
User Activity

4 months ago
Patch management is crucial for companies due to the following reasons Security Vulnerability Mitigation: Patch management helps organizations address security vulnerabilities in software applications, operating systems, and firmware. Vulnerabilities are often exploited…
6 months ago
Contributed a review of ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus: Offers automated patch deployment for Windows, macOS, and Linux endpoints


4 months ago
Manage Engine Patch Manager Plus
End to end deployment of Manage Engine Patch Manager Plus at the customer site on-prem solution.
4 months ago
Manage Engine Service Desk Plus
Deployment and configured Manage Engine Service Desk Plus in multiple customers sites with SAAS or on-prem deployments.  
4 months ago
Manage Engine Enpoint Central
Deployment and setup configured Manage Engine Endpoint Central on SAAS-based and on-prem-based.



About me

Highly skilled and results-driven professional with over
16 years of diverse experience in Information
Technology Technical Support, Pre-Sales, and System
Administration. Proven track record as a responsible
Team Player for the Support Operations
Management Team, showcasing effective
management style and a solid understanding of
multicultural business environments. Proficient in
managing cross-functional groups and seeking
opportunities to grow in Pre Sales-Technical Support
and Management Roles. Fast learner with a can-do
attitude and exceptional customer support and
negotiation skills. Demonstrated expertise in product
positioning and solution designing. Committed to
staying updated with the latest technology trends
and constantly improving skills.

Interesting Projects and Accomplishments