Mahmoud Hanafi - PeerSpot reviewer
IT Operation Manager at Orascom Construction Industries
Real User
Top 5
Comprehensive with good automation and prioritizing of threats
Pros and Cons
  • "The Log analytics are useful."
  • "I would like to see more AI used in processes."

What is our primary use case?

We have possible use cases for the solution. We have ten or 12 different use cases under this solution.

What is most valuable?

The Log analytics are useful. You can review many details. 

The portal and the full integration and collaboration between the cloud workloads and multi-tenants have been useful. We can use it with Sharepoint and Exchange.

The solution helps us prioritize all of our threats. It's one of the most important and critical systems we have here. 

We have a lot of Microsoft solutions. For example, we also use Defender for endpoints and Microsoft Cloud. We mostly use Microsoft products, although we also use Crowdstrike. 

It was easy to integrate Defender for Endpoint. Each of these solutions works natively together. It's very crucial that they work together. 

Microsoft is very comprehensive. It helps protect us and offers very clear information. It's easy to assess everything. It's a good user experience. 

We make use of Microsoft Defender for Cloud's bi-directional sync capabilities. We have different customers under our umbrella and multiple subsidiaries. Not all have access to the same license. We don't have the same security exposure everywhere. We can pick and choose who needs access.

Sentinel does enable us to ingest data from our entire ecosystem. This is crucial. That said, it can cost us a lot of money. We try to get feature visibility and enhance the collected logs to be able to identify only certain logs that would need to be uploaded. That said, it's very crucial we can ingest data from anywhere.  

We can investigate threats and respond holistically from one place, one dashboard. Having one dashboard is important as it saves the team from headaches. We can collect all the information we need in one view.

The comprehensiveness of Sentinel is good in that it helps us identify most of our gaps in security. In the last few years, we have been able to fill in most of the gaps.

Once we enabled the connectors and started getting incident reports to our dashboard we were able to realize the benefits of the solution. It took about one month to begin to get the value of this product.

Sentinel helps automate routine tasks and helps automate the findings via high-value alerts. We've been able to automate a lot of the cycle and leave the investigation to humans. Support is very crucial and we can take the right actions fast.

The product helps us prepare for potential threats before they hit and we can take proactive steps. We're very satisfied in terms of security operations.

Before implementing the solution, we didn't know we were wasting a lot of time. Once the solution was in place, we discovered a lot of gaps across the traditional way we were handling security. 

I can't say if we are saving money. However, we're investing in the right places. We're now utilizing services we actually need. From a business perspective, although it does have a cost, it's saving the business since it's protecting us from any security breach.

What needs improvement?

I'd like to see more integration with other technologies beyond the Microsoft OS. 

I would like to see more AI used in processes.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using the solution for three or four years. 

Buyer's Guide
Microsoft Sentinel
July 2024
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Sentinel. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The stability is not an issue. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

We do have plans to increase usage. The solution has the ability to scale. 

How are customer service and support?

We have not opened a ticket for technical support yet. So far, we haven't had any issues. 

My understanding is Microsoft does not have good support and has done a lot of outsourcing. In general, they used to be brilliant as they were focused on customer satisfaction and engaged with experts, however, the quality is not as good.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We also use Crowdstrike as our EDR solution. However, before Sentinel, I did not use anything else in this category.

How was the initial setup?

I took part in the initial deployment. The process was very straightforward. It took about one week to onboard all that we needed. We did it in three phases. First, we did a demo and looked for items that needed to be addressed. We then onboarded the device and put the analytics and logs in place. 

We had a team of three on hand that handled the deployment. They also handle support and maintenance. 

What about the implementation team?

We initially had the assistance of Microsoft partners. However, we failed to get all of the information we needed. We found it more valuable to get assistance from the vendor directly. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I can't speak to the exact cost.

What other advice do I have?

We are a customer of Microsoft. 

During implementation, it's helpful to get the vendor engaged in the implementation. 

I'd rate the solution nine out of ten.

It's good to go with a single-vendor strategy. I've recommended this product to others.

The user experience should be the number one priority. Microsoft is working on this every day. It's very important to us that the user experience is maintained and there's no conflict between the products or connectors. Having one dashboard makes it easier for admins and businesses to be in touch, engage, and share. For example, my manager can see my reports even if he's not knowledgeable in the technology.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Senior Cyber Security Operations Analyst at a financial services firm with 5,001-10,000 employees
Real User
Top 20
Provides good visibility, integrates with different log sources, and supports automation with Playbooks
Pros and Cons
  • "Microsoft Sentinel provides the capability to integrate different log sources. On top of having several data connectors in place, you can also do integration with a threat intelligence platform to enhance and enrich the data that's available. You can collect as many logs and build all the use cases."
  • "We do have in-built or out-of-the-box metrics that are shown on the dashboard, but it doesn't give the kind of metrics that we need from our environment whereby we need to check the meantime to detect and meantime to resolve an incident. I have to do it manually. I have to pull all the logs or all the alerts that are fed into Sentinel over a certain period. We do this on a monthly basis, so I go into Microsoft Sentinel and pull all the alerts or incidents we closed over a period of thirty days."

What is our primary use case?

We use it for security. It's at the forefront of managing the security within our organization. We use the platform as our main SIEM for enterprise security whereby we have several tools that feed into Microsoft Sentinel and then from there, we have the use cases. It's a major tool for security monitoring within the enterprise.

How has it helped my organization?

Microsoft Sentinel provides the capability to integrate different log sources. On top of having several data connectors in place, you can also do integration with a threat intelligence platform to enhance and enrich the data that's available. You can collect as many logs and build all the use cases. 

Microsoft Sentinel helps to prioritize threats across the enterprise. We do threat categorization based on a risk-based approach. We categorize incidents as critical, high, and medium. The platform gives us the capability of categorizing the threats based on our assets' criticality and the type of data on our systems. At the end of the day, it does help in managing the threats within the organization. There are different levels of threats depending on the data that we have.

We also use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. We have integrated Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Microsoft Sentinel. Most of the alerts that come on our Microsoft Defender for Endpoint are fed into Microsoft Sentinel. We manage those alerts through Microsoft Sentinel, but when we are doing our investigations, we always leverage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint because we are able to do the investigation from the original source. Integrating a Microsoft product with other Microsoft products is not as difficult as compared to integrating Microsoft products with other vendor applications. With the inbuilt data connectors that already exist in Microsoft Sentinel, it's much easier to do the integrations with the Azure environment and other Microsoft products. If there's no data connector, it's somehow tricky. If we have a data connector in place, it's better. We also need to do some customization of the data that we ingest because we need to have the right size of the data that we feed into Microsoft Sentinel because of the cost aspect. At the end of the day, we managed to do an integration of on-prem AD with Microsoft Sentinel via a platform that acts as a bridge between them

Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint work together natively. The alerts are fed into Microsoft Sentinel seamlessly, but when it comes to investigations, you need to leverage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to isolate a device and to see some of the timelines or actions that were done with that machine. You can't do that with Microsoft Sentinel.

Microsoft Sentinel allows us to investigate threats from one place, but it doesn't let us respond from one place. For responding, we need to narrow down the source of the threat. If it has been flagged from a Cisco perimeter solution that we use, such as Cisco Meraki, we need to go back and check in that platform. If it's flagging an issue that's happening on an endpoint, we need to go back to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and do further investigation to respond.

Microsoft Sentinel helps to automate routine tasks. We have playbooks and once we establish a baseline or a routine task that needs to be done, we can just automate it through the playbook.

We have the Sentinel dashboard, but we still need other dashboards for other logs, such as from email. We can't see email logs from Sentinel. We still need a network security monitoring platform. It has helped us to secure 90% of our cloud environment.

With the integrations we have, its threat intelligence helps prepare us for potential threats before they hit and to take proactive steps. We get visibility into what's happening on the AD on a real-time basis. If there's any issue going on with the AD, we are able to fix that within the minimum time possible. It also helps with the visibility of different resources across the cloud environment. However, it can't do all that by itself. We also need other tools. 

It has saved us time. It has helped in handling most of the issues within the cloud environments or any misconfigurations done on the cloud environment. We are able to handle any issues within the shortest time possible. In terms of threat detection, I can give it a nine out of ten. If we didn't have Microsoft Sentinel, it would have taken us three to four days to discover a security incident that is happening or any security misconfiguration in the cloud environment. Within a week, it saves me about three days.

It has saved us money from a security risk perspective, but from a technology perspective, it hasn't saved much. The main value that it's giving to the organization is from a security perspective.

It has saved our time to detect, but that also depends on the original platform. If the original platform, such as Microsoft Defender, fails to detect incidents, then Microsoft Sentinel will definitely not flag anything. The feed that Microsoft Sentinel gets comes from other platforms. With better fine-tuning across the other platforms and with good integrations, it can really help.

What is most valuable?

Playbooks are valuable. When it comes to automation, it helps in terms of managing the logs. It brings the SOAR capability or the SOAR perspective to the platform with the high usage of Microsoft products within our environment. We are utilizing most of the Azure resources. Our AD runs on Azure. We have on-prem and Azure AD, so we have the integrations. At the end of the day, when we are managing the security, we have the capability of initiating some options from Microsoft Sentinel and directly to AD. We also have automation with Cisco Meraki. We have configured playbooks where if there is a suspicious IP, it blocks the IP.

What needs improvement?

Microsoft Sentinel needs to be improved on the metrics part. I've had an issue in the recent past while trying to do my metrics from it. It gives me an initial report, but sometimes an incident is created on Microsoft Sentinel, but you realize that when a lot of information is being fed from Microsoft Defender to Microsoft Sentinel, instead of feeding the existing alert, Microsoft Sentinel creates a new alert. So, metrics-wise, it can do better. It can also do better in terms of managing the endpoint notifications.

We do have in-built or out-of-the-box metrics that are shown on the dashboard, but it doesn't give the kind of metrics that we need from our environment whereby we need to check the meantime to detect and meantime to resolve an incident. I have to do it manually. I have to pull all the logs or all the alerts that are fed into Sentinel over a certain period. We do this on a monthly basis, so I go into Microsoft Sentinel and pull all the alerts or incidents we closed over a period of thirty days. I then calculate the meantime to detect and the mean time to resolve. I have to check when all the tickets were created, when they were handled by the analysts, and when they were closed. I do a manual metrics calculation after pulling all the data. I believe Microsoft can do better on the metrics side of Sentinel. They can provide monthly reports. If I want to submit the reports to my senior management, it will be much easier for me to pull the data as a report. Currently, you can't pull any reports from Sentinel. It would be helpful if they can build a reporting tool within it and allow me to have my own customization. I should be able to customize the reports based on my needs. For example, I should be able to generate a report only for incidents with high and medium severity.

It should also provide information on trends within the platform. There should be reports on specific alerts or security incidents.

They should build more analytics rules to assess key security threats. I have had to build a lot of custom analytics rules. There should be more of them out of the box.

There should be more information about how to utilize the notebooks. They can have a better approach to enlightening the end-users about the straightforward use of notebooks. The data point analysis rules and automation are straightforward compared to the way you utilize the notebooks. They can do better in terms of sharing how we can utilize the notebooks. 

We are able to ingest data across all our tenants and on-prem solutions, but we have been chasing Microsoft for the longest time possible for ingesting some data from Microsoft Dynamics 365. The kind of logs that we need or the kind of security monitoring that we need to do on Microsoft Dynamics 365 versus what's available through data connector tools is different. The best advice that they have managed to give us is to monitor the database logs, but we can't go into monitoring database logs because that's a different platform. There are several things that we want to address across Microsoft Dynamics 365, but the kind of logs that we get from the data connector are not of any significance. It would be better if they could give us customization for that one. That's the worst application from Microsoft to add because we can't monitor any business processes in that application, and there's no capability to do even customization. We are so frustrated with that.

It's quite comprehensive in threat intelligence capabilities, but it takes some time to establish a baseline. They can also improve the UEBA module so that it can help us address and have an overview of the risk. It's not yet that complete. It can establish a baseline for a user, but it doesn't inform how I can leverage the capability to address risks.

We can also have more integrations within Microsoft Sentinel with TI feeds out of the box. Currently, we don't have something out of the box for other TI feeds. Microsoft has its own TI feed, but we aren't utilizing that.

Microsoft Sentinel should provide more capability to end-users for customization of the logs they feed into Microsoft Sentinel.

For how long have I used the solution?

It has been two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

We haven't had any issues with it so far. It's very stable. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It's scalable. There are data connectors for different technologies and products.

How are customer service and support?

I've not contacted their support for Microsoft Sentinel.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I've used QRadar.

How was the initial setup?

We are ingesting on-prem and cloud logs. The initial setup was a bit complex. It wasn't that straightforward because of the integrations.

What about the implementation team?

We had help from a Microsoft partner for visibility and integrations. We had about five engineers involved in its implementation.

In terms of maintenance, it doesn't require any maintenance from our side.

What was our ROI?

Microsoft Sentinel is costly, but it provides value in terms of managing security or managing the threats within our organization.

The return on investment is in terms of better security, visibility, and management. If you don't know what's going on in the cloud environment or the on-prem environment, you might need to pay a huge price in terms of compliance or ransomware to restore your data. We have seen value in investing in Microsoft Sentinel because we are building a better security capability within our environment.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The current licensing is based on the logs that are being ingested on the platform. Most of the SIEM solutions utilize that pricing model, but Microsoft should give us a customization option for controlling the kind of logs that we feed into Microsoft Sentinel. That will be much better. Otherwise, the pricing is a bit higher.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated other solutions. The reason why we chose Microsoft Sentinel was because of the cloud visibility. We needed a lot of visibility across the cloud environment, and choosing another product that's not Microsoft native wouldn't have been easy in terms of integrations and shipping logs from Microsoft Sentinel to on-prem.

A good thing about Microsoft Sentinel as compared to the other platform is that most organizations run on Azure, and the integration of Microsoft Sentinel is much easier with other products, but when it comes to other SIEM solutions, integrating them with Microsoft sometimes becomes an issue.

What other advice do I have?

You need to customize the kind of logs that you feed to Microsoft Sentinel. If you just plug-in data connectors and don't do any customization and feed everything to Microsoft Sentinel, it will be very expensive in terms of cost. You only need the traffic that assists you in addressing security issues within your environment. You only need the information that gives you visibility to address security issues.

Overall, I would rate Microsoft Sentinel an eight out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Buyer's Guide
Microsoft Sentinel
July 2024
Learn what your peers think about Microsoft Sentinel. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Stian Høydal - PeerSpot reviewer
Cyber Security Consultant at a tech services company with 1,001-5,000 employees
Can be quickly deployed, is scalable, and helps to investigate and respond holistically
Pros and Cons
  • "The scalability is great. You can put unlimited logs in, as long as you can pay for it. There are commitment tiers, up to six terabytes per day, which is nowhere close to what any one of our customers is running."
  • "Some of the data connectors are outdated, at least the ones that utilize Linux machines for log forwarding. I believe that Microsoft is already working on improving this."

What is our primary use case?

The company I work for delivers SOC-as-a-Service, so I set up Sentinel in the customer's Azure environment and then connect it to our central Sentinel through Azure Lighthouse.

How has it helped my organization?

Microsoft Sentinel has made it easier for us to sell SOC-as-a-Service to, more or less, any customer and not just the big ones.

What is most valuable?

A lot of our customers run Microsoft products, and integrating those with Sentinel is simple and easy. Sentinel can be quickly deployed as well.

As long as the customers are licensed correctly and have, for example, the E5 security package, then the insights into threats provided by Sentinel are pretty good.

Sentinel helps prioritize threats well. The option to dig deeper and go into the different portals is good as well.

Our customers are very happy with incidents being closed in Sentinel and across the tenant.

We are able to fetch data from almost any source with Sentinel. There are some customers who try to customize, but we try to keep it to the out-of-the-box preconfigured data connectors or to what we can find in the Microsoft content hub.

In terms of the importance of data ingestion to our customers' security operations, they only have access to what is in Sentinel. Therefore, it's pretty important for them to have all of their data stored in one location. If it's stored on-premises in Microsoft 365 Defender, then the SOC team won't be able to access that data. Giving a good analysis will then be harder.

It's very important to us to be able to investigate threats and respond holistically from one place. We don't create several accounts for each customer. We utilize one account and then get insight into the Sentinel environments of different customers. It's great that we can do all this in one place.

The comprehensiveness of Sentinel's security protection is pretty good. The effectiveness of the web part of this depends on how well the customer has configured their Azure AD and what information they have included for each user, such as the phone number and the part of the organization where the user works.

One of the big issues for our customers is the need to look at multiple dashboards. Sentinel has eliminated this and made it a lot easier by having everything in one place.

Sentinel has definitely saved us time. It has also decreased our time to detection and our time to respond. We try to have an analysis ready within 30 minutes of an incident coming in.

What needs improvement?

Some of the data connectors are outdated, at least the ones that utilize Linux machines for log forwarding. I believe that Microsoft is already working on improving this.

I would like Microsoft Sentinel to have out-of-the-box threat intelligence because right now, the only option is to add your own threat intelligence.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using Microsoft Sentinel for approximately one and a half years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Sentinel has only been down once, as far as I know, as a result of Microsoft doing something with Azure Kubernetes, which affected log analytics and Sentinel. It was down for about 10 hours. Other than that, it's always been up.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The scalability is great. You can put unlimited logs in, as long as you can pay for it. There are commitment tiers, up to six terabytes per day, which is nowhere close to what any one of our customers is running.

How are customer service and support?

I might be more fortunate than others, given the fact that I have easy access to Microsoft support. The only downside is that the support staff are not that technical, but there is a big community around Sentinel. I can ask the question on the forums instead, and I usually get an answer there. All in all, I'd rate technical support at eight out of ten.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment is straightforward. We try to utilize a baseline of analytics rules in addition to connecting any security products already owned by the customer.

We usually deploy one Sentinel per Azure tenant. Maintenance-wise, Microsoft updates the analytics rules and the engine behind Sentinel, and it may require some tuning if it creates a lot of noise. Other than that, it's pretty straightforward. Thus, in comparison to other SIEM solutions that you need to upgrade and then turn off for the functionality to be updated, Sentinel saves us time.

What about the implementation team?

My colleague and I usually work with someone at the customer's location to deploy the solution.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Compared to standalone SIEM and SOAR solutions, it is easy to start off with Sentinel. For example, with QRadar there are minimum licensing requirements, EPS costs compared to how many logs are being ingested, etc.

It can become costly with Sentinel if you try to run all of the raw logs for an entire organization. If you prioritize, however, you can have a cheaper SIEM solution compared to the ones that have a starting price of 50,000 US dollars.

The pricing is based on how much you ingest, so it's pretty straightforward. There are no tiers, and you pay for what you use, unlike with other types of SIEM solutions that are usually based on tiers.

It's a great way to get insight into exactly how much you're using. If you connect a log source that utilizes too much, you could turn it off or tune it down. You could also buy tiers in Sentinel and can save money with tier commitments.

What other advice do I have?

Overall, I'm satisfied with Sentinel and would give it a rating of eight out of ten.

As far as going with a best-of-breed strategy versus a single vendor's suite, Microsoft gives a pretty good solution, especially when you get the E5 security package. It gives you a good view of the security across the organization, so I don't mind going for a single vendor's suite and opting to go completely with Microsoft.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Reseller
PeerSpot user
Prateek Agarwal - PeerSpot reviewer
Manager at a tech company with 201-500 employees
Real User
Top 5Leaderboard
Can monitor events on a real-time basis and has great visualization
Pros and Cons
  • "Its inbuilt Kusto Query Language is a valuable feature. It provides the flexibility needed to leverage advanced data analytics rules and policies and enables us to easily navigate all our security events in a single view. It helps any user easily understand the data or any security lags in their data and applications."
  • "Sentinel's alerts and notifications are not fully optimized for mobile devices. The overall reporting and the analytics processes for the end user should also be improved. Also, the compatibility and availability of data sources and reports are not always perfect."

What is our primary use case?

We use it across multiple platforms to protect against cyber attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities.

We use Sentinel in locations across Europe, India, and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region.

What is most valuable?

Its inbuilt Kusto Query Language is a valuable feature. It provides the flexibility needed to leverage advanced data analytics rules and policies and enables us to easily navigate all our security events in a single view. It helps any user easily understand the data or any security lags in their data and applications.

Sentinel helps to prioritize threats across our enterprise because it has built-in machine analytics capabilities. It predictively scans security vulnerabilities and threats from our environment using KQL.

We use more than one Microsoft security solution including Microsoft Endpoint Manager and Azure Defender. 

Integrating these solutions is not a hard task; it requires just a few clicks. Microsoft Support Services have helped us customize these integrations as well.

These Microsoft solutions provide good, comprehensive threat protection. Because they integrate well with the other Microsoft solutions we have in place, we have been able to minimize compatibility issues.

Sentinel works perfectly well in terms of ingesting data from our entire ecosystem. This is very important to our organization because we deal with data related to the health, services, and utilities of the general public. It is critical that we protect the data from third-party attackers.

Sentinel perfectly enables us to investigate threats and respond holistically from one place.

We can schedule and define the security rules and policies in Sentinel to easily automate security scanning and threat processing. Since it is managed by Microsoft, we do not have to worry about security updates and patches as well.

Sentinel is capable of providing all of the analytics in a single dashboard and has eliminated the need to look at multiple dashboards. The visualization is great, and you can optimize the dashboard according to your rules and policies. It also provides pie charts and donor charts for all processes showing what the issues are, how many are resolved, how many are traces, etc. The spikes as well as the level of security threats during a particular time period are also shown. Because it is already integrated with Azure Monitor Agent, Sentinel can monitor all events on a real-time basis. Overall, Sentinel is good in terms of analytics and visualizations.

It helps us prepare for potential threats before they hit and take proactive steps. It provides automatic recommendations as well because it has a recommendation engine within the solution. It has artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities and can predict security threats in a uniform way. It alerts or notifies you as well. 

Sentinel has decreased our overall time to detection and response by 40 to 45%. Previously, we used on-premises applications and Defender. It took a lot of effort to monitor all threats and perform real-time monitoring of our application's data. Since Sentinel can be connected to various data sources, such as Dynamics 365, Office, SQL, etc., it minimizes the overall time spent and the human effort needed.

What needs improvement?

In terms of visibility into threats, 95% of the time Sentinel scans well. However, 5% of the time there are problems with filtering out the noise. It is not completely user-friendly in terms of filtering out unwanted issues.

Sentinel's alerts and notifications are not fully optimized for mobile devices. The overall reporting and analytics processes for the end user should also be improved. Also, the compatibility and availability of data sources and reports are not always perfect.

It is fully dependent on Microsoft Azure since it is a part of Microsoft Azure cloud computing. If you use another cloud computing solution like AWS or GCP, then Sentinel will not work perfectly.

For how long have I used the solution?

I've been using it for more than two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It is a scalable solution though it doesn't require scalability if the security and first line of integrations are complete.

How are customer service and support?

I would rate Microsoft's technical support at eight out of ten because they take around two to three days to respond.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used Splunk. We switched because of compatibility issues with our existing Microsoft solutions such as SQL Server, Power BI, and the other applications hosted on Azure.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment is quite easy because everything is on the cloud and is a part of Azure. You just have to integrate this service into your applications, and technical support can help with that.

Sentinel doesn't require any maintenance because it is a managed service. Thus, the security updates and so forth are managed by Microsoft.

What about the implementation team?

We implemented it ourselves. Our team consisted of eight people including members from the DevOps team, security team, and infrastructure team.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The cost of Sentinel is high. It typically costs more than $100 for five to ten users of the licenses or subscriptions. It costs around $123 per day on the cloud. Small- to mid-sized organizations would need a dedicated budget to adopt this solution; however, the cost may not be an issue for large, enterprise-level organizations.

Microsoft should provide free trials, evaluation versions, or demo licenses to users.

What other advice do I have?

There are multiple companies providing similar solutions, and whether you go for a best-of-breed strategy or a single vendor's security suite depends on what matters to you. For us, compatibility with and adaptability to our existing applications were of high priority. Also, Microsoft is a giant in the software space globally, and we trust their solutions.

I would advise any prospective user to analyze their requirements, pricing model, and whether there are other security solutions available within the Microsoft Azure space. Overall, Sentinel is a good solution, and I would rate it at nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Technical Specialist at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Has built-in SOAR, user and entity behavior analytics, and threat intelligence capabilities
Pros and Cons
  • "The automation feature is valuable."
  • "The playbook is a bit difficult and could be improved."

What is our primary use case?

We use Microsoft Sentinel for centralized log aggregation and security management. Our environment uses a variety of security products to strengthen its security. This has made it difficult for the SOC team to analyze logs from different consoles and products. To ease the team's workload and help them prioritize events and attacks, we decided to acquire a centralized console. We chose Sentinel because it provides a centralized console where we can ingest and analyze logs. The logs that Sentinel analyzes add value.

How has it helped my organization?

Sentinel's threat visibility is good. It has analytics and threat detection capabilities that we can add to our own playbooks. We can use the predefined log analytics to create our own custom rules. Using these custom rules with predefined logs further improves our environment's security posture.

Sentinel helps us prioritize threats across our enterprise. When we have a lot of alerts and incidents, it is better to understand if they are false positives, because the SOC team sometimes wastes time on false positives, which are not very relevant. We must prioritize positive alerts, which should be given the highest priority. In order to solve this problem.

The manufacturing environment I work in is not very critical, so a simple attack is unlikely to have a major impact on the business. However, data is important in any business, and a data breach can damage our reputation. Therefore, it is important to have a good security posture to avoid threats. Threats and attacks can happen even with the highest level of security. Therefore, we look for products that can give us visibility into our environment and help us to proactively solve problems. Microsoft proactively identifies threats and informs its peers and partners. This allows us to take action to assess the impact of these threats on our environment. By taking proactive measures, we can prevent threats from harming our environment.

We also use Microsoft Defender for Cloud and Microsoft Defender for Identity. We have integrated these solutions with Microsoft Sentinel, and their logs are ingested by Sentinel. We do not incur any costs for ingesting Office 365 logs because Microsoft provides a free login exchange for Microsoft Office 365 and, I believe, for Defender as well into our Sentinel for analysis.

Our Microsoft products work seamlessly together to provide coordinated detection and response in our environment. We use a lot of Microsoft products, and it is best to use them in the same environment. This makes integration and collaboration easier. We also have licensing agreements that give us discounts when we use multiple products together. For example, we use Microsoft 365, OneDrive, and security products. We are also migrating our workloads to Azure. We have already migrated many workloads to Azure, and we are in the process of migrating the remaining workloads. We are heavily dependent on Microsoft, so we believe it is best to use one cloud provider. This makes it easier to manage different services. Additionally, Microsoft provides us with a lot of help and benefits, which can save us money. Cost is one of the factors that businesses consider, and IT is a major investment for businesses. Even though our business is not in the IT industry, IT plays a vital role in driving the business forward. Therefore, our organization needs to ensure that their IT investments are having a positive impact.

The comprehensiveness of the threat protection provided by our Microsoft security products is good. They have a large number of predefined indicators of compromise and a comprehensive team that monitors threats around the world. We receive notifications and newsletters from Microsoft whenever a new threat emerges. When an organization does not have experts on its team, it is very difficult to identify zero-day vulnerabilities or attacks. This makes it difficult for them to identify and mitigate these threats. Microsoft, on the other hand, proactively identifies threats and informs its teams and partners so that they can mitigate or prevent them in their environments.

Sentinel allows us to ingest data from our entire IT ecosystem, including network devices, servers, endpoints, and firewalls. This is important because if we are not monitoring all of our devices, we cannot know what threats they are facing or what attacks they have already been subjected to. Sentinel scans every device in the environment because it is difficult to see how many devices are compromised by a threat when we have an inventory of thousands of devices. This is why we need a centralized console where we can ingest all of our important logs and correlate them to identify threats. We need to know when our environment has been attacked by zero-day vulnerabilities. If we see that two devices have been affected, we still do not know how many additional devices the attack has compromised. This can only be known if we have all of our logs in our console. Sentinel provides us with a valuable capability: we can simply identify the source, user, or affected machines, and Sentinel will tell us how many machines have already been compromised and how far the threat has spread. This information allows us to isolate or quarantine the affected machines so that they cannot access more of our environment or steal more data.

We can react and respond holistically from one place with Sentinel.

The best part of Sentinel is its built-in SOAR, user and entity behavior analytics, and threat intelligence capabilities, which collaborate with the SIEM. Other products typically sell these capabilities as separate products. When we automate tasks, we reduce the team's manual effort. Whenever we detect an attack or need to provide analytics, we generate a lot of events and alerts. If we don't correlate these events and automatically resolve them, repetitive tasks will have to be performed by team members. This is not an efficient use of resources. Repetitive tasks can be automated by writing scripts and putting them into the system. Sentinel correlates events and creates incidents for us. These incidents can be resolved by scripts, such as by informing users that their IDs have been compromised and they need to reset their passwords or their IDs will be blocked. This saves SOC time so that they can focus on more important tasks, such as detecting and responding to threats that are already impacting the environment. Sentinel's features help organizations reduce manual and repetitive effort.

Sentinel has helped our organization by providing seamless collection and correlation of all logs. It is important to correlate logs into alerts and then to incidents, as this prevents the team that receives the alerts from becoming overloaded. Sentinel's analytics capabilities are also beneficial, as they allow me to easily perform searches and analyses of incidents. I do not have to spend much effort to determine the source of an incident, its impact, or how far it has spread through our environment. Additionally, Sentinel's automation features, such as its playbooks, templates, and integrations, help us to reduce manual effort.

Automating routine tasks that help find high-value alerts reduces the cost and workload of our SOC team. We have created several automation use cases by discussing them with multiple stakeholders and analyzing how frequently we receive the same type of incident alerts. When we receive the same type of incident alerts, we can correlate them and create scripts or automate solutions to resolve them. This helps to reduce the team's workload and headaches. We have already incorporated this automation into our SOC processes. If an incident is created, it is automatically resolved without any user or machine interaction. If we receive an alert that the resolution failed, some team members investigate the cause, such as a missing or disabled user ID or a technical system issue.

Automation has reduced our manual tasks, saving us around 30 percent of our time so that we can focus on more important tasks.

Previously, when I joined the organization, they were using Splunk on-premises and other security tools, such as Trend Micro and Darktrace devices, to collect logs. The security operations center team had to log into each console to see the logs, investigate them, and determine how to mitigate the alerts. This process was slow and inefficient, especially in the event of a critical attack. Sentinel provides a centralized console for log collection and analysis which helps the SOC team respond to alerts more quickly and reduce the impact of threats.

Microsoft Sentinel helped us eliminate the need for multiple dashboards by providing a single XDR dashboard. They have data connectors that can integrate with different security tools because they partner with other security companies to provide us with the functionality we need to integrate into our environment. Microsoft is at its best when we can integrate with our peers and security companies that are bringing new features to improve our security posture. We can then integrate these features with Sentinel, benefit from them, and ingest our logs into Sentinel as well. We no longer need to log in to multiple security tools; we can simply go to Sentinel, view the incidents and alerts that are being generated, and take action.

What is most valuable?

The automation feature is valuable. There are many events that happen, and we require manual effort from our SOC team to mitigate each one. When we started automating tasks, it helped us to reduce the time it takes to react to attacks. Attacks may not be able to penetrate our environment as easily because of this. Therefore, I believe that Sentinel's automation is the best.

What needs improvement?

The integration is not that difficult. The configuration is simple, but the data connector documentation is lacking in useful information. If Microsoft improves the documentation, we will be able to see how to complete the integration from start to finish. In the past, we have encountered problems during the integration process because the documentation was incomplete. For example, we recently deployed Microsoft Defender for Identity with the help of our Active Directory team. Initially, they told us that only a few ports were required, but later they said that more ports were needed. Our environment did not allow these additional ports, and we were not aware of this requirement. This delayed the project and caused frustration for our team members. The customer also expected the project to be completed sooner, but unexpected firewall rules and undocumented configuration requirements prevented us from doing so. We had to open a case with Microsoft for assistance, and we were eventually able to resolve the issue.

The playbook is a bit difficult and could be improved. For those who do not have a deep understanding of playbooks or programming languages, it would be better to have extensive documentation and information available online. When I started working with Sentinel, there were times when we had to refer to the documentation to get information about the configuration or implementation steps. If we encountered errors in the implementation, we had to rely on the internet to figure out how to fix them. The information available online is not that comprehensive and does not cover specific maintenance tasks. If the documentation were improved a bit, and the playbook and automation were made easier to use, it would be a great benefit for technical users.

The AI and Machine Learning can be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Microsoft Sentinel for over one year.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I have not seen any downtime with Sentinel. Sentinel is stable.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Sentinel is highly scalable. We can easily integrate more devices without any effort. Microsoft has a large data center, and they are always ready to add our devices.

How are customer service and support?

Microsoft technical support has declined in quality over the years. I have only been using Sentinel for a year, but I have experience with Microsoft technical support through Azure and other Microsoft products. In the past, we were able to resolve tickets quickly with minimal back-and-forth. However, recently, the quality of support has degraded. We had a few critical cases that directly impacted production, but Microsoft did not assign their senior engineers to these cases. This wasted a lot of our time, as we had to explain the problems to multiple support representatives.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used Splunk SOAR in conjunction with Trend Micro and Darktrace to ingest logs, but we switched to Sentinel because it is more seamless.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was successful. The configuration is not difficult. There were some challenging areas. However, we had access to free tools and a Microsoft contact who was always available to help us if we encountered any knowledge gaps. When setting up Sentinel for the first time in our environment, we always have an expert with us to assist with the setup, as not everyone has extensive knowledge of implementing the product. The expert is there to help us with the implementation if we get stuck on a step.

We decided which devices and types of alerts or information we wanted to ingest. At that time, we were not using automation. Our environment was in poor condition, and we were not utilizing the automated features of Sentinel. We only required the basic features of Sentinel, which were to ingest logs from the devices we were interested in, correlate them, analyze them, and integrate them with our service tools and alerting. For alerting, we used ServiceNow as our ticketing system. We would receive a ticket from ServiceNow for the SOC team, and then the SOC team would investigate and mitigate the issue. However, as time went on, the number of events increased, and the time it took to investigate them also increased. If we did not automate our environment, we would have to keep increasing the size of our SOC team or the number of SOC members to handle the workload. We could not meet the priority requirements. That is when we proposed using some of the automation features to help with low-priority alerts.

The deployment required three to four people. I joined the team for the implementation phase. So, by the time I joined, a lot of decisions had already been made, and a low-level plan had been decided upon. This was a low-level design and plan that we had to follow.

What about the implementation team?

We had help from our Microsoft representative for the implementation. This contact was provided to us by Microsoft from the initial trial period all the way through the implementation.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Currently, given our use case, the cost of Sentinel is justified, but it is expensive. It is not so cheap that any organization can afford it. However, if an organization has a requirement for good security posture and can invest in security tools, they should have at least a decent budget to afford Sentinel. Sentinel does offer good features, such as SIEM, SOAR, and automation. However, we need to monitor our budget because ingestion can increase at any time and exceed our budget. We can set alerts to notify us if our budget is increasing significantly on a monthly or yearly basis. We can then control our budget by adjusting what we ingest. We can ingest any amount of data because there is a lot of data flowing in. However, some data is not necessary to ingest because it is not valuable to our analytics. Therefore, being careful about what data we ingest through Sentinel will help us stay within our budget.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

We evaluated IBM QRadar and Splunk. Splunk has been in the market for a long time and is trusted by many organizations. While it was once a leader in its field, it does not seem to be keeping up with new features and automation. However, I am not aware of their current state of development.

We saw good features in both Splunk and QRadar, but QRadar had more features that were relevant to us. However, we are moving more towards the cloud. Previously, we had on-premises infrastructure, but we migrated to Azure when a new management team came in.

When we evaluated Microsoft Sentinel, we found that it had good functionality and met our requirements. We also liked that it is a cloud-based solution, so we do not have to worry about underlying hardware, features, operating systems, or management. We simply need to configure the application, which is relatively straightforward. We also do not need to make any upfront capital expenditures.

However, we need to consider the cost of ingesting logs into our environment. Microsoft charges for the amount of data ingested per day, so we need to keep our costs within budget.

QRadar is more complex and difficult to configure than Sentinel. Sentinel is easy to expand. If we add new devices to our environment, we can simply connect them directly to Sentinel. We do not need to worry about additional hardware or configuration.

Overall, Sentinel is a good choice for us because it is cloud-based, easy to configure, and scalable.

What other advice do I have?

I would rate Microsoft Sentinel an eight out of ten.

Whether to use separate SIEM and SOAR solutions or Microsoft Sentinel depends on each organization's specific needs. All SIEM and SOAR tools are expensive because they provide essential security features. Organizations with the resources to pay for these features may choose to purchase Sentinel or another SIEM or SOAR solution. However, small and medium-sized businesses may not be able to afford these tools. Instead, they may choose to use a third-party service provider that already has a license for an SIEM solution such as QRadar or Sentinel.

Sentinel ingests data from over 1,500 endpoints, including technical devices, Windows devices, and Linux devices in our environment.

There is no maintenance required on our end. Microsoft is doing everything for us. We only have to have our configurations in place.

Before using Sentinel, organizations should clearly understand their use cases and requirements. They can take a trial of Sentinel and collaborate with Microsoft to create use cases that demonstrate the value of the investment. Because there are thousands of SIEM and SOAR tools on the market, organizations should evaluate multiple solutions to see what benefits they offer. They can then create use cases for each solution in their environment and take trials to implement them. Organizations should compare the solutions based on visibility, budget, and additional features. Anyone who is considering using a SIEM or SOAR solution should evaluate multiple solutions. Budgeting is very important.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor.
PeerSpot user
Viraj Shinde - PeerSpot reviewer
SOC Analyst at Aujas Networks Pvt Ltd
Real User
We can easily automate rules that enable us to create playbooks, provides good visibility into our environment, and seamless integration capability
Pros and Cons
  • "The Identity Behavior tab furnishes us with the entire history linked to each IP or domain that has either accessed or attempted to access our system."
  • "We are invoiced according to the amount of data generated within each log."

What is our primary use case?

We utilize Microsoft Sentinel primarily to monitor our data storage software. Through the implementation of distinct connectors, we can accommodate multiple use cases for Sentinel. This solution also enables us to thwart failover attempts and prevent brute-force attacks. Moreover, we leverage the EDR tools to establish groups. For instance, if an unauthorized individual attempts to access a critical server from outside the designated group, we can promptly identify them by analyzing the event ID.

How has it helped my organization?

Using the Microsoft Sentinel Investigation tab, we can observe all activities related to access and unauthorized attempts taking place in our environment.

Sentinel assists us in prioritizing threats across our entire enterprise. When we receive high-priority alerts, we engage with the client to investigate whether they are conducting any testing first. If not, we identify the unknown activity and collaborate with them to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

We also utilize Office 365. We have seamlessly integrated Office 365 with Sentinel, which is made easy through the provided connectors, especially when our API keys are associated with a cloud machine. All that is needed are the workspace ID, subscription ID, and API key.

The effectiveness of the protection offered by the integrated solutions is substantial. We are capable of preventing spam, tracking the complete trajectory of data transmitted by the end user, including its source, especially when originating from unauthorized URLs. Additionally, we can identify instances of unauthorized mail redirection. Furthermore, we can utilize SPF authentication to safeguard our domain against spoofing.

Microsoft Sentinel allows us to gather data from our entire ecosystem. We also have the capability to exclude non-suspicious or non-malicious data, such as daily reminders, from the daily logs in order to prevent system slowdown.

Sentinel allows us to investigate threats and respond promptly from a central location. We can gather all the necessary information for an investigation with a single click, which will provide us with a comprehensive overview of the actions taken by the suspicious user by reviewing the Event ID.

The built-in SOAR, UEBA, and threat intelligence capabilities of Sentinel are commendable. The UEBA can furnish a summary of all entities and discern unfamiliar ones that are not commonly associated with our system, subsequently tagging them for our review.

It aids in the automation of routine tasks and the identification of high-value alerts. For instance, if we need to compile a list of our administrative or high-profile users, we can establish rules based on high and medium security criteria, or any other specifications we might have. The entries will then correspond to the information aligned with our requirements. Furthermore, we have generated a watchlist of blacklisted users, which assists us in conveniently tracking activities originating from them. 

It provides the ability to create personalized dashboards that offer all the necessary information in a single location. It is important to mention that this feature comes with an extra cost, as is the case with all aspects of Sentinel.

Sentinel's threat intelligence helps prepare us for potential threats before they hit. By utilizing the event summary, we can proactively prepare for unauthorized entries and directly block IPs at the firewall level.

As a partner of Microsoft, they pay us for any POCs we create.

Sentinel has contributed to a reduction in our time for detecting and responding to incidents. As Sentinel operates in the cloud, it offers user-friendly accessibility, enabling us to swiftly access crucial information for responding to potential threats.

What is most valuable?

The automation rules that enable us to create playbooks for each individual are valuable.

The Identity Behavior tab furnishes us with the entire history linked to each IP or domain that has either accessed or attempted to access our system. By utilizing the data supplied by Sentinel, we can ascertain whether there are any attempts to breach our system. Numerous pre-defined queries are at our disposal, and we also have the option to craft custom queries as needed.

What needs improvement?

We are invoiced according to the amount of data generated within each log. For example, if I neglect to specify the time period in a search, Sentinel will retrieve all the logs, leading to charges for both pertinent and irrelevant data. This could potentially cause a substantial increase in costs. We incur lower charges for data under 100 GB, but anything surpassing that threshold becomes more expensive.

When setting up EDR for multiple endpoints, we need to create distinct rules for each one to monitor the devices effectively. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I am currently using Microsoft Sentinel.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

Microsoft Sentinel is stable. It is extremely rare that the solution is down.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Microsoft Sentinel is highly scalable. We can create any random custom playbooks. We can create any custom rules over there As per our requirements. We can enable and disable policies also as per our requirements. We can combine both policies accordingly.

How are customer service and support?

The technical support is good.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

Compared to IBM Security QRadar and Securonix, Microsoft Sentinel is more user-friendly. QRadar is quicker to respond but it has stability issues.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We are charged based on the amount of data used, which can become expensive.

What other advice do I have?

I rate Microsoft Sentinel nine out of ten.

Maintenance is overseen by Microsoft. They announce periods of system downtime for maintenance. If we have anything critical that we require while the system is down, we can request it from Microsoft, and they promptly provide it to us.

Microsoft Sentinel offers us query update suggestions every three months. If we find a suggestion we like, we can simply click on it to automatically update our policy.

I believe it is better to choose a single-vendor security suite over a best-of-breed strategy.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Paul Schnackenburg - PeerSpot reviewer
Owner at Expert IT Solutions
Real User
Top 10
Automation enables me to provide security operations to my clients
Pros and Cons
  • "The standout feature of Sentinel is that, because it's cloud-based and because it's from Microsoft, it integrates really well with all the other Microsoft products. It's really simple to set up and get going."
  • "Given that I am in the small business space, I wish they would make it easier to operate Sentinel without being a Sentinel expert. Examples of things that could be easier are creating alerts and automations from scratch and designing workbooks."

What is our primary use case?

I'm an IT consultant, and I use Sentinel with two of my clients to monitor all their security signals and get alerts when things are happening that might be suspicious.

How has it helped my organization?

The fact that the solution helps automate routine tasks and the finding of high-value alerts has made it possible for me to provide security operations. If I didn't have automation, I wouldn't be able to do that. Nobody is going to pay me to sit and stare at a screen for eight hours a day. But with the automation built in to let me know about and fix things, it becomes viable. The automations have an email option, and all the alerts show up as emails in my inbox. I'm busy with other things, and I'm not looking at Sentinel all day. And the automation in those emails is available to deal with things automatically. Automation is incredibly important.

Sentinel gives me one XDR dashboard. In terms of security operations, it's improved them and makes it easy for me to do my job.

It saves my clients time, on the order of 30 percent.

It also saves costs for me and my clients. If we didn't have Sentinel in place, and they were to get compromised, it could cost them tens of thousands of dollars due to ransomware, a BEC scam, or another type of attack. Without Sentinel in place, that could be a very big cost.

And it decreases the time it takes to detect and respond by days, if not weeks.

What is most valuable?

My clients are small businesses, and mine is also a small business. Traditionally, even the concept of using a SIEM in most small businesses was unheard of. It was an on-premises product, and you needed to install servers, and most normal IT consultants wouldn't even look at it because it would be very complex for them. The standout feature of Sentinel is that, because it's cloud-based and because it's from Microsoft, it integrates really well with all the other Microsoft products. It's really simple to set up and get going. You don't have to set up a server or do a lot of configuring and setting up storage. It just lives in the cloud, you turn it on, and connecting most things to it is really easy.

It's fantastic when it comes to integration with other Microsoft products. It's so easy. I've been in IT for 30 years, and integrating products was, up until a few years ago, something we would never want to do. It was so hard, we wouldn't want to touch it. We would have to write custom code and configure things. It was just horrible. Now, it's literally a couple of sliders in the interface, and you're done.

And once these solutions are integrated, they work natively together to deliver coordinated detection and response across my clients' environments. I follow this space very closely, but I am not an expert in any other solution. Still, at least for my clients, with the threats they are facing and the alerts we get from the real world, Sentinel's detection and response are very comprehensive.

Sentinel enables you to ingest data from the entire ecosystem. I have integrated some non-Microsoft products with Sentinel, and, predictably, it's not as simple as one click because these are third-party products. But it is definitely quite easy. For cloud products and services, it's still very simple. It might be three or four clicks. But for on-premises products, it's a bit more work.

My clients also use Defender for Cloud, and its bi-directional sync capabilities are very important. It makes things much easier.

Sentinel provides a clear view into the threats that are coming in, and, compared to what I had before, it is night and day. I heard somebody say on a podcast, "The solution we had prior to Sentinel was like a dark room and you had a torch, and you could shine the torch in different directions and see some things. Having Sentinel, combined with Microsoft 365 Defender, the XDR solution, is like turning on the lights and seeing everything." I completely agree. That's exactly what it feels like.

Another incredibly important factor is the solution's ability to investigate threats and respond holistically from one place. Again, as a small business, I wouldn't have the time and energy to look in several different places. I need one place where it all shows up, and that's what Sentinel provides.

And with built-in SOAR, UEBA, and threat intelligence, the comprehensiveness of Sentinel's security protection is good.

What needs improvement?

Given that I am in the small business space, I wish they would make it easier to operate Sentinel without being a Sentinel expert. Examples of things that could be easier are creating alerts and automations from scratch and designing workbooks. All of those are available as templates and community-produced content, but doing all that from scratch and keeping it up-to-date, is not easy. Because I have lots of other things on my plate, it would really improve things for me if they would make it more accessible for small businesses and non-experts.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Microsoft Sentinel since it was in public preview, so that's at least three and a half years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It's a very stable solution—rock-solid.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It's also very scalable.

How are customer service and support?

I have only ever contacted them about Sentinel once, but I have certainly dealt with Microsoft support in various ways. Their response time is pretty good. But they have a difficult time providing good support, at the level that would cause me to give them a higher score than six out of 10, because things change so fast. And it's so much wider than it used to be 10 years ago. There's so much to cover, and that's difficult for them.

How would you rate customer service and support?


Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We used ESET for one client, but it wasn't a SIEM, it was just endpoint protection. We replaced that with Defender for Endpoint, Defender for Identity, Defender for Cloud Apps, and Sentinel. It's not an apples-to-apples comparison.

How was the initial setup?

The initial deployment is very straightforward. It took me four or five hours to set it up.

The product itself, obviously, does not require maintenance, but the alerts and rules require work.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Sentinel is fairly priced and pretty cost-effective. Compared to on-premises solutions, Sentinel is very cost-effective.

It's certainly possible, if you're not careful about what you connect, to shoot yourself in the foot by ending up with large data sources being ingested that cost you a fair bit of money. You do need to think about what data sources you actually need, which ones will lead to the detection of actual attackers, and how much of that data you need. You also have to consider how you're going to store it, because Sentinel has different levels. You don't have to store it all in the expensive "this will give me alerts" tiers. But, as I said, my clients are small businesses. They certainly don't have a budget for anything expensive, and they're very happy with the costs.

What other advice do I have?

Do a proof of concept. It's really easy to set up and get started. You don't have to turn everything on to start. Do a small proof of concept, get familiar with it, and you'll see how easy it is.

Does it help prioritize threats across the enterprise? The short answer is, "Yes, it does." The slightly longer answer is that it is not a set-and-forget solution. And no SIEM is. You do need to configure Sentinel and fine-tune it. I have a calendar reminder every two weeks to go back in and make sure the right analytics rules are in place and change the ones that need changing, et cetera. It does prioritize threats, but it's not an automatic process that you never have to worry about again.

Sentinel's threat intelligence doesn't really help with proactive steps. The threat intelligence has indicators of compromise, such as IP addresses, URLs, and file hashes. They get detected, but that's not really proactive. Perhaps it's "proactive" in the sense that somebody else has figured out that those things are bad and let the system know. But Microsoft 365 Defender does the proactive part because it has threat intelligence in it. It will tell you, "A new threat that we have a report on seems to be targeting your type of client." That's proactive, but Sentinel isn't proactive. Meaning, if you read about a threat and then protect yourself before that threat reaches you, Sentinel doesn't really do that.

In the debate about best-of-breed versus a single-vendor security solution, if you pick best-of-breed individual security solutions and you have to integrate them, now you're an integrator. And that is hard. It's not easy to integrate different security products. And that's why, at least for my clients, Sentinel and Microsoft 365 Defender have been a huge shift. They're so easy to integrate. My clients could license separate products and then try to integrate them to get the same level of integration, but that would never work.

Disclosure: PeerSpot contacted the reviewer to collect the review and to validate authenticity. The reviewer was referred by the vendor, but the review is not subject to editing or approval by the vendor. The reviewer's company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
PeerSpot user
Lead Azure Sentinel Architect at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees
Real User
Quick to deploy, good performance, and automatically scales with our requirements
Pros and Cons
  • "The most valuable feature is the performance because unlike legacy SIEMs that were on-premises, it does not require as much maintenance."
  • "If Azure Sentinel had the ability to ingest Azure services from different tenants into another tenant that was hosting Azure Sentinel, and not lose any metadata, that would be a huge benefit to a lot of companies."

What is our primary use case?

Azure Sentinel is a next-generation SIEM, which is purely cloud-based. There is no on-premises deployment. We primarily use it to leverage the machine learning and AI capabilities that are embedded in the solution.

How has it helped my organization?

This solution has helped to improve our security posture in several ways. It includes machine learning and AI capabilities, but it's also got the functionality to ingest threat intelligence into the platform. Doing so can further enrich the events and the data that's in the backend, stored in the Sentinel database. Not only does that improve your detection capability, but also when it comes to threat hunting, you can leverage that threat intelligence and it gives you a much wider scope to be able to threat hunt against.

The fact that this is a next-generation SIEM is important because everybody's going through a digital transformation at the moment, and there is actually only one true next-generation SIEM. That is Azure Sentinel. There are no competing products at the moment.

The main benefit is that as companies migrate their systems and services into the Cloud, especially if they're migrating into Azure, they've got a native SIEM available to them immediately. With the market being predominately Microsoft, where perhaps 90% of the market uses Microsoft products, there are a lot of Microsoft houses out there and migration to Azure is common.

Legacy SIEMs used to take time in planning and looking at the specifications that were required from the hardware. It could be the case that to get an on-premises SIEM in place could take a month, whereas, with Azure Sentinel, you can have that available within two minutes. 

This product improves our end-user experience because of the enhanced ability to detect problems. What you've got is Microsoft Defender installed on all of the Windows devices, for instance, and the telemetry from Defender is sent to the Azure Defender portal. All of that analysis in Defender, including the alerts and incidents, can be forwarded into Sentinel. This improves the detection methods for the security monitoring team to be able to detect where a user has got malicious software or files or whatever it may be on their laptop, for instance.

What is most valuable?

It gives you that single pane of glass view for all of your security incidents, whether they're coming from Azure, AWS, or even GCP. You can actually expand the toolset from Azure Sentinel out to other Azure services as well.

The most valuable feature is the performance because unlike legacy SIEMs that were on-premises, it does not require as much maintenance. With an on-premises SIEM, you needed to maintain the hardware and you needed to upgrade the hardware, whereas, with Azure Sentinel, it's auto-scaling. This means that there is no need to worry about any performance impact. You can send very large volumes of data to Azure Sentinel and still have the performance that you need.

What needs improvement?

When you ingest data into Azure Sentinel, not all of the events are received. The way it works is that they're written to a native Sentinel table, but some events haven't got a native table available to them. In this case, what happens is that anything Sentinel doesn't recognize, it puts it into a custom table. This is something that you need to create. What would be good is the extension of the Azure Sentinel schema to cover a lot more technologies, so that you don't have to have custom tables.

If Azure Sentinel had the ability to ingest Azure services from different tenants into another tenant that was hosting Azure Sentinel, and not lose any metadata, that would be a huge benefit to a lot of companies.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using Azure Sentinel for between 18 months and two years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I work in the UK South region and it very rarely has not been available. I'd say its availability is probably 99.9%.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

This is an extremely scalable product and you don't have to worry about that because as a SaaS, it auto-scales.

We have been 20 and 30 people who use it. I lead the delivery team, who are the engineers, and we've got some KQL programmers for developing the use cases. Then, we hand that over to the security monitoring team, who actually use the tool and monitor it. They deal with the alerts and incidents, as well as doing threat hunting and related tasks.

We use this solution extensively and our usage will only increase.

How are customer service and support?

I would rate the Microsoft technical support a nine out of ten.

Support is very good but there is always room for improvement.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

I have personally used ArcSight, Splunk, and LogRythm.

Comparing Azure Sentinel with these other solutions, the first thing to consider is scalability. That is something that you don't have to worry about anymore. It's excellent.

ArcSight was very good, although it had its problems the way all SIEMs do.

Azure Sentinel is very good but as it matures, I think it will probably be one of the best SIEMs that we've had available to us. There are too many pros and cons to adequately compare all of these products.

How was the initial setup?

The actual standard Azure Sentinel setup is very easy. It is just a case where you create a log analytics workspace and then you enable Azure Sentinel to sit over the top. It's very easy except the challenge is actually getting the events into Azure Sentinel. That's the tricky part.

If you are talking about the actual platform itself, the initial setup is really simple. Onboarding is where the challenge is. Then, once you've onboarded, the other challenge is that you need to develop your use cases using KQL as the query language. You need to have expertise in KQL, which is a very new language.

The actual platform will take approximately 10 minutes to deploy. The onboarding, however, is something that we're still doing now. It's use case development and it's an ongoing process that never ends. You are always onboarding.

It's a little bit like setting up a configuration management platform and you're only using one push-up configuration.

What was our ROI?

We are getting to the point where we see a return on our investment. We're not 100% yet but getting there.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Azure Sentinel is very costly, or at least it appears to be very costly. The costs vary based on your ingestion and your retention charges. Although it's very costly to ingest and store data, what you've got to remember is that you don't have on-premises maintenance, you don't have hardware replacement, you don't have the software licensing that goes with that, you don't have the configuration management, and you don't have the licensing management. All of these costs that you incur with an on-premises deployment are taken away.

This is not to mention running data centers and the associated costs, including powering them and cooling them. All of those expenses are removed. So, when you consider those costs and you compare them to Azure Sentinel, you can see that it's comparative, or if not, Azure Sentinel offers better value for money.

All things considered, it really depends on how much you ingest into the solution and how much you retain.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

There are no competitors. Azure Sentinel is the only next-generation SIEM.

What other advice do I have?

This is a product that I highly recommend, for all of the positives that I've mentioned. The transition from an on-premises to a cloud-based SIEM is something that I've actually done, and it's not overly complicated. It doesn't have to be a complex migration, which is something that a lot of companies may be reluctant about.

Overall, this is a good product but there are parts of Sentinel that need improvement. There are some things that need to be more adaptable and more versatile.

I would rate this solution a nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Microsoft Azure
Disclosure: My company has a business relationship with this vendor other than being a customer: Partner
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Updated: July 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free Microsoft Sentinel Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.