Trend Micro Software and Solutions

Trend Micro Reviews

IT Architect at a outsourcing company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Great network protection, a centralized view, and user-friendly
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature is the network protection shield on every server, which isolates attacks and prevents our clients from being affected."
  • "The deployment process could be more streamlined over the existing infrastructure, as it was not as easy as we thought."

What is our primary use case?

We use Trend Micro XDR to enhance our security framework.

One of our partners was the victim of a major attack, and we realized that our environment was susceptible to the same thing because we were only using an antivirus solution. 

Trend Micro XDR is deployed on-premises, and we use it on our core business servers, clients, and the management portal to protect all of our network nodes from attacks.

How has it helped my organization?

Trend Micro Vision One provides centralized visibility and management across protection layers, which is important. It is part of our monitoring tool. The visibility gives us a centralized view of our network nodes, activities, and possible attacks.

The risk index feature plays an important role in our KPIs, which we report to the management team. Our business is dependent on our systems running 24/7.

Trend Micro XDR has helped decrease our time to detect and respond to threats.

Trend Micro XDR has reduced the time we spend investigating false positive alerts by 50 percent.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature is the network protection shield on every server, which isolates attacks and prevents our clients from being affected.

What needs improvement?

The deployment process could be more streamlined over the existing infrastructure, as it was not as easy as we thought. We are working with an expert from Trend Micro to improve the rollout process, but it has taken some time and we do not yet have a concrete understanding of the issue. There are some features that we have to install repeatedly before they start running.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Micro XDR for one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Trend Micro XDR is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Trend Micro XDR is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is good.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The deployment took six to eight weeks to complete. We had around five part-time people involved in the deployment.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Trend Micro XDR is expensive but we got a good deal from Trend Micro. We pay for an annual license.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

Currently, we are researching the question of whether to use Trend Micro XDR when we switch from our classic NPLS internal corporate lines to an SD-WAN solution. Or if we should use an integrated solution from the SD-WAN and firewall provider, such as Palo Alto or Fortinet.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Micro XDR eight out of ten.

We have 300 people in our organization that use the solution.

Maintenance is easy and done by two people, who update, patch, and install new servers; client-side, they also update user stations and analyze logs.

I recommend Trend Micro XDR. It is user-friendly.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Chief Technology Officer at a hospitality company with 5,001-10,000 employees
Real User
Top 10
Has built-in AI, a single pane of glass, and centralized visibility
Pros and Cons
  • "We are very impressed with the single pane of glass visibility that Trend Micro XDR provides."
  • "I think that continued optimization of the environment towards automation and orchestration, a kind of layer that sits underneath all of the technologies, would be extremely important."

What is our primary use case?

We use Trend Micro XDR for rapid response to end-user computing and security concerns.

As a health system, one of our core challenges is ensuring full visibility into our attack surface. We have many thousands of endpoints and end users that must be properly secured and protected. Our primary use case was to improve visibility, and response time, and reduce complexity. That is why we chose Trend Micro XDR.

Trend Micro XDR is deployed on Trend Micro's private cloud.

How has it helped my organization?

We are using Trend Micro XDR on our endpoint and server infrastructure. The coverage is extremely important to our organization.

Trend Micro XDR provides us with centralized visibility and management across protection layers.

The centralized visibility and management across protection layers have helped our efficiency. The most significant advantage is that we used to manage these platforms with three or even five engineers, and now we're managing them with one.

It is extremely important to us that we can drill down from the executive dashboards into XDR detections. This provides us with the single pane of glass view that I mentioned previously. Being able to see at a high level that there may be systems that are behind on patch levels or need additional service or support, and then being able to drill down specifically to an individual machine, which may be unique in our environment, is very helpful.

We use the risk index to evaluate ourselves holistically, including our performance against best practices and security, as well as our performance against other healthcare systems around the world. This allows us to identify areas where we may have vulnerabilities or where we are particularly strong so that we can focus on improving in the areas where we need to.

Trend Micro XDR has helped us improve our resource utilization through automation, reducing manual effort and enabling faster response times. In under a week, we had tuned our environment to perform optimally.

Trend Micro's Managed XDR service has significantly reduced our team's workload by nearly 50 percent, providing a big improvement in our overall threat intelligence and endpoint security.

The Managed XDR service has enabled our team to work on other tasks. This additional availability for our staff has allowed us to reduce our need for contractors. If we are overburdened, we will hire contractors to assist in other areas of the business. However, because we have become more efficient, I have been able to hire some of those contractors and reduce the burden of contract labor.

Attack surface work management capabilities have been extremely valuable. The user and identity services provided by ASRM help us to focus on and improve visibility into end-user behavior, including that of endpoints such as laptops and desktops, the network, cloud infrastructure, and applications.

The ability to detect our blind spots has significantly improved our security posture. Seeing everything clearly in a single, easy-to-understand dashboard allows us to allocate our resources directly to where they are needed most, enabling us to respond faster.

The biggest advantage of Trend Micro XDR is that it has helped decrease our time to detect and respond to threats by around 50 percent.

Trend Micro XDR has helped reduce the amount of time we spend investigating false positive alerts by 60 percent.

Trend Micro XDRs automation capabilities save us around ten hours per week. 

What is most valuable?

We are very impressed with the single pane of glass visibility that Trend Micro XDR provides. It allows us to work from a single console instead of having to use four or five separate tools to maintain the same level of security. This is extremely helpful.

The manageability and artificial intelligence built into Trend Micro XDR are extremely helpful.

What needs improvement?

I've seen a lot of improvement in just the year that we've been with Trend Micro. However, I think that continued optimization of the environment towards automation and orchestration, a kind of layer that sits underneath all of the technologies, would be extremely important. When we look at the speed and sophistication of attacks today, such as ransomware, malware, and cyber threats, we need tools and technologies that can react faster. So, I think integration with automation, orchestration, and artificial intelligence will help tremendously.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Micro XDR for one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Trend Micro XDR is remarkably stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Considering our growth rate of nearly 30 percent per year, Trend Micro XDR is scalable enough to keep up, so we have no concerns.

How are customer service and support?

Technical support is exceptional. They are extremely engaged and supportive of everything we have needed.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used Sophos but switched to Trend Micro because of its enhanced capabilities.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment was straightforward. The deployment took between one and two weeks to complete. 

Moving between security tools requires an analysis of the existing environment to understand the current configuration, rulesets, and architecture. This analysis is quickly followed by implementation to improve the security posture and validation to ensure that the infrastructure is not only properly protected, but better protected than before.

Three people were required for the deployment.

What was our ROI?

We have been able to reduce some labor costs and use our resources more efficiently. These savings of hours per week are definitely a return on investment.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is fairly priced.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Micro XDR ten out of ten. The solution works extremely well for us. In a healthcare environment, the types of data and the sheer size of the attack surface are somewhat extraordinary. Having the enhanced capabilities of the Trend Micro toolset has been very important to us, and I strongly recommend it.

We have 11,000 users, five acute care hospitals, and around 80 clinics.

Two people are required to maintain Trend Micro XDR for the investigation of threats and incidents. When threat intelligence comes in from Trend Micro or we receive an alert, we validate or respond to it. A lot of this process has been automated, which has helped tremendously.

I strongly recommend Trend Micro XDR and advise doing a proof of concept against any current tool on the market, as it works extremely well and a POC can clearly demonstrate this in a short period of time.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
Information security manager at a tech services company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Top 10
Provides visibility, is proactive, and saves us time
Pros and Cons
  • "The proactive approach is the best feature."
  • "The centralized dashboard has room for improvement."

What is our primary use case?

We use Trend Micro XDR for endpoint detection, endpoint user protection, and virtual security.

How has it helped my organization?

We have deployed Trend Micro XDR across our entire environment, which is important for our organization's threat detection capabilities.

We use Trend Vision One to monitor our environment 24/7. Centralized visibility is very important to me and my management. In addition, management wants to see centralized dashboarding. This is very important.

The centralized visibility and management across our protection layers have improved our efficiency.

The executive dashboard is important to our organization. I use the dashboard each morning and evening.

Trend Micro XDR has helped our organization improve its defenses against external and internal threats.

The Managed XDR service has positively affected our team's workload by providing 24/7 monitoring. This has saved our team 20 percent of their time to focus on other tasks.

The time to detect is under one minute.

What is most valuable?

The proactive approach is the best feature. When Trend Micro XDR detects a virus in our system, it stops it and secures our branches.

What needs improvement?

The centralized dashboard has room for improvement.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Micro XDR for almost two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Trend Micro XDR is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Trend Micro XDR is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is good. We receive a response within ten minutes.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We switched to Trend Micro XDR from Kaspersky because it is a better product and we have not faced any issues.

How was the initial setup?

The deployment took one week and required a few people to complete.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Trend Micro XDR is expensive.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Micro XDR ten out of ten.

We have over 100 Trend Micro XDR users.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
Specialist Security Operations at a financial services firm with 5,001-10,000 employees
Real User
Good threat hunting and detection with a nice interface
Pros and Cons
  • "I'm satisfied with the level of coverage. The policies have been very useful and detailed."
  • "I'd like to see alert time reduction so that they show up on the dashboard faster."

What is our primary use case?

I did a POC with Trend Micro on our servers. We were testing for detection capabilities. We wanted to use it for security protection.

How has it helped my organization?

Once we deployed the solution into our organization, we were able to view logs. From there, we could handle detection. 

What is most valuable?

The detection was very good. It helps with threat hunting. 

Its interface is good. We were able to find logs easily.

It's been working well on our organization's network. I'm satisfied with the level of coverage. The policies have been very useful and detailed. 

We use the solution's executive dashboard. We actually have two or three dashboards. It helps us spot vulnerabilities. 

It's helped us reduce workloads. By getting logs, we could reduce detection time. The threat hunting became easier. We're still working through a POC, so I can't speak to if it will enable us to work on other tasks. We're still testing. 

The solution has helped us to decrease our time to detect and respond to threats. We can respond to threats in half an hour to an hour.

What needs improvement?

When an incident occurs, it will detect the incident within half an hour to an hour. I'd like to see alert time reduction so that they show up on the dashboard faster. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution since 2021. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The solution is stable. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I've never tried to scale the solution. For my purposes, it's fine. I can't speak to how scaling would go. Likely, it can scale. 

How are customer service and support?

I've been satisfied with the technical support. They are very good. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

To deploy the POC takes less than one week. Implementing the cloud is fast. It's not complex to set up. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is expensive. Most organizations cannot afford XDR. 

I don't deal with the licensing directly. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I've looked into other solutions, like Cortex. Trend Micro offers good visibility. I prefer Trend Micro. It's good. I like the useability. 

What other advice do I have?

I'm an end-user.

We have yet to use the attack surface risk management capabilities. I only downloaded the sensors and installed them on the current phones and servers. We've only done this in the last week. 

I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
CTO at Cyber Correlate
Real User
Top 5Leaderboard
Good protection with centralized visibility and nice executive dashboards
Pros and Cons
  • "The centralized visibility is good."
  • "The support should be improved."

What is our primary use case?

It offers very good ransomware protection. You have more visibility on the network.

How has it helped my organization?

It helps with compliance. We are also well-protected from ransomware and network attacks.

It's improved our organization in two ways: we can have more visibility and have more confidence in security. We also have better reporting for regulatory compliance. 

What is most valuable?

The endpoint protection is the most useful. It's powerful. I've faced issues with other products regarding ransomware; however, with Trend Micro, I have no fear of network attacks. I have experience with consistent protection. 

Customers have NDR and XDR protection, and it's very good for protection. There are also regulations within our country that require us to use XDR. 

The centralized visibility is good. It's great for the IT team as they have to export reports to management for compliance. It helps with reporting. It's essential. 

The centralized visibility and management across protection layers helped our efficiency. We have a limited number of security engineers. With Trend Micro and its centralized dashboard, it will show everything we've learned and reflect reporting on the dashboard and this helps when you have a limited amount of users. It simply reduces the number of people that need to be involved in the security effort. 

We use the executive dashboards on both sides. We can drill down on them right into XDR detection. It's essential when we have an incident. If we need to know more about the threat, we need to know where and how they are attacking. We can drill down and get forensic data. 

The solution's risk index feature is very good. It comes out of the box. Our customers can use it. 

The product has helped us decrease our time to detect and respond to threats. 

What needs improvement?

It took some time to realize the benefits, as we had some issues with support. It took us three to four months to realize its benefits. 

The support should be improved. 

We'd like to see deception features in the next release. It would help us to reduce false positive alerts. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for seven years now.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is good overall. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution is scalable. You simply need the resources on the VM, and you can easily change your license. 

How are customer service and support?

We've had issues with support. Their services could be improved. 

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have used Fidelis and found you can control the endpoints better. They also have a deception module, which is very powerful. You can manage your endpoints perfectly. It also offers very good network visibility. I use both products. It depends on the customer's needs and approach.

How was the initial setup?

I observed the deployment process. 

We had issues. It should be straightforward; however, with a customer, we faced a problem with technical support. It took us almost eight months to deploy. They had issues with the installation on the endpoints and on the network side. We had a problem with a few things, including use cases. 

The plan was to deploy in two weeks, and yet it took almost eight months.

From the customer side, there were three engineers, and from Trend Micro, there were one or two engineers working on the solution.

Almost every two weeks, there are maintenance calls. The customer has three people handling maintenance duties. 

What about the implementation team?

The solution was deployed by support. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing is average. The costs are acceptable. It's good for small or medium-sized businesses. 

What other advice do I have?

I'm a partner. 

We're using the latest version of the solution. 

I'd rate the solution eight out of ten. 

For enterprise customers, I wouldn't recommend the solution. However, it's a good solution for small or medium customers. New users need to ensure they have the correct sizing and licensing. 

You need to talk to the right support engineers in order to have a smooth experience. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: partner
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Network & Security Administrator at a manufacturing company with 501-1,000 employees
Real User
Provides centralized visibility, alerts us of potential risks, and enhances security posture
Pros and Cons
  • "VisionOne offers a clear window into the security posture of our endpoints."
  • "The support documentation could be more comprehensive."

What is our primary use case?

We have deployed the Trend Micro product suite across all our servers and workstations, including their XDR component, Vision One.

Our decision to switch from Kaspersky to Trend Micro stemmed from the concerns surrounding Kaspersky and the Russian government. Following those developments, we were advised to discontinue using Kaspersky and began the process of evaluating alternative security solutions. Trend Micro ultimately emerged as our preferred choice due to their exceptional support during the proof-of-concept stage. Unlike other vendors, Trend Micro proactively dispatched an engineer to our corporate headquarters at their own expense to assist with setting up and running the POC, demonstrating their commitment to our success. Vision One was released a year into our contract and we were able to work with the Trend Micro account team to deploy it in our organization.

Previously, our security setup with Trend Micro was entirely on-premises. This meant we were managing our backend servers and manually reviewing security updates. It was a time-consuming process, especially when vulnerabilities arose in their on-prem products. Reviewing briefing files and ensuring everything was patched was a constant burden. Moving to the cloud was a game-changer. The maintenance of backend servers is now handled by Trend Micro, freeing up our resources. We receive monthly emails notifying us of upcoming maintenance, and they take care of everything behind the scenes. It's a breeze. Vision One has always been cloud-based, but our previous on-premises solutions included their endpoint product Apex One, server product Deep Security, and exchange product. When we transitioned to the cloud, Apex One remained our endpoint protection, while Deep Security evolved into Cloud One. Additionally, Cloud App Security was introduced, providing security features for SharePoint and Teams alongside Exchange Cloud. 

How has it helped my organization?

Trend Vision One streamlines our security by centralizing data collection and threat management. It pulls data from Exchange, SharePoint, endpoints, and servers to the cloud, providing a unified view of our IT environment. This centralized data feeds into advanced playbooks that automatically block URLs and files based on predefined conditions, reducing our reliance on manual intervention. For potential threats requiring further analysis, Vision One flags them for human review, allowing security personnel to quickly approve or deny access to specific URLs or files. These decisions then inform the suspicious object lists used across all deployed Trend Micro products, maximizing our overall security posture. In short, Vision One effectively automates routine tasks while empowering security teams to focus on critical decisions, making it a valuable asset for our organization.

Vision One grants us centralized visibility and management across our protection layers. With its ongoing development, Trend Micro has steadily consolidated this visibility into a single pane of glass.

Centralized visibility significantly improves our efficiency. Instead of scouring endpoints or hopping between the mail server and data lake, we can consolidate our search for malicious activity into one central location. Vision One empowers us to leverage comprehensive search parameters and scan all data within the data lake, not just data limited to specific products.

For me, the executive dashboard is always the first one I check. Then, I turn to the operations dashboard for a more detailed look. These two dashboards provide a comprehensive overview of our security posture, drawing data from internal and external assets, application agents without vulnerability assessments, and detected account compromises. Vision One also excels at alerting us to potential risks, including accounts exposed to data breaches. I've personally experienced this when the executive dashboard's risk score suddenly spiked due to flagged accounts. After investigating and confirming the risk, we dismiss the alert and the score adjusts accordingly.

The attack surface risk management capability has identified several vulnerability issues in external assets, necessitating immediate action. It has also shed light on blind spots within our environment. 

When we identify blind spots, we need to implement measures to address them and mitigate, reduce, or even eliminate the associated risk from our environment. Our team is relatively small, so dedicating someone to focus intensively on a single issue can be challenging. Vision One has alleviated this burden. Vision One's playbook and built-in automation features help us by proactively alerting us to issues requiring immediate attention, enhancing our overall security posture.

Vision One offers a feature where, if it detects a phishing email with high confidence, it automatically locks the email, removes it from the Exchange database, quarantines it, and disables any links within the email or similar emails. For emails requiring human intervention or immediate action, Vision One flags them for review. We can then approve or deny the actions on the URLs and emails within the system. We use Vision One as a secondary measure if something slips through our other security layers. It allows us to see exactly what happens when users click on a malicious link, even if it wasn't flagged beforehand.

To some extent, Vision One helps us reduce the time we spend investigating false positive alerts generated by our firewalls. While firewalls throw out many alerts, I often turn to Vision One for clients flagged as compromised. Jumping over the firewall report, I check Vision One's insights on those specific endpoints and the sites flagged by the firewall. Previously, I'd spend time on the machine itself, sifting through cookies and deleting temporary files to track the source of the suspicious traffic. But with Vision One, I can quickly see if the endpoint is trying to reach those flagged endpoints. In most cases, it turns out to be just Google searches – images or other elements loading as part of a search.

Vision One has become my go-to spot every morning because of the dashboards. They put everything I needed in one place, saving me the hassle of jumping between multiple platforms. It's a half-hour ritual that sets me up for success, allowing me to review everything efficiently and tackle the rest of my day with confidence. Vision One has probably saved me several hours of valuable time per day.

We currently have some playbooks in place, and we're exploring the option of adding more automation features to them. Our limited IT support staff is one factor that makes a managed XDR solution particularly appealing. However, we recognize the need to invest time in learning and understanding the available automation features, of which there are many.

What is most valuable?

I could visit VisionOne daily and check the operations dashboard. It provides a good high-level overview of our risk posture, and I can drill down to see the specific registrations from the endpoint network that VisionOne is highlighting. This helped us understand that our risk index recently increased due to users requiring patches for the latest Google Chrome bug. Beyond that, VisionOne offers a clear window into the security posture of our endpoints. It shows any existing vulnerabilities and, if applicable, highlights any available tools from Trend Micro that can help us reduce the risk and mitigate the issues.

What needs improvement?

The support documentation could be more comprehensive. The last time I needed to find information, it was scattered, and took me a long time to locate what I needed. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Vision One for almost six years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

While all products can encounter occasional stability issues, we've had specific instances where Trend Micro caused problems. We were unable to pinpoint the exact cause ourselves. Therefore, we contacted Trend Micro's technical support and collaborated with them to resolve the issue. In one case, it was a bug or previously unknown problem that was fixed in the next release.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Vision One is fairly scalable, especially the cloud model. Because as long as we have the licenses installed. They can create folders and groups to help keep things organized for us.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support team is always incredibly helpful. Whenever we call them, they typically recommend using their data collection tool to gather some information. However, they're quick to respond, easy to work with, and knowledgeable, making for great customer service.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Previously, we used Kaspersky for several years after Symantec's exorbitant pricing led us to switch. We hadn't considered Trend Micro at the time. When concerns about Kaspersky arose due to the geopolitical situation, our director decided to move away from it. Seeking an alternative that was lightweight and met our needs, we explored various vendors and ultimately settled on Trend Micro.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment was straightforward. Trend Micro sent one of their engineers from Toronto to Halifax to help us set up the point-of-sale system for the proof-of-concept trial. The beauty of their approach was that if we decided to move forward with Trend Micro after the POC, we only needed to apply the license to the existing model, and it could be seamlessly transitioned into production. The engineer worked closely with us to develop a script that would uninstall Kaspersky and install the Trend Micro product. They also helped us configure the necessary policies, making the entire process remarkably simple.

Three people were involved in the deployment including the engineer from Trend Micro.

What about the implementation team?

The implementation was completed in-house with the help of a Trend Micro engineer.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Initially, the new pricing structure from Trend Micro seemed reasonable compared to what we'd seen before. They've introduced a credit system, where we purchase credits and then allocate them to the specific services we need active. This concept is intriguing, but it has its pros and cons. In the past, licensing for 700 clients meant purchasing 700 licenses for everything in the package, a straightforward approach. Now, the new system requires a sizing exercise to determine our actual needs. However, the upside is that unused credits don't go to waste. We can divert some to a sandbox environment or other Trend Micro service for a limited time, if needed, to address specific issues.

Each feature costs a certain amount of credits.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Vision One a nine out of ten.

The on-premises version requires maintenance on the management server and update the software. The cloud model reduces the amount of time spent on maintenance dramatically because the cloud model automatically takes care of the software maintenance side of Trend Micro.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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AndrewAdams - PeerSpot reviewer
Cloud Security Engineer at XSOLIS, LLC
Real User
The observed attack techniques feature lets you see what an attacker is doing or how malicious code is operating
Pros and Cons
  • "I like Vision One's observed attack techniques feature. It lets you see what an attacker is doing, how they have tried to exploit a machine, or how malicious code is operating. It helps us discover indicators of compromise so we can write better rules for detection."
  • "We've received some mild complaints that the documentation is sometimes not up to date."

What is our primary use case?

We use Vision One for antivirus, endpoint protection, and identifying misconfigurations in our cloud platform. It secures our servers and endpoints and detects any sort of malicious software or inappropriate user behavior. It's a cloud solution with agents on the machines for endpoint protection. 

How has it helped my organization?

Vision One gives us more insight. When we implemented the solution, we didn't have a mature security platform, so we couldn't see what was happening on our servers or what our users were doing. It has decreased our time to detect and respond. Initially, we didn't have as much insight into any attacks that came through. It gives us more data points to work with and guidance about the remediation efforts. We aren't dealing with eight or nine different systems to identify one issue. It's all centrally located in one place.

Their Managed XDR service acts as our security operations center. It helps us sleep a little better at night. We know that they can call us on the phone when a significant alert comes in after hours. It makes things more efficient because we know there's someone on the other side who can look at alerts for us and at least do the preliminary analysis if anything comes in. Multiple teams are notified when an alert comes in. We can allocate security resources more efficiently and plug more data sources into the Vision One platform. We don't need to dedicate personnel to continuously monitor the dashboard because we know someone is looking at it with us.

The platform has allowed us to identify blind spots and see where there are holes in our network. It suggests remediation steps in many cases.  There is typically a link in the documentation. That has been a significant benefit because it tells you what to do. For example, it might suggest running a command in the terminal to identify the issues or take x output and put it into y input. 

The solution reduces the time spent investigating false positives by around 65 to 75 percent. For example, when we are pushing out custom code, the workbench tells us the risk level. If it's 70 or higher, we check it out. At 69 or lower, it could be a false positive, so it might require some poking around. It gives us enough data in the alerts that anyone who knows the system could say, "Oh, that was me. I was running patches," instead of checking nine different systems to identify what triggered the alert. It's all there in the alert, including the hashes, commands, impacted web files, etc. We can instantly dismiss it as a false positive and flag it as resolved.

Vision One's playbooks help us save time but I can't say how much because we're still maturing those. For instance, we know what those patching commands look like, so we're working on a playbook to automatically ignore or close those false positive alerts as they come in. We're still trying to fine-tune those playbooks. 

What is most valuable?

I like Vision One's observed attack techniques feature. It lets you see what an attacker is doing, how they have tried to exploit a machine, or how malicious code is operating. It helps us discover indicators of compromise so we can write better rules for detection.

Migrating to the Vision One platform helped us because we no longer need to look at eight different screens to find data. It's all just consolidated into one location. Having everything in one place is critical. I've been in the industry for almost a decade now, and it's a struggle to find that single pane of glass for all my alerts, logs, and anomalies like random users clicking on a link or downloading a file. It's nice to have it all in one location. Having centralized visibility saves the time we would spend checking various systems to look for things. I can also correlate data points more effectively and make data-driven decisions about the remediation and mitigation of any internal or external threats discovered.

The executive dashboard is nice. It's consolidating all of the tools into the Vision One platform, giving you a high-level overview. Executives love dashboards and pretty colors. The ability to drill down into XDR detection from the executive dashboard his handy. I don't have to go fishing. We get an alert that says a machine did X, and I can fire it up. It's on the dashboard, so I can click on that machine, and it lets me drill down into the logs. It cuts down on the time required to do any kind of forensic analysis on anomalous alerts or behavior. 

The Risk Index gives you an overview of the risk and how it compares with others in your industry. It's nice to be able to quantify the risk, and it enables you to justify the spending on these tools to your executives by showing that it pays off. Also, if we start plugging in more data points and the risk score goes up, we can conclude that there are some issues with the new data source that we just hooked up to our platform. The goal is to have a risk level of zero, but that will be hard to achieve. 

What needs improvement?

We've received some mild complaints that the documentation is sometimes not up to date. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I used Vision One at my last job, and I brought them on board when I joined this company, so I have been using the platform for about two years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I haven't had any issues with stability. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We run several different AWS accounts, and Vision One keeps up pretty well. I haven't noticed any downtime, lagging, or crashes.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

They were using something else, but my team wasn't in charge of it. Vision One offers a more mature platform. I had used it at my previous job. My boss brought it in because we had both worked with Trend Micro in the past. We know the platform and the engineers. 

How was the initial setup?

Deploying Vision One was relatively straightforward. We were on the legacy platform. They had written a script, so all you had to do was hit the play button. We recently moved to their all-in-one VisionOne platform, which was super simple. The deployment team included two on our side and two on the Trend Micro side. Their engineers hopped on a call and walked us through the process. The setup process primarily entails deploying the agents globally. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Trend Micro's licensing is fair. 

What other advice do I have?

I rate Trend Micro nine out of 10. This is a SaaS product, so you can do a trial period. If you like it, contact their sales people and try to develop a good relationship with the company. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Hassam-Uddin - PeerSpot reviewer
System Administrator at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Top 10
Provides a centralized dashboard, protects older servers, and reduces our time to detect
Pros and Cons
  • "The zero-day vulnerability is valuable."
  • "The automation capabilities on-premises could be improved, as we currently have to manually activate servers and push policies."

What is our primary use case?

We use FireEye, Microsoft Defender, and Trend Micro for our endpoint solutions. Trend Micro.

We implemented Trend Vision One because we have many production servers and wanted to secure all endpoints.

We are planning to move our XDR to the cloud, but all of our production servers are currently on-premises. 

How has it helped my organization?

Trend Vision One's ability to cover all our servers is important because we can detect and quarantine any vulnerabilities as well as block and isolate third-party applications from being installed on our servers.

The centralized visibility empowers us to monitor and manage all our servers from a single console. This includes generating reports, deploying security updates, and identifying offline or outdated servers.

The centralized visibility and management across protection layers have helped increase our efficiency. We receive alerts and make changes all from one place.

Trend Vision One helps us protect our servers, specifically our older servers that are not supported by Microsoft.

It has reduced our time to detect by 50 percent.

Trend Micro XDR has reduced the time spent on false positive alerts by up to 40 percent.

What is most valuable?

The zero-day vulnerability is valuable. As end users, we may not be aware of exploitations and Trend Micro makes suggestions to update to protect our endpoints from attack.

What needs improvement?

The automation capabilities on-premises could be improved, as we currently have to manually activate servers and push policies.

I would like the uninstall process of agents to require two-step verification.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Vision One for ten months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Trend Vision One is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Trend Vision One is scalable.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is good but we sometimes face delays because they will only respond to our partner who then relays the information to us.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The migration from on-premises to the cloud allows us to access the cloud and on-premise servers from the cloud. The migration is not complicated but some rule-based ports require a lot of approvals and assistance from our network team.

The migration can be done in a few hours if all the ports are available.

Two people are required for the migration.

What about the implementation team?

We used a third-party service from JVS for the migration.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Vision One a nine out of ten.

For the on-premises deployment, maintenance is required because we have to manually check the connectivity of the agents. One person is required for the maintenance.

I recommend Trend Vision One, especially for older servers that are not supported by some other endpoint solutions.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Senior Manager for IT and Security at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Real User
Top 20
Helps organizations understand their environment better, but it doesn't show violations for specific compliances
Pros and Cons
  • "The product helps us understand our environment better."
  • "They should provide a way for users to see violations for specific compliance."

What is our primary use case?

My organization uses Trend Vision One - Cloud Security and to get information based on business-critical applications running on the cloud environment. We get information on workload security, vulnerabilities, or third-party package issues. We also focus on configuration management changes that are suspicious.

Four teams in our organization use the tool across multiple regions. Since my team is an information security team, we have visibility into all the different teams and how they use it. We support the teams with alerts and issues. If an alert comes up, someone from my team will respond. If we need more information, we work with the team impacted because of the alert to understand the issue and do the remediation with them.

How has it helped my organization?

We implemented Trend Vision One - Cloud Security to enhance our security and visibility into different cloud networks, especially on AWS. We deal with different environments, storage, and S3 buckets. We wanted to ensure we have full visibility of file-based threats, network threats, and any misconfigurations we may have when a new environment is being spun out.

We can detect crypto mining easily, see what's going on, and block it. Lastly, we use the tool to focus on compliance because we need to stay compliant. The tool really helps drive our compliance information and deliver requirements to auditors and other regulatory organizations that need necessary information from us.

The biggest jump has been on the compliance side. We actively see the vulnerabilities, the third-party package issues, misconfigurations, and network threats. The solution is helping us get the information and do the remediation to achieve compliance. We do SOC 2 and PCI. We are able to drive our vulnerability management program well.

What is most valuable?

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security helps us take proactive actions on network threats and cloud misconfiguration. These are the two pain points that we are trying to solve. The product helps us understand our environment better.

What needs improvement?

They should provide a way for users to see violations for specific compliance. Suppose I focus on SOC 2 or PCI compliance. If I see an alert that tells me the exact details of the control for the compliance I'm violating, I can prioritize the remediation of the issue and ensure that the systems are compliant. I'll be able to provide evidence to the auditors accordingly.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the solution for a year and a few months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The solution is pretty robust. It beat out other competitors we were looking at in the market. We feel comfortable and happy that Trend Vision can meet all our business use cases.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

About 70 to 75 people are using the product in our organization. The product is scalable. That is why we are rolling out more environments into it and looking to add more non-AWS cloud providers like GCP. We are testing GCP with Trend Vision.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support has been good so far. Right now, our issues are about ensuring we understand the system because it's just been a year and a few months. We are rolling out new things and onboarding new environments. The support has been good. We have had no issues.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used Sumo Logic, but it wasn't as robust as Trend Vision One - Cloud Security. Sumo Logic didn't have enough visibility for us to understand the compliance gaps in our cloud environment. It was a manual process. Somebody had to read through all the information to provide that.

How was the initial setup?

The product is currently deployed on AWS, and we are also rolling it on GCP. My team and the infrastructure team were involved in the deployment of the solution. The initial deployment was pretty much straightforward. We did the testing with the Trend Vision team and the internal teams to ensure it meets our needs.

Once we felt comfortable, we slowly did the beta testing in one environment and looked at different reports and results. The internal team learned how to use the platform to the best. Then, we slowly rolled it out into different environments. From start to finish, the entire process was about two months.

What about the implementation team?

A Trend Vision team of two to three people helped us with the onboarding. When there's an update, we get information on the new release from Trend Vision. Someone from my team does the testing to ensure that nothing breaks down if we push the update. Once we feel comfortable, we push the changes. Usually, there's a small amount of downtime to ensure everything is working.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We looked into a few other tools to see how they can help us and whether they meet our current use case. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security was the one that came up on top. We sought information from all the vendors on areas like detection and response, compliance, and remediation. In remediation, we saw what elements Trend Vision was reporting on and how much information we had to make a judgment and act upon it. Trend Vision's platform did a great job in helping us break down the different silos, understand the visibility of threats, and secure our business-critical applications.

What other advice do I have?

We have recently started onboarding some elements on GCP. We are using Trend Vision One - Cloud Security on both AWS and GCP. It is an initial use case to test and see how we can ramp up in GCP. It's an ongoing journey.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security provides context to the data it provides to us. The alerts that come up have full information. It really helps us understand the issue, whether it is a false positive, known behavior, or an issue we need to resolve. Accordingly, our team can make the judgment.

We do not use Trend Vision One - Cloud Security. It is something that we are planning on using as we expand our cloud environment. We'll need to see what applications are being run. It can help us in resource planning and add more visibility to our cloud environment.

The solution has helped us reduce costs on AWS. Cloud misconfigurations help us understand where to save on the provisioning account. When we spin up the environment and see unnecessary resources, we can definitely cut back on them. It really helps us understand our cost. We can work with the infrastructure team to provide the reporting so they can make the adjustments accordingly. The tool has helped us save 50,000 to 60,000 per month.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security gives us insights not only into the cloud security posture but also into the entire cloud architecture to a certain extent. We are slowly rolling Trend Vision One - Cloud Security into different areas. As we onboard new systems and applications, we get more and more visibility. Our initial use case focused on the cloud applications and ensuring they run as they should. 

As we see more use cases popping up, we're able to onboard new things on Trend Vision One - Cloud Security and deploy them. We have better visibility. In another six to ten months, we will see a lot more improvement in how we handle security issues and how much more useful Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is for us. We want to ensure that all our resources, network, storage, and pipelines for source codes are secure. The more things we do, the better it will be for us. It's a lot to take on right now, so we are slowly rolling it out.

The product is only for the cloud. We are a customer of the solution. We didn't think about being a partner. It was never a thought that we came across. The tool is value-driven. If my organization is on the cloud and I need insight and visibility, Trend Vision would give us a good return on investment. It really helps me drive the conversation with my internal team and the senior leadership. We can show them how there has been a huge culture shift in how we respond to different security issues after deploying the solution.

There's a lot we can do with Trend Vision. We haven't fully reached the product’s true potential. As we're making that journey with Trend Vision, we are doing more and more things and learning more about the product and different areas we can utilize. In the next six to ten months, we see our use cases improving from seven and a half out of ten to almost an eight and a half to nine.

Anybody evaluating the solution should consider how the tool would enable the developers or the infrastructure team, how they would automate security and compliance checks, and how they plan to use Trend Vision for auto-remediation issues. It will really help drive a lot of business use cases. It will help the new customer understand how Trend Vision helps with the key use cases we see daily and how to ensure that the infrastructure stays compliant. We consistently show compliance, and our cloud security doesn't go down.

Overall, I rate the product a seven and a half out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
Brett Tatum - PeerSpot reviewer
Director of Technology at Summit Carbon Solutions
Real User
Top 10
We can quickly deploy cloud conformity, provides good visibility, and control
Pros and Cons
  • "Detection response and cloud conformity are valuable features."
  • "Documentation on cloud architecture and job architecture would be helpful."

What is our primary use case?

We use Trend Vision One - Cloud Security for our cloud security, but we especially love it because we're multi-cloud. We want a single solution that can help us protect, inspect, and gain information about all of our cloud assets, regardless of whether they're in Microsoft Online, Office 365, Azure, or AWS, where we have most of our workload.

We also love that Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is not just an endpoint solution or a DevSecOps add-on. It also has a source code repository, which allows us to put things in our DevOps pipeline to protect them. Additionally, we can use Cloud Conformity, which is part of Trend Vision One - Cloud Security, to monitor our posture management.

This means that Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is not just a reactive solution that runs software on virtual machines or in containers. It can stop problems in the development process before they even happen, even if the code is still on someone's machine or in the pipeline or repository. This helps us protect ourselves in a way that many other solutions cannot.

Before implementing Trend Vision One - Cloud Security, we were facing all sorts of unknown threats, including third-party vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. We need to protect ourselves from bad actors, but that's only half of it. We also have to protect our infrastructure from ourselves. No one on our team is going to intentionally do anything malicious, but they can make mistakes. And I can't monitor every piece of code or infrastructure that my team writes or has. I need a solution that can monitor our infrastructure continuously and notify us of any misconfigurations or mistakes so that we can fix them before they become major problems.

We deployed Trend Vision One - Cloud Security 100 percent on the cloud and we use AWS and Azure.

How has it helped my organization?

I am satisfied with the protection that Trend Vision One - Cloud Security provides for our multi-cloud environment. I need a single pane of glass that will give me the information I need quickly and easily. I set up Trend Vision One - Cloud Security in one afternoon, which I have done before. With one person, it only takes a day or so. Now, it is so simple to get it into any cloud and give it a small permission set to go in there and read our infrastructure, and then get some valuable insights very quickly.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security provides us with contextual data, which is especially useful when we are acquiring a company or when I take on a new role and need to quickly understand what they have. Trend Vision One - Cloud Security also helps me to quickly correlate information in the DevSec process, as it protects everything. There are three times when a security vulnerability can be caught: when we write the code, when we deploy the code, or when the code is running. If a vulnerability is not caught until the code is running, we probably made a mistake. We can then go back and look at the first two steps to see where we should have caught the issue. I am 100 percent satisfied with the context provided by Trend Vision One - Cloud Security.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security protects my cloud workloads. If an attack gets past the first two layers, I still need a way to protect the endpoints, whether they're EC2 instances, virtual machines in Azure, or even on-premises servers. I need a single pane of glass to see all of my endpoints. And let's say there's a zero-day attack, something that no one knew about and couldn't have caught. With Workload Security, I don't need to patch it immediately, even if it's a Windows update. Workload Security can patch it for me and put security tools around it. So we use it for patching and filtering, as well as other security needs. It sits on our virtual machines and whatever cloud we use.

The biggest benefit of Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is its single pane of glass view. Other cloud providers, such as AWS and Azure, offer similar features, but they require multiple dashboards and reports. With Trend Vision One - Cloud Security, I have a single pane of glass view of my entire infrastructure. We also use Trend Vision One - Cloud Security for many security needs, including endpoint protection and Office 365 protection. This gives me a single vendor, a single pane of glass, and a single console to manage the security of all of my platforms.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security gives us full visibility and control of our cloud environments.

When I am asked difficult questions, or when I am going through an audit or other process, I use its reporting and dashboarding capabilities to get all the information I need in one place. This saves me from having to correlate data from different sources, and it helps me to resolve audit and compliance workflows more quickly.

Visibility helps us resolve complexity in our environment by providing quick snapshots of an account. This is especially useful when I'm trying to get an overview of a new workload or a new company, as it allows us to take a snapshot of the environment to make it easier to ingest.

We buy our subscriptions through the marketplace because it's easier. I don't want to buy credits, because I can use the marketplace as needed. It also allows us to quickly bill the subscriptions to our existing account, so I don't have to set up another vendor or billing terms. I can just quickly use the marketplace, choose the subscriptions I want, and pay as I go. It's perfect.

Conformity would give me a good overview of what infrastructure we are using and where we can potentially save costs by emphasizing the infrastructure that we do not necessarily need.

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security protects me in the cloud, protects my registry, and protects my DevOps pipeline. It is not necessary for Trend Vision One - Cloud Security to protect all of these things. Additionally, Trend Vision in general also protects our Office 365 infrastructure, including SharePoint, Teams, and Outlook.

Protecting all the data across our environment is extremely important these days. No matter what industry we're in, it's crucial to understand our data security protocols, where our data is stored, how it's protected, and how it's accessed. This information gives us a single, overarching view of our data security posture, which helps us to identify and remediate misconfigurations and quickly respond to zero-day attacks or compromises. The sooner we know about a security incident, the fewer repercussions we're likely to experience.

What is most valuable?

Detection response and cloud conformity are valuable features. I like how repository scanning helps us to scan our source code. I think these two features have helped me to detect potential threats before they even occur. I have also used cloud conformity when I start working in a new environment, such as a company with cloud infrastructure. Even if I don't know their workloads, I can quickly deploy cloud conformity to get a good understanding of what they have, how secure it is, and where they can improve.

What needs improvement?

Documentation on cloud architecture and job architecture would be helpful. It would also be enlightening to know what security context we get. 

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is a really good product overall, including Trend Vision One - Cloud Security. However, their authorization and authentication could be improved. They have too many different ways to log in to their tools, which can be confusing. It would be better if they had just one or two ways to log in.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Trend Vision One - Cloud Security for six years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is stable. I have not experienced any outages.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is 100 percent scalable.

How are customer service and support?

In the few interactions I have had with technical support, it has been a great experience. The only area where technical support could improve is in communication. They need to be more clear because there was a time when they sent us a communication that did not clearly explain how the issue would affect our environment.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment was straightforward. The first time I deployed the solution, many years ago, it was a very different product than it is today. However, it was still very easy to deploy back then. We provide the solution with IAM keys in AWS, and it provisions our environment. If it is a Windows workload, we install an agent. This process was also very straightforward.

After that, I knew that manual deployment could be a pain, so we wanted to automate it. As soon as a VM spins up, the agent is automatically installed and checks in. Just as importantly, the agent also spins down the VM when it is no longer needed. This is very important in the cloud because we scale our environment up and down based on usage. Unlike on-premises environments, cloud environments are not static.

I think the solution is very easy to get started with, and it scales up and down as our business needs change.

Two people completed the deployment.

What about the implementation team?

The implementation was completed in-house.

What was our ROI?

We have seen a return on investment with Trend Vision One - Cloud Security.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The pricing for Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is reasonable because my costs scale up and down based on my infrastructure usage. If I scale up my infrastructure, such as by adding a new workload, my AWS and security costs will both increase. However, if I scale down my infrastructure, my security costs will also decrease. This is not the case with other vendors, where I may still have to pay for security even if I scale down my infrastructure.

For example, if I implement traditional security measures, such as gate guards and guns, I will still have to pay for these security measures even if I scale down my infrastructure. However, with Trend Vision One - Cloud Security, I am charged based on my usage of security features, such as the number of host-based agents I have deployed, the number of times my DevOps pipeline runs, or the amount of data I store in my repository. This means that I can save money on security costs if my team scales down and my DevOps pipeline slows down.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I've implemented Trend Vision One - Cloud Security four times now, with different companies and organizations. I also spent some time directly with AWS, and I did a lot of work with Palo Alto and their firewalls, both in the cloud and with their Prisma Cloud. It was just a pain. It took so much more time to set up and configure, and the mean time to value was insane compared to Trend Vision One - Cloud Security.

Check Point Firewall in AWS is also a problem. Both of these solutions require us to rearchitect our application, infrastructure, and network design so that we can protect it. That's why we love Trend Vision One - Cloud Security. It's right on the endpoints, instances, or virtual machines. It's a host-based firewall instead of a gate guards and guns mentality of putting something at the front door.

The big difference between the cloud and on-premises is that our house or data center has one front door, one thing to go in and one thing to go out. The cloud is not the case. It's hard to do that gate guards and guns approach with one firewall in the cloud. It's possible, but from a cost perspective, it just doesn't scale. Instead of having one door, we might now have a hundred or a thousand, and we can't put that same firewall over and over again.

So, we have to change how we do security in the cloud, and that's where I think Trend Vision One - Cloud Security really excelled early on. Everyone else didn't get it first. And I think everyone is trying to catch up to Trend Vision One - Cloud Security, but that's why we went with them originally. They changed the way we think about security and how we're going to secure our infrastructure based on our architecture. The other competitors are falling behind, and they're still trying to secure the cloud the same way they secured the data center, which doesn't work from a cost-and-scale perspective.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Trend Vision One - Cloud Security nine out of ten.

We have about a hundred users. We are still in the early stages of our cloud journey, but I have used Cloud Security with thousands of users in the past. Thousands of daily users access our information and workflows.

Trend Vision approaches our business like a partnership. That's one of the reasons we keep coming back. Anytime I call or need something, Trend Vision One - Cloud Security is there hand-in-hand. If they make a mistake, something gets pushed out, or it doesn't go exactly how it should have, they take ownership. That's the only reason I've been a customer for so long: because they take ownership and they care.

It only takes a couple of hours to set up a proof of concept and get it running. I recommend that organizations try Trend Vision One - Cloud Security for themselves.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
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Trend Micro Questions

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jul 01 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jul 01 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Deep Discovery.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jul 01 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jul 01 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Deep Discovery, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 21 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Deep Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Jun 21 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Deep Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 04 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Worry-Free Sevices Suits.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 04 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 04 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Worry-Free Sevices Suits, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Jun 04 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 31 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 31 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Smart Protection.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 31 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 31 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Smart Protection, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 30 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 30 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro ServerProtect.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 30 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 30 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro ServerProtect, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 24 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 24 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro XDR.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 24 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro XDR, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 24 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 16 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 16 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Apex One.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Tejesh S - PeerSpot reviewer
Tejesh SThe solution has some offline issues sometimes. Sometimes it will not… more »
98 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 16 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 16 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Apex One, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

BobenGeorge - PeerSpot reviewer
BobenGeorgeI do recommend ApexOne on prem rather than SAAS solution if customer is much… more »
94 Answers
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Email Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Email Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
May 14 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 14 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
May 13 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 30 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Web Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 30 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 30 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Web Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Deep Discovery?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Email Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 29 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Smart Protection?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 11 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Web Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 11 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 11 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 11 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 11 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 11 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 11 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 02 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Apex One?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 02 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro TippingPoint Threat Protection System?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 02 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 02 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro TippingPoint Threat Protection System.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Apr 02 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 02 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro TippingPoint Threat Protection System, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 01 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Integrated Data Loss Prevention?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 01 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 01 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Integrated Data Loss Prevention.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 01 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Apr 01 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Integrated Data Loss Prevention, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 21 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Deep Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Tejesh S - PeerSpot reviewer
Tejesh SThere's useful monitoring on offer.
50 Answers
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 18 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro XDR?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 14 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Managed XDR?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 14 2024


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 14 2024

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Managed XDR.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 14 2024

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Managed XDR, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager
Mar 12 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Cloud One Container Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Mar 11 2024

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
Feb 28 2024

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Worry-Free Sevices Suits?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Cloud App Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Cloud App Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Cloud App Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro InterScan Messaging Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro ScanMail?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro ScanMail.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro ScanMail, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Data Operations Analyst at a retailer with 51-200 employees
Hi Peers!  I am currently working as a Digital Operations Analyst at a Fashion Company in the UK, and am researching Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption and how it works. Why should we use Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption? What are the pros and cons? What are the policies and practices for i...
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Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Deep Discovery Email Inspector, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Mobile Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Mobile Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Mobile Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro ServerProtect?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Cloud One Workload Security, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Janet Staver - PeerSpot reviewer
Janet Staver
Tech Blogger
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Netanya Carmi - PeerSpot reviewer
Netanya Carmi
Content Manager at PeerSpot (formerly IT Central Station)
Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro TippingPoint NGIPS?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro TippingPoint NGIPS.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro TippingPoint NGIPS, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Shahril Anuar Jamaludin - PeerSpot reviewer
Shahril Anuar Jamaludin
Senior Executive at Malaysian Institute of Accountants


I'm comparing the following products to enhance email spam filtering:

  • Sophos Advanced Email Threat
  • Trend Micro Cloud App Security
  • Microsoft Defender for Office 365
  • Check Point CloudGuard SaaS

What do you recommend and why?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Kenna.AppSec or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Contrast Security Assess or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick CAST Highlight or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Semmle QL or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Sqreen or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Web Application Scanning or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Arxan Application Protection or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick HCL AppScan or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Polyspace Code Prover or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Fortify Application Defender or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Coverity or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Contrast Security Protect or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Blue Cedar or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Checkmarx or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Netsparker Web Application Security Scanner or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the ot...
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick PortSwigger Burp or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller
When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?
Read More »
Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

When looking for a Application Security solution, are you more likely to pick Quotium Seeker or Trend Micro Cloud One Application Security?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Are there specific use cases where one provides a better solution than the other?

it_user1417800 - PeerSpot reviewer
IT Infrastructure Manager at Piracanjuba

I would like to know if Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector is a good intrusion detection and prevention tool. Any feedback?


Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Deep Discovery Inspector, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Nadeem Syed - PeerSpot reviewer
Nadeem Syed
CEO at Haniya Technologies
I am the CEO of a company that provides network security and information security solutions to corporate and enterprise companies. I am currently researching security solutions. What is the biggest difference between Kaspersky Endpoint Security, Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption, Symantec...
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Michael Alsop - PeerSpot reviewer
Michael Alsop
User Support Specialist at a healthcare company with 10,001+ employees
I am an Information Technology professional with experience working in business, government, and education. We are currently evaluating BitLocker with Windows 10 and Trend Micro Endpoint Encryption. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these products? Does either one have a...
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Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Hi Everyone,

What do you like most about Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with the community!

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller


We all know it's really hard to get good pricing and cost information.

Please share what you can so you can help your peers.

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

Please share with the community what you think needs improvement with Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer.

What are its weaknesses? What would you like to see changed in a future version?

Julia Miller - PeerSpot reviewer
Julia Miller

How do you or your organization use this solution?

Please share with us so that your peers can learn from your experiences.

Thank you!

Miriam Tover - PeerSpot reviewer
Miriam Tover
Senior Delivery Ops Manager

If you were talking to someone whose organization is considering Trend Micro Deep Discovery Analyzer, what would you say?

How would you rate it and why? Any other tips or advice?

Mostafa Mabrouk Mostafa - PeerSpot reviewer
Mostafa Mabrouk Mostafa
Corporate Information Security Manager at a healthcare company with 1,001-5,000 employees
I am a corporate Information Security Manager that helps organizations protect their assets against viruses, security breaches, and malicious hacker attacks. I am currently evaluating BitDefender and Trend Micro. What are the biggest differences between the two? Which do you recommend? Thanks! I ...
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