IBM Event Streams vs Redis comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

IBM Event Streams
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Message Queue (MQ) Software (10th)
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Database as a Service (6th), In-Memory Data Store Services (1st), Vector Databases (4th)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Message Queue (MQ) Software category, the mindshare of IBM Event Streams is 2.4%, up from 1.1% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Redis is 5.6%, up from 5.0% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Message Queue (MQ) Software
Unique Categories:
No other categories found
Database as a Service
In-Memory Data Store Services

Featured Reviews

Sep 27, 2020
Easy to use, stable, has a good interface, and the security is good
I don't know if it's because of experience, but for me, it was easy to install. It's just a matter of having an RPM, then click next, next, and next again. The difficult part comes in when you have to configure the security. That is the most difficult part, but it's not that difficult. It takes less than two hours to install. Two hours max, because I did one yesterday. I installed it on AWS and it was easy to install the software. It was less than an hour for the bare minimum installation. Setting up the security, took close to two hours.
Apr 6, 2023
A solution that can benefit both user and customer-facing applications while effectively preventing potential lag in the user-facing application
In our company, Redis is used for read operations. When we receive data from a user via the Read API, we cache the response for two or three minutes to minimize API calls to the database and preserve resources within the DB. This practice also helps prevent bot-triggered dummy requests to the DB…

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The stability has been good."
"The system efficiently processes and calculates the data flow within the cluster using DLP functionality."
"I'm an administrator, and what I like most is the interface, the security, and the storage."
"The in-memory data makes it fast."
"I find Redis valuable primarily for its caching capabilities, particularly in handling cache requests effectively. Its simplicity in managing key-value pairs for caching is one of its strengths, making it a preferred choice over more complex databases like MongoDB for specific use cases. However, I haven't explored Redis extensively for managing complex data structures beyond caching, as MongoDB might be more suitable for such scenarios."
"Redis is better tested and is used by large companies. I haven't found a direct alternative to what Redis offers. Plus, there are a lot of support and learning resources available, which help you use Redis efficiently."
"It makes operations more efficient. The information processing is very fast, and very responsive. It's all about the technology."
"The solution's technical support team is good...The solution's initial setup process was straightforward."
"The online interface is very fast and easy to use."
"Redis is a simple, powerful, and fast solution."
"The ability to fetch and save data quickly is valuable."


"It would be helpful if they could help us explain why they, as in, the customers, should use the product and the overall benefits."
"The product's interface needs improvement."
"In the next release, I would like to see the GUI allow you to configure the security section."
"The only thing is the lack of a GUI application. There was a time when we needed to resolve an issue in production. If we had a GUI, it would have been easier."
"It's actually quite expensive."
"There is a lack of documentation on the scalability of the solution."
"There are some features from MongoDB that I would like to see included in Redis to enhance its overall efficiency, such as the ability to perform remote behaviour. MongoDB is more efficient in handling updates than deletions and is quicker in processing updates, but it can be slower regarding deletions. This can sometimes pose a challenge, especially when dealing with large datasets or frequent data manipulations that involve deletions. In such cases, I often rewrite columns or update values instead of directly deleting data, as it can be more efficient."
"In future releases, I would like Redis to provide its users with an option like schema validation. Currently, the solution lacks to offer such functionality."
"I would prefer it if there was more information available about Redis. That would make it easier for new beginners. Currently, there is a lack of resources."
"The initial setup took some time as our technical team needed to familiarize themselves with Redis."
"Sometimes, we use Redis as a cluster, and the clusters can sometimes suffer some issues and bring some downtime to your application."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"The platform is averagely priced."
"The pricing needs to be improved."
"The tool is open-source. There are no additional costs."
"We saw an ROI. It made the processing of our transactions faster."
"Redis is an open-source product."
"Redis is not an overpriced solution."
"Redis is an open-source solution. There are not any hidden fees."
Use our free recommendation engine to learn which Message Queue (MQ) Software solutions are best for your needs.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Educational Organization

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business
No data available

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about IBM Event Streams?
The system efficiently processes and calculates the data flow within the cluster using DLP functionality.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for IBM Event Streams?
The platform is averagely priced. I rate the pricing a six out of ten.
What needs improvement with IBM Event Streams?
The product's interface needs improvement. Additionally, there could be a management console to create and manage clusters.
What do you like most about Redis?
Redis is better tested and is used by large companies. I haven't found a direct alternative to what Redis offers. Plus, there are a lot of support and learning resources available, which help you u...
What needs improvement with Redis?
There are some features from MongoDB that I would like to see included in Redis to enhance its overall efficiency, such as the ability to perform remote behaviour. MongoDB is more efficient in hand...
What is your primary use case for Redis?
I'm the only user utilizing Redis in my company, as my platform is relatively new and has around fifty users. However, in my previous role at Profit Clicks, we had approximately ten thousand users....



Also Known As

No data available
Redis Enterprise

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Sample Customers

American Airlines, UBank, Bitly, Eurobits, Active International, Bison, Contextor, Constance Hotels, Resorts & Golf, Creval, Deloitte, ExxonMobil, FaceMe, FacePhi, Fitzsoft, Fuga Technologies, Guardio, Honeywell, Japanese airline, Jenzabar, KONE
1. Twitter 2. GitHub 3. StackOverflow 4. Pinterest 5. Snapchat 6. Craigslist 7. Digg 8. Weibo 9. Airbnb 10. Uber 11. Slack 12. Trello 13. Shopify 14. Coursera 15. Medium 16. Twitch 17. Foursquare 18. Meetup 19. Kickstarter 20. Docker 21. Heroku 22. Bitbucket 23. Groupon 24. Flipboard 25. SoundCloud 26. BuzzFeed 27. Disqus 28. The New York Times 29. Walmart 30. Nike 31. Sony 32. Philips
Find out what your peers are saying about IBM Event Streams vs. Redis and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.