Snyk vs Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform comparison


Comparison Buyer's Guide

Executive Summary

Categories and Ranking

SentinelOne Singularity Clo...
Ranking in Container Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Vulnerability Management (5th), Cloud and Data Center Security (7th), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (6th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (5th), Cloud-Native Application Protection Platforms (CNAPP) (5th), Compliance Management (4th)
Ranking in Container Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Application Security Tools (4th), Software Composition Analysis (SCA) (3rd), Software Development Analytics (2nd), DevSecOps (1st)
Threat Stack Cloud Security...
Ranking in Container Security
Average Rating
Number of Reviews
Ranking in other categories
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS) (27th), Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP) (28th), Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) (32nd)

Mindshare comparison

As of June 2024, in the Container Security category, the mindshare of SentinelOne Singularity Cloud Security is 2.7%, up from 1.7% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Snyk is 7.2%, down from 8.3% compared to the previous year. The mindshare of Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform is 0.1%, down from 0.6% compared to the previous year. It is calculated based on PeerSpot user engagement data.
Container Security
Unique Categories:
Vulnerability Management
Application Security Tools
Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Software (IDPS)
Cloud Workload Protection Platforms (CWPP)

Featured Reviews

May 9, 2024
Evidence-based reporting shows all the findings and severity, helping us to prioritize issues
We provide cloud services on our site using AWS. Singularity detects flaws that we must close for security reasons. We use Singularity to observe those findings and fix things based on the customer's requirements. Previously, we used to segregate issues and look after them. Singularity helped us secure our infrastructure. We've significantly reduced our potential security breaches to a minimum. It has improved how we operate on a larger scale. We set up the platform, onboarded the info, and then gradually moved further. Over time, it helped us slowly resolve those issues. We were using the cloud platforms' native security tools, but those were unhelpful. Now, we rely on this more than those services. Singularity reduced our false positive rate by about 60 percent. We've had even better results in terms of our risk posture. We can rely on this tool to improve our security conditions on a broader scale. If I gave our security posture a percent rating, I would give it 89 percent. The solution saves time by giving us everything in one place. You don't need to manually check every account. It tells us a lot. Singularity reduces our detection time by about 60 percent. Singularity has improved collaboration among cloud security, application developers, and AppSec teams. Previously, it would take around a week for engineers to address issues. Now that we use this tool, we resolve issues in one or two days.
Eryk Lawyd - PeerSpot reviewer
Jul 5, 2023
A cost-effective solution that makes scanning your repositories a cinch
We have seen an improvement this month. My security team told me, "We need to break your pipeline if the tools present critical and high-end security issues on the code, so this code cannot go to a staging or homologation environment." I then made improvements to the tools, which were not cheap. But it's a standard feature and a customer need, so I do this, then we apply. Using Snyk, we get the results and the reports and deploy the applications with high-end critical issues of security such as DoS or Cross-Site scripting, any kind of present, on the Snyk IO solution.
Sep 26, 2021
SecOps program for us, as a smaller company, is amazing; they know what to look for
They could give a few more insights into security groups and recommendations on how to be more effective. That's getting more into the AWS environment, specifically. I'm not sure if that's Threat Stack's plan or not, but I would like them to help us be efficient about how we're setting up security groups. They could recommend separation of VPCs and the like - really dig into our architecture. I haven't seen a whole lot of that and I think that's something that, right off the bat, could have made us smarter. Even as part of the SecOps Program, that could be helpful; a quick analysis. They're analyzing our whole infrastructure and saying, "You have one VPC and that doesn't make a lot of sense, that should be multiple VPCs and here's why." The architecture of the servers in whatever cloud-hosting provider you're on could be helpful. Other than that, they should continue to expand on their notifications and on what's a vulnerability. They do a great job of that and we want them to continue to do that. It would be cool, since the agent is already deployed and they know about the server, they know the IP address, and they know what vulnerability is there, for them to test the vulnerability and see if they can actually exploit it. Or, once we patch it, they could double-check that it can't be. I don't know how hard that would be to build. Thinking on it off the top off my head, it could be a little challenging but it could also be highly interesting. It would also be great if we could test a couple of other features like hammering a server with 100 login attempts and see what happens. Real test scenarios could be really helpful. That is probably more something close to what they do with the SOC 2 audit or the report. But more visualization of that, being able to test things out on our infrastructure to make sure we can or can't hit this box could be interesting.

Quotes from Members

We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said:


"Cloud Native Security is user-friendly. Everything in the Cloud Native Security tool is straightforward, including detections, integration, reporting, etc. They are constantly improving their UI by adding plugins and other features."
"It is pretty easy to integrate with this platform. When properly integrated, it monitors end-to-end."
"The ease of use of the platform is very nice."
"It is advantageous in terms of time-saving and cost reduction."
"PingSafe stands out for its user-friendly interface and intuitive software, making it easy to navigate and use."
"Cloud Native Security's most valuable features include cloud misconfiguration detection and remediation, compliance monitoring, a robust authentication security engine, and cloud threat detection and response capabilities."
"It is very straightforward. It is not complicated. For the information that it provides, it does a pretty good job."
"I did a lot of research before signing up and doing the demo. They have a good reputation as far as catching threats early on."
"From the software composition analysis perspective, it first makes sure that we understand what is happening from a third-party perspective for the particular product that we use. This is very difficult when you are building software and incorporating dependencies from other libraries, because those dependencies have dependencies and that chain of dependencies can go pretty deep. There could be a vulnerability in something that is seven layers deep, and it would be very difficult to understand that is even affecting us. Therefore, Snyk provides fantastic visibility to know, "Yes, we have a problem. Here is where it ultimately comes from." It may not be with what we're incorporating, but something much deeper than that."
"Its reports are nice and provide information about the issue as well as resolution. They also provide a proper fix. If there's an issue, they provide information in detail about how to remediate that issue."
"It has a nice dashboard where I can see all the vulnerabilities and risks that they provided. I can also see the category of any risk, such as medium, high, and low. They provide the input priority-wise. The team can target the highest one first, and then they can go to medium and low ones."
"We have integrated it into our software development environment. We have it in a couple different spots. Developers can use it at the point when they are developing. They can test it on their local machine. If the setup that they have is producing alerts or if they need to upgrade or patch, then at the testing phase when a product is being built for automated testing integrates with Snyk at that point and also produces some checks."
"It has improved our vulnerability rating and reduced our vulnerabilities through the tool during the time that we've had it. It's definitely made us more aware, as we have removed scoping for existing vulnerabilities and platforms since we rolled it out up until now."
"I am impressed with the product's security vulnerability detection. My peers in security are praising the tool for its accuracy to detect security vulnerabilities. The product is very easy to onboard. It doesn't require a lot of preparation or prerequisites. It's a bit of a plug-and-play as long as you're using a package manager or for example, you are using a GitHub repository. And that is an advantage for this tool because developers don't want to add more tools to what they're currently using."
"Snyk's focus on security is a valuable feature. Also Snyk supports multiple programming languages, which has positively affected my security practices. I use only two or three languages, and when I change the language in a file, it detects it in the same suite. I find the AI-powered scanning overall beneficial.Using Snyk's AI-powered scanning, I can detect around ten or twenty errors in my project with about twenty thousand lines of code, so it helps improve my project by identifying a lot of potential vulnerabilities."
"Snyk categorizes the level of vulnerability into high, medium, and low, which helps organizations prioritize which issues to tackle first."
"We're using it on container to see when activity involving executables happens, and that's great."
"It has been quite helpful to have the daily alerts coming to my email, as well as the Sev 1 Alerts... We just went through a SOX audit and those were pivotal."
"We like the ability of the host security module to monitor the processes running on our servers to help us monitor activity."
"The rules are really great. They give us more visibility and control over what's being triggered. There's a large set of rules that come out-of-the-box. We can customize them and we can create our own rules based on the traffic patterns that we see."
"The number-one feature is the monitoring of interactive sessions on our Linux machines. We run an immutable environment, so that nothing is allowed to be changed in production... We're constantly monitoring to make sure that no one is violating that. Threat Stack is what allows us to do that."
"With Threat Stack, we quickly identified some AWS accounts which had services that would potentially be exposed and were able to remediate them prior to release of products."
"An important feature of this solution is monitoring. Specifically, container monitoring."
"There has been a measurable decrease in the meantime to remediation... because we have so many different tech verticals already collated in one place, our ability to respond is drastically different than it used to be."


"We had a glitch in PingSafe where it fed us false positives in the past."
"SentinelOne currently lacks a break glass account feature, which is critical for implementing Single Sign-On."
"There is a bit of a learning curve for new users."
"While it is good, I think the solution's console could be improved."
"Implementing single sign-on requires a pre-class account feature, which is currently not available."
"I would like PingSafe's detections to be openly available online instead of only accessible through their portal. Other tools have detections that are openly available without going through the tool."
"When we request any changes, they must be reflected in the next update."
"We don't get any notifications from PingSafe when the clusters are down."
"It would be helpful if we get a recommendation while doing the scan about the necessary things we need to implement after identifying the vulnerabilities."
"The feature for automatic fixing of security breaches could be improved."
"Because Snyk has so many integrations and so many things it can do, it's hard to really understand all of them and to get that information to each team that needs it... If there were more self-service, perhaps tutorials or overviews for new teams or developers, so that they could click through and see things themselves, that would help."
"There is always more work to do around managing the volume of information when you've got thousands of vulnerabilities. Trying to get those down to zero is virtually impossible, either through ignoring them all or through fixing them. That filtering or information management is always going to be something that can be improved."
"All such tools should definitely improve the signatures in their database. Snyk is pretty new to the industry. They have a pretty good knowledge base, but Veracode is on top because Veracode has been in this business for a pretty long time. They do have a pretty large database of all the findings, and the way that the correlation engine works is superb. Snyk is also pretty good, but it is not as good as Veracode in terms of maintaining a large space of all the historical data of vulnerabilities."
"I would like to give further ability to grouping code repositories, in such a way that you could group them by the teams that own them, then produce alerting to those teams. The way that we are seeing it right now, the alerting only goes to a couple of places. I wish we could configure the code to go to different places."
"The tool should provide more flexibility and guidance to help us fix the top vulnerabilities before we go into production."
"For the areas that they're new in, it's very early stages for them. For example, their expertise is in looking at third-party components and packages, which is their bread-and-butter and what they've been doing for ages, but for newer features such as static analysis I don't think they've got compatibility for all the languages and frameworks yet."
"They could give a few more insights into security groups and recommendations on how to be more effective. That's getting more into the AWS environment, specifically. I'm not sure if that's Threat Stack's plan or not, but I would like them to help us be efficient about how we're setting up security groups. They could recommend separation of VPCs and the like - really dig into our architecture. I haven't seen a whole lot of that and I think that's something that, right off the bat, could have made us smarter."
"It shoots back a lot of alerts."
"Some features do not work as expected."
"I would like further support of Windows endpoint agents or the introduction of support for Windows endpoint agents."
"The solution’s ability to consume alerts and data in third-party tools (via APIs and export into S3 buckets) is moderate. They have some work to do in that area... The API does not mimic the features of the UI as far as reporting and pulling data out go. There's a big discrepancy there."
"The one thing that we know they're working on, but we don't have through the tool, is the application layer. As we move to a serverless environment, with AWS Fargate or direct Lambda, that's where Threat Stack does not have the capacity to provide feed. Those are areas that it's blind to now..."
"The reports aren't very good. We've automated the report generation via the API and replaced almost all the reports that they generate for us using API calls instead."
"The compliance and governance need improvement."

Pricing and Cost Advice

"It is not that expensive. There are some tools that are double the cost of PingSafe. It is good on the pricing side."
"PingSafe's pricing is good because it provides us with a solution."
"Its pricing is constant. It has been constant over the previous year, so I am happy with it. However, price distribution can be better explained. That is the only area I am worried about. Otherwise, the pricing is very reasonable."
"PingSafe is cost-effective for the amount of infrastructure we have. It's reasonable for what they offer compared to our previous solution. It's at least 25 percent to 30 percent less."
"PingSafe is priced reasonably for our workload."
"I am not involved in the pricing, but it is cost-effective."
"The tool is cost-effective."
"The pricing for PingSafe in India was more reasonable than other competitors."
"Their licensing model is fairly robust and scalable for our needs. I believe we have reached a reasonable agreement on the licensing to enable hundreds of developers to participate in this product offering. The solution is very tailored towards developers and its licensing model works well for us."
"I would rate the pricing of Snyk at two. I'm currently using the free version, which the company offers before buying the full version. So, the price is affordable, especially for an enterprise."
"Cost-wise, it's similar to Veracode, but I don't know the exact cost."
"On a scale of one to ten, where one is cheap and ten is expensive, I rate the pricing a three. It is a cheap solution."
"The price is good. Snyk had a good price compared to the competition, who had higher pricing than them. Also, their licensing and billing are clear."
"Compared to Veracode, Snyk is definitely a cheaper tool."
"It's good value. That's the primary thing. It's not cheap-cheap, but it's good value."
"It is pretty expensive. It is not a cheap product."
"It is very expensive compared to some other products. The pricing is definitely high."
"It came in cheaper than Trend Micro when we purchased it a few years ago."
"What we're paying now is somewhere around $15 to $20 per agent per month, if I recall correctly. The other cost we have is SecOps."
"We find the licensing and pricing very easy to understand and a good value for the services provided."
"It is a cost-effective choice versus other solutions on the market."
"Pricing seems to be in line with the market structure. It's fine."
"I'm happy with the amount that we spend for the product that we get and the overall service that we get. It's not cheap, but I'm still happy with the spend."
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Top Industries

By visitors reading reviews
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Insurance Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm

Company Size

By reviewers
Large Enterprise
Midsize Enterprise
Small Business

Questions from the Community

What do you like most about PingSafe?
The dashboard gives me an overview of all the things happening in the product, making it one of the tool's best featu...
What needs improvement with PingSafe?
When I joined my organization, I saw that PingSafe was already implemented. I started to use the tool's alerting feat...
How does Snyk compare with SonarQube?
Snyk does a great job identifying and reducing vulnerabilities. This solution is fully automated and monitors 24/7 to...
What do you like most about Snyk?
The most effective feature in securing project dependencies stems from its ability to highlight security vulnerabilit...
What needs improvement with Snyk?
I don't use Snyk anymore. The tool is just used in our company, but not by me anymore. It is important that the solut...
Can we customize the dashboard in Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform? Any recommendations for an alternative solution supporting dashboards?
It is reported that an option exists to customize the dashboard in the Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform. You may ...

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Threat Stack, CSP,

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Sample Customers

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StartApp, Segment, Skyscanner, DigitalOcean, Comic Relief, Walkbase, Spanning, DNAnexus, Jobcase, Nextcapital, Smartling, Veracode, 6sense
Find out what your peers are saying about Snyk vs. Threat Stack Cloud Security Platform and other solutions. Updated: May 2024.
787,779 professionals have used our research since 2012.