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SAP Reviews

Paul Grill - PeerSpot reviewer
President & CEO at Infosol Inc
Real User
Top 5
Once you are stable on a BusinessObjects release, it is worth staying there for a while

It is true that there are often challenges when upgrading between releases of BusinessObjects but this has always been the case as it has been for all the other BI and software application vendors too.

A few rules of thumb for BusinessObjects software are:

1. Never upgrade to an x.0 release - always wait for at least the x.1 release and even the first or second service pack of that release

2. Never attempt to perform a release upgrade if you have not done one before. Get training and experience first or use a reputable BO Consulting company

3. Experiment with the new release on a sandbox environment to become familiar with the changes and find any major issues before attempting a migration to production

Once you are stable on a BusinessObjects release, it is worth staying there for a while.

Update April 2014 : BusinessObjects BI 4.1 has been out for 8 months now and is looking like a stable release. Expect to see a lot of activity moving to this release over the next year.

Update September 2014 : BI 4.1 is now at Service Pack 4 (SP4) which corrected multiple issues in earlier service packs (SP2 and SP3). As more customers move to BI 4.1. more experience is gained and the platform improves. Main features attracting customers to BI 4.1 are improvements in Web Intelligence, Mobile Dashboard support and support of Desktop Intelligence.

Update February 2015 : BI 4.1 is now at Service Pack 6 (SP6). Both SP5 and 6 have been stable. Most BI 4.0 customers are also migrating to BI 4.1 and many more XI 3.1 customers are also migrating since XI 3.1 goes into a maintenance only support mode ( no more service packs or fix packs) after Dec. 31, 2015. The next major release BI 4.2 is currently scheduled for end of the year.

Update December 2015 : BI 4.1 SP7 has just been released. BI 4.2 is in Customer User Validation phase and will not be released until 2016. The jury is still out regarding if the quality of software updates has improved but new QA processes have been implemented by the SAP BusinessObjects development and support teams this year.

Update May 2016 : BI 4.2 SP2 was released at the end of March. There are quite a few new features including to the Upgrade Management Tool (UMT) which is used for migrating content from previous releases. It is now possible to handle incremental updates and moving certain types of content instead of all. There is also a new mechanism that allows part of the update to be performed while the system is still running. There is also a new Recycle bin feature for public folders in case you accidently delete a report. Organizations still running BusinessObjects XI 3.1 are now looking to go straight to BI 4.2.

Update October 2016 : BI 4.2 SP03 is now the latest version released at end of August. It has a lot of new features for a service pack including additional new functionality for Web Intelligence like cascading prompts for input controls, references and further enhancements to the new discussions. The Administrators cockpit has also been further enhanced to provide more options. So far, stability looks good.

Update April 2017 : SP03 has proven to be a relatively stable service pack that many BO customers have updated to. The next service pack, SP04 is now in beta and scheduled to be released in May. Again, it promises to have a bunch of new functionality for Web Intelligence including full parity between the Java and dhtml clients, an optional new UI and many new graphics

Update September 2017 : SP04 has now been available since May and there were additional quite a few code changes . The first release release had multiple issues. Some were addressed in the two subsequent Fix Packs that have been released. The general feeling was that it was not as stable as SP03. However SP04 was the first version that included SQL Server 2016 support so many customers wanted to install it.

Update February 2018 : SP05 was released in December and there were further enhancements particularly to the new optional HTML5 Fiori portal that can now be used for consuming BO reports. This first version has some issues around installation/upgrade but too early to judge its overall stability yet.

Update July 2018 : Like all the previous BI 4.2 Service Packs, SP05 had multiple issues when first released and really did not completely stabilize until Fix Pack 200 (after Fix Pack 100). It is now at Fix Pack 400 and SP06 is in beta testing and should be released soon.

Update December 2018 : SP06 is now the current BI 4.2 Service Pack update released late July. Like all the other service packs there were some initial issues and after a couple of fix pack updates, it now is quite stable. Like its predecessors it has a lot of additional functionality especially with the new Fiori HTML5 UI and Web Intelligence (more new charts like funnels, pyramids, intra-document links and more). Nice enhancements to BO Administrators Cockpit for usage/performance monitoring. Now BI 4.3 has been announced for release at end of 2019, the next service packs may be more maintenance fixes than new functionality.

Update June 2019 : SP07 was released a couple of months ago. Unlike previous BI 4.2 Service Packs this had a very small amount of new functionality and was mainly a maintenance update. Again the first version had a few issues but a fix pack has been released and customers are upgrading to it. The remaining 4.2 service packs are also supposed to be primarily maintenance updates and fixes as new functionality will be focused in the eagerly awaited BI 4.3 release now likely to be released in early 2020.

Update December 2019 : BI 4.2 SP07 remains the current release. There have been issues with some of the Fix Packs and it is best to go with the most current. The BI 4.3 open beta is due to start this month but GA is not expected until mid 2020 now. There should also be an SP08 update to BI 4.2 coming in early 2020.

Update April 2020 : BI 4.2 SP08 was released a few weeks back and despite it being primarily a maintenance release, SAP has included some interesting new features like a direct connector to Snowflake for Webi. Some early bugs in SP08 have been reported and the first fix patch 100 has just been released. There is still much anticipation for BI 4.3, the next major release due out this Summer.

Update September 2020 : BI 4.3 SP0 was released in June and has  a radically different HTML6 UI that will take some getting use to. There are a lot of other new features including Webi as a data source allowing you to use universes on top of a Webi report. a few brave souls may try out an SP0 release but most will wait till at least SP2 due out mid 2021. BI 4.2 will continue as the dominant release for at least the next couple of years with SP9 coming out later this year.

Update September 2022 : BI 4.3 SP02 is now the current release with SP03 due for release in December. BusinessObjects BI 4.2 will go into Priority 1 support mode for 2 years starting Jan 1, 2023. In addition, SAP has announced the next major release after BI 4.3 which has been code-named BI 2024 and is die for release at end of 2024/beginning of 2025. This release like all previous BI 4 releases will run both on-premise and in the cloud. This effectively means the BusinessObjects roadmap is solid for at least the next 10 years which is a testimony to both the popularity and success of the product. 

Update March 2024 : BI 4.3 SP04 is now the current release but since it has only been out a couple of months, not too many people are moving it to it yet. SP03 is now at patch level 900 and there have been some issues over the last year. Again, a lot of new functionality (and therefore new code) was delivered with both SP03 and SP04. The most significant was the new Data Tab mode in Web Intelligence which allows merging and transformation of data sources. You can join sources toigether with Left Join, Inner Join, Outer Join and Append. You can also profile your data and see disticts and nulls and apply simple transforms using a Replace option.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: My company is a SAP BO partner -
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Ankit Gosavi - PeerSpot reviewer
SAP S/4 HANA Lead Consultant at HCL Technologies
Top 10
Enhanced streamlining and optimization of the business processes with reduced operational costs, improved data accuracy, and increased overall productivity
Pros and Cons
  • "It is remarkably easy to configure and code, and it doesn't require an extensive technical background or coding expertise."
  • "For potential features or improvements, one aspect I would suggest enhancing is the flexibility of the extraction process."

What is our primary use case?

I have been involved in automating several procurement and sales-related processes, and this has been a thorough and rigorous undertaking. The automation process begins with email extraction from the inbox, saving emails during the first week. Following that, data was extracted from email attachments. Once the data was extracted from the files, the IRP monitored and validated the data for correctness. If any data was found to be in an incorrect format, it was transferred to the SAP system, which includes SAP ERP or SAP ECC.

How has it helped my organization?

The introduction of RPA brought several notable improvements for our clients. First and foremost, it eliminated the repetitive manual actions that end users had been performing for a decade or even two. These manual tasks were prone to occasional errors due to human intervention. Another key benefit was the speed of processing. For example, manually processing an invoice used to take three to five minutes, but with RPA, this time was cut by at least 50%, often even more. In financial terms, manual processes require the involvement of three or four people handling different aspects of tasks like purchase requisitions and invoices. RPA streamlined these processes, resulting in cost savings.

What is most valuable?

It proved to be a significant improvement in terms of data extraction. It is remarkably easy to configure and code, and it doesn't require an extensive technical background or coding expertise. The ease of use is a major plus point because the level of technical knowledge needed for initial setup and ongoing support was minimal. The tool provides templates and pre-existing features that simplify the coding process. One of the most significant advantages is its adaptability. Client requirements often evolve, and business departments frequently change their needs, with IRPA, you can easily adapt and make modifications and adjustments swiftly, which is highly efficient.

What needs improvement?

For potential features or improvements, one aspect I would suggest enhancing is the flexibility of the extraction process. Presently, there are some rigid requirements when it comes to templates for data extraction. It would be helpful if SAP IRPA could be more adaptive, allowing data extraction from various templates. This would be particularly valuable since every client, vendor, or business may have unique invoices, purchase orders, and documentation formats. It would be advantageous if SAP IRPA could simplify locating and extracting information from various templates, perhaps by making coding adjustments or changes to the background template structure.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have nearly two years of experience implementing it.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is quite satisfactory, and it's important to note that they are consistently working to enhance it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It offers excellent scalability capabilities. It is applied across various business scenarios, and the number of clients utilizing it continues to increase steadily.

How are customer service and support?

I had a positive experience with their support services. They were responsive and often exceeded my expectations, as I would typically receive a response within one day. I would rate it eight out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


What about the implementation team?

When preparing for the implementation of an SAP IRPA project, there are several key steps to follow. It usually begins by analyzing the client's system and data. Understand the existing processes, especially those that the client wishes to automate. Determine whether the processes are based on SAP standard practices or involve customizations. Then proceed to investigate the format of the data, ensuring it aligns with SAP standards or identifying any variations. It is important to map out the steps involved in the processes you intend to automate and understand how the processes are currently executed manually. After you start building the RPA bot, determine how data will be extracted, where it will be extracted from, and where it needs to be placed. The next step is to conduct a user acceptance test to ensure the bot performs according to the client's requirements. This step is crucial for identifying any issues or discrepancies and ensuring the bot meets expectations and it should be documented. It is mandatory to test the bot thoroughly in different environments, including the development and production server, make any necessary changes, and ensure the bot is ready for deployment in the client's production environment. The number of team members required for this process depends on the complexity and the number of scenarios the client wants to automate. If the client's requirements align with SAP standard practices, the implementation may take four to five months. However, if there are customizations or non-standard processes, it could extend to six months.

What was our ROI?

While there is an initial investment in implementing RPA, the efficiency of the systems improves over time. Within six months to a year, the company's expenses are significantly reduced compared to manual operations, ultimately achieving cost efficiency.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Overall, it is an affordable solution. The initial cost might seem higher, but over time, with continued use over five or ten years, the cost tends to decrease, making it a more economical choice. The pricing is typically fixed.

What other advice do I have?

Before opting for it, it's crucial to analyze which processes should be automated. It is also important to understand that SAP IRPA isn't a one-size-fits-all solution and it can't magically automate every process. It's advisable for the client's technical or IT team to carefully assess which processes are straightforward and align with its standard configurations. These are typically the processes where automation is most efficient and has a higher likelihood of achieving successful results. On the other hand, if a process is highly complex and heavily customized, attempting to automate it might lead to reduced efficiency. In such cases, the client should be prepared for challenges, and the efficiency gains may not be as significant, perhaps only a slight reduction in manual effort. Overall, I would rate it eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: consultant
Paul Grill - PeerSpot reviewer
President & CEO at Infosol Inc
Real User
Top 5
Using Xcelsius dashboard instead of Qlikview

When I first started presenting Xcelsius dashboards back in 2006, I said that it should carry a warning sign stating “May Cause Xtreme Xcitement”!

Despite all the advances in technology and tools over the last decade that statement not only remains true today, but maybe should be changed to “Will Cause Xtreme Xcitement”.

In the last month, I have both seen and heard stories from companies singing the praises of Xcelsius and hailing it as the savior of BI user adoption in their organizations.

A company specializing in reporting and analysis of employee business travel was looking for a client facing BI application that would help sell their solution. The client showed me their current solution running in Qlikview bemoaning how rigid, limiting and unexciting it was to use. They then showed me an example of something they found on the web that was an animated PowerPoint dashboard much closer to what they were looking for. Of course, I recognized it as an Xcelsius dashboard embedded in PowerPoint immediately. It had been developed over seven years ago, but it still sizzled. So, we mocked up a new prototype in Xcelsius for the client and to say they loved it would be an understatement. The VP of Marketing came up with the best quote of the day when he said, “It’s alive!”

A multi-national vehicle leasing company developed a super cool Xcelsius dashboard for improving their vendor management with built-in location intelligence using the GMaps plug-in and the InfoBurst XML Data Caching for high data volume performance. They presented it at their annual sales meeting last month and it stole the show. The excitement generated was so contagious, the VP and Director responsible spent the evening at the bar designing the next dashboard together! (I can’t wait to see that one!).

A new finance director of a global software company needed a way to provide better visibility to their financial statements and reports. She remembered using Xcelsius many years ago and said it really helped then. We put a prototype together for her in a day and everyone loved it, so they are buying it next week.

So why is Xcelsius so amazing and still slaying the BI data visualization competition everywhere? There are dozens of reasons from its ease of use, animations, ability to embed in everything, fast prototyping to its “what if” scenarios and cool components. But it goes deeper than all these features which you can also find in other BI visualization tools. The real secret to the success of Xcelsius is that it was initially designed and developed by computer gamers. To develop a winning computer game, you need to engage your audience visually, make it cool and fun to use and have limitless possibilities. You can find all these elements in Xcelsius dashboards allowing you to create killer BI applications.

That is why Xcelsius dashboards is still the best show in town. Xcelsius lives!

Update Nov 2015 : Lots of activity around Xcelsius HTML5 for deployment on mobile and on desktop with dCode add-on ( Now that Xcelsius generates HTML5 output, I see it being around for many, many more years

Update April 2016 : Xcelsius continues to thrive with many organizations using and deploying it for the first time in 2016. SAP provided updates to it with latest BI 4.2 release including full support for Excel 2013

Update Sept. 2016 : Xcelsius HTML5 definitely seems to be the dashboard solution of choice and many new add-on HTML5  components are becoming available including D3 charts, flat components and query drag and drop discover.

Update Sept 2018 : Adobe announced end of life for Flash for Dec 31, 2020 and SAP announced it would no longer support Xcelsius after this date since the development client uses Flash. While some Xcelsius users are looking for a viable alternative solution, others vow to continue to use the tool regardless. There are some new Xcelsius compatible solutions in development so let's see what materializes in the coming months.

Update Feb 2019 : Xcelsius still heavily in use. Some companies looking to replace with Tableau or PowerBI but just not the same. Web Intelligence dashboards may be a viable alternative for simple dashboards .

Update July 2019 : SAP has announced it will no longer support Xcelsius after Dec. 31, 2020 to coincide with Adobe no longer supporting Flash in the browser. However, most Xcelsius users have been generating HTML5 dashboards for a number of years now and are continuing to do so and their Xcelsius HTML5 dashboards should not be affected. SAP has no equivalent follow-on product and is recommending customers move to SAC (cloud only) and rewrite their dashboards - this will require programming skills . An alternative to Xcelsius, called Squirrel,  that requires no training for an existing Xcelsius developer and has a built-in XLF migration utility is due for beta release by InfoSol in October and will be GA in December.

Update Dec 2019 : Squirrel has been in beta for the last few weeks with multiple organizations and is scheduled for general release on Dec 31. Initial feedback is very positive with Xcelsius users who require no re-training to use it. They have been able to both migrate or recreate existing Xcelsius dashboards. This is great news for the Xcelsius community who now have another option when Flash goes away and SAP stops supporting Xcelsius in 2021.

Update May 2020 : Squirrel is now at version 1.3 with multiple Xcelsius customers having converted their dashboards and running with the Squirrel HTML5 versions in production. This appears to be a very viable path forward for those customers left with Xcelsius Flash dashboards that will probably no longer work starting in 2021.

Update Nov 2020 : Squirrel 1.6 which has a cloud based version and allows you to embed dashboards in PPT was just released last week. More and more Xcelsius customers have now successfully moved to Squirrel and companies like Salesforce are using it too. Xcelsius has about a month to go before Adobe and SAP stop all support.

Update June 2022 : Squirrel365 has now replaced hundreds of Xcelsius dashboards and has become the de facto follow-on solution for Xcelsius

Update May 2024 : Squirrel 365 can now be embedded in BusinessObjects Web Intelligence, Tableau and PowerBI bringing "What If" scenarios and write back capability to these traditional BI solutions

Disclaimer: My company is partners with several vendors including SAP BO.

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner of SAP
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Tejas Raj - PeerSpot reviewer
Manager at Capgemini
Real User
Top 5
Offers cost-efficiency as it needs a very small amount of RAM to function
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable part of the tool stems from the fact that it is a very cost-efficient product compared to the newer technologies because it needs a very small amount of RAM."
  • "The overall performance of the product is an area where the tool has certain shortcomings and needs to improve."

What is our primary use case?

I use the solution in my company as a database management system, specifically as a relational database management. Mostly, the tool is used in the banking environment to keep historical data, especially in banks like Deutsche Bank and UBS. Banking environments use SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise because they can store historical data, after which manipulating data can be done at a fast pace. When it comes to reporting, SAP IQ is good because it can pull crores of records in minutes, and it is one of the things that can be used in the banking environment.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable part of the tool stems from the fact that it is a very cost-efficient product compared to the newer technologies because it needs a very small amount of RAM. The infrastructure required for the product to run is much less. The maintenance required for the product is also very low. Even in a small project, one person is enough to maintain and handle the solution.

What needs improvement?

SAP is least bothered about Adaptive Server Enterprise nowadays since it wants to focus on promoting its new product, which is S/4HANA. If SAP gives out new releases and a patch upgrade to improve performance and provide additional options, then SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise can compete with other relational database systems in the market. The overall performance of the product is an area where the tool has certain shortcomings and needs to improve.

I work in a very stable environment, and I prefer a very stable replication and database management system. Most of our company's customers do not want to opt out of SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, but SAP has announced that it will be ending its support for it in 2027, and though I feel SAP might extend it, I feel SAP will want to promote its new product. Previously, I heard that SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise's end-of-support dates were announced for 2025, but now I think that they have extended it to 2027 or 2030.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise for nine years. My company is a customer of SAP.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is a stable solution, but when you end up facing some issues with the tool, you will start facing problems since there are very few technical persons in the market who can handle the product. It is not very easy to fix the issues with the product since there are only a few technical people left in the market who know about the product, and most of them have moved on from the solution already.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is a scalable solution that can handle a large amount of data.

As far as I know, my company deals with around seven to eight customers of SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, but there are no technical people to help with the solution. I am the only technical person in my company who is available when it comes to SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. I only work on two accounts associated with the product, while there are seven to eight accounts needing support. SAP does not want to give its complete billing process to a technical person, which is the major reason why SAP manages it by itself.

How are customer service and support?

Earlier, there were not many applications using SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. These days, most of the applications are connected to the database provided by SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, after which many have started facing new issues in the product, which may, to an extent, be a new one even for SAP. SAP has been releasing notes and fixes to deal with the issues associated with the product. Sometimes, if SAP faces a new issue with the product, it notes it down and releases a solution for the problem.

How was the initial setup?

The product's initial setup phase is easy. SAP has made the setup phase of Adaptive Server Enterprise easier to deal with compared to how its process was in the past.

Mostly, SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise is deployed on a private cloud while some of our company's customers have it deployed on Azure or on an on-premises model.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Price-wise, the product is worth it since one needs very less infrastructure to use it. If you speak in numbers, I would say that when it comes to S/4HANA, you need RAM memory to be in terabytes. If one uses 128 GB for a production system, it will be very high as it can hold data till three or four TB, and it can give you results in seconds.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

My company chose the product over the other tools in the market in the late 2020s, and it was a booming solution. Oracle had been sidelined by many since earlier when there were no new releases from SAP. When I entered the IT field, seizing a better opportunity, I chose SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise because I knew that it would have very few complications. I also knew that if you were well versed with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, then you would have great demand in the field and would get opportunities to work on the solution.

What other advice do I have?

Whether I would suggest the product to others or not is something that depends on the kind of business they do. If you want to pull reports or store data and do calculations, then you need to have additional products along with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise. If you want to store data that may run into terabytes, then it is possible to do so with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, and such data will not get corrupted.

I don't think that it will be easy for someone to learn the tool, but it may be easier if done on a black and white screen. There are not many graphical user interfaces available for the product, and it has more SQL and is a tool that has a simple English language, which is not like any programming languages but something like a simple query language.

I rate the tool an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Hybrid Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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SAP Projects

Check out these projects from our community members.
Successful Technical & Business Implementation of Enterprise Project & Portfolio Management
Successful implementation of an entreprise project & portfolio management platform in a leading pharma R&D matrix… more »
HR Software Tools - European HR BPO project
Development, implementation and maintenance of all HR Tools needed for strategic European HR BPO project for General… more »
Ground-up implementation of enterprise eCommerce platform
Ground-up implementation of enterprise B2B eCommerce platform. No existing eCommerce application. Executed Project… more »
Reporting Portal Transformation Project
Objective 700+ operational, asset management, and managed service KPI reports had to be converted from a variety of… more »
Managed my team to implement SAP SuccessFactors LMS
Managed my team to implement SAP SuccessFactors LMS within 5 months duration Project LEAP Implementation of SF Learning… more »
Building Smart City from the ground up
22 CityLink is a global leader in smart city development and technology. Through their dedication to providing complete… more »
Customer Phase-Out Strategy (IBM to HP)
Wintel Tower Leader responsible for main actions in developing a migration strategy. Some of these actions will take in… more »

SAP Questions

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jul 09 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jul 09 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Analytics Cloud.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jul 09 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Analytics Cloud, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

SarunC - PeerSpot reviewer
Associate Professor at Chulalongkorn University
Jul 09 2024


I am an Associate Professor at Chulalongkorn University, a university with1,001-5,000 employees.

I am currently researching BPM tools. What are the main differences between Signavio and Oracle BPM?

Thanks fro the help!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 27 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP ERP.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 27 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 27 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP ERP, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 27 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 27 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 27 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Business One.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Erdem Okte - PeerSpot reviewer
Erdem OkteThis product could be improved the most in the user interfaces. Most of the new… more »
reviewer1410804 - PeerSpot reviewer
reviewer1410804We would like to see more options in terms of the product module. It requires… more »
EmanEl Bakry - PeerSpot reviewer
EmanEl BakryThe solution lacks ability to integrate with other tools.
45 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 27 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 27 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Business One, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 21 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Data Services.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 21 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Data Services, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Paul Mazvarira - PeerSpot reviewer
Paul MazvariraThis is a good solution for medium to large organizations, but a lot of prior… more »
29 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

YamenZarnaji - PeerSpot reviewer
YamenZarnajiThe solution is subscription-based but companies do need to consider other… more »
28 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP SuccessFactors.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 21 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP SuccessFactors, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 20 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Crystal Reports.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 20 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 20 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Crystal Reports, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 18 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP S4HANA.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 18 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 18 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP S4HANA, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 18 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 18 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP S4HANA Cloud.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 18 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 18 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 18 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP S4HANA Cloud, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 12 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 12 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP SuccessFactors Learning.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 12 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 12 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP SuccessFactors Learning, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 10 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP PowerDesigner.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 10 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 10 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP PowerDesigner, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Moorthy Natarajan - PeerSpot reviewer
Moorthy NatarajanLots of organisations around the world are frantically trying to transform into… more »
23 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 05 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 05 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Signavio Process Intelligence.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 05 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 05 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Signavio Process Intelligence, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 04 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 29 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP BW4HANA.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 29 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 29 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP BW4HANA, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 28 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 28 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Marketing Cloud.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 28 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 28 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Marketing Cloud, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Signavio Process Manager, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Signavio Process Manager.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP IQ.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 14 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP IQ, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 14 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Replication Server.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Replication Server, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 13 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 13 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 07 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Analytics Cloud?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 03 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP HCM.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 03 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 03 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP HCM, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 03 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 03 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Paul Kellett - PeerSpot reviewer
Paul KellettI have several use cases, generally in more complex environments. These are… more »
26 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 03 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Integration Suite.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Integration Suite, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 29 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Cloud Platform.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 29 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Cloud Platform, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 25 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 25 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Master Data Governance.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 25 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 25 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Master Data Governance, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 22 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP HCM?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

reviewer1449702 - PeerSpot reviewer
reviewer1449702SAP HCM is the one of the best ERP for an organization with a small to large… more »
33 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 22 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 19 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP HANA?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 19 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 19 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP HANA.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 19 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 19 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP HANA, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 18 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP PowerDesigner?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 17 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP BW4HANA?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 17 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 10 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Cloud Platform?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP IT Operations Analytics?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP IT Operations Analytics.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP IT Operations Analytics, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Integration Suite?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Single Sign-On?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Single Sign-On.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 10 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Single Sign-On, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 09 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Business ByDesign?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 09 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Business ByDesign.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 09 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 09 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Business ByDesign, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP CRM?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP CRM.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP CRM, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 05 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP SuccessFactors Learning?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 25 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Portfolio and Project Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 25 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Portfolio and Project Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 25 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 25 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Master Data Governance?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 20 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP ERP?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 14 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Identity Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 14 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Identity Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 14 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 14 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Identity Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 14 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 14 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP SuccessFactors?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

YamenZarnaji - PeerSpot reviewer
YamenZarnajiThe performance goals and learning management solutions are the product's most… more »
63 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 13 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Mobile Platform?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 13 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 13 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Mobile Platform.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 13 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 13 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Mobile Platform, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 07 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Business One?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 06 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Data Services?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 06 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 01 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 01 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 01 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 01 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 01 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 15 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Signavio Process Manager?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 13 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Crystal Reports?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 13 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 08 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 08 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 08 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 08 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 08 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Extended Enterprise Content Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Business Warehouse?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 07 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Business Warehouse.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Business Warehouse, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Customer Identity and Access Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 07 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Customer Identity and Access Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Feb 07 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Customer Identity and Access Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 07 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jan 31 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Process Orchestration, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Process Orchestration?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Process Orchestration.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Analytics Hub.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Analytics Hub, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP BusinessObjects GRC?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP BusinessObjects GRC.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP BusinessObjects GRC, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP NetWeaver?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP NetWeaver.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP NetWeaver, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Hybris Commerce?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Hybris Commerce.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Hybris Commerce, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP SQL Anywhere?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP SQL Anywhere.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP SQL Anywhere, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP S4HANA Cloud?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Ariba Procurement?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Ariba Procurement.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Ariba Procurement, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Matthias Kiebel - PeerSpot reviewer
Matthias Kiebel
Chief Financial Officer at Simona Group

Hi community, 

I am the CFO at a large manufacturing company.

SAP has announced outsourcing its servicing and developing new functions by Q2 2023. Is it still a safe decision to invest here? Will you still consider implementing SAP Business ByDesign?

Thank you.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Contextor?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Contextor.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Contextor, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

VINCENTWU - PeerSpot reviewer
Project Manager at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
Hello community,  For a project, my company wants to migrate SAP Business One to S4/HANA. How do I implement the data migration? To download data from SAP Business One, I can write an SQL command, but I then need to upload it to S4/HANA and that can may be done by add-on ABAP ...
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Venus Yaker Dalton - PeerSpot reviewer
Venus Yaker Dalton
Information Technology Specialist at 3M
Hi peers,  I am an Information Technology Specialist at a large manufacturing company. What are the comparable alternatives to SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud in terms of functionality and performance, and which of them is considered the top option on the market today? Thank you for your help.
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Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Signavio Process Intelligence?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Jam?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Jam.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Jam, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Mis Exec - PeerSpot reviewer
Mis Exec
Works at srvtc

Hello peers, 

I work for a small accounting firm and am currently researching BI tools.

Which solution do you prefer: SAP Analytics Cloud or Tableau? What are the pros and cons of each solution? What are the similarities and differences?

Thank you for your help.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Data Governance?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Data Governance.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Data Governance, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Data Hub?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Data Hub.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Data Hub, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Mustafa Omar - PeerSpot reviewer
Mustafa Omar
Software Engineer at K&A

Hi community,

I work as the Senior IT Analyst at a Construction Company. I'm trying to understand the risks related to SAP change management.

How do you manage project risks in SAP Portfolio and Project Management and SAP GRC?


Mustafa Omar - PeerSpot reviewer
Mustafa Omar
Software Engineer at K&A

Hi community,

I work as the Senior IT Analyst at a Construction Company. I'm trying to understand the risks related to SAP change management.

How do you manage project risks in SAP Portfolio and Project Management and SAP GRC?


Mustafa Omar - PeerSpot reviewer
Mustafa Omar
Software Engineer at K&A

Hi peers,

I would like to understand the main differences between the Oracle Primavera Unifier and SAP Portfolio and Project Management products.

Can you please assist with this question?

Thanks for your help.

BorisVishnevsky - PeerSpot reviewer
Sr.Dir/Managing Principal Technology Consulting at a consultancy with 10,001+ employees

Hello peers, 

SAP Activate initiated a broad transition of ALL SAP Capabilities to the S4/HANA multi-cloud. How would you select targets to compare the S4/HANA capabilities?

Please reach out to me to discuss this. 

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP S4HANA?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Muhammad Tuaha Mustafeez - PeerSpot reviewer
Muhammad Tuaha Mustafeez
Managing Consultant at Systems Limited
Hello peers,  I am a senior consultant at a large computer software company. We want to extract SAP BW data models and SAP HANA data models. We have been told by an expert that we cannot do it because of the absence of a required data modeling tool within our organization, and...
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Muhammad Tuaha Mustafeez - PeerSpot reviewer
Muhammad Tuaha Mustafeez
Managing Consultant at Systems Limited
Hello peers,  I am a senior consultant at a large computer software company. We want to extract SAP BW data models and SAP HANA data models. We have been told by an expert that we cannot do it because of the absence of a required data modeling tool within our organization, and...
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SANJAY KUMAR  PATODIA - PeerSpot reviewer
Executive Vice President at Xpro India Ltd.
Hello peers,  I am the Executive Vice President at a manufacturing company. I am currently comparing SAP Business One and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for my company. Which ERP solution better suits a manufacturing company? What modules are available for each solution? Which ...
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Shibu  Ms - PeerSpot reviewer
Shibu Ms
Consultant at Motiveminds Consulting Pvt Ltd

Hello peers, 

I work for a medium-sized tech services company. 

I am currently researching SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One. What are the key differences between the two products? Which one do you prefer and why?

Thank you for your help.

Shibu  Ms - PeerSpot reviewer
Shibu Ms
Consultant at Motiveminds Consulting Pvt Ltd

Hello peers, 

I work for a medium-sized tech services company. 

I am currently researching SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One. What are the key differences between the two products? Which one do you prefer and why?

Thank you for your help.

Majide Khoram - PeerSpot reviewer
Majide Khoram
Works at Tamin

Hi community, 

I am currently researching architecture management tools.

Which solution do you prefer: SAP PowerDesigner or SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer?

Thank you for your help.

Majide Khoram - PeerSpot reviewer
Majide Khoram
Works at Tamin

Hi community, 

I am currently researching architecture management tools.

Which solution do you prefer: SAP PowerDesigner or SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer?

Thank you for your help.

Muhtasim Fuad Showmik - PeerSpot reviewer
Muhtasim Fuad Showmik
Senior Developer at Schertech
Hi community, I'm pretty new to the SAP development community and I have noticed how strong the issue with the lack of community support for UI5 is. I've tried building a simple application for my company using CAP and UI5 together. In my spare time, I duplicated the project using Vue and Ax...
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Hari C - PeerSpot reviewer
Hari C
Works at Wipro Limited
Hello peers,  I work for a large tech company. I would like to understand when to use SAP ASE and when to use SAP HANA. What does SAP HANA provide that SAP ASE cannot? What are the licensing costs for SAP ASE and SAP HANA? In what situations is SAP ASE recommended? Thank you f...
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Hari C - PeerSpot reviewer
Hari C
Works at Wipro Limited
Hello peers,  I work for a large tech company. I would like to understand when to use SAP ASE and when to use SAP HANA. What does SAP HANA provide that SAP ASE cannot? What are the licensing costs for SAP ASE and SAP HANA? In what situations is SAP ASE recommended? Thank you f...
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Michael Ocasio - PeerSpot reviewer
Michael Ocasio
IT SPECIALIST at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Hello peers, 

I am an IT Specialist at a large government organization.

I am currently researching solutions and their SSL connections. Which solution provides a better SSL connection service: Informatica or SAP HANA?

Thank you for your help.

Moshira ZAki - PeerSpot reviewer
Moshira ZAki
IT Manager for Operations & Implementations at Bavaria Egypt S.A.E.

Hello community, 

I work for a large manufacturing company and am currently researching ERP solutions.

What are the main module function differences between Oracle EBS 12.2.12 and SAP S/4HANA? Which solution do you prefer and why?

Thank you for your help.

Mayank Kulshrestha - PeerSpot reviewer
Mayank Kulshrestha
Senior Manager IT at Ozone
Hello peers, I'm working at a pharmaceutical company. Our user base is 300 + we have 1600 field users. Which ERP solution is the best choice for our company: SAP Business One or SAP S/4HANA? Please pprovide some technical details along with your recommendat...
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Mayank Kulshrestha - PeerSpot reviewer
Mayank Kulshrestha
Senior Manager IT at Ozone
Hello peers, I'm working at a pharmaceutical company. Our user base is 300 + we have 1600 field users. Which ERP solution is the best choice for our company: SAP Business One or SAP S/4HANA? Please pprovide some technical details along with your recommendat...
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Dan Sudev - PeerSpot reviewer
Dan Sudev
Integrated Service Delivery Leader , Strategic Accounts Europe at HCL Technologies

Hello community,

I want to migrate my BW Legacy apps that sit on HANA hardware. Should I move to BW/4HANA on the cloud or to BW on Azure? Which is a better option?

Thank you for your help.

Anne Cubarrubia - PeerSpot reviewer
Anne CubarrubiaSAP BW/4HANA on the cloud is sometimes preferred over SAP BW on Azure because of… more »
1 Answer
reviewer2261061 - PeerSpot reviewer
Central Procurement Head at a manufacturing company with 5,001-10,000 employees

Hi peers, 

I am a Central Procurement Head at a large manufacturing company. 

I currently use SAP Ariba. How can I optimize its use?

Thank you for your help.

Vamsi Yarlagadda - PeerSpot reviewer
Vamsi Yarlagadda
Solutions Architect at Seattle School District
Hi Community, I am a Solutions architect for a large educational organization. Currently, we use SAP HCM for concurrent employment. We are planning to upgrade, which one is better for concurrent employment: Oracle Fusion or SuccessFactors? As we have a lot of customization and complexity with pay...
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Javid Ur Rahaman - PeerSpot reviewer
Javid Ur Rahaman
VP, Infrastructure,Data Management Services & AI Evangelist at a tech company with 51-200 employees

Hello community,

I am debating if to transition from SAP Business Objects to SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC). Is it worth moving to SAP PaaS - SAC or should we stay on Cloud Compute with BYOL?

What would you suggest from your experience?

Thank you for your help.

VINCENTWU - PeerSpot reviewer
VINCENTWUDefinitive YES, because Cloud computing is worth heavy loading and runs daily… more »
1 Answer
SANJAY KUMAR  PATODIA - PeerSpot reviewer
Executive Vice President at Xpro India Ltd.
Hello community, I am the Executive Vice President at a medium-sized manufacturing company. I am currently researching ERP solutions. Is SAP Business One a suitable solution for a manufacturing company? What are the pros and cons of this solution? Thank you for your help.
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SandeepKumar18 - PeerSpot reviewer
Associate Director at protiviti consulting

Hello peers,

I am an Associate Director at a large consulting firm.

I am looking for a comparison between SAP Business One and SAP S/4HANA for the glass industry (manufacturing bottles and ware). Which tool do you prefer and why?

Thank you for your help.

SandeepKumar18 - PeerSpot reviewer
Associate Director at protiviti consulting

Hello peers,

I am an Associate Director at a large consulting firm.

I am looking for a comparison between SAP Business One and SAP S/4HANA for the glass industry (manufacturing bottles and ware). Which tool do you prefer and why?

Thank you for your help.

VINCENTWU - PeerSpot reviewer
Project Manager at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
Hello peers,  I am a Project Manager at a large Manufacturing company. There is a rise in SAP S4/HANA release functions for SD global ATP and product allocation. How do I implement these to reduce stock quantity? Are there any must-have and prerequisites for a company tha...
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Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

ManuelVanegas - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at codigo y proyetos

Hello peers, 

I am currently researching SAP S/4HANA's licensing cost.

I understand that it depends, but I am looking for an estimated price for an organization in the service segment with 700 employees. 

Thanks in advance.

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Analytics Hub?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Inventory Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Inventory Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Inventory Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Karthik  Kamkar - PeerSpot reviewer
Karthik Kamkar
Works at Nexontis Consulting GmbH

Hello peers, 

I work for a small IT services and consulting firm.

I am currently looking for SAP HANA's capacity sizing. The sizing on Alibaba is not available. Where can we get SAP HANA's capacity sizing?

Thank you for your help.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Portfolio and Project Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Replication Server?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

GopalaKrishna - PeerSpot reviewer
Head of Supply Chain Management at a consultancy with 11-50 employees
Hello community, What is the total cost for the integration of Salesforce with SAP S/4HANA? We are in the process of evaluating various technical options and the cost of each available option. Can anyone share any details which will provide us with technical options and cost t...
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Amit  Mathur - PeerSpot reviewer
Amit Mathur
Works at Zuberi Engineering Construction Pvt. Ltd.

 Hello peers, 

I work for an SMB EPC company.

I am currently researching ERP solutions. Which solution do you prefer: SAP S/4HANA or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? What are the pros and cons of each solution?

Thank you for your help.

Avigayil Henderson - PeerSpot reviewer
Avigayil HendersonHello Amit, I am posting this answer on behalf of Gene Hammons, a Director at a… more »
3 Answers
Michael Kellenbenz - PeerSpot reviewer
Michael Kellenbenz
VP/Managing Director Federal Healthcare at Groundswell
Hello community, A large federated hospital system (56 hospitals with over 300 satellite locations) with various platforms including Salesforce, SAP ECC, OpenText, and ServiceNow - requires a better HR, procurement, HCM, and supply chain solution.  Should they leverage SAP S/4HANA or co...
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Wanlaya Panjahong - PeerSpot reviewer
Wanlaya Panjahong
PM at Thaicom
Hello community,  I work for a large manufacturing company and am researching ERP solutions. Now, our company uses SAP-ERP ECC6 and needs to upgrade or reimplement to a new ERP. I would like to compare the functions/features and non-functional features. Our company is in the telco industry. ...
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Manish Chhatbar - PeerSpot reviewer
Manish Chhatbar Hi Wanlaya,  We are SAP consulting company based in Mumbai, India you can… more »
2 Answers
Chandrashe Ag - PeerSpot reviewer
Chandrashe Ag
Works at Halmar International, LLC
Hello community,  I work for a medium-sized construction company. I am currently researching SAP FICO. Are there any key steps or APIs required to integrate Viewpoint with SAP FICO and MM modules? Is there any documentation related to Viewpoint integrations with SAP FICO and MM mo...
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Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP IQ?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

JAVKHAA Javkhaa - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at Science Technology university of Mongolia

Hello community, 

I work at an educational institution and am researching the best HCM tool.

Which product would you choose: Oracle HCM or SAP HCM? What are the pros and cons?

Thank you for your help.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Lumira?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Lumira.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Lumira, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Would beginners in the field have a hard time setting up this product or is it easy to do?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

When you encountered issues with SAP HANA and contacted the product’s support, was it resolved for you, or did you have to seek additional help?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

What are the greatest benefits you have seen at your company?

Rajesh KG Nair - PeerSpot reviewer
Rajesh KG Nair
Regional Sales Director at SGN Software Limited

Hello community, 

I work for a medium-sized tech services company.

I am currently researching SAP products.

What are the key differences between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One? Which product do you prefer?

Thank you for your help.

Rajesh KG Nair - PeerSpot reviewer
Rajesh KG Nair
Regional Sales Director at SGN Software Limited

Hello community, 

I work for a medium-sized tech services company.

I am currently researching SAP products.

What are the key differences between SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One? Which product do you prefer?

Thank you for your help.

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Did you have to seek any assistance with the initial setup of this solution?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Do you think there is anything that needs improvement about this solution?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
SANJAY KUMAR  PATODIA - PeerSpot reviewer
Executive Vice President at Xpro India Ltd.

Hello peers, 

I am the Executive Vice President at a medium-sized manufacturing company.

I am currently researching BI tools. Is SAP BI a suitable tool for a manufacturing company? What are the pros and cons of this tool?

Thank you for your help.

Paul Grill - PeerSpot reviewer
Paul GrillIf you mean SAP BusinessObjects, then absolutely, as thousands of manufacturing… more »
2 Answers
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

In what ways has this solution contributed to your company?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Do you think beginners can use this tool or is it for experts only?

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Do you think this product is worth the price or do you think it is overpriced?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Data Quality Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Data Quality Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Data Quality Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Information Steward?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Information Steward.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Information Steward, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Vikash-Kumar - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at Rostan Technologies

Hi peers,

I would like to compare the pricing and costs of the following products:  Oracle Cloud (Oracle Fusion), SAP HANA and MS NAV.

Can anyone assist and share this information?

Thank you.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Enterprise Architecture Designer, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Rana Bhattacharjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Rana Bhattacharjee
SAP Practice Manager at Data-core systems
Hello community, I'm trying to figure out whether there are any advantages of SAP S4 HANA over SAP Business One (SAP B1), apart from the cost?  Please share your insights. 
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SudhakarJha - PeerSpot reviewer
SudhakarJhaSAP S/4HANA is a suite of applicable on HANA DB. It is an improved version of… more »
4 Answers
Rana Bhattacharjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Rana Bhattacharjee
SAP Practice Manager at Data-core systems
Hello community, I'm trying to figure out whether there are any advantages of SAP S4 HANA over SAP Business One (SAP B1), apart from the cost?  Please share your insights. 
Read More »
SudhakarJha - PeerSpot reviewer
SudhakarJhaSAP S/4HANA is a suite of applicable on HANA DB. It is an improved version of… more »
4 Answers
Alaa  Alkhatari - PeerSpot reviewer
Alaa Alkhatari
Engineer at a financial services firm with 201-500 employees

Hi community members,

I'm looking for the best backup solution for Sybase ASE 15.5. We should be able to perform both incremental and full backup. 

I appreciate your help.

Syed Abid Hussain - PeerSpot reviewer
Syed Abid HussainAs a Market leader Netbackup provides a heterogeneous backup solution for… more »
5 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Hybris PCM?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Hybris PCM.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Hybris PCM, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Signavio Process Manager.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Tomasz Rabong - PeerSpot reviewer
Tomasz Rabong
Client Engagement Leader at Sanmargar Team
Hello peers, I am looking for a data catalog vendor or open-source with the following DB data sources: Teradata MS SQL HANA Hadoop/Hive and BI data sources: SAP BO 4.0 Tableau Server 2022.1 Can you please advise? I appreciate the help.
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Tomasz Rabong - PeerSpot reviewer
Tomasz RabongDear Community, Many thanks for yor support and help!
Leandro Sodré - PeerSpot reviewer
Leandro SodréHi Tomasz Rabong,  I believe that if you have a developer team in Amundsen it… more »
InitZero - PeerSpot reviewer
InitZeroHi Tomasz Collibra can scan all these sources. See this link:… more »
6 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Mobile Secure?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Mobile Secure.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Mobile Secure, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Osama Jarrar - PeerSpot reviewer
Osama Jarrar
Works at Hijazi Ghosheh Group

Hello community, 

I've been looking at the following 2 products: SAP Business One and SAP ERP.

What are the limitations of SAP Business One that should make me choose SAP ERP, instead?

Thanks for your help!

Osama Jarrar - PeerSpot reviewer
Osama Jarrar
Works at Hijazi Ghosheh Group

Hello community, 

I've been looking at the following 2 products: SAP Business One and SAP ERP.

What are the limitations of SAP Business One that should make me choose SAP ERP, instead?

Thanks for your help!

Sudharshan Reddy - PeerSpot reviewer
Sudharshan Reddy
Project Delivery Manager at GBM
Hi peers, I'm working at a Software Solution company and I'm doing some research: I'm trying to compare SAP BW4HANA with Microsoft SQL Server and I would like to understand the pros and cons of each one.  Please share your knowledge and experience...
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Patric Gehl - PeerSpot reviewer
Patric GehlMS SQL Server is a database;  BW4HANA is a data warehouse and a reporting tool… more »
1 Answer
Segundo Navarrete - PeerSpot reviewer
Segundo Navarrete
Works at personal
Hey community,

Which of these products (SAP PowerDesigner or erwin Data Modeler (DM)) is better and why?

Tracy Hautenen Kriel - PeerSpot reviewer
Tracy Hautenen Kriel15 years ago was the one time I chose to use PowerDesigner over Erwin Data… more »
2 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)


Janet Staver - PeerSpot reviewer
Janet StaverThere are different aspects of both Anaplan and SAP ERP that I like and dislike… more »
2 Answers
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)


Syed Fahad Anwar - PeerSpot reviewer
Syed Fahad AnwarIt all depends on your use case.  Tableau licensing is very flexible, you can… more »
1 Answer
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

And why?

Mogle - PeerSpot reviewer
Mogle I got limited experience with both. My answer is simple, I would typically try… more »
Dovid Gelber - PeerSpot reviewer
Dovid GelberTableau is easy to set up and maintain. In about a day it is possible for the… more »
6 Answers
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Satish Power - PeerSpot reviewer
Satish Power
Executive Director at Lanco Infratech

Hi community members,

I'm trying to understand the difference between SAP PI and SAP PO. Also, how PI is connected with third-party systems?

Can you please help?

Evgeny Belenky - PeerSpot reviewer
Evgeny BelenkyHello @Bhargava Krishna T , @Sateesh Nagabhiru ​, @Ayemi Musa ​and @Atakan… more »
2 Answers
Charlie Liu - PeerSpot reviewer
Charlie Liu
Trainee at Centrix Holdings Limited

Hi community,

I'm a trainee at a tech services company and I would like to understand about pricing for SAP Process Orchestration. Please share your insights.

Thank you!

Evgeny Belenky - PeerSpot reviewer
Evgeny BelenkyHello @Charlie Liu, you might find some inputs in this discussion… more »
2 Answers
Ricardo Mano - PeerSpot reviewer
Ricardo Mano

Hi peers,

Can anyone explain the main differences between SAP Business One (SAP B1) and SAP S/4HANA? 

Also, do you have pointers to each product's reviews?

Thank you.

Ricardo Mano - PeerSpot reviewer
Ricardo Mano

Hi peers,

Can anyone explain the main differences between SAP Business One (SAP B1) and SAP S/4HANA? 

Also, do you have pointers to each product's reviews?

Thank you.

Harraj Saraon - PeerSpot reviewer
Harraj Saraon
Financial Guidelines Specialist at Nestle
Hi community, I work at a Consumer Goods company with 10K+ employees.  Currently, I'm looking for some information on how to migrate to Cloud (Microsoft Azure). Can you please share any details/features of using SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) on Azure? I appreciate ...
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Ramakrishna Potluri - PeerSpot reviewer
Ramakrishna PotluriHi,  It could be easy as Azure is one of the partners of SAP HEC.  Please… more »
3 Answers
Evgeny Belenky - PeerSpot reviewer
Evgeny Belenky
PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

Hi community,

How would you compare SAP Analytics Cloud with Yellowfin BI?

Thank you for sharing your experience with other peers!

Chandan Srivastava - PeerSpot reviewer
Chandan Srivastava
Senior Programmer at Sayura Tech PVT LTD
Hello, I'm working at a consulting company and I need to select an ERP product for a client.  I want to go with SAP HANA but the client is interested to get a comparison between SAP HANA and Oracle EBS before making any decision. Can anyone share the differ...
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Mahdi Ajoudanian - PeerSpot reviewer
Mahdi AjoudanianHi Please answer the questions below. Then I can have a better look at your… more »
1 Answer
Hovik Hacobian - PeerSpot reviewer
Hovik Hacobian
Director, Information Technology at VACCO Industries, Inc.
Hello peers, I work as the Director of IT at an Aerospace/Defense company. Currently, I'm checking Deltek CostPoint 8 and SAP S/4HANA and I'm looking for their comparison. Can anyone help?  Thanks
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Sujith Kumar  Velayudhan - PeerSpot reviewer
Sujith Kumar Velayudhan
Director - Risk Consulting at a consultancy with 11-50 employees
I am a Certified Internal Auditor and a Certified Frauds Examiner with over 29 years of experience in internal auditing and core expertise in Accounting and Reporting, Operational Audits, and Risk Management practices. I am currently evaluating SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One. What are the ...
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Amritanshu NEHRA - PeerSpot reviewer
Amritanshu NEHRASAP Business One vs. SAP S/4HANA Out of a total of 3,539 decision criteria… more »
Ben Melchionno - PeerSpot reviewer
Ben MelchionnoSap Business One is tailored for small businesses of up to 100 employees more or… more »
Maurice Kasner - PeerSpot reviewer
Maurice KasnerSAP S4/HANA and SAP Business One are two different products I'm not familiar… more »
5 Answers
Sujith Kumar  Velayudhan - PeerSpot reviewer
Sujith Kumar Velayudhan
Director - Risk Consulting at a consultancy with 11-50 employees
I am a Certified Internal Auditor and a Certified Frauds Examiner with over 29 years of experience in internal auditing and core expertise in Accounting and Reporting, Operational Audits, and Risk Management practices. I am currently evaluating SAP S/4HANA and SAP Business One. What are the ...
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Amritanshu NEHRA - PeerSpot reviewer
Amritanshu NEHRASAP Business One vs. SAP S/4HANA Out of a total of 3,539 decision criteria… more »
Ben Melchionno - PeerSpot reviewer
Ben MelchionnoSap Business One is tailored for small businesses of up to 100 employees more or… more »
Maurice Kasner - PeerSpot reviewer
Maurice KasnerSAP S4/HANA and SAP Business One are two different products I'm not familiar… more »
5 Answers
Sunil Saraf - PeerSpot reviewer
Sunil Saraf
Works at ana oils

Hello, I'm looking for recommendations about the following two products: Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SAP S/4HANA. 

What would be your choice and why? Tnx.

Gene Hammons - PeerSpot reviewer
Gene HammonsSo Microsoft Dynamics NAV is being replaced, as MS recodes the product for a… more »
Mohan-S - PeerSpot reviewer
Mohan-SI concur with the other responders here. MS Dynamics 365 and SAP S/4 HANA are… more »
Daniel Robus - PeerSpot reviewer
Daniel RobusHi - that is such a wide question which requires more information. They are both… more »
6 Answers
Rana Bhattacharjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Rana Bhattacharjee
SAP Practice Manager at Data-core systems

Dear peers,

Can anyone explain to me the main differences between SAP RISE and SAP Business ByDesign?

I appreciate your help.

Pradipta Bhattacharya - PeerSpot reviewer
Pradipta BhattacharyaThe main difference is RISE is associated with S/4 Product Range on Cloud while… more »
2 Answers
Rana Bhattacharjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Rana Bhattacharjee
SAP Practice Manager at Data-core systems

Dear peers,

Can anyone explain to me the main differences between SAP RISE and SAP Business ByDesign?

I appreciate your help.

Pradipta Bhattacharya - PeerSpot reviewer
Pradipta BhattacharyaThe main difference is RISE is associated with S/4 Product Range on Cloud while… more »
2 Answers
Rana Bhattacharjee - PeerSpot reviewer
Rana Bhattacharjee
SAP Practice Manager at Data-core systems

Dear peers,

Can anyone explain to me the main differences between SAP RISE and SAP Business ByDesign?

I appreciate your help.

Pradipta Bhattacharya - PeerSpot reviewer
Pradipta BhattacharyaThe main difference is RISE is associated with S/4 Product Range on Cloud while… more »
2 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Shifa Fauziah - PeerSpot reviewer
Shifa Fauziah
Staff of Awarding Event at Ganesha Business Festival

Hi community members,

I've been exploring Talent Management tools and I have a question: what would be a product of your choice between SAP SuccessFactors and Oracle HCM Cloud? 

Please also let me know why would you choose this particular one.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Customer Data Cloud?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Customer Data Cloud.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Shawn Parekh - PeerSpot reviewer
Shawn Parekh
Works at spinta

I have seen lots of companies using Deltek, however, I am wondering if companies are moving from Deltek to SAP as they grow.

Gene Hammons - PeerSpot reviewer
Gene HammonsDeltek is kind of more a niche, SMB player - or at least the situations where… more »
reviewer1413297 - PeerSpot reviewer
reviewer1413297Deltek is focused on Project Based Manufacturing and Projects organisations… more »
2 Answers
Vincenzo Catalano - PeerSpot reviewer
Vincenzo Catalano
Works at HNRG
I'm researching ERP tools. Any suggestions for how to go about comparing tools? I'm looking at SAP ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, and Microsoft.  Thanks.
Read More »
Roland Zuurveld - PeerSpot reviewer
Roland ZuurveldFor starters, I would stop comparing tools, and start looking at my business and… more »
Gene Hammons, MBA - PeerSpot reviewer
Gene Hammons, MBAI think Panorama Consulting Group publishes some of their ERP shootouts… more »
Daniel Robus - PeerSpot reviewer
Daniel RobusDo you want to do it for a specific purpose or to tick a box?  Lets assume you… more »
5 Answers
Aashutosh Sharma - PeerSpot reviewer
Aashutosh Sharma
Works at Sutherland Technologies


I work at a Computer Software company with 10K+ employees. I'm researching SQL Server and SAP HANA. 

In your opinion, which is better and why?

Thanks for your help!

Ts Nurul Haszeli - PeerSpot reviewer
Ts Nurul HaszeliIt really depends on the purpose of usage. Both have strengths and limitations… more »
1 Answer
Fatima Chogle - PeerSpot reviewer
Fatima Chogle
Works at Power International Holding

Hi community,

I'm looking at Business Warehouse and HANA Enterprise Cloud. 

Which is better abd why? What is their cost model?

Thanks in advance!

Fatima Chogle - PeerSpot reviewer
Fatima Chogle
Works at Power International Holding

Hi community,

I'm looking at Business Warehouse and HANA Enterprise Cloud. 

Which is better abd why? What is their cost model?

Thanks in advance!

it_user91872 - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior HR Analyst at a financial services firm with 501-1,000 employees
Our HR workforce analytics and process management team have been using Tableau desktop for over a year and found a great deal of benefits from its various features.  Our teams deal with a lot of MS Excel and Access files but also have to push data out of key HRIS systems like Workday in...
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Stephan Schaumburg-Lippe - PeerSpot reviewer
Stephan Schaumburg-LippeIn my opinion, Tableau is "best of bread" answering "one type of question"… more »
reviewer1449702 - PeerSpot reviewer
reviewer1449702Both tools have their positives and negatives. First, I should mention that I am… more »
Paul Grill - PeerSpot reviewer
Paul GrillSince at least 45% of BusinessObjects customers in North America also use… more »
18 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Access Control?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Access Control.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Access Control, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

User61934 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a tech services company with self employed
I am currently using SmartRecruiters for talent acquisition. I'm considering moving To SAP SuccessFactors and would love to get some feedback about it:1. What are the limitations of SuccessFactors?2. Do we have to pay for the career page and ATS?3. Is posting to job boards free?4. ...
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reviewer1430880 - PeerSpot reviewer
General Manager at a recruiting/HR firm with 1-10 employees


I'd like to know what differences there are between Oracle Fusion and SAP Successfactors in terms of:

1- Modules 

2- Implementation Cycle

3- Customisation 

Ramon Arentsen - PeerSpot reviewer
Ramon Arentsen
HR Systems Architect at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
I'm an HRIS specialist in managing the portfolio of HR Related IT systems, projects, and changes within the corporate center area. I currently work for a manufacturing company with 10,000+ employees. We are currently evaluating Workday, Oracle Cloud, and SAP SuccessFactors. What are the...
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reviewer1449702 - PeerSpot reviewer
reviewer1449702Differences between Workday, Oracle Cloud,w and SAP SuccessFactors:w Oracle:… more »
1 Answer
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick SAP Contextor or TIS RPA?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Ikon or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Laiye UiBot or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick SAP Contextor or Software AG ARIS Robotic Process Automation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick ElectroNeek or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick SAP Contextor or Scheer RPA?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Jidoka RPA or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Nintex RPA or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Automai RPA or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Perpetuuiti Platform or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick SAP Contextor or VisualCron?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Ayehu NG or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick INTELLIBOT or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Jacada Intelligent Agent Engagement or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick HelpSystems AutoMate or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick BotFarm or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick OpenConnect AutoiQ or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick EpiGenie Robotic Process Automation or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick AutomationEdge or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick ProcessRobot by Softomotive or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick NTT-AT WinActor or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick IBM Robotic Process Automation (RPA) or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Redwood Finance Automation or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick NICE Robotic Automation or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick EdgeVerve AssistEdge RPA or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Blue Prism or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Automation Anywhere (AA) or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solution, are you more likely to pick Pega Robotic Process Automation or SAP Contextor?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Ramon Arentsen - PeerSpot reviewer
Ramon Arentsen
HR Systems Architect at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees
I'm an HRIS specialist in managing the portfolio of HR Related IT systems, projects, and changes within the corporate center area. I currently work for a manufacturing company with 10,000+ employees. Do the big three, Workday, Oracle Cloud, and SuccessFactors, allow us to easily maintai...
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Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP NetWeaver Business Rules Management?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP NetWeaver Business Rules Management.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP NetWeaver Business Rules Management, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Jayant Arya - PeerSpot reviewer
Jayant Arya
Senior Software Engineer at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
I am a senior software engineer at a company with 10,000+ employees. We are evaluating the following criteria of Signavio in comparison to Aris BPM:  Is it possible to create a custom report for push or create content hierarchy in Signavio just like with ARIS? Upload reports taken from...
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it_user1238793 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user1238793You can export all process model attributes (including custom attributes) to… more »
FilySacko - PeerSpot reviewer
FilySackoHello, so far most of the points you have reported are addressed here… more »
2 Answers
Shobana Sawant - PeerSpot reviewer
Shobana Sawant at a manufacturing company with 1,001-5,000 employees

I work for an industrial automation company with 1,000-5,000 employees. 

We are currently researching Workday, PeopleSoft, and SAP SuccessFactors. What are the biggest differences between the three? Which would you recommend? 

Thanks! I appreciate the help. 

Rivka Alexander - PeerSpot reviewer
Rivka AlexanderCheck out our comparison page of Workday vs PeopleSoft vs SAP SuccessFactors… more »
HeHR893021 - PeerSpot reviewer
HeHR893021Workday is excellent for global implementations where you want to have employees… more »
Anthony Collier - PeerSpot reviewer
Anthony CollierBig question but let me try to sum this up without diving too deep into the… more »
5 Answers
reviewer1101405 - PeerSpot reviewer
IT Consulting Manager at a tech services company with 11-50 employees

I have experience as an IT consulting manager.

We are currently evaluating GRC solutions. What are the biggest differences between MEGA HOPEX, Oracle GRC Controls, and SAP BusinessObjects GRC? Which would you recommend? 

Thanks! I appreciate the help. 

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about SAP Predictive Analytics?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with SAP Predictive Analytics.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering SAP Predictive Analytics, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Tsakani Mbhambhu - PeerSpot reviewer
Tsakani Mbhambhu
Head: ICT Solutions and Strategic Technology Officer at a financial services firm with 501-1,000 employees
I am an IT Professional with years of experience specializing in IT Management and IT Leadership in the Financial, Banking, and Health sectors. I am currently the Head of ICT solutions and strategic technology at my organization.  I am currently evaluating SAP S/4HANA. What are som...
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it_user787881 - PeerSpot reviewer
IT Manager & Business Controller with 51-200 employees

What are the most critical functional differences between S4 HANA & M3?

it_user698691 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user698691first, you need to distinguish different deployment options: S/4HANA on-permise… more »
Gene Hammons, MBA - PeerSpot reviewer
Gene Hammons, MBAI can only base this on selections done a couple of years ago and I may be off… more »
it_user664740 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user664740In general, if you are looking for a strong HRIS, Quality Management, then SAP… more »
9 Answers
it_user752199 - PeerSpot reviewer
Project Manager - HCM Solutions at a tech vendor with 1,001-5,000 employees

Looking for a comparison of Microsoft SQL 2017 and SAP Hana.

Mordechai Danielov - PeerSpot reviewer
Mordechai DanielovSAP Hana under the full use license can support non-SAP applications that's not… more »
it_user379329 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user379329There are several similarities b/w the relational databases. I would go with one… more »
it_user525360 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user525360DP DHL does use both tools but the use is largely restricted by business… more »
12 Answers
it_user742446 - PeerSpot reviewer

Hyperion Planning or SAP BPC?

it_user739068 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user739068The only reason to consider BPC at this point is if you are locked into an SAP… more »
7 Answers
it_user735081 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a energy/utilities company with 10,001+ employees

Dear Team,

I would like a cost comparison for CRM SAP, Salesforce and Pega. Hopefully someone can provide me the details. Thank you

it_user727011 - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior Principal Consultant at a consultancy with self employed

I am interested in pricing of Concur for approx. 800 users, if someone can advise, Thank you,

Greg Shumaker


Business Performance integrated

HeHR893021 - PeerSpot reviewer
Head HRM Technology at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees

1. What are some points to focus on if we are considering this product?

2. How does it compare to other competing products like SAP Successfactors, Oracle HCM and CornerStone OnDemand?

3. How is the support rated for India?

Geert Van Gucht - PeerSpot reviewer
Geert Van GuchtI see them less in recent new contracts for larger organisations, which are… more »
2 Answers
it_user335610 - PeerSpot reviewer
SAP MDM Consultant at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees

Does SAP MDG provide cloud based master data management where customers can host their MDG on cloud?

If there are any relevant links to it, can you please provide them?

Thank you.

it_user709260 - PeerSpot reviewer
System Analyst at a energy/utilities company with 10,001+ employees

If we want to make, create or change multiple items in single workflow, do we need approval for first place and then to redirect to multiple approval depending on business rules?

it_user610317 - PeerSpot reviewer
Database Specialist with 1,001-5,000 employees

I'm in dilemma to select the right product for our database - SYBASE IQ or Oracle 12c datawarehouse. The estimation of the database size is 2 PB. 

Thanks in Advance.

it_user594531 - PeerSpot reviewer
Director (Projects) at a pharma/biotech company with 10,001+ employees

What is the percentage of industries (on a global scale) that use SAP ERP, compared to those that use JD Edwards application?

it_user545286 - PeerSpot reviewer
Principal Software Systems Engineer at a tech services company with 5,001-10,000 employees
What do each of the major MDM suppliers (Informatica, IBM, Oracle, SAP) provide as MDM Capabilities within their core MDM licensing (i.e. Matching, Deduplication, Searching, Modeling, Analytics, Integration / ETL, Database technology)? For instance, I understand that IBM Info...
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it_user556305 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a tech services company with 501-1,000 employees

Can anyone name the areas where SAP ERP Suite is better than SAP Business One?

it_user556305 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a tech services company with 501-1,000 employees

Can anyone name the areas where SAP ERP Suite is better than SAP Business One?

it_user473748 - PeerSpot reviewer
HR Project Manager at a insurance company with 501-1,000 employees
I need to make a choice between Jam and Yammer.  My preference at the moment is for Jam because of it's integration with the HR processes and the immediate productivity return associated with that.  Yammer is better all around and is free of charge but is also a bit free-float...
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it_user406284 - PeerSpot reviewer
R&D CMT at a manufacturing company with 1,001-5,000 employees

1. What are the main differences between FPX and CallidusCloud CPQ system?

2. Which solution should we choose for CPQ for solution combine with CPQ for products?

it_user128490 - PeerSpot reviewer
IT Leader at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
I am designing a next generation contact center strategy for my organization and have been evaluating different products and options to uniquely meet customer needs. What would form the best of breed technology stack addressing next generation contact center requirements?I have been looking at th...
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it_user179307 - PeerSpot reviewer

We are in the process of evaluating many vendor tools for our MDM program; at the same time we are also evaluating if we can build in-house MDM tool. Can someone shed some more light on Buy vs Build for MDM Programs?


it_user177252 - PeerSpot reviewer

Have you compared SAP and Microsoft's ERP solutions for the process industry, or specifically for pharmaceutical businesses?

it_user171777 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user171777SAP with its other acquired applications (APO/ Business Objects /LPO/MII / ME)… more »
9 Answers
it_user150675 - PeerSpot reviewer
Manager - Enterprise Data Management & Analytics at a insurance company with 10,001+ employees

Has anyone had experience comparing these solutions? Thanks for your insight.

it_user217836 - PeerSpot reviewer
Works at a tech company with 51-200 employees

What are the key areas to plan when migrating from an existing e-commerce platform to Hybris?

What should a Hybris project plan look like for an e-commerce site?

it_user948 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user948Hi - there are numerous considerations....almost too many to list. But as a… more »
5 Answers
it_user178362 - PeerSpot reviewer
Project Leader at a manufacturing company with 1,001-5,000 employees
We are considering SAS VA on top of HADOOP YARN platform. However, we are a big SAP BOBJ / BW shop and are moving more in that direction. What does SAS VA offer that BOBJ would not, and how can we build a business case around SAS VA specifically? Based on what I read so far, SAS VA offers...
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Avigail Sugarman - PeerSpot reviewer
Avigail Sugarman
Community Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

For a company which has been using SAP BO and Microsoft BI for many years and is looking for a BI solution which business users can use to create reports without involving IT, which solutions are the easiest and the best choice?

Avigail Sugarman - PeerSpot reviewer
Avigail Sugarman
Community Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)

What are your experiences with these solutions? How do they compare to other solutions? Pros and Cons?

it_user112062 - PeerSpot reviewer
Presales BI at a tech services company with 51-200 employees

What are the differences between Tableau and SAP Business Objects?

I’m new to Tableau and I would like to know whether it has any middle layer like there is a Universe in Business Objects? If so, what is it called?

Ariel Lindenfeld - PeerSpot reviewer
Ariel Lindenfeld
Sr. Director of Community
I am preparing a document on WebFOCUS vs Business Objects and I wanted to know what are the reporting tools in WebFOCUS? As in Business Objects, we have Web intelligence rich and thin clients for reporting and Dashboard design tool for dashboarding purposes. Any help with giving me few names and ...
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it_user73503 - PeerSpot reviewer
it_user73503I don't want to interfere in a community discussion, but I need to note that the… more »
6 Answers
Ariel Lindenfeld - PeerSpot reviewer
Ariel Lindenfeld
Sr. Director of Community