Kevin Honde - PeerSpot reviewer
Data Solution Architect at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe
Real User
Top 10
Great cluster setup; works fine on the technical side
Pros and Cons
  • "The way that MySQL has improved my organization is that it comes free and also works fine on the technical side."
  • "The integration with other systems can be improved as can the integration between other databases."

What is our primary use case?

Our primary use case for MySQL is for our internally-built system. When our developers are doing the assistance, usually we provision them with the MySQL driver.

How has it helped my organization?

The way that MySQL has improved my organization is that it comes free and also works fine on the technical side.

What is most valuable?

The feature I found most valuable was the cluster setup.

What needs improvement?

The integration with other systems can be improved as can the integration between other databases. We have a workaround to integrate it with other systems but that can be improved.

In the next release, I would like to see better day-to-day support in case we face any issues.

Buyer's Guide
July 2024
Learn what your peers think about MySQL. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using MySQL since 2008.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate the stability of this solution an eight, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best. We have a team of three DBAs supporting and maintaining this product.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I would rate the scalability of this solution an eight, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best. I believe MySQL very scalable.

How are customer service and support?

I would rate the technical support an eight, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

I would rate the initial setup process a nine, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best. I would say that this process has been quite easy.

The deployment of this solution was done by an in-house team and it took around 30 minutes to one hour.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I would rate the pricing of this solution a two, on a scale from one to 10, with one being not expensive and 10 being very expensive.

What other advice do I have?

I would recommend this solution to other people.

Overall, I would rate MySQL solution a nine, on a scale from one to 10, with one being the worst and 10 being the best.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Computer & Information Systems Manager at a real estate/law firm with 51-200 employees
Real User
Provides a simplistic view for building custom queries and has less performance overhead
Pros and Cons
  • "I like the simplistic view of MySQL to build custom queries and things like that as compared to SQL Server, which seems more cluttered. SQL Server has a query analyzer. MySQL pretty much does the same, and performance-wise, it has less overhead for connecting to our ERP system. It seems more responsive and cleaner. With MySQL, you get what you need without any overbloating, for which Microsoft is known. That's why they have so many constant security patches for everything because there is so much stuff, which degrades performance."
  • "The GUI interface probably can be improved. Let us say I want to see the relationships in the database. In the query analyzer, I would like to go and drop the tables and create relationships between the tables. I haven't found a feature like that in MySQL. It was a shortcoming even in SQL Server. MySQL can have more performance monitoring tools. I know Google has these tools, but within MySQL, there are not that many tools to monitor things like performance and database locking. They might be in there, and I might not be familiar enough to know where they are. I am a pretty new user of MySQL."

What is most valuable?

I like the simplistic view of MySQL to build custom queries and things like that as compared to SQL Server, which seems more cluttered.

SQL Server has a query analyzer. MySQL pretty much does the same, and performance-wise, it has less overhead for connecting to our ERP system. It seems more responsive and cleaner. With MySQL, you get what you need without any overbloating, for which Microsoft is known. That's why they have so many constant security patches for everything because there is so much stuff, which degrades performance.

What needs improvement?

The GUI interface probably can be improved. Let us say I want to see the relationships in the database. In the query analyzer, I would like to go and drop the tables and create relationships between the tables. I haven't found a feature like that in MySQL. It was a shortcoming even in SQL Server.

MySQL can have more performance monitoring tools. I know Google has these tools, but within MySQL, there are not that many tools to monitor things like performance and database locking. They might be in there, and I might not be familiar enough to know where they are. I am a pretty new user of MySQL.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using MySQL for three months.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

It has very good stability. We haven't had any issues with it.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

It has good scalability. You can use the Google interface to build it on the cloud. If you start noticing performance issues or you see it taking up memory or resources, you can add another processor. It is pretty easy to do. Right now, we are in beta. We haven't rolled it out completely to the people.

How are customer service and technical support?

I haven't had to use their technical support. They have plenty of online resources. If you have any problem, you can just search for it and find the answer. Somewhere, someone has done it before.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

The ERP company that we work with is moving away from SQL to MySQL. From my understanding, it is because of the cost. MySQL is also more streamlined and gives them what they need. 

Even though I am a SQL Server person, MySQL has come a long way from what it used to be. They have made great strides. It seems like Google is moving more and more to it. In Google Data Studio, which gives you an interface to build dashboards, when you try and connect to new resources, you will notice they prefer MySQL on the cloud or a private server. Google is leaning more towards the MySQL side of things, and they make it very easy. It is a lot more work trying to connect to SQL Server. MySQL seems to be the preferred cloud database that people are going for.

How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was straightforward. MYSQL installation has fewer options than a SQL Server installation, which has endless options. MySQL installation is more straightforward and streamlined. It doesn't have a lot of extra features. It is just a database. It is a database engine that gives you what you need, and I like it.

I am doing one installation right now on Google Cloud. I am building an instance of MySQL. It is just more simplistic. It is more to the point and what you need. In SQL Server, you need to dive into the endless options, and you use maybe 60% of what is there. There is a lot of stuff that people don't use, which you end up uninstalling because it affects the server performance, and it is a service that you are not even using. There is a full install as well as a custom install with SQL Server. If you go for the full install, it throws everything into the server, and you start noticing performance issues. Then you realize that there are services that you are not even using. Some places don't even use analytics or reporting services.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

Microsoft licensing for SQL Server is probably ten times more expensive. I used to work for the government, and I remember when we were looking into upgrading to the enterprise version of SQL Server 2019, the licensing was going to cost 350,000. To get the equivalent in the cloud, it was going to be about four grand to get the same processing power and everything else. With MySQL, it was going to be about 300 for the same licensing. 

Cost-wise, for sure, there is a huge difference. Would you prefer to pay 300 a month or 3,000 to have the same amount of data resources? You might lose a few options that you need, but it isn't worth the price difference.

What other advice do I have?

If you want just a database for data storage, I would recommend MySQL. If you want something that has everything in it, such as reporting services and analytics, SQL Server might be better. Cost-wise, MySQL is almost pricing itself out.

I would rate MySQL an eight out of ten for ease of use, especially for someone who has never used it and implemented it. It was pretty straightforward to implement it. It gives you what you need. It surely provides the basics such as data storage, setting up the tables, etc.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Private Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Buyer's Guide
July 2024
Learn what your peers think about MySQL. Get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions. Updated: July 2024.
793,295 professionals have used our research since 2012.
Prince Barai - PeerSpot reviewer
Back End Developer at Agnos Inc.
Real User
Top 5
Easy to use and can be used to store data
Pros and Cons
  • "MySQL is an easy-to-use solution that provides stability, reliability, flexibility, performance, security, and high availability."
  • "MySQL could introduce more indexing strategies."

What is our primary use case?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system used to store data.

What is most valuable?

MySQL is an easy-to-use solution that provides stability, reliability, flexibility, performance, security, and high availability.

What needs improvement?

MySQL could introduce more indexing strategies. There are a couple of strategies where you can index things to be more searchable and visible. We lack that kind of functionality. For example, if your name is indexed correctly with a certain strategy, it can improve the search results faster. The solution’s interface could be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using MySQL for my entire career.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

MySQL is a stable solution.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

MySQL is a scalable solution.

How was the initial setup?

The solution’s initial setup is easy.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

MySQL is a free and open-source solution.

What other advice do I have?

MySQL is deployed on the cloud in our organization. Big companies like Netflix, Uber, and Facebook use the solution. Since MySQL is an old product, many people might have faced similar issues, posted them online, and got a resolution. MySQL's performance and scalability features have supported our database growth.

New users can follow the documentation to use the solution, as it is straightforward. You need to be very clear about why you want to use the solution. MySQL is a relational database management system that cannot be used as a dynamic database management system.

MySQL is generally faster and more efficient than other relational database management systems. Hence, it is our preferred choice for applications that require high performance.

Overall, I rate the solution a nine out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Public Cloud

If public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud, which cloud provider do you use?

Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Shivaprasad C S - PeerSpot reviewer
Programmer at Ministry of Interior
Real User
Top 10
Provides good indexing and supports multiple data types, but performance needs to be improved
Pros and Cons
  • "I would use MySQL for a medium project, with around 1,00,000 hundred thousand users, because of the indexing and stored procedures."
  • "MySQL's performance needs to be improved for enterprise-level applications compared to Oracle and Postgres."

What is most valuable?

I would use MySQL for a medium project, with around 1,00,000 hundred thousand users, because of the indexing and stored procedures.

What needs improvement?

MySQL's performance needs to be improved for enterprise-level applications compared to Oracle and Postgres. That's the only drawback I found in MySQL. When the table storage is full, the solution's performance becomes slow. The solution's security needs improvement as DB2 is more secure than MySQL.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using MySQL for more than ten years.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

MySQL has good stability.

I rate the solution a six or seven out of ten for stability.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

Around 150 users are using the solution daily in our organization.

I rate the solution a six out of ten for scalability.

Which solution did I use previously and why did I switch?

We previously used Oracle. We switched to MySQL because Oracle's license was costly.

How was the initial setup?

It's really easy to set up MySQL. On a scale from one to ten, where one is difficult and ten is easy, I rate the solution's initial setup an eight out of ten.

What about the implementation team?

We implemented the solution in our organization through a consultant. It took a few hours to set up everything. Around one to two people were needed to deploy the solution.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

MySQL is a cheap solution.

What other advice do I have?

When you compare Oracle and DB2 with SQL Server and MySQL, all these come under RDBMS (Relational Database Management System). Since the licensing for Oracle and DB2 is costly, people will go for either MySQL or Postgres. People go for MySQL because it is better than Postgres in indexing and supports multiple data types compared to Postgres.

Just one person is needed to maintain MySQL. We didn't face any challenges using MySQL because of many open communities. If you have MySQL's commercial license, you will get good support. I would recommend MySQL to users who are going for medium enterprise applications.

Overall, I rate the solution a seven out of ten.

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Serge Dahdouh - PeerSpot reviewer
CEO at Les Roches International School of Hotel Management
Real User
Top 5Leaderboard
An easy and convenient solution with good performance
Pros and Cons
  • "MySQL is easy and convenient for me. I don't need to rely on anyone. I can write the code and extract the information. It is fast if you know how to use it. The solution is not expensive, and most of the developers know how to use it. It is easy to create tables. The solution is stable and has good performance. The connection with AWS gives regular updates, which is manual otherwise and a nightmare."
  • "The tool needs to improve table visualization."

What is most valuable?

MySQL is easy and convenient for me. I don't need to rely on anyone. I can write the code and extract the information. It is fast if you know how to use it. The solution is not expensive, and most of the developers know how to use it. It is easy to create tables. The solution is stable and has good performance. The connection with AWS gives regular updates, which is manual otherwise and a nightmare. 

What needs improvement?

The tool needs to improve table visualization.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the solution for three years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

MySQL is stable and fast. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The tool is scalable. Around 15-20 developers use the tool in my company. 

How are customer service and support?

MySQL's technical support is good. 

How was the initial setup?

The tool's installation is easy. You must download the app and log in using a password and username. 

What other advice do I have?

I rate the product a ten out of ten. 

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Associate Consultant at a computer software company with 501-1,000 employees
Real User
Top 10
The best choice for new database management users and smaller data to 60K
Pros and Cons
  • "The solution helps us perform with our databases and extract data."
  • "Clusters are hard to perform so we use no SQL alternates like MongoDB."

What is our primary use case?

Our company uses the solution to extract data from databases. We perform the create, read, write, and operations in databases.  

The number of users depends on the project. If there is a demand, then people good with SQL will jump in on projects. 

What is most valuable?

The solution helps us perform with our databases and extract data. 

The solution is free. 

What needs improvement?

Clusters are hard to perform so we use no SQL alternates like MongoDB. 

The solution should manage large data sets better because data that is around one lakh or two lakh fails to load. In these cases, we use no SQL structures like MongoDB. 

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the solution for three years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

The solution is stable. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

The solution is decently, but not largely scalable. It works very well and is comfortable with 50K or 60K of data. If you have large-scale data, then the solution is slower and has some errors. 

How are customer service and support?

I have not needed technical support. 

How was the initial setup?

The setup is pretty easy. All resources are available on YouTube so configuration is quite easy. 

What about the implementation team?

We implemented the solution in-house and setup was pretty fast. You just set up the application, create queries, and connect with the front end or whatever you are trying to do. 

If you are handling large data, then it is a good idea to maintain the solution weekly because it will be better. 

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

The solution is open source so is free. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

The solution is good for smaller data or new users. If you are maintaining large data and want to build a fully-furnished application, then you have to use something else like PostgreSQL. 

What other advice do I have?

If you are new to database management, then the solution will be the best choice. 

I rate the solution an eight out of ten. 

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
PeerSpot user
Data Analyst at KPMG East Africa
Real User
Top 10
Easy to manage, saves time, and provides good documentation
Pros and Cons
  • "SKIP LOCKED is a valuable feature."
  • "The full-text search feature must be improved."

What is our primary use case?

I use the solution for personal use cases like software development, mostly database bug systems.

How has it helped my organization?

I used the tool to build our website. It is used as a database to store information.

What is most valuable?

SKIP LOCKED is a valuable feature. It prevents us from deleting things we put in the database. It's mostly for background jobs in the software development site in MySQL 8. It is a new feature. The solution easily integrates with other tools and systems in our IT environment.

What needs improvement?

The full-text search feature must be improved.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using the solution for the past three weeks.

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I rate the tool’s stability an eight out of ten. We can create a database user schema. It's quite easy to update and remove in case anything happens. Backing up is quite easy. We have security features for the backup.

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

I’m the only user in my organization.

How are customer service and support?

The product provides good documentation online.

How was the initial setup?

It is easy to deploy the product. I deployed it on my own. The deployment took an hour. We deploy the product using Kamal. It uses Docker. The tool is deployed on the cloud. To deploy the solution, we just have to enter the password in the server and deploy it. It wasn't much of a hassle.

What was our ROI?

The tool is easy to manage and saves us time. It has much less complications.

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

We're using the community version. The tool is open source.

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

I also use PostgreSQL.

What other advice do I have?

The tool helps us get the job done. It is not very complex. Overall, I rate the product a nine out of ten.

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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PeerSpot user
Real User
Top 5
Good service provider, agile and quick deployment
Pros and Cons
  • "The initial setup was easy. I work in an agile way, which means coding and deploying quickly."
  • "MySQL's performance requires attention. For optimal performance, one should review and sometimes revise the code, particularly when using server-side scripting."

What is our primary use case?

I've used MySQL in the past for a variety of tasks. 

I once used MySQL when I created a PostgreSQL database for club management tasks. This included handling registrations, events, and mailing notifications for payments and event details. It served as a source service provider.

What is most valuable?

What needs improvement?

The response time for support could be faster. 

MySQL's performance requires attention. For optimal performance, one should review and sometimes revise the code, particularly when using server-side scripting. To optimize performance, it's crucial to pay attention to your code. Sometimes, you may need to review your code to ensure it's efficient and doesn't unnecessarily access the database multiple times.

The performance issues I encountered were not due to MySQL itself but were related to my coding approach.

For how long have I used the solution?

I have been using MySQL for ten years. 

What do I think about the stability of the solution?

I would rate the stability a ten out of ten. 

What do I think about the scalability of the solution?

For my use case, it is okay. Basically, it's just me for development. Previously, all clients or members of the club accessed it. When there was an event, maybe 30 to 40 people would try to access the system simultaneously.

I'm using SiteGround for hosting the website and its servers. I've chosen a package with more than enough CPU and memory to avoid trouble.

How are customer service and support?

I've used technical support for several times. Most of the time, it was quite okay with quick responses. Once, I had performance issues. It took some time to convince them, but they guided me on improving performance by changing some database functions in MySQL. It was a longer process, but it was eventually resolved.

How would you rate customer service and support?


How was the initial setup?

The initial setup was easy. I work in an agile way, which means coding and deploying quickly. We had a few internal users but many external users accessing the website, though not the back office.

The back office was developed over years. It's not just about having an idea and executing it; it's more about testing and adapting the process, unlike the waterfall method, where you end up with something that may not be immediately usable.

What about the implementation team?

As the main user, our deployment process wasn't as strict as in a big company. I conducted tests, had a testing process with use cases to review, and then deployed. It was less rigid than in larger companies, where there are separate testing and development environments.

What was our ROI?

I  have seen value and impact from using MySQL

What's my experience with pricing, setup cost, and licensing?

I don't pay for a license. 

Which other solutions did I evaluate?

With my previous employer, we used Oracle.

What other advice do I have?

Don't just use MySQL on its own. Always use it with other software around it. MySQL is very stable, but pay attention to the software you use with it, whether you develop everything from scratch or use open-source systems like CMS.

Overall, I would rate the solution a nine out of ten. I would recommend using the solution. 

Which deployment model are you using for this solution?

Disclosure: I am a real user, and this review is based on my own experience and opinions.
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Download our free MySQL Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.
Updated: July 2024
Buyer's Guide
Download our free MySQL Report and get advice and tips from experienced pros sharing their opinions.