Perfecto Benefits

Roland Castelino - PeerSpot reviewer
QA Lead at BMO Financial

Perfecto has definitely helped our organization, mainly from a scaling point of view, with its reporting, and choice of frameworks.

  1. It has allowed us to test across different configurations, helping us with our test configurations. 
  2. It has helped us with our reporting. Perfecto's reporting allows us to have a clear view regarding what tests have been executed and the health of the application. 
  3. It has allowed us to plug in our framework, i.e., the way that we designed it, into Perfecto with modifications. That fluidity and freedom are there for us. We are not tied or reliant on any one particular vendor. We are free to pick and choose with whom we want to work with. 

Perfecto has affected our software quality in a good way. It has allowed us to execute on-demand and on-choice. We also track the number of issues that we find in the product. Every single day, we tag the issues that we found. For example, if something was found by automation, that means it was found by a Perfecto execution. Over time, we realized the real value in tracking those numbers. We can see now that we have clearly been finding issues earlier. It has allowed us to catch our defects earlier, thus improving the quality of our applications.

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Glenford John - PeerSpot reviewer
Product Manager, Device Integration at a comms service provider with 10,001+ employees

We have seen the biggest improvement in cost savings. Initially, we save $2.6 million a year just on roaming charges. Our testing is more efficient because we can automate testing. Before, we did everything manually. Three of our partners love it because they don't have to travel to Canada to test on our devices. They can stay where they are and get access to our devices and our footprint, so it has really improved our relationship with our vendors as well.

We also have devices in the US and devices in Europe so our team doesn't have to travel to do roaming testing.

Perfecto helps us save on the cost and effort of having to maintain our own virtual test environment. Saving costs was the key driver in our business case. We also saved time by automating the test cases, which saves us $2.6 million initially a year, including roaming charges and shipping devices to different vendors.

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Project Manager at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees

Having Perfecto to test all the various changes to our applications on virtual mobile devices allows us to complete our testing and regression testing within the scheduled time. It enables us to do pretty much everything that we could do in the actual devices. It's really helpful in both automation and manual testing.

The Perfecto device lab has helped us scale our testing operations. It has become embedded with the success of our business and our projects. It would cripple our productivity if we didn't have it. We're very dependent on it. Our testing has been done utilizing Perfecto a lot lately.

Because we don't have a lot of physical devices within our team—we probably have one or two—and because our team is composed of about 50 resources who do testing, we cannot send them the devices, now that we're all working virtually. Perfecto is a perfect tool for allowing everyone to work remotely.

We have 42 devices in our Perfecto cloud base and all of them are being utilized by the testers. Our testers can access one of those devices at any time. As soon as that device is available, they can use it. They don't have to go to the office to use it. They can sit in their houses and perform their activities.

It has also helped to speed up our testing efforts because testers don't have to go to an office. However, the actual testing requires the same steps that you would run, and takes the same amount of time, if you were using the actual device. The savings come from having all your documents or screenshots saved by clicking one button. That's something that helps a lot. Also, the flexibility of changing from one device to another, just by clicking a button, is very efficient.

In addition, Perfecto helps affect our product's quality because it mimics real device behavior; everything is similar. Productivity-wise, we're able to test all the features and we're able to see what we need to see. For example, we can see the behavior of our application on every device due to the screen resolution of the device. If it's an iPad, the size of the screen is different than if you're using iPhone 12 or 13 Mini. When you go to Android devices, it's also different. Having all of these devices inside our cloud within the Perfecto tools, allows us to perform testing and deliver a better quality product.

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June 2024
Learn what your peers think about Perfecto. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
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Bharat Malik - PeerSpot reviewer
Senior Automation Engineer at RBC

Overall, Perfecto has significantly helped us because we are not dependent on maintaining the infrastructure for various devices. Everything is maintained by Perfecto, which means that we can focus on testing.

We leverage Perfecto's reporting and analytics using the CI dashboard, reporting dashboard, and the live stream view. This functionality is quite important because it gives us the history of our past test cases and failures. From there, we can determine at which build a particular feature starts to fail.

Perfecto gives us the ability to test using virtual devices, and the testing can be done in parallel. This means that we are able to test against approximately 300 different devices.

In terms of scaling our testing operations, the option to use virtual devices is very important. If we didn't have the virtual device option then we wouldn't be able to scale as much, and our test execution time would increase.

When it comes to test creation, Perfecto supports open-source technologies such as selenium and APM. This is very good because initially, we were using most of the open-source technologies that were available. This meant that integrating with Perfecto was very smooth, as they supported what we were using.

The quality of our software has improved since we implemented this solution. Firstly, it helps that Perfecto maintains the hardware, allowing us to focus primarily on our software. Secondly, we have been able to find more defects in our applications.

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Manager and Platform Lead, Canadian Digital Banking at BMO

It's given us some traceability, from a QA perspective, on when certain functionalities are available in online banking and when they are down. 

We have also used it for production automation to replace the manual labor that was done overnight on deployments to production, where someone was having to test them. We offload our scripts to Perfecto. 

And we use it not only for viewing the current execution, but as a historical tool to see our past executions and see when things were working and when they were not and where in the code did something fail. Perfecto is nice because, for Java code, you can see exactly where something failed, at which steps, and it shows you exactly which file actually it failed in. That's really helpful for us in narrowing down where the failure occurred. We know whether to investigate the automation scripts or whether it was a data issue or a defect. Perfecto gives us a lot of visibility into those things.

We are catching issues a lot earlier when it comes to the environment, because if we didn't have the automated jobs running with Perfecto, we would probably let a lot of these environment issues pile up until a lot later. But we're running them daily and seeing where things fail and Perfecto is giving us that video to see exactly where it failed and in which line of code. It's giving us a bit of a bump "left" to see where things fail first. It's definitely earlier than it used to be.

It has also definitely helped to speed up our testing efforts. When the scripts are stable, Perfecto is awesome. If there's not much change, we can run thousands and thousands of test cases every day. Someone from manual testing could execute, maybe, 30 test cases a day. Perfecto can execute, say, 3,000. It's really a huge difference. Part of what I like about Perfecto is that it allows concurrent testing. You can hit multiple browsers or devices at the same time, which makes it a lot more efficient for us to execute a regression.

And in terms of software quality, in one of our online banking projects that we recently delivered to production, we found 300 defects just with automation alone, and we found regression defects in addition. Not all of them could have been caught with manual testing. We improved our application by catching defects earlier, before they went to production, thanks to Perfecto.

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Kristina Bogojevska - PeerSpot reviewer
Product Manager at a manufacturing company with 10,001+ employees

If anyone who doesn't have company-issued devices wants to do testing of our mobile application, we can always provide them access to Perfecto, and they can play around with the app there. That has been really nice.

We recently set up a couple of test cases for automated testing. Being able to run them automatically and being able to see the success and failure rate of those runs every day has saved us a lot of time. It has also been helpful in identifying issues, and it has also been helpful in terms of the timeframe and being able to find them a lot sooner.

It works well when it comes to executing cross-platform testing. I would give it a positive rating in that regard. We're able to test on Android and iOS devices pretty seamlessly.

We are utilizing Perfecto's cloud-based lab to test across devices, browsers, and/or OSs. The device lab is very important for our testing operations. If we have issues with the devices being offline, we wouldn't be able to run our automated tests. 

Perfecto's device lab has helped us to scale our testing operations. Currently, our company doesn't issue Android devices to us. I have an iOS device that's company-issued on which I can do manual testing. For Android testing, we've been leveraging the Android device in Perfecto. It is pretty important, and it has been helping us to determine what our baseline is with the Android builds. Because we're not able to physically see it, having it in Perfecto is super helpful.

It has saved us the cost and effort of having to maintain our own virtual test environment. It is hard to quantify in dollars, but in time, it has probably saved up to 100 hours, not more than that. As we build out our test suite more, it would save us even more time. Running those automated tests running as compared to someone manually testing the application and finding issues would definitely save time. Being able to find issues a lot quicker results in us being able to fix them a lot quicker.

It has helped to speed up our testing efforts, and it has also affected our software quality. It has improved the quality of our software due to us being able to find and fix the bugs a lot sooner.

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Director, QE Automation & Analytics at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees

We leverage Perfecto for reporting and analytics, and in that regard, it provides good reporting features. In terms of analytics, Perfecto still doesn't have predictive modeling or similar analytics features in the tool. In terms of the features that it does have, we use them to the fullest.

We make use of the Perfecto Reports dashboard. Within the framework, we use the Allure reports for automation execution.

We are using the Perfecto cloud for both real and virtual devices. For example, we have some cradles for real devices that we have licenses for, we have virtual devices by means of emulators and simulators, and we have browsers. These are the three types of licenses that we have.

The physical devices are sitting in the Perfecto device lab. The emulators and simulators work to simulate Android and iOS devices, and the browsers are separate again. As the main testing platform for our operations, the device lab is very important to us. We used to do everything in-house, which required on-premises infrastructure to do so. We got rid of the VMs and our physical machines, including our Macs. This is, in fact, one of the reasons that we chose Perfecto.

The fact that the device lab provides same-day access to new devices is a good thing for us. We have an SLA for procurement and if we need a new device, our SLA stipulates that Perfecto has a certain number of days to procure it. We are happy because when a new device becomes available, we get instant access. 

Another example of how Perfecto has helped to improve our organization happened during COVID. Sometimes during the pandemic, when we were working away from the office but still had the on-premises infrastructure, somebody would have to travel to the office only to restart a mobile device or a Mac machine. We no longer have to do that and that's a big relief for us.

When it comes to procurement, when Apple or Samsung launches a new device, all we have to do is pass the request to Perfecto. This is an example of where we save on infrastructure but it's not the only advantage. We are able to execute all of our tests in parallel on different cloud devices. Previously, we were challenged in terms of scalability with local infrastructure. Now, scalability is not a challenge and we can add as many virtual devices, running in parallel, as we need. Previously, we were limited to running a few devices in-house and using a few different browsers.

Perfecto has helped to speed up our testing effort. This is true both in terms of time to market and in terms of execution time. 

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Rodrigo Candido Costa - PeerSpot reviewer
Software Quality and Automation Specialist at PRIME CONTROL

Perfecto helps us sell automation projects to our clients. The main concern is how to buy, maintain, and administer all the devices. Now that people are working remotely, we also need a way to share devices among testing teams.

Perfecto helps our operations in that. Since the start of the pandemic, we haven't been able to work in the office, and we can't send real devices to the testers' houses. Thanks to the Perfecto platform, we can sell automated testing services again, overcoming those problems.

We are testing on the latest, most costly iPhones per example, so Perfecto enables us to test different versions of OS, and devices and to have many tests running in parallel. These features are essential for our clients, who will buy blocks to run the automation or test manually, so they don't need to buy the devices for testing.

Perfecto helps us scale our operations when we need to test multiple kinds of devices simultaneously. Real devices are ideal, but virtual devices are always available. We prefer real ones, but we use virtual devices when real ones are unavailable.

It also saves us money because the cost of each license is 10 times lower than what we would spend to maintain infrastructure here in Brazil. We would need to pay for the devices, buy licenses for the software required to administer the connections remotely, and hire a person specializing in these technologies. Perfecto is a game-changer for us, we save at least $10,000 monthly.

Perfecto speeds up our testing by reducing the setup time. The devices are always there, and it takes just a few minutes to supply access to the analysts. We saw improvements in our operations, and Perfecto has tools to inspect the elements to help us decide the best selector for each interaction on the automation. It saves us a lot of time, I estimate it saves us 14 to 20 hours a week and implementing testing takes half the time with Perfecto. 

It improves the quality of our client's software. I work for a consulting firm specializing in quality assurance software testing. It helps us achieve the testing metrics and execute the test. The performance is always outstanding, so it helps us maintain the highest standards when we test our client's software.

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AndyBrown - PeerSpot reviewer
Systems Engineer at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees

One of the benefits of Perfecto is that it helps us keep our devices up to date with the right OSs, because we test across different mobile OSs. The solution has been instrumental in helping us to keep our devices at the right levels for our testing.

The solution also helps us to eliminate defects. Any application defect is a bad thing. I'm the "application police." If something is wrong with it, I'm going to give you a ticket and ask you to get it fixed. As a bank, we cannot have defects in the applications and Perfecto is instrumental in that process. That's how it helps us, organization-wide. It really stinks if one of our end-users opens up a mobile app, expecting they can do something but they can't because of a problem with the application. Testing with Perfecto, we find those defects and we get the developers to get them fixed before the end-user sees them.

When we retest and they pass, we're achieving the quality results that we're looking for.

And it has saved us tremendously on the effort and the costs of maintaining our own virtual test environment. We don't have to hire so many personnel to take care of those devices. Perfecto has people employed in its lab to physically work on devices when needed. We would have had to do the same thing if we didn't use the solution. As a high-profile bank, hiring an employee includes doing extensive background checks, and those kinds of things cost the company. Using Perfecto saves time, resources, and it saves on physical intervention with the devices. Overall, it results in huge cost savings for our company. 

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Manager at a insurance company with 1,001-5,000 employees

We have been using a competing product. We encountered some challenges in that competing solution in the cross-browser area. Perfecto has certainly brought positive change. We no longer have the defects or issues we were encountering earlier. It has been great from that aspect.

We use Perfecto’s cloud-based lab to test across devices, browsers, and OSs. It is very important for us. It saves the effort and the cost of investing in all different devices, which can become obsolete very soon. Continuous maintenance is not needed, and there is a single platform to access everything. All these benefits don't just make it cost-effective but also make things administratively light. It is very useful for us.

They provide same-day access to new devices, but we didn't require that. The majority of our tests focus on the in-market version. So, we haven't used it, but that's a good capability to have.

Perfecto’s device lab has helped us to scale our testing operations. One good thing is that you just need an email address, and you can share it with anyone. It is very prompt.

We are able to offer a quality product that has been tested fully, which improves our customer satisfaction. That is a good thing. It has also reduced our IT infrastructure cost. We don't have to spend a lot on setting up infrastructure, which becomes redundant or obsolete very soon. It helps in offsetting that cost.

It certainly has brought more capabilities to our coordinating teams. We are able to cater to different testing asks from the business and IT teams, and we are able to meet some of the key areas that our enterprise testing strategies are requiring us to do.

It is very important for scaling our testing. Investing in all different devices and then managing them, when it is not your primary job as a company, is not easy. Using virtual devices is certainly something that we can easily do at an enterprise level.

It affects our software quality. Our solutions are now tested for compatibility and accessibility. In the Ontario region where we are operating, accessibility is mandated by the government. It has also made us compliant with the accessibility requirements.

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reviewer1963857 - PeerSpot reviewer
Head of Quality at a comms service provider with 1,001-5,000 employees

Perfecto plays a very crucial part in our day-to-day test executions. We do a lot of mobile testing, so Perfecto is very useful for us for either manual testing or automation.

It is very important to us that the lab provides same-day access to new devices. We have a very fast-moving, agile team. Therefore, we need access to the lab all the time.

We have a small development team who uses their emulators for development purposes. For testing, we still rely a lot on the actual devices. However, at times, when we launch something, we do use the virtual devices as well. Virtual devices are important when testing, although they don't give the same level of experience as real devices. I can understand that it isn't possible to purchase every single device all the time, especially when you are testing later versions of Android and don't have a virtual device or any version of iOS. We have a couple of native application teams who deploy new applications on those virtual devices all the time, depending on the requirements.

Perfecto helps a lot with productivity overall. We have a distributed team across different geographics. Because people are spread out across different countries, not everyone works at the same time, but whenever they work, they want access to the devices. The only feasible solution is to look at the cloud. Perfecto has come in really handy since it is always up and active. People can access it in their own time and at their own comfort, i.e., anyplace and anywhere. So, it has definitely helped with our fast, agile deliveries over the course of time.

Any testing is good testing. The more you test, the better software quality gets. It has definitely helped.

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Sameer Bakshi - PeerSpot reviewer
Test Specialist at IBM

The Perfecto device cloud has helped us to scale our testing operations. We can do much more testing than we did previously. Business has picked up, and the latest version of OSs needs to be tested. That would not have been possible if we had physical devices and had to give them out to the whole team. And that would involve a lot of cost. Having shared devices makes it much easier for the business.

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Govindaraj Ponnusamy - PeerSpot reviewer
Automation Architect at a tech consulting company with 10,001+ employees

It improves our product quality by testing multiple times and integrating Perfecto into our CI/CD pipelines.

We are continuously doing testing on different environments, devices, and platforms. It executes  seamlessly on multiple devices without having any connectivity issues. It has been really helpful for us to test on cloud devices.

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Automation Tester at IGM Financial

Perfecto's device lab has helped us to scale our testing and it has made testing easier for us. We've been able to run our regression testing. We have hundreds of test cases, the majority of which are mobile-related, and we use Perfecto for them.

We've also been able to get our testing done a lot faster, especially during COVID when we weren't going to the office and didn't have our physical devices. We ended up using and being dependent on Perfecto a lot.

We have access to 15 or 20 devices. Even if some of them are being used by other testers, I can utilize another one. That was not stopping my testing when I was doing manual testing. That has helped us a lot

And for automation, we run our jobs at night when these devices are not being used by manual testers. Just the fact that we can automate our tests on Perfecto and run our jobs and have test results in the morning has given us a lot of flexibility and has helped a lot.

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IT Quality Control at a insurance company with 10,001+ employees

Benefit-wise, by being able to share all the devices across 800+ users, we get a much better cross-section of testing across a wide platform of devices versus having to buy one or two phones for each tester. To be able to share a pool of devices is a huge saving. It is also a huge benefit to be able to test on a wide variety of devices. So, it saves us from having bugs go out that would only be found on, for instance, two versions back of OS or a device that's not really common but is used by our customers. If our app is having trouble running on a Google Pixel 5, we're going to find it because we have access to a wide variety of devices in our Perfecto cloud.

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Associate Software Engineer at a financial services firm with 10,001+ employees

The Perfecto device lab has allowed us to run tests on multiple devices at the same time and across multiple platforms as well. That increases the efficiency of our testing and saves money, time, and effort. It would take us six times longer to do what we now do.

We are also able to run tests without needing to monitor them. It delivers comprehensive testing that we otherwise wouldn't be able to achieve.

In addition, it has allowed us to maintain high app quality. By testing the app thoroughly, which Perfecto allows us to do, we get that high quality.

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automation tester at a computer software company with 10,001+ employees

Perfecto makes it easier for us to do mobile testing, rather than shipping mobile devices. They always have the newest versions.

Although I can't comment on cost savings, it is useful for us because of our offshore-onshore model. We are able to utilize the devices even if we don't have a physical device available to us.

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Automation Consultant at a consultancy with 10,001+ employees

It has really helped us speed up our testing process. We are able to execute tests overnight and see the results quickly.

Our devices are in the Perfecto cloud and that's extremely important because we have monthly releases and a lot of OS upgrades in our mobile application. We always have to validate our app for both forward and backward compatibility, as well as in the browser, to make sure that all the features of the application are working. Perfecto facilitates delivering the product on time, through the cloud devices, so that there is no impact to our end-users. That's extremely important for us.

The Perfecto lab also provides same-day access to new devices, which is another very important aspect. If we want to do some tests to make sure the features work in the latest Android 11 version, we don't have to contact the Perfecto team and ask them to provide us with access to that particular device. We can get that access and execute tests against the devices.

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it_user510336 - PeerSpot reviewer
Associate - Projects at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees

It has saved hours of manual testing time, costs and efforts. It's pretty much the best tool that has a repository of all the execution status, apps and information, which can be available in any part of the world.

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it_user173214 - PeerSpot reviewer
Test Lead at a tech services company with 10,001+ employees

Due to the cloud-based model, devices available in any geographical area can be accessed and used.

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Learn what your peers think about Perfecto. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: June 2024.
787,763 professionals have used our research since 2012.