Neustar vs Rackspace

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Neustar, Inc. is an American technology company that provides real-time information and analytics for the Internet, telecommunications, entertainment, and marketing industries, and a provider of clearinghouse and directory services to the global communications and Internet industries. Neustar was incorporated in Delaware in 1998. Neustar started as a business unit within Lockheed Martin Corporation. It spun off to keep the neutrality that was essential to its original core contract with the nation's telecommunications providers.
Rackspace Inc. is a managed cloud computing company based in Windcrest, Texas, USA, a suburb of San Antonio, Texas. The company also has offices in Australia, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Israel, and Hong Kong, and data centers operating in Texas, Illinois, Virginia, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Hong Kong. The company's email and apps division operates from Blacksburg, VA; other offices are located in Austin, Texas and San Francisco, California.
Sample Customers
Neustar WebMetrics
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Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
Media Company
Computer Software Company
Financial Services Firm
Manufacturing Company
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