller financial institution so pricing is always a factor. We feel that we are just getting a ton of value for what we are spending."
"In terms of cost, LinkLive was similar to other products. I find it reasonable. Its features, for the cost, were a better deal comparatively speaking."
"The pricing is exceptionally competitive, and the value we receive from LinkLive for the cost is a significant advantage."
"The pricing is fair."
"You definitely get more bang for the money with LinkLive.You can get a more expensive product that does what this one does, and possibly more, but for the cost, it works perfectly with our core system."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
No data available
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Healthcare Company
Real Estate/Law Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

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What do you like most about Revation LinkLive?
The presentation of calls within the applications used to access conference call forwarding is straightforward and user-friendly.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Revation LinkLive?
The pricing is exceptionally competitive, and the value we receive from LinkLive for the cost is a significant advantage.
What needs improvement with Revation LinkLive?
The onboarding process could be enhanced by providing comprehensive training to all users, not just administrators. This would ensure that everyone is well-equipped to utilize the features effectiv...


No data available
No data available

Also Known As

IT Care Center Asset Management, IT Care Center Analytics, IT Care Center Application Delivery, IT Care Center Service Catalog
Revation LinkLive



Sample Customers

Information Not Available
1. AT&T 2. Verizon 3. T-Mobile 4. Sprint 5. Comcast 6. CenturyLink 7. Vodafone 8. Orange 9. Telefonica 10. BT Group 11. Deutsche Telekom 12. Telstra 13. NTT Communications 14. China Mobile 15. SoftBank 16. SK Telecom 17. Telecom Italia 18. Bell Canada 19. Rogers Communications 20. Telus 21. KDDI 22. Swisscom 23. Telkom Indonesia 24. Singtel 25. Etisalat 26. Ooredoo 27. Turkcell 28. Saudi Telecom Company 29. Telecom Egypt 30. PLDT 31. MTN Group 32. América Móvil
Find out what your peers are saying about IT Care Center vs. LinkLive and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.