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Developer III, Information Technology at a energy/utilities company with 5,001-10,000 employees
Real User
Ability to see pool requests is great for collaboration; great traceability
Pros and Cons
  • "Bitbucket is definitely a tool to consider if somebody is still on CVS. It is a great tool and well integrated with Bamboo."
  • "Sometimes we struggle with searching on repositories. It is a bit challenging sometimes to pinpoint the code or repositories when just filtering by repositories."

What is our primary use case?

Bitbucket is our source code repository. We use it as our source code reaction control system and for pool requests and engineer builds. It is integrated with Bamboo, which uses a CI CD pipeline to release our code to different environments.

How has it helped my organization?

Bitbucket has improved our organization because it has simplified and streamlined our developer communication code and review process. It is also much more visual. 

We have also integrated it with Slack. Whenever we do a full request, we get information comments in a pool request through Slack on our team channels. It's much easier to go to Bamboo and see if this code was released. This is particularly important if the code troubleshoots production-related issues. 

Bitbucket's traceability is great. Being able to see pool requests is just a great thing for collaboration.

What needs improvement?

Sometimes we struggle with searching on repositories. It is a bit challenging sometimes to pinpoint the code or repositories when just filtering by repositories. That search capability could be improved to become more intuitive. It should allow for, for example, searching for specific source files or repositories or searching the code inside the source files. That kind of flexibility would be helpful.

Of course, making the tool free would be great as well. Its cost is probably why it is not used very much in smaller companies.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Bitbucket for a year and a half.

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September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Bitbucket. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
805,335 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Bitbucket is great when it comes to stability. However, we do see some challenges with Bamboo on that front. Sometimes Bamboo agents get stuck and take longer to process and build requests and releases.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I haven't experienced any issues with scalability. For five to 10 applications, it works great.

In our organization, some 200 people are using this solution. Most of them are developers. The product is being extensively used in the organization at the moment.

How are customer service and support?

I have not had any contact with Bitbucket's technical support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We are using Bamboo and Bitbucket simultaneously right now. Before Bitbucket, we were using CVS.

We made the switch over to Bitbucket as part of a company-wide migration to the cloud. CVS can only be deployed on-premise while Bitbucket is on the cloud. Also, the code review process for request concepts and the team collaboration Bitbucket facilitates makes it much more friendly and modern.

How was the initial setup?

I was not part of the initial implementation team. We have a DevOps team in our company, so they set it up and once it was ready, it was rolled out to the development teams with a ready-to-use config. What we did, as far as deployment goes, is move our code from a legacy version control system to a new version control system. That experience was straightforward for me as a developer.

The initial setup was relatively fast. It took us about three days to migrate a small-to-medium-sized application from the legacy version control system to Bitbucket, for example.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Unfortunately, I'm not privy to this information. 

What other advice do I have?

Bitbucket is definitely a tool to consider if somebody is still on CVS. It is a great tool and well integrated with Bamboo. Both Bitbucket and Bamboo are made by the same company, and the latter is there to connect the dots between the code and releases in production.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Ashok-P - PeerSpot reviewer
Program Manager at Dristia
Real User
Simple setup and reliable
Pros and Cons
  • "The setup of Bitbucket is simple."
  • "Bitbucket could improve pipeline building and deployment. Our deployments are not using the Bitbucket. Deployments we are going through Azure DevOps, but the integration is happening in Bitbucket."

What is our primary use case?

We predominately use Bitbucket for continuous integration, as a repository for our code, and for various departments, such as analytics, web, and mobile.

What needs improvement?

Bitbucket could improve pipeline building and deployment. Our deployments are not using the Bitbucket. Deployments we are going through Azure DevOps, but the integration is happening in Bitbucket.

The repository and the access levels could improve.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have used Bitbucket for approximately four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have not had any issues with day-to-day usage of Bitbucket since we started using it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We have not scaled Bitbucket that much to know the full range, but for what we use it for it has been good.

We have 10 to 20 users using this solution in our organization.

How are customer service and support?

I have not needed to use the support team from Bitbucket.

How was the initial setup?

The setup of Bitbucket is simple.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We have approximately 40 licenses for Bitbucket.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We did a benchmark before we chose our continuous integration environment. We found Bitbucket is the right tool for us at the start-up level. We conducted tests for Git, GitLab, and other solutions, but the decision we made was Bitbucket.

What other advice do I have?

I rate Bitbucket an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
September 2024
Learn what your peers think about Bitbucket. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: September 2024.
805,335 professionals have used our research since 2012.
DevOps consultant at Africa4Data
Real User
Top 5Leaderboard
Useful for for source code management
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature of Bitbucket is its issue management."
  • "Bitbucket should consider having a CI/CD if they don’t have it already."

What is our primary use case?

We use Bitbucket in our company for source code management.

What is most valuable?

The most valuable feature of Bitbucket is its issue management.

What needs improvement?

Bitbucket should consider having a CI/CD if they don’t have it already. Bitbucket’s stability could be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Bitbucket for ten years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I rate Bitbucket a nine out of ten for stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Twelve developers are using Bitbucket in our organization.

How was the initial setup?

Since it is on the cloud, Bitbucket’s initial setup is straightforward.

What was our ROI?

We have seen a return on investment with Bitbucket.

What other advice do I have?

I use the latest version of Bitbucket. I would recommend users to use Bitbucket if they have the budget.

Overall, I rate Bitbucket a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
CEO at Fiftytwo A/S
Real User
We get seamless integration and it is stable and easily scalable
Pros and Cons
  • "What I liked the most about this program is that it integrates seamlessly with JIRA."
  • "I think the developers are constantly working on improving the pull requests support."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use case of this solution is as source repository. We use it to store all the source codes. So we basically use it for easy management of access to the source repository and creating pull requests. It also helps us to manage and get an overview of the different branches we have. It integrates into JIRA seamlessly so you can see the task effects on a JIRA task and Git.

What is most valuable?

What I liked the most about this program is that it integrates seamlessly with JIRA, which really adds value to our organization. I also like it as a pull request feature, even though that feature can definitely be improved.

What needs improvement?

I think the developers are constantly working on improving the pull requests support. It already works quite well, but there are still some issues with the support of the workflow and how to actually measure the time you spend on using reviews for pull requests compared to the time you actually use for doing the task. I am not really sure how that should be handled. I don't have a good solution for it yet. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Bitbucket for three to four years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I don't have any issues with the stability of Bitbucket. It just works as it should.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The only thing I've experienced with the scalability is that you have to buy additional licenses when you exceed 50 users. That's more related to the cost model. I don't think I've experienced any scalability issues with it so far, however. I didn't expect to either because it's primarily hooked up to Git, that's the source repository.

Only when we misuse Git, like when we add large binary files to a source repository, it doesn't go that well. That's because we don't use it like it was intended to be used. It has nothing to do with Bitbucket - it's more about Git.

How are customer service and technical support?

I haven't used their technical support yet.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I don't know exactly what the program costs, but it depends on how many users you have. We recently upgraded from 50 to 100 users, and I think it's public on the website. I am not sure. 

What other advice do I have?

My advice to others would be that, if they are looking for a stable on-premises solution, Bitbucket is the obvious choice. They can even use it if they are looking for a cloud solution, but we have a restriction that we have to run it on-premises. Therefore I think it's the smallest, best solution for us. 

I think it's worth paying for the extra features because otherwise you end up spending a lot of time configuring open source products. 

On a scale from one to 10, I rate Bitbucket a nine.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Operational planner at Civil Eng. Scientific Association of K. N. Toosi University of Technology
Real User
Scalable and compatible with different solutions
Pros and Cons
  • "It seems to be quite scalable."
  • "In future releases, more integration is always a valuable aspect to consider."

What is our primary use case?

Bitbucket, like GitHub, serves as a repository for coding and facilitates integration management and version control. It has features related to these aspects.

What is most valuable?

One of Bitbucket's notable features is its ability to integrate with other addressing solutions.

What needs improvement?

I believe continuous improvement is always a good goal to strive for. 

In future releases, more integration is always a valuable aspect to consider.

For how long have I used the solution?

I used Bitbucket for about three months. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It seems to be quite scalable.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I was familiar with GitHub as another option.

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I would rate the solution an eight out of ten. 

I would definitely recommend using the solution because one of the great features of Bitbucket is its compatibility with other solutions like Atlassian and others. I highly recommend it.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Senior Project Manager at Wipro Limited
Real User
Excellent web interface and good integration with Atlassian products
Pros and Cons
  • "Bitbucket's most valuable feature is the web interface, which is useful compared to other tools, has a lot of features, and is intuitive."
  • "It goes well with other Atlassian solutions like Jira or Bamboo, but integration with other third-party solutions is more complex."

What is most valuable?

Bitbucket's most valuable feature is the web interface, which is useful compared to other tools, has a lot of features, and is intuitive. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using Bitbucket for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Bitbucket is very stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Bitbucket's scalability is good for a single location.

What about the implementation team?

We used an in-house team.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I understand Bitbucket's cost is on the higher side.

What other advice do I have?

Before implementing Bitbucket, people should be clear on the tools they will have to adopt based on their needs. It goes well with other Atlassian solutions like Jira or Bamboo, but integration with other third-party solutions is more complex. I would give Bitbucket a rating of nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
it_user1261719 - PeerSpot reviewer
Chief Information Officer at a recruiting/HR firm with 11-50 employees
Real User
A secure and cost-effective solution for code tracking and management
Pros and Cons
  • "Bitbucket is a standard git implementation with perfectly coordinated screens, it's secure, and we have had no problems with it."
  • "The installation of Bitbucket on our server was not as easy as other Atlassian products, so it is something that can be improved."

What is our primary use case?

We develop our own applications and all of our source code activities are managed and tracked on Bitbucket.

What is most valuable?

Bitbucket is a standard git implementation with perfectly coordinated screens, it's secure, and we have had no problems with it.

We are satisfied with the user interface.

What needs improvement?

The installation of Bitbucket on our server was not as easy as other Atlassian products, so it is something that can be improved. The same is true for the upgrade process. I have upgraded it twice, and it is similar to the initial installation.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Bitbucket for two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We have had no problems and I'm satisfied with the stability. We use it quite heavily because all of our applications and updates are handled on different branches in Bitbucket.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I cannot say much with respect to scalability because we are a small company with a maximum of five people who are using the product.

How are customer service and technical support?

In the two years that we have been using Bitbucket, we have not needed any support.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Prior to using Bitbucket, we were using the freeware version of SVN. We switched because Bitbucket has better features, especially for source code maintenance.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was a little bit complex. It requires more intervention on the Linux console than the other Atlassian products. You need to adjust more files, for example.

It took us about a month to deploy and three people were involved in the process. Only one person is required for maintenance because it is generally maintained by Atlassian.

What about the implementation team?

The deployment was done by our in-house team.

What was our ROI?

We have seen ROI but I cannot easily quantify it with numbers.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We are using the minimum package with ten users and we are happy with the price because we are a small company. With our small number of users, our licensing fees are approximately $10 USD per month. There are no fees in addition to this.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated GitHub but we require our own server for source code management.

What other advice do I have?

This solution is good and it covers all our needs. Periodically, I receive announcements from Atlassian, mostly concerning the security features. They are fixing the newly discovered vulnerabilities and also, there are some other improvements in the features. Normally, I am not affected by the new features because we don't require them.

My advice is to start using this solution because it works very well and we are very satisfied with the functionality. If somebody knows how to configure git for libraries then they can implement Bitbucket as well.

I would rate this solution a ten out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Software Engineer at a tech consulting company with 11-50 employees
Real User
Top 20
It's scalable, and you can use it to whitelist IP addresses during deployment
Pros and Cons
  • "You can use Bitbucket to whitelist IP addresses during deployment."
  • "Currently, what's lacking in Bitbucket is the assignment feature."

What is our primary use case?

We're using Bitbucket for version control and deployment.

What is most valuable?

What I like best about Bitbucket is that you can use it for deployment, primarily if your IP addresses do not work well with your deployment scripts. You can use the tool to whitelist IP addresses during deployment.

What needs improvement?

Currently, what's lacking in Bitbucket is the assignment feature or the feature of giving permissions to other users.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been working with Bitbucket since 2014.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability of Bitbucket is ten out of ten. Bitbucket has documentation on how to scale, and you can also communicate with the Bitbucket team for any scalability-related questions.

How are customer service and support?

I have yet to contact the technical support team for Bitbucket.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Currently, we are moving from Bitbucket to GitLab for convenience, but at the moment, we're still using both solutions.

How was the initial setup?

Setting up Bitbucket is simple because you can log in with your email account.

My team uses scripts developed on Ruby to do Bitbucket deployments.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Bitbucket is a low-priced tool.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

My company evaluated GitLab.

What other advice do I have?

I'm working as a software engineer.

My company has four Bitbucket users.

My rating for Bitbucket is nine out of ten.

I recommend the tool to others. One company even consulted with me, and I told that company to focus on Bitbucket.

My company is a Bitbucket user. There's no partnership currently.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
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Updated: September 2024
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Version Control
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