Fortify on Demand vs Sonatype Lifecycle comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

Fortify on Demand
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) (9th)
Sonatype Lifecycle
Ranking in Application Security Tools
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (5th), Software Supply Chain Security (2nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of July 2024, in the Application Security Tools category, the mindshare of Fortify on Demand is 4.8%, up from 4.2% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Sonatype Lifecycle is 2.4%, down from 4.7% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Application Security Tools
Unique Categories:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Software Supply Chain Security

Featured Reviews

Oct 31, 2023
A highly trusted and comprehensive application security testing solution, known for its seamless integration, advanced technical capabilities, and reliability
We use it to scan the bank's applications systematically. This process aims to identify and address security vulnerabilities within the applications, ensuring the robustness of our security measures It stands out by generating fewer false positives which has a distinct advantage, as it translates…
Dec 29, 2023
Integrates easily with many IDEs, and enables development and security teams to work together
One downside to it is that it is costly. I can see it only for enterprises. I cannot see it for small businesses or for individual use. The configuration part is a little bit tricky. There is a learning curve there because it has multiple components. If someone has used another type of scanner, they would not think of the configuration intuitively. The configuration part can be better. Installation is straightforward, but the configuration can be better. It can be improved. There is a learning curve. Before we started using this tool, I did a lot of sessions with the vendors themselves to give an overview to the people. I also did a small documentation on how to install it because there are many components here and there. You need to understand how everything is put together. They can integrate it or make it a simpler process. During the short experience that we have had with it, we have noticed that some of the languages such as JavaScript and TypeScript consume high resources. They take a longer time to scan. Memory consumption is also very high for those languages. We are working with Fortify to find ways to optimize the scan. I noticed this with these types of languages. By nature, they take time. It can be tricky if you want to exclude some files from scanning. For instance, if you do not want to scan and push testing files to Fortify Software Security Center, that is tricky with some IDEs, such as IntelliJ. We found that there is an Exclude feature that is not working. We reported that to them for future fixing. It needs some work on the plugins to make them consistent across IDEs and make them easier. For integration with IDEs, they have so many plugins. For example, they have something called security analysis, and they have something called remediation. As a user, I would love to have them as one. Why should we have two plugins in the same IDE? Just give me one plugin that I can hook to the tool and use it. This is one thing. Some of the features in these plugins also need more testing. They are not consistent across all the IDEs. From what I saw, there are different options in these tools. For example, if you install it with IntelliJ, it will be different from VS Code. Some options are different, or one tool has more options than others. They can invest more in making them consistent.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"It is an extremely robust, scalable, and stable solution."
"It's a stable and scalable solution."
"Fortify supports most languages. Other tools are limited to Java and other typical languages. IBM's solutions aren't flexible enough to support any language. Fortify also integrates with lots of tools because it has API support."
"This product is top-notch solution and the technology is the best on the market."
"The user interface is good."
"I don’t know of any other On-Demand enterprise solution like this one where we can load the details and within a few days, receive the results of intrusion attacks, and work with HP Security Experts when needed for clarification"
"Provides good depth of scanning and we get good results."
"The most valuable feature is the capacity to be able to check vulnerabilities during the development process. The development team can check whether the code they are using is vulnerable to some type of attack or there is some type of vulnerability so that they can mitigate it. It helps us in achieving a more secure approach towards internal applications. It is an intuitive solution. It gives all the information that a developer needs to remediate a vulnerability in the coding process. It also gives you some examples of how to remediate a vulnerability in different programming languages. This solution is pretty much what we were searching for."
"Vulnerability detection accuracy is good."
"The REST API is the most useful for us because it allows us to drive it remotely and, ideally, to automate it."
"The Software Security Center, which is often overlooked, stands out as the most effective feature."
"The integrations into developer tooling are quite nice. I have the integration for Eclipse and for Visual Studio. Colleagues are using the Javascript IDE from JetBrains called WebStorm and there is an integration for that from Nexus Lifecycle. I have not heard about anything that is not working. It's also quite easy to integrate it. You just need to set up a project or an app and then you just make the connection in all the tools you're using."
"Sonatype support is quite responsive. When we needed something, we could reach out and set up a meeting. They provide the best support possible."
"The integration of Lifecycle is really good with Jenkins and GitHub; those work very well. We've been able to get it to work seamlessly with them so that it runs on every build that we have."
"There is a feature called Continuous Monitoring. As time goes on we'll be able to know whether a platform is still secure or not because of this feature."
"The way we can define policies and apply those policies selectively across the different applications is valuable. We can define a separate policy for public-facing applications and a separate policy for the internal applications. That is cool."


"Fortify on Demand could be improved with support in Russia."
"It could have a little bit more streamlined installation procedure. Based on the things that I've done, it could also be a bit more automated. It is kind of taking a bunch of different scanners, and SSC is just kind of managing the results. The scanning doesn't really seem to be fully integrated into the SSC platform. More automation and any kind of integration in the SSC platform would definitely be good. There could be a way to initiate scans from SSC and more functionality on the server-side to initiate desk scans if it is not already available."
"There are lots of limitations with code technology. It cannot scan .net properly either."
"We typically do our bulk uploads of our scans with some automation at the end of the development cycle but the scanning can take a lot of time. If you were doing all of it at regular intervals it would still consume a lot of time. This could procedure could improve."
"They have very good support, but there is always room for improvement."
"The Visual Studio plugin seems to hang when a scan is run on big projects. I would expect some improvements there."
"Primarily for a complex, advanced website, they don't really understand some of the functionalities. So for instance, they could tell us that there is a vulnerability because somebody could possibly do something, but they don't really understand the code to realize that we actually negate that vulnerability through some other mechanism in the program. In addition, the technical support is just not there. We have open tickets. They don't respond. Even if they respond, we're not seeing eye to eye. As the company got sold and bought, the support got worse."
"There's a bit of a learning curve. Our development team is struggling with following the rules and following the new processes."
"We had some issues, and I think we might still have some issues, where the Sonatype Nexus Repository has integrations with IQ and SonarQube. We're getting some errors on the UI, so we've had Sonatype look into that a little bit."
"Not all languages are supported in Fortify."
"We created the Wiki page for each team showing an overview of their outstanding security issues because the Lifecycle reporting interface isn't as intuitive. It is good for people on my team who use it quite often. But for a tech engineer who doesn't interact with it regularly, it's quite confusing."
"Their licensing is expensive."
"The solution is not an SaaS product."
"It would be helpful if it had a more detailed view of what has been quarantined, for people who don't have Lifecycle licenses. Other than that, it's pretty good."
"There is room for improvement in the code analysis aspect of Sonatype Lifecycle, specifically in the area of deployment security."
"The team managing Nexus Lifecycle reported that their internal libraries were not being identified, so they have asked Sonatype's technical team to include that in the upcoming version."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is quite expensive. Pricing and the licensing model could be improved."
"We are still using the trial version at this point but I can already see from the trial version alone that it is a good product. For others, I would say that Fortify on Demand might look expensive at the beginning, but it is very powerful and so you shouldn't be put off by the price."
"The pricing can be improved because it is complex when compared to the competition."
"It's a yearly contract, but I don't remember the dollar amount."
"It is cost-effective."
"We used the one-time application, Security Scan Dynamic. I believe the original fee was $8,000."
"The pricing model it's based on how many applications you wish to scan."
"The solution is expensive and the price could be reduced."
"Given the number of users we have, it is one of the most expensive tools in our portfolio, which includes some real heavy-duty tools such as GitLab, Jira, etc. It is definitely a bit on the expensive side, and the ambiguity in how the licenses are calculated adds to the cost as well. If there is a better understanding of how the licenses are being calculated, there would be a better agreement between the two parties, and the cost might also be a little less. There is no extra cost from Sonatype. There is an operational cost on the BT side in terms of resources, etc."
"In comparison with other tools, Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle could be more expensive. Still, at the same time, my company prioritizes security, so the pricing for Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle hasn't been an issue. If IT security weren't at the top of the list for my company, somebody would have raised the question about cost and how Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle is in terms of ROI. So far, there's been no question about the price. The cost of Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle hasn't been a problem so far. My company pays for the license yearly, plus technical support."
"Lifecycle, to the best of my recollection, had the best pricing compared with other solutions."
"There are additional costs in commercial offerings for add-ons such as Nexus Container or IDE Advanced Toolkit. They come with additional fees or licenses."
"We're pretty happy with the price, for what it is delivering for us and the value we're getting from it."
"It's expensive, but you get what you pay for. There were no problems with the base license and how they do it. It was transparent. You don't have to worry. You can scan to your heart's delight."
"Pricing is comparable with some of the other products. We are happy with the pricing."
"Pricing is decent. It's not horrible. It's middle-of-the-road, as far as our ranking goes. They're a little bit more but that's also because they provide more."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Financial Services Firm
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
It helps deploy and track changes easily as per time-to-time market upgrades.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
Fortify on Demand is more expensive than Burpsuite. I rate its pricing a nine out of ten.
What needs improvement with Micro Focus Fortify on Demand?
The product has a lot of false positives. If the outputs can have fewer false positives, then that will be the greatest benefit the tool can offer.
How does Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle compare with SonarQube?
We like the data that Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle consistently delivers. This solution helps us in fixing and understanding the issues a lot quicker. The policy engine allows you to set up different t...
What do you like most about Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle?
Fortify integrates with various development environments and tools, such as IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) and CI/CD pipelines.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle?
I would rate the pricing a seven out of ten, with ten being expensive. The price is high. It depends on the number of licenses. The price increases based on the fact bundle you are collecting. The ...

Also Known As

Micro Focus Fortify on Demand
Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle, Nexus Lifecycle

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Sample Customers

SAP, Aaron's, British Gas, FICO, Cox Automative, Callcredit Information Group, Vital and more.
Genome.One, Blackboard, Crediterform, Crosskey, Intuit, Progress Software, Qualys, Liberty Mutual Insurance
Find out what your peers are saying about Fortify on Demand vs. Sonatype Lifecycle and other solutions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.