
75 Points
7 Years

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Over 7 years ago


Over 7 years ago
I am pastor and writer in midtown Omaha,
I am pastor and writer in midtown Omaha, NE

About me

Living in midtown Omaha, I have the challenge of discovering how to grow a congregation in a changing neighborhood. This congregation has responded well to exploring the depths of their spiritual lives. Retreats, individual and group spiritual direction, and ongoing classes in spirituality are common here.

I also enjoy my work with Seeking the Spirit Within: the Nebraska Synod Institute for Spiritual Direction Formation. I have been on the board since its inception, a faculty member, and supervisor for the directors during their training and afterwards. It's a great way to continue my own growth in the ways of the Holy Spirit and toward greater humility.

I began my career as a microbiologist, working as a technical rep for a company in that field. In 1980, a call experience (there IS such a thing!) diverted my planned path and after a three-year struggle, I entered seminary in 1983. I have been a parish pastor and an Assistant to the Bishop. My specialties are church growth, spirituality, and writing.

Interesting Projects and Accomplishments