Abnormal Security vs TitanHQ SpamTitan comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive SummaryUpdated on Jun 2, 2024

Categories and Ranking

Microsoft Defender for Offi...
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) (1st), Microsoft Security Suite (9th)
Abnormal Security
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Secure Email Gateway (SEG) (4th)
TitanHQ SpamTitan
Ranking in Email Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Anti-Malware Tools (4th), Office 365 Protection (1st)

Mindshare comparison

As of June 2024, in the Email Security category, the mindshare of Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is 13.1%, down from 20.0% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Abnormal Security is 10.5%, up from 3.4% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of TitanHQ SpamTitan is 2.2%, up from 1.9% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Email Security
Unique Categories:
Advanced Threat Protection (ATP)
Microsoft Security Suite
Anti-Malware Tools
Office 365 Protection

Featured Reviews

Nov 28, 2023
Comprehensive protection for email security with responsive support and valuable features like attack simulation offering robust threat detection, efficient automation, and excellent scalability
Threat Explorer is an invaluable tool for me, and it plays a crucial role in helping me discern the origins of various email campaigns, pinpointing where they emanate from, and identifying the individuals within our organization who are affected. The convenience of having a centralized location for extracting comprehensive data is particularly noteworthy. With Threat Explorer, I can efficiently manage and mitigate the impact of these campaigns by removing problematic emails from mailboxes, all in one centralized location, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple areas. Effectively prioritizing threats across our enterprise is crucial for us, given that the primary avenue of attack is often through phishing emails. By having robust protection in place, we're able to significantly mitigate this prevalent threat, essentially clearing a major portion of the cybersecurity landscape.
Christopher Chambers. - PeerSpot reviewer
Dec 14, 2023
The API remains hidden until an attack has already begun which gives us valuable early visibility
I'm impressed with their API architecture. One of the main reasons is its invisibility to threat actors trying to launch attacks. Unlike our traditional email security tools in the SEG, which attackers can easily detect before they even start emailing us, the API remains hidden until they've already begun their attack. This gives us valuable early visibility via the API, allowing us to easily pipe that data to other tools and stop advanced attacks more effectively. The improved visibility into our email infrastructure also benefits our IT teams. Using the API integration, they can now remediate issues in minutes, whereas before it could take hours. Previously, identifying an inbound cyber attack meant bouncing between several tools: one to identify the attack, another to track affected emails, and yet another to quarantine them. Abnormal's APIs streamline this process. With a single search, an IT technician can identify users who received the emails, track who clicked on them, see where the emails are located, and even delete them from everyone's inbox directly. This has drastically reduced our investigation and response time for phishing and BEC attacks, from hours to mere minutes. Compared to many other vendors we considered, Abnormal Security stands out in its ability to detect the full spectrum of email threats. While our existing Secure Email Gateway handles traditional threats like spam and malware quite well, it often misses more sophisticated attacks. The SEG relies on static indicators like email flags, suspicious file hashes, or mass recipient lists. We can easily identify and filter out emails matching these criteria, but they do little to stop targeted attacks. Here's where Abnormal Security shines. Their anomaly detection engine excels at recognizing one-off attacks, including those where a threat actor infiltrates a vendor's mailbox and manipulates payment instructions or redirects transactions. Abnormal identifies these anomalies using behavioral analysis, effectively catching threats that traditional static methods typically miss. The two main benefits Abnormal Security offers us are its ease of use and its powerful search capabilities. These features empower our internal teams to get more involved in the response process, helping us track down threats efficiently. Additionally, Abnormal's ability to stop advanced attacks significantly reduces our security team's workload. Security teams are consistently stretched thin, so minimizing wasted effort chasing false alarms is crucial. By keeping harmful emails out of user inboxes, Abnormal allows us to focus on other priorities. In summary, our primary gains from Abnormal are its effectiveness in blocking attacks and its ability to empower our internal teams, ultimately strengthening our overall security posture. Abnormal Security's AI and machine learning capabilities significantly expand the range of email attacks they can block. This is crucial to optimizing their product's performance for us. Specifically, their ability to leverage AI indicators and extensive email telemetry is critical for stopping advanced threats, like compromised mailboxes sending disguised emails. Traditional methods often fall short in such scenarios. Our primary concern is identifying emails sent by a threat actor posing as a legitimate mailbox owner. AI-powered anomaly detection proves virtually indispensable in discerning the true sender's identity. Abnormal Security has identified and prevented several such sophisticated attacks in our own experience. One remarkable example involved a vendor's seemingly legitimate email flagged as suspicious by Abnormal. Initially dismissed as a false positive by our first responders, a deeper analysis of the email's telemetry revealed subtle anomalies. The email's sudden shift to a professional tone, unlike the typically casual communication with this vendor, was one such anomaly. As it turned out, Abnormal's suspicions were correct – the vendor's account had been compromised. This instance highlights the unparalleled effectiveness of AI in detecting sophisticated email threats. By focusing on abnormalities in email behavior, AI can uncover hidden dangers that might otherwise elude traditional security measures. The deployment of AI has significantly reduced the number of internal attacks we encounter, and it has even extended its benefits beyond our perimeter. We've proactively alerted several customers and vendors about potential compromises before they even realized their systems were under attack. This proactive approach has been well-received, with many recipients expressing their appreciation for our timely intervention. Within our organization, AI has dramatically streamlined our security operations by automating the analysis of sophisticated attacks, freeing up valuable time and resources for our security teams. Abnormal Security has dramatically reduced the time our team spends resolving email incidents. What used to consume hours or even days, depending on the attack and response complexity is now handled within minutes, often by less experienced team members. This has significantly improved our efficiency and freed up valuable time for other security tasks. Although no product can eliminate attacks, we've been pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of Abnormal Security. Initially, when we approached them with our use case and problem, we'd have been happy with a much lower catch rate. Stopping even a significant number of attacks would have been a success. But the actual results have been incredibly impressive. While some attacks still slip through, the features in Abnormal allow us to feed those cases back into their system. This feedback fuels the AI's learning process, helping it avoid repeating the same mistakes. Interestingly, the attacks that remain undetected are often difficult to define even for human analysts. They involve subtle cues that would be challenging for any AI to spot in the specific contexts we've encountered. One example involved a new customer with whom we had exchanged only a handful of emails. While this customer's account became compromised, the attacker wasn't the usual contact person. Since the AI had only profiled the communication style of the usual contact, the malicious email appeared normal compared to that limited baseline. In such cases, where the AI lacks sufficient data, even exceptional systems can be caught off guard. While no product is perfect, we're highly impressed by Abnormal's speed and efficiency in catching attacks. They've dramatically reduced the workload on our help desk compared to the past, with the results being clear and measurable. Compared to our old solutions, Abnormal Security's incident response is like night and day. With our previous SEG, identifying and remediating a suspicious email was a cumbersome process. We'd flag the email, then jump through hoops to figure out who received it and if anyone clicked on it. With different modules and separate views, it was a mess. Once we confirmed the threat, another system hunt began, pulling emails from user inboxes. It was slow, fragmented, and frustrating. Abnormal is a breath of fresh air. If we spot a threat alert on the dashboard, we simply click on it to see all recipients, where the email sits, and who interacted with it. And then, the holy grail – a single button. Click 'Remediate', and those emails vanish from user inboxes, instantly neutralized. Just a button click from issue detection to resolution in seconds. All from one screen. That's the transformative power of Abnormal Security. Something our old solutions couldn't dream of.
Allan Smith - PeerSpot reviewer
Nov 17, 2022
Has the ability to easily see what was blocked, enabling users to restore emails they were expecting with the click of a button
As a TitanHQ partner, we reap some financial benefits from selling it. We have the ability to call the vendor to get problems resolved quickly and gain access to some of the other products they sell besides SpamTitan. They seem to be responsive and keep in touch with their partners via email. I don't know if SpamTitan has saved our clients money because it's priced similarly to the other products we were using, but it has definitely saved them time. Receiving lots of spam is a problem so the less junk email the better from an end-user standpoint. It reduces email clutter, improving employee productivity. It does what it says it does. It reduces spam by quite a bit above and beyond the Office 365 built-in spam filter. One aspect our clients liked about SpamTitan was the ability to easily see what was blocked. Previously, they had to log in and search for emails. If they didn't get something they were expecting, they would see it in the report the next day. They can click a button and restore it. That's the biggest productivity benefit.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"The email protection is excellent, especially in terms of anti-phishing policies."
"Microsoft Defender has a feature to protect each and every attachment. Even if it's an encrypted attachment, it will check for any potential threats."
"Defender helps us prioritize threats across our organization."
"Some of the valuable features on the email side are anti-phishing, anti-malware, and Safe Links."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365's most valuable feature is its performance."
"Safe attachments, safe links, policies, and the ability to protect from zero-day threats are the most valuable features."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365's most valuable features are safe attachments and safe links."
"The most valuable feature is the integration. It's a single console, so we don't have to switch around between multiple products. Another valuable feature is the ease of operations and maintenance."
"I have never encountered any stability issues with Abnormal."
"Initial auto-remediation allows us to auto-remediate before the email lands in the end user's inbox for a split second."
"It does some really cool stuff that other tools aren't doing. We found it to be really effective, and the AI/ML functionality is really what differentiates them."
"Their ability to take things out of the mailbox and catch things much faster than users is excellent."
"The features that appeal to me most are the combination of auto-remediation and Detection 360."
"What I like about Abnormal Security is that it notifies me if any of my partners or suppliers are experiencing a security breach by analyzing their database and identifying potential cyber threats."
"Ease of use is undoubtedly one of the most valuable features of Abnormal Security."
"One of the things that I love about them is that the setup and installation are super easy. All you do is give them access to your Microsoft 365 tenant, and through APIs, they are able to do their work. They are doing all this through APIs, so you do not have to install the software and take a month to get it all set up to even see the value of the solution. You could be up and running in less than an hour."
"The encryption feature seems to be the most useful. We didn't have a convenient option for it previously, and having the capability to encrypt from within the message nearly seamlessly is a benefit to us."
"The safelist and blocklist are the best parts. If I've got a new contact coming in, I can safelist that domain or email address. Alternatively, I can block the domain or the email address if I'm getting harassed by someone. I like the ability to get down to that granular level if I need to block or allow an entire"
"It is very simple to use. For our client, we set it up as a cluster. That is one of the benefits. You can eliminate single points of failure. We use it in a cluster in the environment where there are two gateways. Thus, if one fails, the other one keeps taking over without any disruption."
"SpamTitan is perfectly suited for managed service providers. It's easy to use and sell. It's also straightforward to configure and monitor. In my opinion, software developers at TitanHQ did an excellent job with SpamTitan."
"It provides security for the communication between the sender and receiver. It does the encryption perfectly. We ensure that emails are sent without any security breaches. The spam catch rate at the moment is almost 100%."
"We have absolutely seen ROI. The regained productivity hours that we were able to claim since we automated the email protection have been really good. Our team of three people has seen an increase in our productivity, by around 30%, since implementing SpamTitan."
"The standout features include the anti-phishing feature, which is particularly advantageous as far as our clients are concerned; it was a very welcome addition for many of them."
"Content filtering as well as Link Lock, which is URL parsing, are valuable, but anti-spam would be the biggest feature to help reduce overall spam for the company."


"The only thing they should improve is the licensing model. They should stop changing it. A year ago, the five features I mentioned were included in one product. Now, three of them are bundled into one product, and you have to pay extra for the other two. I don't mind paying extra, but I don't want them to change it every year or every six months. I need to know what I'm looking at and not worry about it next year."
"The GUI is sometimes slow to fetch the device report and could be improved."
"The company should focus on adding threats that the solution is currently unable to detect."
"They have moved features from one console to another. Things have been moved around in the interface and it takes me time to find where certain features are."
"The XDR dashboard has room for improvement."
"There's room for improvement regarding the time frame for retrieving emails."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365 should be more proactive."
"Microsoft Defender for Office 365 must improve the overall management style, including the GUI. It also needs to change the filters so that it is easy to whitelist and blacklist data."
"One feature I'd love to see is outbound scanning."
"The biggest pain point for us is the lack of support for on-premise email systems."
"The pricing for academic institutions and student mailboxes is challenging."
"I, as such, do not have anything that I do not like or would like to add, but you could argue that because they are doing it API-based, there is a chance that something could slip through temporarily before they are able to pull it out. In theory, it could happen just because of the nature of the system. They are not in line with the delivery of the mail. They are kind of asynchronous, which is a pro as well as a con. If it is synchronous, then I know it would always stop them, but because it is asynchronous, things could get through temporarily or because of some system issues on the Microsoft side or their side. It is the nature of the beast, but it is a little bit of a con."
"When we're working on something as engineers, and we find an idea or a method of doing something that would be greatly improved by doing it another way, there should be an ability for me to click the ideas button, type in an idea that I have, and submit it to a product review team or developers to have them think through the process a little bit more."
"The ideal scenario would be for Abnormal Security to work in tandem with Microsoft to analyze incoming emails."
"There could be room for improvement in enhancing integration with other cybersecurity tools."
"I would like to have the ability to customize the auto-remediation feature."
"Emails from companies we work with often get flagged, and I have to go in and release them. For example, I made a hotel reservation today from Marriott that got blocked. I'm sure hotels spam people, but I wish there was a way to know that the email was to confirm my reservation and for it to allow that through."
"The documentation for how to configure it could be better. Sometimes, it was confusing. When we were onboarding with them, the documentation was a little bit vague on how to configure the DNS server and our email server."
"We're so used to it now. If anything, there should be more ease of access for the users. If you're on our mail server, there should be easier access for you to better manage your own mailbox."
"There is no plugin for Outlook, which might be of an advantage so that you can just click on a link in Outlook that takes you right to your quarantine list. It doesn't have that at the moment."
"When in the control panel, the context menu that appears when you right-click on an email should present options for adding the sender to the whitelist or blocking them."
"They could improve on the color of the interface."
"There should probably be a little more explanation on why one day, the email from one company goes into quarantine, and the next day, it doesn't. To me, it is a little bit random at times."
"As a Danish company, it would be great to see a Danish translation for the UI."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"For large enterprise organizations, they can definitely afford it, but for small and medium organizations, they might struggle to cover the expenses."
"Compared to other brands, Microsoft Defender for Office 365's pricing is competitive."
"The license is expensive because the cost is based on the number of users."
"From the pricing point of view, like any other product in the market, there is scope for negotiation."
"I was working in the government and it was too expensive for us to use our Microsoft products."
"I know that the product is incredibly expensive."
"The product is very expensive."
"For licensing, it's usually a yearly package for customers who are subscribed to Office 365, but they can also pay on a monthly basis."
"The pricing appears fair, and they demonstrate a genuine willingness to work with us on it."
"The license is based on the user count, so the number of users that have an email address in the organization."
"Abnormal Security, on the other hand, provides the same level of functionality for just over $60,000 – that's half the price!"
"Overall, we'd certainly prefer lower pricing, but Abnormal Security doesn't seem unreasonable compared to similar offerings in the market."
"The pricing for this solution is fair, and comparable with other products."
"The pricing is very reasonable and very comparable in the industry... Their licensing structure does leave a little bit to be desired. I would like it to be easier to understand how I can add licenses and update things."
"The pricing of SpamTitan is about right. It's not over-priced per user. It's not super cheap either, but it is a very good product..."
"The pricing and licensing have been very fair. I can't complain."
"As a small business, every penny is counted here... I really thought that something like SpamTitan would be more expensive, but it cost me about $70 (or about £60) a month. I'm more than happy to pay that."
"The pricing and licensing are acceptable. The licensing is somewhat different; TitanHQ gives us a peak cap of simultaneous users, which they calculate as the number of email addresses viewed through so many days or weeks. That's considered our number of users, but it isn't always a one-to-one relationship, making it harder to resell. We can't say precisely that the solution costs X per month per user, but that's how we present the price to potential customers, and we just ensure we receive more than we pay to TitanHQ. The licensing hasn't caused us any problems, but it would be better if the pricing were per-user. I know that's not easy to achieve on a technical level."
"The pricing was much more competitive than other solutions, so I was like, "Okay, let's give it a try.""
"We're satisfied with the pricing and licensing for SpamTitan."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Healthcare Company
Computer Software Company
Manufacturing Company
Construction Company
Comms Service Provider

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
Threat Explorer is an invaluable tool for me, and it plays a crucial role in helping me discern the origins of variou...
What needs improvement with Microsoft Defender for Office 365?
The product must provide better malware detection. The detection algorithms don't perform the way I hope they would.
What do you like most about Abnormal Security?
The features that appeal to me most are the combination of auto-remediation and Detection 360.
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for Abnormal Security?
The pricing appears fair, and they demonstrate a genuine willingness to work with us on it. The media and entertainme...
What needs improvement with Abnormal Security?
One feature I'd love to see is outbound scanning. Currently, the system detects malicious outbound messages originati...
What is your experience regarding pricing and costs for TitanHQ SpamTitan?
It's more expensive than my old solution, OnlyMyEmail. That's surprising because SpamTitan requires a minimum of 50 u...
What needs improvement with TitanHQ SpamTitan?
SpamTitan advertises anti-spam, anti-phishing, and anti-spear phishing, but it's mostly marketing. They really only d...

Also Known As

MS Defender for Office 365
No data available
No data available



Sample Customers

Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is trusted by companies such as Ithaca College.
Foot Lcoker, Xerox, Liberty Mutual, Mattel, Boston Scientific
De Montfort University, Scope Services, Park County School District, NRC, Quality Smith, Toyota, CarTrawler, Videotron
Find out what your peers are saying about Abnormal Security vs. TitanHQ SpamTitan and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
787,779 professionals have used our research since 2012.